
this a intro to some Blog(LIES)
this is a opinionated BLog(true BUT LIES)
this is just plain crazy things

This is the main blog for the offline Life of Narutokhfighter

hehe, my current love >w<

la la la la la la la la la
this is the world about my life, if you don't wanna here about my life

Go Check out another one of my worlds
My fiction world
Book and Anime world *caution spoilers a lurk here*

You can start but if you talk about my worlds in a bad way, your on my REVENGE DIARY!!!

so this is about the good, the bad, the funny and life

....I dunno why dunt i have some mad love for this game as you can see by the themed world

the past videos posted up here


this was really fun making

1) I’m completely in control of my emotions *most of the time* (i lost my control once and throw a notebook at this guy (that was saying things at the wrong time, to the wrong person) and missed, boo!! i mean ……..yay)(but I hit some other guy)
2) I suck at typing
3) I’m about 5'7 or 5'8 (not sure)
4) I have a scar on my forehead from when I was in fourth grade
5) I tried liver (by accident) and it didn’t taste so bad
6) I went into ambrocrome to scare the guy at the front desk with my friends and walked out depressed and feeling Fat and broke
7) I go to hot Topic and come out broke, happy and wondering if I can buy a book or food with left over money
8) I can sing Misa’s song (from death note) (in Japanese)

if you laughed at this YOUR TAGGED


MIKe is back (this little thingy looks like him, now (he has shaggy hair now))
yay i glomped him
he's still as fun and friendly as ever
i need to ask him about his art (he missed art club, bbbbooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!"
he is awesome (even though many of my friends hate him)

Dorney was AWESOME

THERE WAS this arcade in the amusement park
and it had DDR my friends and me were playing DDR was fun but there was this guy who came on and played and it was so crazy I've never seen a person do that his feet were moving like crazy
and me and my friends were in SO MUCH SHOCK (because we basicily were pathetic ) and another guy stepped up and I don't even now how was better

but I was laughing when the classes were going back because mostly everyone won Electric guiters (and all I won was a blue bear and dark blue&black fuzzy hat)(that hat is awesome)(i wanted that shadow plushe)

my prizes (Neo the bear and my fuzzy Urahara hat)
P.s:the rides were AWESOME (my friend she lost her hat on a ride and i didn't-boooo!!!-)

art club is ending

Art club is ending
next week is the late one
so as a joke I'm going to come to school dressed as L (from Death note)
and see how many people now what I'm doing
But all I need is:
1)unpoilsh nails from being black
2)get eyeliner
3)get shirt that looks like L's shirt
4)mess hair up alittle
5)scream at one of my friends that "Dan, You are Kira"
6)get in L's pose on a chair and put tip of thumb in mouth
this is for the people(who i hate now) who don't know what L looks like

I will miss art club the people were CRAZY BUT REALLY ALOT OF FUN (AND I met some awesome MCR and anime Loving people)

OMG WOrld civ is weird

MY world civ. teaher is CRAZY
some guys in my class were talking crap about the teacher
(will)"hah mr.Tasher *made up name* is so old"
(kyle)"he is so weak and old"
(Mr.tasher)"I told you I hurt my foot playing basketball"
(kyle)"hah like you could play basketball I mean you're so short"
(will)"old, short and weak"
(Kyle2)"mr tasher is weak"
(mr.tasher)"kyle you were backdown on the ground yesterday"
(Kyle2)"I was going to do a backflip and kick you!!"
(kyle)"yeah right kyle you lost to an old man"
(pat)"ok let's move the desk then see who's tougher"
(kyle)"haha like tasher would win "
(tasher)"kyle2 I could throw your 5'1 80 pounds across this class room"
(kyle2)"fine go ahead and try"
(tasher)"fine then come up here"
*kyle2 walks up and mr. tasher picks kyle2 up like a wrestler would*
and one kyle shut up in class that day
and the otakuneko cryed laughing in class that day
this is sora *i hate his hair* I can't draw it
