This was done by my friend, Frolay, she's not on TheO *cough*yet*cough* but she was discovering YYH and came to me for a fanart idea, so I gave her this challenging piece and she worked on it over the last couple of weeks while finishing YYH. I aided a bit but it was all over the phone as we no longer live in the same state...but here is another take on my "spin-off dream non-canon pairing for my fanfiction" XD ie this scene never happens so don't bother flaming. If you wish to discuss on the two characters exact relationship, I'd be glad to oblige, but not as of yet here as it is may be a spoiler XD ENJOY!
*hm, methinks I'll edit the post so all the enteries are easier to find...*
wow, this is uber amazing, i just got on a huge hiei kick (i'm in the process on redoing my site around him), doing a yyh fanfiction myself (or rather, redoing an old one) and i see this! as a hardcore six year fan, i hope u'll let me enter!!
No worries *hugs* I was thinking about doing the contest anyways...the only thing is there are optional drawing ideas (more like poster stuff than actual scenes on these though lol) But I'm not mad or upset or anything. Thank you for helping me with the judging!!! ^o^
{and I've been so busy today o.O I'll get around to your story asap, but it may be later tonight or more >.< Thanks for your comments on mine!}
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/24/08 | Reply
Maybe I can find some time to do this, would be awesome.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 09/18/08 | Reply
Another entry has been added!
This was done by my friend, Frolay, she's not on TheO *cough*yet*cough* but she was discovering YYH and came to me for a fanart idea, so I gave her this challenging piece and she worked on it over the last couple of weeks while finishing YYH. I aided a bit but it was all over the phone as we no longer live in the same state...but here is another take on my "spin-off dream non-canon pairing for my fanfiction" XD ie this scene never happens so don't bother flaming. If you wish to discuss on the two characters exact relationship, I'd be glad to oblige, but not as of yet here as it is may be a spoiler XD ENJOY!
*hm, methinks I'll edit the post so all the enteries are easier to find...*
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 09/13/08 | Reply
@haseo luver92:
Yes please do! ^_^ Just submit your fan art by leaving a link here in the comics by Oct 4th!!! I'd love to see what you come up with! ^___^
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/13/08 | Reply
wow, this is uber amazing, i just got on a huge hiei kick (i'm in the process on redoing my site around him), doing a yyh fanfiction myself (or rather, redoing an old one) and i see this! as a hardcore six year fan, i hope u'll let me enter!!
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 08/20/08 | Reply
XD This is lively, I uploaded one for my friend for fun, it's Kurama and Yokira as chibis having a good time together
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 08/04/08 | Reply
^^ side note so we can remember/find your submission when the contest is over~
Here is an entry by hackerblackrose
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/04/08 | Reply
lol thanks for the super long post :D!!!!
and thanks!!!!! for something else that i forgot X3
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/28/08 | Reply
@Zakuro Rose:
No worries *hugs* I was thinking about doing the contest anyways...the only thing is there are optional drawing ideas (more like poster stuff than actual scenes on these though lol) But I'm not mad or upset or anything. Thank you for helping me with the judging!!! ^o^
{and I've been so busy today o.O I'll get around to your story asap, but it may be later tonight or more >.< Thanks for your comments on mine!}
Zakuro Rose
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/28/08 | Reply
I'll be a judge. It's the least I can do for failing you. (Still sorry