Welcome to Random Ramblings aka RR

here i post fic chapters pics and stuff

meanwhile Influx of Insanity is a world dedicated to getting out negative thoughts or goings on in my life so beware when visiting that one

Mood: amused
Song: Summer Nights

Hitsugi info

Artist Spotlight
Hitsugi- Nightmare
let's see......
*well he likes animals, particularly cats =^..^=
*and he also has several piercings which i read he did himself O.O'
*he is the most emotional member ^___^ *kawaii*
(watching a video where he cried) -awww- >3<
*he wears the makeup and oft has wild contacts
which look awesomesauce xD
*he is probably the most easily recognised member
(at least to me)x3
*I like Hitsugi because he looks the scariest but he's actually the most shy and cute guy in the group X3

can anyone believe he is scared of needles
-don't fret you aren't the only one hitsu~san- T_T *link to blog page below*
here it is:
2006/1/11 - "hoi."
I tried changing my blog picture. I did it specifically for using it here.
the theme is "a Count's Son." (laugh)
Cool isn't it? isn't it? yeah yeah.
but somehow my facial expression is not really good (or bad).
Maybe I'll take one properly another time.

2006/1/09 - "Tadaima"- I'm home

I'm home, blog. I'm home, Tokyo. I'm home, house.
Finally recording is over. Well we still have one thing left, "mastering" work.
This year's album is great!! (in a new style. Laugh)
Enjoy waiting for it, kay?

4 days ago, I came back from Sendai and, it was cold. I was really moved by the snow...
well, as a matter of fact since I got back to Tokyo 4 days ago, I've been down.
Every year, during or around New Year's, I get down for some reason.
Once in a while it happens.
There are person who around once a year becomes earth shatteringly unhealthy.
seems like I'm one of those people.
Last year, I had a fever of 40 C, and I was all dizzy and my head was spinning. It was horrible.
It wasn't something to laugh about. I know no one was really planning on laughing.
Then when I tried to go to the hospital, this year was a cold virus or something that did it.
At first they thought it was influenza and would have to deal with it right away.
"you don't mean- I'M GOING TO HAVE TO GET A SHOT!?!"
I thought, and I was super scared. I hate shots to death. I don't have any will power do I?
Ugg. But, after inspection, it turned out not to be influenza.
but, this year's cold was upsetting. I took basically good care of myself. Even so At that important time I caught a cold! I'm so stupid!! I kind of felt like that. (bitter smile)
Even though I always washed my hands and gargled. I'm still naive.
Everyone be watchful of your health please.
oh yeah. Recently I started raising something living.
He’s great. Really great. I haven't really informed yet. laugh.
I'll publish that blog (entry).

Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 115 lbs
Born: March 5th 1982(?)
BloodType: AB
Position: Guitar

More facts
~His name in Japanese means coffin.

~He was born in Tokyo, but raised in Sendai.

~His parents love western music. His father is an Elvis fan; his mother a Beatles fan, specifically Paul McCartney.

~Is a great admirer of X (Japan) and Hide of X.
~Currently has 14 piercings (Tongue stud, six lip rings, one pressure point pierce, eyebrow ring, the rest on his left and right ears).

~Is an only child.

~His alter ego is named "Fullface" in their side band, Sendai Kamotsu.

~Composed "Shunkashuuto" and "Rakuu" for Nightmare.

~Is friends with Aki from SID and is often compared to one another in interviews.
