As much as I love FMLs because I enjoy irony, there are times when I just feel too down to want to think about that.
The world's a big place. It's a cold world. People hate, people kill, people destroy. As much as we work to undo it, there are more who just go and try to break the curve.
Today, I found the website and I cried as I read some of these.
I have to admit, I'm a wimp lately when it comes to sappy things or when people yell at me a lot and I get stressed, but w/e. I cried while reading a little manga about an old man and a dog about a year ago. Whenever I see the movie FLUKE (which I hate because it's so SAD) I want to cry. When I saw 'Nobody Knows' I cried; no mom should ever leave her children.
Hearing the little stories of good is enough to make my day a little brighter.
Try it.
It may help you, too.
...*goes to read more*