Restaurant Worker
Name: Vanessa “Ness” Banks
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Nuzleaf
Ability: Chlorophyll
Nature: Hardy
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 123 lbs
Build: Fairly busty but relatively thin otherwise
Birthday: 4 June 1997
Appearance: Pretty easy on the eyes, but her attitude severely limits the number of people who dare to stare at her. Dirty blonde pixie cut with a green streak, spiked with gel. She has very dark skin. Heavy eyeliner around slanted dark brown eyes. Baggy tan pants and a brown tanktop are her go-to, but she’s usually seen wearing her waitress uniform. She loves military boots and wrist cuffs. She has three piercings in her left ear and two on her right, as well as a lip piercing.
Hometown: Verdanturf (Hoenn)
Personality: Has a tough-as-nails attitude and won’t take crap from anyone. She’s hard and cold, but she loves a good laugh.
History: She moved to this town to escape her family’s expectations (“Take over the gym as you are the next in line,” they said. “Fuck that shit,” she said.) She’s hoping to save up for college, where she plans to study psychology, physical therapy, or
Job: She’s currently a waitress at a diner in town, and she delivers papers every Sunday morning by bike.
Likes: Spaghetti, fist fights, gambling, smoothies, summer, swimming and boating, sleeping
Dislikes: Men with overabundant sex drives, incompetence, the cold, chocolate
Fun Facts: She is homoromantic asexual, but she doesn’t feel the need to date anytime soon. Her family owns a successful gym where people from all walks of life come to train. She can benchpress roughly 230 lbs (though her record is 250lbs).
Razor Leaf, Extrasensory, Solar Beam, Dark Pulse, Torment, Frustration, Rest


Name: Fable August Delaney
Age: 28
Gender: Agender (AMAB)
Pokemon: Frillish
Ability: Cursed Body
Nature: Gentle
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 195 lbs
Build: Stocky, muscular (especially in the arms)
Birthday: 22 December 1985
Appearance: Large muscles and a goatee. Pale blue hair that would wave about his shoulders, but he keeps it tied in a ponytail. Cheekbones that could cut stone. Blue shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and relatively tight blue pants. Dark blue gloves and apron when working. Eyes are pinkish red and heavily-lashed.
Home town: Cyllage City
Personality: Incredibly laid back and compassionate. Probably one of the sweetest guys around, despite his appearance. Will offer advice to anyone who needs it (granted, it’s likely to be irrelevant advice, but he makes the effort). Tries hard to exceed his expectations, those placed by others as well as by himself. Very hardworking, but often a bit airheaded.
History: Lived in Cyllage City with his single mother, a struggling artist. She handcrafted jewelry and made beautiful paintings, and though she sold a decent amount, most of the money went to paying off debt accumulated by her frequent hospital visits for an incurable disease. Once his mother passed, Fable took on her hobby of making jewelry and began handcrafting intricate designs for necklaces. When someone at a local market saw his talent, they hired him as an apprentice blacksmith, and he soon began making a living for himself. He moved to this town to move on from his hometown and make new memories. That was six years previously, and he’s as happy as can be.
Job: Blacksmith
Likes: Mountain biking, swimming, fishing, dancing, singing, artists and their work, making jewelry, smiles
Dislikes: General unhappiness, sneaky people, dishonesty, squirrels, licorice
Fun Facts: Since his mother died when he was 19, he has crafted over 3000 unique pieces of jewelry. His specialty is weapons, however. He has a stuffed bear he snuggles with every night; it was a gift from his mother, and he’s had it since he was a child.
Bubble Beam, Ominous Wind, Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Water Sport, Surf, Will-O-Wisp


