I've had the idea for a while...but finally got around to finishing up all the details~ I just submitted a quiz to Guru for Kindom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (yeah, there are a few KH quizes already availible, but none for BBS yet, so it's still unique ^^) The game comes out in America in TWO WEEKS! I hope the quiz is approved in time to celebrate the release! *nervous anticipation*
Well...anyone else want to talk BBS? I already know the whole story so don't worry about spoiling me ^^;
My groove for Memoirs has been pfht -_- since BBS came out in Japan, but I'm working on two other Kindom Heart stories that are consistent with the new canon installment~ One with Riku and Sora meeting at school about a year before BBS takes place, and then a potential-even-though-it-won't-happen-like-this KHIII.
There is a connection between the two new stories, but they aren't nessecary for each other. There is no connection with Memoirs, even if a character with the same name and appearence shows up (yeah...AU, grew up in different situations so even if she's the same, her personality is completely different in the two for good reason)
For Riku and Sora as kids, I'm debating on the title between "Secret Friendship" "The Boy On Top of the Slide" "Childhood Destiny" "Keyblade Destiny" or something -.- Their dads don't want them to be friends (oh noes forever whys? o.o) Chapter titles are easier on this one though X3 Don't know if anyone will notice, but every chapter title is also a song title lol (yeah I'm a cheeseball sometimes) WELL ANYWAY, this story won't have any BBS spoilers and once I get around to it, I'm going to do a radioplay preview of the story that covers the first chapter (no, I'm not going to mix the whole story...VAs don't usually stay with you that long...)
Now for the KHIII-esque story, it's more...unstable? I'm trying to breeze through it to get to the good parts so some chapters will be real short and others long XD I at least have the title "Restoration" (kind of like "Reconnect" that you see at the end of the BBS secret ending, but different enough so people know I'm not claiming what will 'officially' happen when the real KH3 comes out, although I do have some of my theories but if they honestly were to all come true (sure I'd love for my ideas to be canon buuuut) I'd want some royalties XP) as Sora and Riku set off to bring back Aqua, Terra, and Ven--and probably with a lot more drama than KH would really have XD I couldn't help it...must the the influence of Tales of Symphonia and Abyss and the other Tales of games lol crack pairings in the party anyone?
Not too much of Riqua though D': but yeah...after BBS, putting Terra and Xehanort and Riku together... pluuuuuus the fact that I love Riku and I like voicing Aqua XD, kinda like how I also voice Maleficent and <3 the Riku and Maleficent relationship lol I hope to see more Riqua fan art after BBS is released X3
Meh~I'm rambling now, sorry XD I better get back to writing.
So on Saturday, the YuYu Hakusho Brigade had a special visitor: Sora from Kingdom Hearts, Here's a copy of how the RP adventure went~
Sora as himself {Wielder of Light}
Zakuro Rose as Yusuke and Hiei
Tiggerola as Kuwabara and Kurama
Yusuke: When the heck are we gonna get started? Any longer and I'll have to shave my beard!
Kuwabara: Well that would be a new look on you, Urameshi
Sora: Hey Donald over th-- Oh Um... Hi! ^^
Kurama: Hello. Are you new around here?
Sora: Ah, Yea. We just kinda dropped in you could say. ^^' heh. I'm Sora!
Kurama: A pleasure. I'm Kurama, The impatient one there is Yusuke, the tall one is Kuwabara, and the short one is Hiei.
Yusuke: Hey!
Hiei: . . .
Kurama: ^^; . . . So then, what brings you here?
Yusuke: Yeah. Don't tell me you're just sightseeing.
Sora: Well we were following the Heartless around and then we saw this new world. we got a weird reading from it and then our ship kinda... um... well. Crashed here. It is a pretty cool town though.
Kuwabara: Heartless? What the heck is that?
Sora: You guys never heard of them?
