The Wickedly Evil (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/02/14 | Reply
Awwwww get well soon zuzu (huggies ya). Drink soup, sleep and drink water. If you think you will puke even that, try a lil juice(technically tang xD)I could only drink that when I was sick with it once. Its not contagious, It just means whatever made you get a stomach flu, your family happened to eat it as well. Stomach flu's are usually caused by a certain food which has either gone bad or just didn't suit your metabolism. Yaaaa... I sound sciency xD (shot) >o>
Zuzu Uchiha
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/03/14 | Reply
@Sakura Tachibana:
thanks for that and the gift we'll be getting better soon
Zuzu Uchiha
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/03/14 | Reply
@kita mikichi:
thanks were all just trying to get pass it now.
Sakura Tachibana
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/03/14 | Reply
Awww. Sorry 2 hear about that. Get well soon! :)
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/02/14 | Reply
Oh no! Hope you feel better soon -- and your family too!
Zuzu Uchiha
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/02/14 | Reply
see thats just being a smarty pants aha
but yeah i'll be doing that Hearty well they seemed to blame me for their pain
The Wickedly Evil (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/02/14 | Reply
Awwwww get well soon zuzu (huggies ya). Drink soup, sleep and drink water. If you think you will puke even that, try a lil juice(technically tang xD)I could only drink that when I was sick with it once. Its not contagious, It just means whatever made you get a stomach flu, your family happened to eat it as well. Stomach flu's are usually caused by a certain food which has either gone bad or just didn't suit your metabolism. Yaaaa... I sound sciency xD (shot) >o>