I'll have to check out your videos when you get them sorted *nod*
School. Every now and then I feel like I want to be back at uni, then I remember how stressy my last year was... I think it is cool you are studying graphics, is it difficult? I hope your website is up and running for when you need it ^^ it is great that you will be learning new skills.
Very interesting. I must watch that video some other time to find out...I need to go to bed soon, and I've felt very sick today. ^^;
I start this thursday. :[ You're lucky you have more time off! But I guess you got out later than me. I don't remember. >.< Awwwww, all graphics classes??? T__T I only have one, and it's a night class, which I'm worried about. But it's typography...so it should be fun. I just wish it weren't at night! :/ And all my other classes suck, but I also have fridays off, so yay to that! *high fives* Fridays off are the BEST. <3333
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
I'll have to check out your videos when you get them sorted *nod*
School. Every now and then I feel like I want to be back at uni, then I remember how stressy my last year was... I think it is cool you are studying graphics, is it difficult? I hope your website is up and running for when you need it ^^ it is great that you will be learning new skills.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/12/10 | Reply
Very interesting. I must watch that video some other time to find out...I need to go to bed soon, and I've felt very sick today. ^^;
I start this thursday. :[ You're lucky you have more time off! But I guess you got out later than me. I don't remember. >.< Awwwww, all graphics classes??? T__T I only have one, and it's a night class, which I'm worried about. But it's typography...so it should be fun. I just wish it weren't at night! :/ And all my other classes suck, but I also have fridays off, so yay to that! *high fives* Fridays off are the BEST. <3333
You keep enjoying your break. :) Take care~