CrimzonN3k0 z is not responsible for any deaths once you have entered the world of Randomosity....
Thanks you~
CrimzonN3k0 z is not responsible for any deaths once you have entered the world of Randomosity....
Thanks you~
Hey guys ~ what's up?
It's been ages since I've posted in here and I apologize for that...I've just been really lazy XD
Anyways to bring this world back to life I thought that I would start with a random video that I made myself :3
I have a YouTube channel where I post random videos and stuff every once in a while.
In this video I am just trying to make the weird faces that anime characters make XD
Anyways, I hope that you enjoy this video.
See you in the next post!
CrimzonN3k0 z
Guys can say some pretty weird and awkward things sometimes! It's not all guys though, don;t get me wrong, some of them are pretty nice and say...nonawkward things. But this video pretty much sums up a few random things that some guys have sad to me in the past...and yesterday...amd at work XD
I was randomly on YouTube today and I saw this...how come I've never seen any of these commercials here??? I would totally buy a Toyota X33