Kokudo no Tenteira
"Realm of Heavenly Kings"


After he left the Soul Society, Zeshin returned to where is all began, the cave. He was resting in his icy coffin trying to figure out what to do with everything that had happened when....... “What do you think your doing?” A s...

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An Invitation

Present time:

Deep with in the heavenly realm, hidden behind an impenetrable blizzard, frozen but not yet forgotten, inside a gloomy cave, a tomb, something began to stir.

A stir in the Wind

It had been a couple of months since Hyourinmaru had joined his master in slumber, but something in the wind disturbed his sleep. Hyourinmaru materialized in his human form and walked to the mouth of the cave. He gazed out at the icy wasteland looking, searching for the source of the disturbance. The change.

Not seeing anything he walked back into the cave, sealing the entrance shut, he did the only the he could do. He prepared by doing the one thing zanpakuto's very never suppose to do. He left his sword and merged his soul with his masters. In doing so, a pair of hollow-like bones that looked like dragon horns formed over his ears.

He would not be taken from his master.