Yusuke: Yeah. Does it have a heart? *snickers*
Sora: Um... Yea. ._. Kinda
Kuwabara: Well I ain't no grammar genius, but why the -less if they have one?
Kurama: No, I'm afraid I've never heard of it as a noun before
Sora: I've been kinda wondering that too. haha. ^^''
Kuwabara: Ew! What's that black thing behind you?!?!? SPRIT SWORD! *strikes it* WHAT? It didn't do nothin'?!
Sora: They steal people's hearts. There little-- What? *turns, summons keyblade and strikes*
Kuwabara: O.O *stares at keyblade*
Hiei: What is that ridiculous thing you call a weapon?
Sora: What this? It's my Keyblade, it release the hearts in the Heartless.
Kurama: Releases their hearts?
Sora: Yeah, you see when a person is attacked by the Heartless not only their hearts get stolen, but they turn into Heartless.
Yusuke: And what exactly is this "Heartless?"
Kurama: I believe that black creature Kuwabara tried to get rid of was a Heartless.
Sora: Yeah, that was a heartless. What kind of weapon was that anyway? If you don't mind me asking that is. ^^'
Kuwabara: Oh this? *swings the yellow sword-form of energy around* This is my nifty slicin' and dicin' spirit sword! It's made of my pure energy man!
Sora: Oh Cool! All energy?
Yusuke: You mean your flashlight, Kuwabara?
Kuwabara: Oh it's not like your puny popgun!
Yusuke: Oh yeah!
Sora: Popgun?
Kurama: Well I use my energy to manipulate plants. *pulls out a normal rose then waves it into a long rose whip*
Sora: Wow, really? How did that, how did you do it?
Yusuke: *glares at Kuwabara* My "popgun" called my Spirit Gun. I'll try it out on Kuwabara if you want a demonstration . . .
Kuwabara: Bring it on! BATTER UP!
Kurama: ^^;;; Let's not be hasty...
Hiei: Would you two stop being idiots?
Sora: Uh... I think I should pass. ^^' Haha, you two remind me of Riku and I. Haha!
Kuwabara: Which two? and who's Riku?
Sora: Hah-Oh. He's a friend of mine back home that I've been looking for. Oh Maybe you've Seen Him! He's about this Tall *Reaches up past him* has Silver hair and he always tries to act real cool!
Kuwabara: *stares at Kurama*
Yusuke: Fox boy?
Kurama: ^^; I'm pretty sure he's not referring to me.
Kuwabara: Hey Kurama, turn fox form, maybe you are who he's looking for.
Sora: What? It's fine. You probably haven't seen him then. It's fine. Fox form though? You guys aren't just normal people are you?
Kuwabara: Heh heh, not to brag, but not everyone can have a sweet sword like this!
Kurama: It is true that we're...unordinary...I use to be the legendary fox demon Yoko. Currently however, I'm in this human body.
Sora: D-demon? Like in stories?! Are you guys sure you've never heard of Heartless before?
Kurama: ^^; Well we're not all evil ^^; You can be assured that neither Hiei nor I will terrorize you.
Hiei: Probably.
Kurama: These Heartless wouldn't by chance travel in groups would they?
Sora: They can. Most do. If you guys have to go you can. I should go find more of them and try to cut this world off.
Kuwabara: Oh, okay...if ya gotta
more heartless sprout up and surround the group
Sora: Watch Out!
Kuwabara: Wah~ Holy cow!
Sora: *grabs his keyblade and swings at a group* They hide In the ground and pop up, you can only hit them when they are out.
Yusuke and Hiei do stuff
Kurama: That is good to know... *wait's for Heartless to emerge before dashing them to bits with his whip*
Sora: Hey, Yusuke! Behind you! *attacks them more*
Yusuke: Thanks, man!
Kuwabara: *swings sword around willy-nilly*
Sora: Did we... get them all?
Kuwabara: *still swinging* Did we get em all yet?
Kurama: I do believe we may have been victorious
Sora: Is everyone okay?
