New Addition

Refi: Hello, Hello! It’s been a while since I posted a good scene from the castle (XD You’re gonna hate me today for all my fanword submissions!) Hah, so much going on what with acting and producing and such. Hiei in RainbowLand is practically completely released as a musical! Hopefully Eizou will get dubbed. And I now have a submission for every fan category and participated in a lot of challenges (working on that fan comic trophy so I have a full profile XD). Ah but today I have a new addition and I’d like to give him a formal introduction.

Everyone groans: Another bishie…

Refi: No! It’s not like that. He’s another addition to the family like Yukina, Tohru, and Hiei!

Hiei Clone #3: o-o You don’t love me like a bishie?

Refi: >.> You’ve been in too many RPGs, you’re OOC.

Hiei Clone #3: Actually, I’ve been catching glimpses of douijinshi’s and want to try the cute chibi me.

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~drawn by Togashi himself

Refi: o_O But you’re scary like that! You’re acting chibi but you don’t look chibi! Go back to yourself or I’ll put you back in Cartoon Cops Dating Service where you are in the Tower of Terror!

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~Hiei surrounded by marionettes singing "It's a Small World"

Hiei Clone #3: *remembers* >-> >~< I will kill you! *buzz* >o_O<

Refi: ^-^ Much better, have a fudgey brownie!

Kurama Clone #2: *sidenote* ^^;;; Wooo, she’s brutal today…

Refi: So as I was saying, I’d like you to meet Hideaki!

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~Hideaki, the wildcat

Hideaki: *rawr*

Refi: I adopted him from Z (aka Die Before I Wake, or on DA MasonHeartagram), she does the cutest adoptables. =^o^= Oh, and I am thinking I’ll be using him in Beyond! as a demon world wildcat, Akira needs a friend. This playmate should help bring out his character since he’s so quiet.

Kurama Clone #2: In the meantime he is recuperating here at the castle from being caught in a poacher’s trap.

Hideaki: Rawr!

Refi: (That means “I love you” in dinosaur…wait, I didn’t know Hideaki spoke dinosaur!)
