Looking back on it, my name choice was pretty dumb.
Originally my name on here was Kingdom Key because I wanted to express what a die-hard KH fan I was, but considering that I hate Sora the name was redundant.
So the name TheDarkEclipse actually came from an idea for a drawing I had. In "Kingdom Hearts" the Kingdom Hearts was a golden heart-shaped moon in a dark sky, so I thought about astronomy and things like that--my favorite astronomical phenomena is an eclipse, so I also used the term "The Dark" because its a double-entendre for an eclipse.
Also it used to express my attitude about life (back when I was really emo)--I used to think you could only appreciate the good in life when you come to terms with the bad.
Darling V was my 2nd ever made OC and I was really getting into her so I decided to make it my username. Also it's based off of an Animal Jam name that I had once. I don't remember what V stood for in Animal Jam XD
I was in the middle of watching Fullmetal Alchemist when I joined this site. I like to look up extra information on characters on the web just to learn fun facts about them. If I remember correctly, I remember reading a page about Envy and one of his nicknames was "Envy the Jealous." I thought it was funny at the time because of the redundancy.
Get comfy because this is going to be a looooooong comment.
I never had a nickname that stuck. That is, until I was 16.
It was around the time when Online video piracy was becoming The Thing. If it weren't for that, and an anime-obsessed friend of mine, I wouldn't have been introduced to Inuyasha. My friend made up an Inuyasha fan character, and wanted me to do the same. I settled on a fox demon, but the character needed a name. My friend gave me a list of Japanese words and their definitions, and I settled on "Keba" which means "fluff".
I forgot the name instantly. My friend had to email me a reminder of my own name.
Later on, I adopted the name as my username. The same friend that I mentioned earlier joined an oekaki, and I jumped on board, as well. I used the character of Keba as a representation of me, and I would constantly doodle situations in my life with the fox character in my place.
Eventually, I went on to join a message board that had nothing to do with anime. The board was connected to a Bon Jovi fan site. I wasn't sure what to name myself in a place where everyone was either "Jovi Girl" or "Captain Crash". I wanted to stand out. "Keba" would do the trick.
Sure, I didn't exactly stand out. Most of the people were older than me, and probably were fans much longer than I was. Still, I got a bit of acknowledgement for my unique username.
It was around that time that I came up with my last name... er... names. "Si Rota" is a play on my last name, just as "Bon Jovi" is a play on Jon Bon Jovi's REAL last name. It's amazing how altering the spelling of a name and chopping it in two can make it sound less Italian. I'm not actually of Italian decent (JBJ is, though), but my last name does sound kind of Italian, even though it really isn't.
I didn't actually pair "Keba" with "Si Rota" for a while. It came into play when I joined a writing site and "Keba" was already taken. One social site led to another, then to another, then another, and I used some variation of "Keba Si Rota" for all of them.
I'll probably use the name for a long time to come. Then again, if I enter a new site and I don't want anyone to know it's me, I might come up with something completely new. But that hasn't happened yet.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/03/16 | Reply
(I like this weekly discussion idea)
Looking back on it, my name choice was pretty dumb.
Originally my name on here was Kingdom Key because I wanted to express what a die-hard KH fan I was, but considering that I hate Sora the name was redundant.
So the name TheDarkEclipse actually came from an idea for a drawing I had. In "Kingdom Hearts" the Kingdom Hearts was a golden heart-shaped moon in a dark sky, so I thought about astronomy and things like that--my favorite astronomical phenomena is an eclipse, so I also used the term "The Dark" because its a double-entendre for an eclipse.
Also it used to express my attitude about life (back when I was really emo)--I used to think you could only appreciate the good in life when you come to terms with the bad.
But now its kinda stuck with me.
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/03/16 | Reply
Darling V was my 2nd ever made OC and I was really getting into her so I decided to make it my username. Also it's based off of an Animal Jam name that I had once. I don't remember what V stood for in Animal Jam XD
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/16 | Reply
I was in the middle of watching Fullmetal Alchemist when I joined this site. I like to look up extra information on characters on the web just to learn fun facts about them. If I remember correctly, I remember reading a page about Envy and one of his nicknames was "Envy the Jealous." I thought it was funny at the time because of the redundancy.
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/16 | Reply
Get comfy because this is going to be a looooooong comment.
I never had a nickname that stuck. That is, until I was 16.
It was around the time when Online video piracy was becoming The Thing. If it weren't for that, and an anime-obsessed friend of mine, I wouldn't have been introduced to Inuyasha. My friend made up an Inuyasha fan character, and wanted me to do the same. I settled on a fox demon, but the character needed a name. My friend gave me a list of Japanese words and their definitions, and I settled on "Keba" which means "fluff".
I forgot the name instantly. My friend had to email me a reminder of my own name.
Later on, I adopted the name as my username. The same friend that I mentioned earlier joined an oekaki, and I jumped on board, as well. I used the character of Keba as a representation of me, and I would constantly doodle situations in my life with the fox character in my place.
Eventually, I went on to join a message board that had nothing to do with anime. The board was connected to a Bon Jovi fan site. I wasn't sure what to name myself in a place where everyone was either "Jovi Girl" or "Captain Crash". I wanted to stand out. "Keba" would do the trick.
Sure, I didn't exactly stand out. Most of the people were older than me, and probably were fans much longer than I was. Still, I got a bit of acknowledgement for my unique username.
It was around that time that I came up with my last name... er... names. "Si Rota" is a play on my last name, just as "Bon Jovi" is a play on Jon Bon Jovi's REAL last name. It's amazing how altering the spelling of a name and chopping it in two can make it sound less Italian. I'm not actually of Italian decent (JBJ is, though), but my last name does sound kind of Italian, even though it really isn't.
I didn't actually pair "Keba" with "Si Rota" for a while. It came into play when I joined a writing site and "Keba" was already taken. One social site led to another, then to another, then another, and I used some variation of "Keba Si Rota" for all of them.
I'll probably use the name for a long time to come. Then again, if I enter a new site and I don't want anyone to know it's me, I might come up with something completely new. But that hasn't happened yet.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!