a lot of people ask me where i got the idea for my user name. well today i will tell everyone how i got it. one day i was sitting at home thinking about this place and what i should name myself. i was sitting in my green fold up chair in the middle of my room playing .Hack//G.U. volume 1 Rebirth, and reading Soul Eater manga. Thats when i had a crazy idea, i should name myself haseo! i tried. but to my remorse the name was already taken. Then i though maybe it could be soul.....taken as well. my brain was fried after taking these two devastating shots to my user name brain storming. some of the user names i came up with after that are so lame/embarrassing that i wouldnt dare post them in this world...OR ANYWHERE FOR THAT MATTER! but i digress, while i continued to play .hack and read my soul eater manga-it hit me (literally my lamp shade hit me on the head) lolz, i thought to myself. Rebirth....Soul....rebirth & soul. How could i get them to sound good next to eachother?.....! I GOT IT!!(i screamed that out load (seriously) and my mom thought i was going insane....again) Rebirth of Soul! and that was that, i made history i guess. A lot of people sent me messages saying i had an awesome user name. but i didnt do it just to receive some messages (even though that was cool). Rebirth speaks of where i am with my life as of now. my Soul was....reborn. ^^ How you ask? i finally let go of the things in the past that were hindering my future. So now you know the story :P, you can go and tell all your little buddies now. lolz jk :D
Rebirth of Soul