A Little Awkward . . .

You know your life is weird when this happens . . . I'm in my second year of Spanish classes. My class walked down to a nearby Spanish restaurant for lunch today with the requirement that we speak Spanish as much as possible(It got us out of 3rd and 4th period; no one was complaining). But . . .

I've spent so much time having weird conversations during lunch, that sitting in the restaurant with my classmates(having a NORMAL conversation *gasp*), I felt SO out of place it isn't funny. O.o

This is just more proof that I am totally losing my mind, really. A friend of mine, when I told her I was losing it, said to blame the penguins. Something about penguins stealing people's sanity one by one(actually, I think that was on an e-card somewhere . . .).

. . . Yeah, you've already figured out just how badly my friends have lost it.
