An oblivious lycan who believes she's still human (Cayla Hopkins) meets a real lycan (Luna Ravenclau). When they travel to the forest kingdom Bachei, what happens when the others figure out she's not as human as she thinks? And what about those outside of the kingdom-- how will they react when they discover who Luna's sister is?

Read on as you feel the thrill and mystery surrounding the characters..

I have a bolt in my pocket....

I probly should have given it back to my 1st block teacher...

I will in the morning of course.... but, in the meantime, this thing is oddly entertaining... XD;

Don't ask why I wasted my time to write all of this.... I'm really bored and wanted something happy to talk about after all of my gloom-and-doom entries..

So, what's in YOUR pocket???? x] Or purse, bookbag, whatever..
