I'm more or less interested in anything dealing with Itachi but I get interested easily with any manga/anime
I'm not much to talk about an amateur artist trying to put up art for people to see as well as fan art. I hope you like this world I'm probably just do journal entries and compare things in life with some in anime/manga

Who Believes...

Who believes?
Do you believe in those who tell you to trust them?
The ones who say they have your back?
The ones that supported you when you felt alone
....Do you believe in them?
Those who believe in you?
I use to not.
I use to not want to believe.
To believe in those who believed in me.
Some of them lied to me
Others crushed my dreams
Others broke my trust
others broke my spirit.

To believe in others, is hard now
To think they have my back....is hard

To know you be ok....is hard
To believe in others is hard to me
I know, I got those who believe in me now...
I know those who push me foward

They believe in me, and I believe in them.
Sometimes I wonder where I be at without them.
If they hadn't helped me
If they hadn't pushed me...
Where would I be?

Some of them who broke me
lied to me
hurt me...
seem to now support me.
help me
Believe in me...
Can I...
Believe in them?


I kind of been out of it... some shiz going down and also the fact I got finals....
But somehow I managed to see I won Alphonse Shojo Beat Challenge...
Im happy and Yay. I never thought I win anything I just like to draw and put my art out there.

Im really exited on that fact that I won. And I really like the others art work as well. I figured someone else would of won. ^^"" I should try to inspire myself more in my own art.

Well back to my finals.
And the other shiz.


Falling forever

times I fall...
I always get back up.
I always fight.
I always win....
But why do I feel like I lose?
I can defend myself.
I can protect myself
but some how...
I feel like im losing
I feel like im falling still
I guess somethings aren't meant to change.
I have business to attend to...
and here I might fall completely.
I guess I can't change
but maybe if I go down this time I may stay down
I always end up winning
but I still feel like I lost.
Maybe if they see me fall.
I can end the cycle of fighting.
Or will it continue.?
Im tired of fighting
Im tired of feeling like I lost
Am I suppose to lose?
Am I suppose to fall?
its time to find out...
to fall
and continue to fall.
Falling forever
in an endless battle
quitting or continuing

one last time

one last time.....
We laughed.
We talked.
And we were always with each other in the bad and good times.
Can I really say, this is the last time we will see each other?
Well...it is our time to part.
And we have been together for more than 6yrs.
Even if it feels we known each other long...
Can I really say.... good bye?
My pain and anger was shared with you.
You knew my pain.
And I knew yours.

When you cried I cared
will this be the last time we share our thoughts?
Our laughs?
Your heading your way...
And Im heading mine....
Can I say good bye?

One last time....
To have fun.
Hang out.
Chill out.
Make jokes.
Make stupid puns.
Do our normal weird funny stuff.
We are friends.
We are sisters.
We are family.

So many to see.
So many to remember.
So many will leave.
And im...
not wanting to part.

One last time.
to say a hi.
To say I care.
To say Im sorry
To say Im wrong
To say IM at fault.
One last time

To make things right.


awesome today!!!!!!! went to San Antionio Fiesta Texas. I never been on a roller coaster and I now have and it rocked!!!!!! XD i mean this is a first and I rode 5 rides that made me fly high XD I never felt so much nerves I wanted nothing but to scream!!! well im headen home now who know when i will get back but today was awesome and I really feel this was an awesome day to do something I never done.... ride a roller coaster and other rides that made me feel like screaming with joy.
Now that im home... im tired =w=
but it was a nice trip... I never been on a roller coaster and that felt like a dream that I wouldn't see happen and since it has I feel pretty happy about it.
I hung out with friends and spent the day with them out of school.
still feel the nerves though @w@ as though I'm still on the roller coaster, what the hell am I spinning or is my mind just not right at the moment?....

Well since this is the last trip with the senior class it feels as though something is ending, and Im not ready.
Coming up now is finals and I still don't feel to good about it. But thats why Im a study until I drop.
Well Im off to sleeps.
