Review: The Host


A WORKING LOVE TRIANGLE/SQUARE: I was annoyed to find another love triangle in The Host. Really, Meyer, can't you write something else? But she actually made the love triangle work, which was a pleasant surprise. Actually, it's more of a love square--there are really four people, it just happens that two of them share the same body. I can roll with that. And it actually worked in building tension, and not just angst.

THEMES: Exploring what humanity is and who qualifies to be human added an interesting depth but I had beef with this too, which I will come back to later in the cons.

BLANK PAGES: I don't know if this is actually Meyer's idea or her editor's but I love the blank pages between Wanderer's transfer of conscious. It happened in one of the Twilight books too, when Bella goes into depression. I remember when I read that book I was like, "Oh, God, here we go--a million pages about how sad you are, blah blah blah....A blank page? Oh, I see, what you're doing. Nice." I think I was more relieved than anything. But anyway, it's a clever use of blank pages, and I approve.