Hiya! This is my little "blog" world. Well, not really little, but the size doesn't matter.

Name: Fishy-chan

Age: 1,000,000

Location of my house: On the ground

Likes: Anime. But only the good ones. Frogs, food, but only tasty food, when my friends fall in holes, vocaloids, my friends, you, theO, rusty spoons, etc.

Dislikes: When I run out of the stuff

DA account: xlolfishx

Instructions for use: Serve with or without broth as desired

xfishyx's pokemon dictionary

Pokémon: 493 creatures that children steal from their natural habitat and use to fight amongst
each other. (Wut!? Isn’t that criminal in our world?)

Pokémon trainer: A child, who once is 10, travels the country with no adult supervision, talks to strangers, many of them adults, and engages in many violent fights. (Don’t their parents even care!?)

Pokéballs: Balls used to contain pokémon. (So basically they’re cages used to cage pokémon but are smaller than they are. If zoos worked like that they’d be shut down.)

Team Rocket: A criminal organization that steal pokémon from trainers. (So they take pokémon away from their evil trainers who cage them up and fight with them and pretty much abuse them, and they’re the bad guys? I mean, they’re practically green peace!)

Pokémon centre: A hospital for pokémon. (What’s this!? Something to aid the poor defenceless creatures! *Gasp!* Also, they can magically heal pokémon sooo, why don’t they have that kind of medical science in human hospitals?)

Poké: A prefix added to the start of words to make them sound more exciting. (Ooooh, because living in a world where things a called “balls” and “blocks” and “gear” and “watches” and “flutes” etc is soooooo weird! Yeah right.)

Pokémon contest: A contest in which pokémon battle it out in appearance and dancing. (So it’s just like sticking your innocent 7 year old daughter into a beauty pageant, which we all know is plain wrong.)

Pokémon gym: A place run by an adult who battles against children. (So, an adult who is far stronger than any child beats them causing them to have childish tantrums. If adults did that in the park the parents would be calling the police.)

Protein, carbos, iron, calcium, and zinc: Pills that make your pokémon stronger. (A.K.A steroids, which are illegal in sports and cause hormonal problems.)

So in conclusion, I imagine that the pokémon world is a horrible, evil, disgusting, scary, and plain out wrong world to live in.

The worst fan fiction eva part 2!

AN/ qwit flammin mu stoiry prepz!!!itz well a good stroy and your all just ducking prrps!


I was sp sad. Lilly stood up and looked at the bech. she was so alone. With sasuke gone and no one else alive only the trees could here her scream.

She decided to bring everybody back to life but she didn;t acount on bringing MJ back to life.

It freaked her out so much that she fell over and landed in a puddle. It tottaly drenched her brand new Fallout boy top. It had a big picture of Pete wentz on the front. she also got her black and white checkered mini skirt dirty.

Michael kackson became the best pop stra for the recent time . Lily was so annoyed because her band "ninjas with really angry issues" was the best banc ever and they should be number 1.

Lily and the rest of the band, who were sasuke, Ichigo kurasaki, light yagami and Rei ayanami, got together to make a plan. "I no" said Rei lets make areally good song! "good idea" said Ichigo.

So then they went to the concert to play against Michael Jackson. They were all wearing mathcing putfits. They were blach and had skulls all over them. Micharl Jackson did a song and then it wa there turn to do a song and th ejudges picked who's song was better. They sang a song called bloody water bloody tears.

You cry those tears of blood
I'm losing my life
i'm on th eedge
I cry out for help but the light keeps slipping aawy.

the juges loved it so they let them win, but micheal Jackson didn't like that do he pulled ot a gun!

Lily then use dher powers to keill michela jackosn and things returned to normall.

The end again.


AN/ if u flam dis den U R a prep and ftck off preps Goffik iz way cooler!

Worst fan fiction eva. (At least my attempt at bad stuff anywaze)

And just so you relize, this is meant to be really bad. I purposely put in all the grammatic and spelling errors. It is meant to be bad.

Lilly’s parents had both died when she was only young. She had grown up by herself. Because she was alone she developed magic powers no one else had. She could not only see into the future, but she could see through objects, read people’s thoughts, stop time, teleport, bring things back to life, control people, kill people at will. She grew up with no friends because she killed them all. All the girls hated her because she was so beautiful and all the boy thought she was sexy. She wore gothic makeup and clothes to show her sadness in her clothes.

One day she got up. She didn’t eat breakfast because she was an emo. She then made her way to school. She met up with Sasuke along the way.

They went to the park instead of going to school because they hated going to school. Sasuke was wearing a black punk shirt with safety pins in it. Lilly was wearing a black hoodie that said “I hate life” on it. “I like your shirt” said sasuke. Lilly didn’t care.

That night Lilly had a night mare. Lord Voldemort was attacking Sasuke and then saske died. When she woke up she rang up sasuke to see if he really did die. Sasuke swore at her for ringing him up in the night. Lily then went back to sleep.

The next day Sasuke was being attacked by lord voldermort. Lilly used her powers to make him died. Voldemort never tormented them again because he was dead. But that didn’t stop Pete Wentz from trying to kill her. But he was immune to her killing him, so she brought voldemrot back to life and controlled him to use his magic wand to kill Pete Wentz. Pete Wentz then died and she killed Voldemort again. Lily was proud of herself. The she punched sasuke for being a jerk.

“What are you doing lilly? he said “Why did you tell Voldamort he was fat. You know he’s very self consious. Lilly yelled. Sasuke didn’t like being yelled at so he killed himself. Lily then had no friends left so she used her power to kill every person in the world.

The end.
