Greetings from Refi-chan!

Well, I'm not allowed all my pretty stuff in my profile like I was on anyway...WELCOME TO MY CASTLE!!! Here cartoons and reality! So welcome and enjoy mingling with your favorite characters!

I'm going to continue posting on ~MyOtaku~

I think I might start recycling old post on know, some of those good crossover ones...But if you're looking for YuYu Hakusho Beyond! then I have a separate world on here for that ^^

As for myself: I'm beautiful young (but older than the majority of people I find on here XD) and extremely talented! I can cook, do crafts, sing alto/tenor, play viola/mandolin/easy piano, voice act, create graphics, write (oh I love writting!), dance, choreograph, gaming (Cube and PS2, I like my eye toy more than the wii remote), basic html designs, amv's (I'm Tiggerola on YouTube if you want to check them out), mixing audio, and I even do windows!

My favorite color is turquoise, my favorite number is 13, my favorite letter is V, my favorite anime is Fruits Basket, my favorite movie is Newsies, my favorite musics are hymns, classical, cartoons (including anime theme songs), oldies and celtic. Plus, I'm just plain special!

Featured YouTube AMV of the Week/Month

Site Rules:
1. No cursing (You'll find in the real world, this habbit of clean language will get you far!)
2. No taking the Lords name in vain (please say 'gosh' unless you are referring to our Heavenly Father in reverence)
3. All humor is clean! (and still amusing, imagine that!)
4. Weapons and destructive powers are not allowed inside the castle (in other words, Hiei leaves his katana and dark dragon at the door, so he can't kill you if you tease him! ^_~)
5. FUN!!! It's a party here!!! (this one doesn't need much explanation ^_~)


Well it ended up that there were only 3 real entries for the contest, so congrats to everyone, I will make each one a wallpaper and avatar as promised! {Just give me 2 weeks to a month because I so busy @.@} We also have the following awards to go...

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