Town Hall Worker
Name: Contanza
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Cinccino
Height: 5 feet
Weight: 138 pounds
Birthday: September 28
Psychology and perception: Sociable
Self-discipline: Organized
Lifestyle: Tidy and fashionable
Social attitude: Extroverted and chatty
Honesty and Honor: kind
Emotional capacity: Energentic, sometimes over bearing
Hair: Long white hair tied up in a bun/half pony tail
Eyes: Brown

Name: Senga Honeywell
Age: 66
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Spinda
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 135 lbs
Build: Thin but able to handle herself
Birthday: 3 January 1948
Appearance: Short, thin, but full of vitality. Pale, wrinkly. Bright red hair tied in a bun, red glasses, red eyes settled in a soft face. Wears oversized cardigans and khakis.
Home town: Viridian
Personality: A bit ditsy and forgetful, but sweet otherwise. She has a temper, especially when she witnesses bullying or ill-treatment of her facility. Strict in regards to working, thinks the younger generation has a discipline problem.
History: Inherited the library from her father who built it from scratch. Has run it ever since with no complaints.
Job: Librarian
Likes: Books, spring, flowers, animals, quiet children, hot tea, sushi, wrestling (on tv).
Dislikes: Rain, sweet things, cats.
Fun Facts: She was married to a Vileplume (Virginia) for fifty years before she passed from natural causes. She has read at least 20,000 books in her lifetime.


Name: Evie
Age: 7
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Eevee
Ability: Run Away
Nature: Timid
Height: 3’8”
Weight: 43 lbs
Build: Small, she is a child
Birthday: 6 August 2007
Appearance: Hip-length brown hair, big brown eyes, abundance of freckles, oversized brown ears, fluffy brown tail. Wears baggy sweaters and leggings.
Home town: the island
Personality: Shy but excitable, easily upset, cries a lot, likes to play
Likes: Kites, sports, flowers, pot pie, foxes, soft things, her mother
Dislikes: Bullies, the ocean (unfortunate place to live), math homework, the color purple
Fun Facts: Her brother is 12 years her senior and he lives in Sootopolis. Her mother, a widow, works as a stay-at-home mom (her husband had come from a fairly wealthy family), and she helps around the town whenever she can.