Kuwabara: Yeah, I'm okay *panting*
Kurama: As am I *turns whip back into a rose and hides it in his hair*
Yusuke: My limbs are still attached to my body, so yeah, I guess.
Kuwabara: And short-stack still looks like he's in one piece...
Hiei: And you're about to be in pieces.
Sora: That was a lot of them. *breaths hard a bit* I haven't seen a group of them that big in awhile. Thanks for the help, I couldn't do it alone.
Kurama: We should be thanking you. The battle would have proved difficult had you not shown up ^^
Sora: heh, ^^
Sora: Probably not, you guys could have done it. I bet. ^^ I haven't seen anything like the weapons you guys used in any of the worlds I've been in. There really Cool!
Kuwabara: Haha, well, I know my sword is pretty impressive!
Sora: It is weird how you can just use energy. But... as in a cool way! ^^
They bid their farewells and Sora continues to find the heart of the world on his own so the former demon thief doesn't decide to steal it...
I think my favorite part was when everyone was staring at Kurama, thinking his fox demon form was the Riku Sora was looking for ^^
Another trivia tidbit connection is that in English, Kurama's Voice Actor is John Burgmeier who also voices Eyes Rutherford, who Riku looks exactly like (I say Eyes and Riku in that order because Square Enix had Spiral before Kingdom Hearts)
Okay, I'm going to try a writing spree on my worlds tonight or something while on chat, so here's a quick overall update ^^
Starters, I was surprised when I got a PM saying I was carded... o.o omigosh what did I do wrong?!?!
but I wasn't in trouble, it turned out someone sent me an e-card! 

Awww...so glad to know I've been a help to peoples! :3
Thanks japonica chan for the cute award!
And thank you to everyone who has subbed to me, I hope remain worthy of that.
I'll be starting with writng the most asked question I get now of creating worlds XD I kinda wonder if people will still be asking me questions after I have that up, but remember, I'm not limited to TheO stuffs! I've experienced a lot of life, music, voice acting, writing, producing, Russian, crafts...still working on drawing, but Children LOVE me X3 (seriously they do, I work with them every day and they glomp me every chance they get!)
Then I might say something on the VAA report. I've got so many va insights, I'm not sure which to share or why...maybe I'll rant on the difference of what voices really sound like and what's acceptable in animation...or maybe just some of my upcoming projects that I'm holding auditions for right now...
And then there's an Elemental Gelade quiz that's practically done that I need to upload...
and eventually I'll finish the Cinderella III world visit in my KH story
Oh and KH...working on a fan art and I want to make a KH monopoly game! X3
Enough rambling...I need to get my clones back here for some fun old conversations...I need to add some new clones too... hmm...
Yeah, we'll need a Guy, and a Riku...hey we don't have an Eyes here yet, do we? Nor Zel, MUST have a Zel!
Refi: Shhh!!! Okay, today we have set up state-of-the-art Canvid Cameras to capture Hiei at his secret hobby! (for those who don’t know, that is he pretends he has his own cooking show) So hopefully this time we won’t get caught.
Kurama Clone #2: You just never give up, do you?
Refi: *victory pose* Thank Joey Wheeler for his inspiration on perseverance! ^o^
Hiei’s Café

Hiei: Und today ve shall learn how to bake ze cake… *snicker* from scratch!
*Hiei gathers materials*
Hiei: If you get down to the basics, you will find that cake is quite healthy. Today you will need bread, milk, and eggs. Notice how the ingredients cover three of our food groups. While the cake bakes, we will make a strawberry frosting to cover fruit and a chocolate filling. And since chocolate is cocoa that comes from a bean, we will have our vegetable too! You see, cake is natures perfect food!
*Mori looms behind Hiei and Hunny bounces off of his shoulders*
Hunny: I smelled the word cake! Is there any cake here?
Hiei: >_> Didn’t know the castle had guest today.
Hunny: *seeing the ingredients and utensils* Wow, what is this?
