An oblivious lycan who believes she's still human (Cayla Hopkins) meets a real lycan (Luna Ravenclau). When they travel to the forest kingdom Bachei, what happens when the others figure out she's not as human as she thinks? And what about those outside of the kingdom-- how will they react when they discover who Luna's sister is?

Read on as you feel the thrill and mystery surrounding the characters..

I may get a job =O

Whoo! *dance dance*
Yeah, I'm trying to apply for Lifeway Christian store.. For those of you who don't know.. Well, it's in the name xD

Things are going fairly well, I think.. I've had chronic hiccups for over two months thanks to stress, but hopefully it shouldn't be as big of a deal later.
My birthday's coming up Sunday, and graduation is on Friday so I'm fairly excited! My family members have been great, I've been getting money from a lot of them to help with random expenses before college and I have more on the way.. My grandmother said the money is supposed to go to a laptop and whatever's left over goes towards a down-payment on a car (the job will help with that too.. as well as college and, hopefully, an apartment).

My dad just had surgery for his shoulder (rotator cuff) yesterday, and he's been a bit of a grump, but it seems to be healing well. I'm busy this week with trying to clean up the house by my onesy, one room at a time. Except for today... I did the bathroom a little while ago and I need to work on the hallway and the foyer next x.x;
The swine flu seems to have "disappeared" on the news, so I guess that's a good thing?

Anyhoo.. I wanted to have something cheery to talk about for a change, now that all the chaos has died down some. Later =3
