I've been wondering about this page in Facebook for a long time.
This page is entitled "ANIME IS SATAN" (yeah. I know it sounds really harsh)
I've seen a lot of post there and seriously, a lot of them are exaggerated. I respect the admin's opinions but for me it is not right saying a lot of really harsh things about anime. I admit that some of the posts are a bit true but for them calling otakus "a tool for the devil" or "satanists" are too much. And they say this is a "satanic bla bla bla", "devil's bla bla bla" and these lines
: "This tool of Satan we come to know as "Anime" is a malignant poison of this world, corroding the morals of the people with its venom."
~it came from one of the posts of the admin in that page.
:"This filth we come to know as Anime needs to be damned to hell, where it belongs with Satan and the fellow sinners. God has no mercy for those who are tainted by the Satan's influence."
~and also that.
If I were them, I wouldn't use those kinds of words to describe anime. Those are really harsh >.< They could always use a more normal way of speaking. I don't like cussing or saying any inappropriate word so I really don't like this page. Plus the fact that they were making things up so that many readers would believe them. And this one is the post I hate the most : linkiiee
I did not post this for you to hate them. I only post this to know your opinion about this page. Here's the link of the page. If you want to see the posts.
That's all. XD I think this post is a bit intense x) jiaa~