Postal Service
Name: Derwood Alexander Himmelwright II
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Drifblim
Ability: Unburden
Nature: Bold
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 140 lbs
Build: Thin/Average
Birthday: 3 March 1990
Appearance: His hair is white and falls in neat ringlets to his waist. He sometimes ties it near the end with a purple ribbon, other times, he lets it loose. His eyes are narrow and red, but his smile is genuine. He dons a short-sleeved white dress shirt (puffy sleeves) under a purple vest with matching pants (both pinstripe). He wears long yellow gloves and yellow shoes, as well as a yellow ribbon tied at his throat in the shape of an X.
Home town: Celestic Town
Personality: He’s rather eccentric but generally jovial. Overly-enthusiastic about just about everything. He takes great care in greeting everyone, and his gestures are a bit abundant and exaggerated. He speaks loudly and with confidence, and he is very over-dramatic at times. He gets upset by trivial things but quickly recovers. While he loves to converse with others, he hates children, and he will do anything to get away from children when they are in his presence.
History: Though life in Celestic Town was enjoyable, he wanted more out of life than tradition, especially since tradition deemed his existence improper. He traveled for some time, visiting all regions, before settling in this town. Being a Flying-type, he was well suited to a job at the Post Office, and ever since he started working there, he’s been content.
Job: Head of the Post Office
Likes: Traveling, airplanes, intelligent conversation, beautiful people, drama and gossip, fancy desserts, luxurious things he can never afford, clothes, men
Dislikes: Children, clutter, trivial matters, sand, the heat
Fun Facts: He is 100% gay, and he hasn’t been in a relationship since he left the Johto region (those two years were fun, he recalls). He spends most of his free time trying to write “the next box office hit” but has never finished a scene, let alone a full script. He’s unbearably gullible. When he finds out he’s been fooled, however, his lust for revenge is insatiable, and he is very scary when mad.
Gust, Fly, Astonish, Shadow Ball, Thunder, Acrobatics, Attract, Phantom Force


Store Owner- Boutique

Name: Sage Vaccaro
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Sableye
Ability: Keen Eye, Prankster (which is funny because I made her a prankster before looking at this)
Nature: Impish
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 95 lbs
Build: Thin and small all over (unbearably fast metabolism; she has to eat a lot just to survive)
Birthday: 16 January 1992
Appearance: Appears very fragile (and is). Extremely straight black hair; bangs cover her eyes, rest goes past her knees.Wears a purple velvet cape with a red brooch. Beneath it, high-waisted black jeans tucked into knee-high white boots with a one-inch heel. She wears a high-necked black shirt, tucked into the pants. A band of white cloth is tied around her left thigh. her ears are like Sableye’s, purple and fuzzy, and she is legally blind (not completely blind, just mostly) so she always wears her half-moon glasses (though you can never see them because of her bangs).
Home town: Lavender Town
Personality: Reserved with a sinister laugh and smile. She seems mischievous (and totally is). Likes to play pranks on her customers. Her mood can change in an instance, depending on the circumstances, and she can move from giddy to vengeful in a moment. Her attitude is generally helpful, but she only does what benefits her.
History: Her mother was a Seer and her father a musician, and though divorced, they raised her well. She was a selfish child, so those tendencies stuck with her. She always watched fashion shows and read magazines and desired only to be among the stars (but that dream will never come true and she realizes that). Nonetheless, she figured she could at least have her own shop to run, and she bought mass amounts of clothes to sell and prepared to head to Sootopolis where she’d seen listings of empty shops.When she was trying to set sail for Sootopolis, she boarded the wrong boat and ended up in the village. Deciding it wasn’t worth it to try to relocate, she set up shop there, and that’s where she will remain.
Job: Owner of Seer’s Boutique
Likes: Practical jokes, fashion, the color black, magic, the night sky, cloud watching, gummy bears
Dislikes: People with no sense of humor, spring (she has allergies), gloves, nail polish, sunsets
Fun Facts: She is a talented ventriloquist. Though a fan of fashion, she herself tends to dress plainly. But her cape is a staple. Beneath her bangs, her eyes are an incredible pale blue. Her right leg is actually prosthetic; she lost it in a car accident when she was 10.
Zen Headbutt, Detect, Punishment, Facade, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam
