An oblivious lycan who believes she's still human (Cayla Hopkins) meets a real lycan (Luna Ravenclau). When they travel to the forest kingdom Bachei, what happens when the others figure out she's not as human as she thinks? And what about those outside of the kingdom-- how will they react when they discover who Luna's sister is?

Read on as you feel the thrill and mystery surrounding the characters..

Happy Valentine's Day =O

That, "Singles' Awareness Day", whatever you want to call it =o

Hope you gorge yourselves in candy and chocolate, go have some fancy dinner-- even if you're treating yourself.

Year 17 without a Valentine.... Only difference is that I actually have a boyfriend. >>;;

So.. Why is he not my Valentine? He doesn't seem to care any bit about it... I gave him my gift yesterday afternoon, wishing him a happy V-day.... He loved the gift and wondered how he'd make it up to me (("How am I supposed to top this??" were his exact words XD)), but when I actually said happy Valentine's day, he moaned as if he didn't want it to exist... >>

Oh well. It could be worse ^^;;;;
Anyways, have a great day, everyone!
