Hello. I'm Pudding. Or Poppy. Or Poppu.

Whoever you know me as, I extend my welcome to you! I hope you enjoy your time here, with all my rants, vents, anecdotes, and more.

Sorry this place isn't much to look at. I've never been good at computer programming and setting up stuff. LOL

I read such a huge variety of mangas it's a bit scary. Last count... let's see... 79 series. And I haven't updated my list in probably six months.

A few of my favorites are: Special A, Tokyo Mew Mew, Gakuen Alice, Naruto, BLEACH, Ghost Hunt, Tegami Bachi and Inubaka!

I absolutely love to read all sorts of regular books as well, so if you come across any that blow your mind, send me a PM or leave me a comment about it!

Other things I enjoy are sleeping, drawing, writing, TegakiE, RPing on TegakiE, photography, soccer, softball, golf, KARATE BBY, music, haning with my friends, irony, Heroes, and eating.

Thanks for visiting!

Issues, Issues, ISSUES

As you can tell from the title, I have some serious issues right now. And I don't mean mental issues though I've been told I have them, I mean problems with what is happening in the next week of my life.


I'm SERIOUSLY screwed.

Okay, apparently tomorrow is the day we leave for Denver. No one really told me this until, oh, this past week before camp started, so I had no idea what to do. But then today I started to think about it as I realized, "HOLY SHIZZ I HAVE A CONTEST ENTRY I HAVE TO GET UP NOW! (Despite the fact that it's STILL not done.)"

So I'm going to be gone in Denver for... 8 days.

Enough days so that it will be August.

So that I might miss the Breaking Dawn party.
So that I might miss tons of artwork.
So that I might miss hanging out with my friends.

The contest entries are my biggest deal. I TOTALLY promised to enter sooooo many contest, and their deadlines are ALL in the week I'm gone. Seriously.

Only one entry (for the Summer Contest) is done.

I need to do FUNimation's, as well as several others.


I really hope you'll all forgive me. I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really wanted to enter these contests, but it's SO hard to do since I'm going to be gone with no scanner and almost no internet connection.

God, I totally didn't know that I was going to be gone for so long! Jesus, I need a break. I need people to TELL ME THINGS IN THIS HOUSE. I swear, I have no idea what's going on half the time. XD;;

And I've missed a lot of people's updates in the last few days from camp, and I have to apologize for that.

So here's want I want you to do. Everything you update, every time you update, I want you to compile a list and try and PM it to me. I'm going to try and comment on EVERYTHING possible. Seriously, I will. I feel SO bad about missing so many, many things.

I'm so pissed right now.

Alright, I'm going to go swim, blow off some steam, pack, and watch S.A. and finish my contest entry.

Not to mention I have to wake up at 5:30 AM for a plane flight.


I love you all, and please tell me if I miss something! I don't want to miss you all. I feel soooooooooooooooooooo bad. ;^;

*goes to die now*

P.S. *is still spazzing about Avatar: The Last Airbender finale*

*falls over dead*/Screw titles

Okay, maybe not dead... But I'm really, really tired. And my shoulders/back/legs/feet hurt. :P Sorry about not commenting on anything or telling almost anyone I was going yesterday and most of today. I was meaning to comment yesterday about...

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Just a little post, even though I shouldn't really be posting since I posted yesterday...

I now have a victory on my side, I'm in a pretty good mood. :3 What kind of victory you ask?



I went in for a second appointment (the first one ended in failure, I wasn't able to get them in or at AT ALL), and about halfway through, as soon as my dad came to the office (he had been on an errand) I got them both in.

Oddly enough, my left eye was the first eye that I was able to get the contact in and out of. o.O Not my right eye, which is what I would think because I'm right handed.

But, man, it's so weird to not be wearing glasses. I've worn glasses for almost my whole life since I was two. Today, July 16th, 2008, is the first time in at least 11 years that I've seen my face without glasses completely. What a strange experience.

Ahhh, and there's this really, really, nasty storm coming. I just helped my dad put the cover on the pool so all the things won't blow in. It's gonna be a real nasty one, you can tell. Well, hopefully it will at least get rid of the humidity. It's been killer lately!

Thanks for bothering to read this, guys. It's appreciated!

A lame ol' avvie I made out of a sketch of Poppukon.
Ohmigosh, no wai!!!1!!11one!

Ok, this is serious, A kid needs our help so do the right thing.
His name is Matt Dawson. He is 23 years old, and he has a large tumor on his brain and severe lung cancer. The doctors say he will die soon if this isn't fixed, and his family can't pay the bills. "The Make A Wish Foundation" has agreed to donate 7 cents for every time this message is reposted. For those of you who repost, I thank you so much. Please, if you are a kind person, have a heart. REPOST THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I do believe that this kid need money, but I find it a bit strange about how the Make-A-Wish Foundation is going to be able to count how many times it is reposted. I know they have emails and such and those are easier to count, but posts? I dunno. I do feel sorry for this poor kid/guy though. (You don't have to repost if you don't want to, by the way. It's just what it says. :3)

Ain't I Lucky?

Well, I guess I'm lucky to be typing right now. I didn't think that I'd get to have the computer at all today! I thought it would be in the shop. So I'm pretty danged lucky! :D My laptop is probably the slowest out of the family's because i...

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4111 is the number of comments I've made here on theO. :3 And I've only been really active about a year... Which means I need a life. *shot down* Okay, this is basically a post to post some tag answers ...

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