
"We will get out of here. On the other side of that hole Plan B is in the works. Plan B will work without a doubt," he replied to her settling himself against the wall. "Where is your home anyway?"

Kita heard Toshiro talking to her, but she did not reply. She did not open her eyes. She just rested there, her head against the cave wall. In her mind she still saw Ulquiorra in full view and she did not want to lose that. Then those four words crashed down on her mind and her heart.

"Where is your home?"

Home... What is a home? At one time she believed it was the Heavenly Realm. Now maybe even Las Noches with her master.

Her home?

Full of memories that would crush the mental structure of any one person with a heart and emotions.

Her home?

Filled with painful memories of the past.

But not her past.

Her past was emotionless, heartless and above all was meant to be spent alone for all eternity.

'Where is your home?'

A question so hard that when it was asked she could not answer it. For she truly did not know where her home was.

Tears trickled from her closed eyes down her soft-peach colored cheeks.

“Home... I only want to go home.” She reached out for Ulquiorra once more. “Please...”

Toshiro saw the tears roll down her cheeks. Maybe a seraph had no home. A tactless move on his part. He walked over to her and wiped away her tears.

"If you ever need a home, my door will always be open."

Kita opened her eyes lifting her head. There in front of her stood Toshiro. His words ever so soft settled on her heart.

"That's very sweet of you, Toshiro and thank you. But if I took you up on your offer you would forever be in danger."

He looked down for a moment then back up at her, "I am the captain of a squad of the Gotei 13, no matter where I go or what I do I will always be in danger. All of the Captains know this, but do you want to know why we still do it?"

Kita looked at him and smiled, "Is it the same reason you have feed me since day one?" She lifted her hand and brushed his hair from his face.

"That's part of it," he smiled. "We do it everyday to give the souls around us hope. Our strength gives them hope, so we use it. My door is open to you as your home, should you ever need one. As is the entire Soul Society."

She lifted from the cave wall and hugged Toshiro, "Thank you. I will never forget the kindness you have shown to me."

"So, where do you want to go?"

Kita inhaled deeply, her eyes still locked with Toshiro's beautiful turquoise eyes. "I want a place I don't have to be scared or worried if I will live to see the sun come up. A place I have friends to laugh with and share dreams with." She sighed and lowered her eyes. "But as long as I am cursed with being the seraph I will never have any of this. I will always be sought out by Aizen or even others that seek me out. I never will be able to settle in one place."

Home... a simple comfort Ulquiorra could offer his wandering fraction, whether or not he reciprocated the feeling. The strong words of Aizen rang through his mind and the stinging slap of failure turned his hands into fists.


He reached forward and rested his cold hand above her faintly beating heart. Absently he wondered if it could snow in dreams. Or was this a nightmare he controlled? Anyway which way, he was spending it staring into the fate of the Soul Society and Los Noches.