This is my blog, enjoy reading the thoughts in my head!



There is nothing in life that is so simple and sweet as a simple encouragement. Most people think of encouragement as something you do for a person when they are down or depressed, which is a great time, true. But an even better time is when the person least expects it. give a compliment and make someone feel happy for the day. A little encouragement can go a long way in someones life. Encourage those you love and care for, encourage those you know are dealing with troubeling times. A simple comliment will even do, spread the happiness to anyone who will willingly except it. Encourage one another ^^

Wont be here as Often....

hello to all those that read my thoughts ^^. i'm here to let you all know that i may not be on as much as i usually am. My school put up a new system and its really bugging me. the teacher can monitor what site you are on and shut it down without even getting up out of their seats. all it takes is one click. So i have to figure out a way around it V.V which wont be easy....but i have done it before, so wish me luck. i will be on just very off and on type. i probably wont be on the chat either, it causes to much attention. so until i figure this new system out, well i think you get it. have a great day everyone, i'm leaving for today ^^ ah yes before i forget. If you like check out my poetry world. it's called Soul Whispers. well g2g bye for today everyone! ^^

♥ R.O.S

Rebirth of Soul

a lot of people ask me where i got the idea for my user name. well today i will tell everyone how i got it. one day i was sitting at home thinking about this place and what i should name myself. i was sitting in my green...

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* The Chat Room *

Yay, today is the day that i am finally allowed to go n the chat! ^^ i'm so excited! i hope that those of you who know me will be there. ^^ i'm off to the chat. have a great day! :D

The Holidays : )

First off i would like to say thank you to everyone who sent me a gift here on the O. a few names off the top of my head- Ashio, artypants1017, pandabearluv, Redstars, and a bunch more...

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