An oblivious lycan who believes she's still human (Cayla Hopkins) meets a real lycan (Luna Ravenclau). When they travel to the forest kingdom Bachei, what happens when the others figure out she's not as human as she thinks? And what about those outside of the kingdom-- how will they react when they discover who Luna's sister is?

Read on as you feel the thrill and mystery surrounding the characters..

..... Buh...

Uhm... Going to a really serious note right now...
So.. I've been having an awful lot of personal problems come up, and I've tried to ignore them thusfar, but it's... getting worse...
And, before I say anything I want to clarify-- YES! I'm well aware that people have it worse off than I do... but it's still a really big problem, nonetheless...

See... It all started sometime last year, mom had to go on medical leave.. she has arthritis in her lower back and a cist on her spine that has been growing for a few years now.. It's not cancerous, but it's non-operable because of where it is.. She went through treatments and stuff until last October.. but she still can't stand for long periods of time, which is a major deal for where she worked... Well.. her place of employment took the good manager and moved her to another mall, then put some bimbo in place of her.. who, basically, said "I don't care if you can't stand for more than 3 or 4 hours, you'll work when I want for how long I want, or else you can expect to not have a job." So... naturally, she quit.. and hasn't had a job since..

Well.. last summer, dad was informed that he was given two choices: move to either New Mexico or Georgia, or he'd lose his job. As it is, they've been threatening to fire him and other HP (HewlettPackard) employees -because they don't like paying them- for quite a few years now.. He's worked his butt off for them, working longer than he needed to, trying to stay on their good side, not taking a single vacation, and he hadn't had a single pay raise for over 3 years, and he's our only source of income now. Well, he finally got a pay raise not too long ago and was forced to take a vacation during my winter break.... He just got a call today saying that everyone is getting pay cuts, his will be around 5-10% of his pay...

He keeps "yelling" at mom about how she needs a job to help out, but there are quite a few problems with that.. Two of which being a) they're moving in 4 months-- there's not much sense in getting a job here at this point.. and b) with how screwed over the economy is right now, no one's going to want to hire her with her back problems and she has no primary education-- businesses are too busy laying people off, why would they want to hire someone else?

Also, HP is cutting off the amount they were paying for our internet access ((dad works at home, so we all use the same internet)) and they are cutting off his work phone line in.. about a month or so...

We only have one working vehicle, so I can't get a job because I'd have no way of getting there because they can't drive me all over creation and they can't be stranded without a car. Not to mention, they've made it perfectly clear that, despite the situation, they don't want to make our income problems my responsibility and wouldn't let me help them out anyway...
We can barely afford our bills and groceries as it is, what are we supposed to do now? It doesn't help matters that mom's been frivolous in purchasing books lately since she doesn't have a job or anything to occupy her job... And, not to mention, my need for art supplies that keeps increasing... ((and I seriously mean "need," considering I actually want to become a professional artist in some sense, so I need them for my portfolio and for college))

Uhm... I'm failing one of my electives, so my GPA is going down-- which SUCKS because I need it to be higher for scholarships since, especially now, there's no way we can afford to pay for college and we're not eligible for grants ((DON'T say "Loans", I don't want to have to pay those off for the rest of my life because of interest))... Honestly, as of last semester my GPA was 3.1, and I needed a 3.2 by... tomorrow to be able to apply for one of the writing scholarships that I was going to try for... So.. I'm screwed =D
And my ACT is too low for academic scholarships-- I took it TWICE and got the same score! And, obviously, we can't afford a third attempt for me to make another 24..

.... So.. there's the sad part of my life... I hope you enjoyed learning about half of my problems. >>;

Good news:

I have one more chance at a writing scholarship, it's available for all majors and I have until March 3. So, I'm going to spend a large portion of my time writing AS MUCH AS I DARN-WELL CAN to get as much scholarship as possible... Yes, Dreams of a Slow Fade will be included, as I am quite proud of it considering I've had two teachers give me "I've never seen a high school student write like this, I couldn't even do this sort of thing! It's amazing! ='D" kind of comments.. I think it's my best work by far.

Also good news.... Hey! I'm alive!!! =D And I still have a boyfriend, which for me is a miracle because I've NEVER made it to Valentine's Day in any relationship I've been in. I loves my fox x3
And I have loving parents and friends and family in general ((Well, for the most part, but I don't want to get into that too...)).
Just remember, no matter how nasty a situation is, there's always the simple things in life that make things seem brighter. =D Be glad for sunshine and food and rain!! Especially rain if you live in the part of the South with the nasty drought going on... which.. I live in, by the way XD I love the rain, just not storms =D

Ok, I think I've flooded my journal with enough stuff for one day... Thanks for stopping by, even if it was a little depressing to read....
