
Can anyone get to my Chapter One page in lees angel?
I want to update it to something better but i cant get to it, it just comes up as my title cover.

Just For You

I want to delete it again...yeah i know its terrible of me to quite on it, its just that i have a lot of other things that i have to get done that i just cant work on it, so if you like it.
Forgive me.

Lee's Angel, Manga Studio

I finally have manga studio!!!*dances around with joy*
I got it from my friend today! I didnt buy it myself so i think i kinda sorta have it illegaly.Oo
.....Oh well who cares.X3
That means i can do lees angel in manga studio so it looks awesome!!
Oh and um there isnt going to be new pages for lees angel for a while....well i have one more but
I am going to redo all the pages i have up now.XD
Its inconsistant and looks really crappy and i want to change a couple things.X3 it will look so much better than it does now so im sure you guys will be fine for a while without new new pages.X3

Old V.V.

This is a picture back when i was writing my fanfiction Better off Forgotten.
I guess she kinda looks like how V.V. is now...but not
I like laughing at myself.X3

Im mean

Some times when i read fancomics its because i like to laugh at how sue they are.
Man thats mean.
I read them and it annoys the hell out of me but i find them funny at the same time....
If you draw a comic dont assume i am talking about u!!Oo