
this was really fun making

1) I’m completely in control of my emotions *most of the time* (i lost my control once and throw a notebook at this guy (that was saying things at the wrong time, to the wrong person) and missed, boo!! i mean ……..yay)(but I hit some other guy)
2) I suck at typing
3) I’m about 5'7 or 5'8 (not sure)
4) I have a scar on my forehead from when I was in fourth grade
5) I tried liver (by accident) and it didn’t taste so bad
6) I went into ambrocrome to scare the guy at the front desk with my friends and walked out depressed and feeling Fat and broke
7) I go to hot Topic and come out broke, happy and wondering if I can buy a book or food with left over money
8) I can sing Misa’s song (from death note) (in Japanese)

if you laughed at this YOUR TAGGED
