that was kinda mean of them :( i would have said,why does it have to be milk cant u give me a cookie with it so it'll taste a tince bit better? I cant drink milk unless there is something sweet that goes with it xD
Ok, first of all how could you not like milk???? I mean its the awesomest thing in the whole world.....well one of the most awsomest things in the world. And secound, why would you have someone put some wired meta thingy in your mouth???? I mean serisouly, was it even clean?????
lolz that was funny. milk is good for you, but it's nasty sometimes. once i drunk spoiled milk (on accident ofcourse) and i never was the same ^^ lolz jk
Black Kiss
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/27/10 | Reply
that was kinda mean of them :( i would have said,why does it have to be milk cant u give me a cookie with it so it'll taste a tince bit better? I cant drink milk unless there is something sweet that goes with it xD
CrimzonN3k0 z
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
no I was attacked no time for thinking trying to escape and not drink milk
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
@CrimzonN3k0 z:
I can see that.Do you just let anyone put things in your mouth or something??
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
@CrimzonN3k0 z:
What ever friend
CrimzonN3k0 z
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
nu-uh just not regular
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
Hey, your weird.^^ XD!!!!
CrimzonN3k0 z
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
ya know I really didn't even think of that I'm gonna go wash my mouth now
Rebirth of Soul
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
how about being forced to drink spoiled milk? lolz ^^
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/12/10 | Reply
Ok, first of all how could you not like milk???? I mean its the awesomest thing in the whole world.....well one of the most awsomest things in the world. And secound, why would you have someone put some wired meta thingy in your mouth???? I mean serisouly, was it even clean?????
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/12/10 | Reply
How can you not love milk?!
Strawberrys my fav!
Your friends sound wonderfuly horrible!
Rebirth of Soul
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/12/10 | Reply
lolz that was funny. milk is good for you, but it's nasty sometimes. once i drunk spoiled milk (on accident ofcourse) and i never was the same ^^ lolz jk