- Created By otakualchemist
Harder, faster.
With the utmost care, he gently rubbed the pale legs down with it, making them slick and shiny, even before the final coating. Carefully, Lelouch set the bottle down and tossed the rag down with it. He hated the smell of the lubricant that they had to use, but if it made things go faster and smoother...
Lelouch pulled on his safety goggles and working gloves and ran a small hand-held buffer against the wooden legs of the table that he'd been crafting for the wood shop class that was, unfortunately, mandatory. The cherry wood shone with the bright sealant, though Lelouch knew that this leg needed another coating.
Dipping the rag back into the can, he ran the linseed oil finish across the leg, making sure to be careful with the engraving that he'd put into it. A chess piece with his initials, 'L.L.,' carved underneath. The best way to show that he'd made it himself.
"I'm done, sir," He told the shop teacher, a gruff old man who examined the work quickly. "Not bad, Lamperouge. Flawless. Clean up, now. And take care of that oil properly! You know it combusts."
Chuckling and removing the gloves and then the goggles, Lelouch tossed the rag into a bucket of soapy water, and scrubbed it down with a brush.
If anything, he'd be able to tell Milly that with this project, he'd gotten plenty of pleasure.
From the legs up.