*smiles* You look 'awesome' my Prince. *tilts head finger aside of cheek* Hmm? something is missing though... *looks at you then knows whats missing, snaps fingers* Be right back my Prince. *leaves returning a few minutes later with a cane* Here you go my Prince. *hands you a cane for your new look, smiles* There... now you are all set, my Love. Time to show those other hosts who the real Pimp Daddy is.
Yes I am that for all the host...wait just a blasted moment...O.O Did you just call me pimp daddy? *stands there for a moment speechless*.....HA! It makes sense since I am the king and all that I should probably be a pimp now as well since the times are changing. *gets his suit and big hat on* Now I need to get these other men going, *smiles* Man do I look good, yes. This does make me more attractive right Kita? *flexes*
*smiles* My Prince you know we all love you. There will no fighting between us we all love you too much to do such a thing. After all you are the Pimp Daddy of all the hosts... *smiles*
LOL... Comment as you want on my posts Twilight you know I don't mind. We are here to converse with Tamaki as much as one another. We are all friends, right?
I know this isn't my post, but Kita's mentioning of "Juliet" reminded me of the chick flick movie I watched last night with my girl friends............... I want my 2 hours back. ;)
My first love to update here. I am so honored you did so! And yes I shall play my piano for you in due time that I promise my love. Just be patient because like each great symphony, it took time to create lovely music.
Otakuite | Posted 02/17/11 | Reply
@Prince Tamaki:
No, you can't be a pimp! I respect you for your princeliness, so don't change! *starts crying*
*dries tears* I respected you *Bursts into tears*
Mistress Fan Fic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
@Prince Tamaki:
*smiles* You look 'awesome' my Prince. *tilts head finger aside of cheek* Hmm? something is missing though... *looks at you then knows whats missing, snaps fingers* Be right back my Prince. *leaves returning a few minutes later with a cane* Here you go my Prince. *hands you a cane for your new look, smiles* There... now you are all set, my Love. Time to show those other hosts who the real Pimp Daddy is.
*looks at you smiling* You do look yummy...
Prince Tamaki
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
Yes I am that for all the host...wait just a blasted moment...O.O Did you just call me pimp daddy? *stands there for a moment speechless*.....HA! It makes sense since I am the king and all that I should probably be a pimp now as well since the times are changing. *gets his suit and big hat on* Now I need to get these other men going, *smiles* Man do I look good, yes. This does make me more attractive right Kita? *flexes*
Mistress Fan Fic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/11 | Reply
@Prince Tamaki:
*smiles* My Prince you know we all love you. There will no fighting between us we all love you too much to do such a thing. After all you are the Pimp Daddy of all the hosts... *smiles*
Your Juliet,
Prince Tamaki
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/15/11 | Reply
I enjoy when two lovely ladies adore me but girls, there is no reason to fight...there is plenty of love to go around *smiles* So come to daddy!
Mistress Fan Fic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/11 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
LOL... Comment as you want on my posts Twilight you know I don't mind. We are here to converse with Tamaki as much as one another. We are all friends, right?
Was it that BAD?!
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/11 | Reply
I know this isn't my post, but Kita's mentioning of "Juliet" reminded me of the chick flick movie I watched last night with my girl friends............... I want my 2 hours back. ;)
Mistress Fan Fic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/11 | Reply
@Prince Tamaki:
*blushes* Thank you my Prince, I cant wait to hear you play for me. It will be an honor indeed.
Your Juliet,
Prince Tamaki
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/15/11 | Reply
My first love to update here. I am so honored you did so! And yes I shall play my piano for you in due time that I promise my love. Just be patient because like each great symphony, it took time to create lovely music.