
Toshiro got up and looked around the area. He could feel something that he wasn't expecting yet. He crossed over to the barrier and saw that the portal had open just outside it. He ran over to Kita and shook her shoulder. It was time to go.

Kita did not move from her dream state. Ulquiorra had her so drawn into the meeting it was as if her mind had left. Leaving only an empty shell of a body.

"Kita?" He shook her a little more, "It's time to get up....god she's a deep sleeper."

Kita's dream started to crumble around her and Ulquiorra. Like dry paint flaking from the walls slowly falling to the floor like soft falling snow. Her eyes fluttered open seeing Toshiro hovering above her. She raised a hard to her forehead.

"Toshiro? What's wrong? What do you mean it is time to leave?"

"Our ride is here," he replied helping her up.

Kita let Toshiro assist her in getting up, she was still in a sleep mode. "Our ride?" She questioned softly, more to herself then to Toshiro. She stood looking around the cave seeing a black vortex not far from them.

"That thing?" She looked to Toshiro which was walking around the cave picking their things up.

"Yup." He crossed over to the vortex and reached his hand out to touch it. "Come on..." His fingers grazed the portal and an electric shock was sent through his body. He jerked his hand back and stared at the portal in confusion. "What..."

Kita rushed to Toshiro's side looking at his hand. "Are you alright?" She inspected his hand for any injuries.

"I'm fine," Toshiro replied, "but we have a problem..."

Kita looked to the vortex, "So we are not getting out of here now?" She walked over leaning against a large boulder in the cave.

"This vortex is not our problem. It's what's blocking it."

Kita looked to Toshiro from the vortex, "Aizen? Ulquiorra? Do you think they could do that? I mean they don't know where we are." She casts her eyes down drawing her hand to her forehead and rubbed, "I don't think they know where we are." Her words soft.

"Relax, I'm sure they don't. Besides, they wouldn't be able to block this."

"Then what?" She asked looking back to him.

"I'm not entirely sure...."

Kita looked to the vortex once more and sighed, "I want to go home. I want to get out of here. I am tired of being trapped here." She looked to Toshiro again, "Drop the barrier around us."

Just like that, all of Ulquiorra's patience and separation of thoughts and emotions were torn down. Like an directionless hurricane, he crashed through the mental barriers he had put against himself and the world. A one sided barrier to protect the world from his rash actions, such as he was about to take.

Hitsugaya Toshiro was playing a dangerous game with Kita and he would have his say. Whether it took a day. A year. A heartbeat.

He was Ulquiorra and he was a very resourceful man...

As she sat to the bolder Kita felt a pull against her mind. A strong and determined pull. She drew her hand to her head once more and rubbed her forehead.

"Master..." She whispered softly under her breath.

Without wasting anymore time, Ulquiorra called out to his seraph with no reserve. All self-made preservation was laid aside and the only thing that existed was the faint link between him and Kita.

"Ki...ta..." Though the connection was weak, he chased after it like a drowning man. He crossed the great distance with a reaching hand. Was this what Ulquiorra was truly made of? A mournful man chasing after the attention of his fraction? Or placing his honor beneath him to fulfill Aizen's request and retrieve the seraph?

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

Closing her eyes Kita rested her head against the bolder and allowed the connection between her and her master to grow strong once more. In a matter of seconds Ulquiorra became visible in her mind once more. She reached out for him calling his name.


Lowering her hand she stepped toward him as an overwhelming feeling to touch him came over her. She stopped in front of him lifting her hand once more. Her hand gently cupping his sorrowful face. She had nothing to say, she only wanted to look upon him. She truly had missed him and she truly wanted to return to him, but she knew she could not. Not as long as Aizen existed. Not as long as she was the Seraph. She wondered if he knew this, wondered if he could feel how she felt with their connection. She wondered if he really knew how much he meant to the one person that stood before him that second and more importantly did he care. She sighed letting her hand slide and fall from his cheek.

While in her physical presents, she and Toshiro were still having idle chit-chat.