I may get a job =O

Whoo! *dance dance*
Yeah, I'm trying to apply for Lifeway Christian store.. For those of you who don't know.. Well, it's in the name xD

Things are going fairly well, I think.. I've had chronic hiccups for over two months thanks to stress, but hopefully it shouldn't be as big of a deal later.
My birthday's coming up Sunday, and graduation is on Friday so I'm fairly excited! My family members have been great, I've been getting money from a lot of them to help with random expenses before college and I have more on the way.. My grandmother said the money is supposed to go to a laptop and whatever's left over goes towards a down-payment on a car (the job will help with that too.. as well as college and, hopefully, an apartment).

My dad just had surgery for his shoulder (rotator cuff) yesterday, and he's been a bit of a grump, but it seems to be healing well. I'm busy this week with trying to clean up the house by my onesy, one room at a time. Except for today... I did the bathroom a little while ago and I need to work on the hallway and the foyer next x.x;
The swine flu seems to have "disappeared" on the news, so I guess that's a good thing?

Anyhoo.. I wanted to have something cheery to talk about for a change, now that all the chaos has died down some. Later =3
