こんにち は! ともだち に なりましょう!
Hey friends! I am Ponyo. Feel free to check out my world and catch up with what's been going on with me lately! I rarely post, so I'm sorry about that(School, I tell you.)

I don't really draw quite so much anymore, so if you're looking for innovative artwork, I'm not the best one to check out for that anymore : ( Sorry to disappoint. But feel free to check out some of my old stuff! If you'd like to see something I've done recently, leave me a comment and maybe I'll be motivated to add something, haha.

I'm an OCCASIONAL guest poster on Offbeat Mama(despite not being a Mom-SKILLS), so check me out there, too! If you ask, I can give you my name on there, and link you to a post.

Feel free to comment and talk to me! I love making new friends. そして, 日本ご を はなします から, いっしょう に はなしましょう ね!


hi there! okay,for some weird reason,yester day,when me and my brother were watching zathura,we got into the weird fight about whether it was bobo-bo bobobobo or bobo-bobo bobobo! i know,we're weird. but in the middle of it,i suddenly scream "why are we fighting about this?!" and he cracked up. ok,very random,but it's a true story.(i think before we had been talking about weird TV show names cuz i said somthing about super robot monkey team hyperforse go.)and yes,i know i can't spell