Hiei: I’m making a cake.
Mori: Mmm.
Hunny: Really? Like how commoners make it? Can we help?
Hiei: Just don’t get in the way, you little brat.
Mori: Grrr.
Hiei: >.> Don’t thing you can intimidate me, you big oaf!
Hunny: So what do we do first?
Hiei: *seizing the opportunity* Well, you take ze bread here und put it into ze bowl, like so. Den you take ze milk und pour zem on top. Den grab ze eggs und beat zem in.
Hunny: Oh? Like this?
Hiei: To start, but be sure to beat the eggs really good!
Hunny: Got it!
*Hunny uses his martial arts moves to beat the eggs and mix the ingredients*
Hiei: *impressed* Hm, not too bad. Now to heat ze oven.
*Hiei opens the oven door and uses fist of the moral flame. Hunny tosses the bowl to Mori who is holding the pan. Mori catches the bowl and pours the mixture into the pan then tosses it into the oven. Hiei closes the oven.*
Hiei: Good, good. Now for ze frosting und ze filling.
Hunny: Mmm! Strawberry or chocolate?
Hiei: I’ll melt ze shokolate, you beat ze strawberries!
*Hiei dark flames the chocolate while Hunny and Mori punch the strawberries back and forth between each other.*
Hiei: Now put it all together und voila!
*Hiei pulls the pan from the oven, shoves the chocolate into it, then Hunny hits the strawberries to land on top.*
Hunny: It doesn’t look like the cake we get imported from France, but I bet it still tastes good!
*Raine enters the kitchen*
Raine: Eureka! I have created a masterpiece!
*The others turn and stare at her.*
Everyone: o.O???
Raine: Cake is known to be sweet, but here is a big breakthrough. A revolutionary, culinary dish to please your palate as you enjoy a dessert that packs the punch of a full course meal. You see, I substituted the sugar with a blend of curry and red hot chili peppers… *continues ruin-mode monologue*
Hunny: *aside* I don’t recall any ‘sugar’ did we use ‘sugar,’ Mori?
Mori: *shrugs*
Back in the Queen’s Secret Lair
Refi: Oh please tell me we got that on tape! That was too precious! And our little Hiei clone is making new friends! ♥
Kurama Clone #2: Tape? I suppose that was a one-time deal for whoever watched it live.
Refi: I didn’t know we still had the Host Club hanging around here…which brings up a valid point, why don’t we have a Kyoya clone?
Kurama Clone #2: I think the ‘cloning business’ you set up fell out of fashion before Host Club…
Refi: And a Riku clone, and an Eyes Rutherford clone, and a Rei clone, Oh I want a Rei clone! >.< And I guess a Hiyono clone would be a lot of fun. And why not a Guy clone, and a Kratos clone, and we should have a Uryu clone as well, and a Zelgadis clone and…
Refi: Hello, Hello! It’s been a while since I posted a good scene from the castle (XD You’re gonna hate me today for all my fanword submissions!) Hah, so much going on what with acting and producing and such. Hiei in RainbowLand is practically completely released as a musical! Hopefully Eizou will get dubbed. And I now have a submission for every fan category and participated in a lot of challenges (working on that fan comic trophy so I have a full profile XD). Ah but today I have a new addition and I’d like to give him a formal introduction.
Everyone groans: Another bishie…
Refi: No! It’s not like that. He’s another addition to the family like Yukina, Tohru, and Hiei!
Hiei Clone #3: o-o You don’t love me like a bishie?
Refi: >.> You’ve been in too many RPGs, you’re OOC.
Hiei Clone #3: Actually, I’ve been catching glimpses of douijinshi’s and want to try the cute chibi me.

~drawn by Togashi himself
Refi: o_O But you’re scary like that! You’re acting chibi but you don’t look chibi! Go back to yourself or I’ll put you back in Cartoon Cops Dating Service where you are in the Tower of Terror!

~Hiei surrounded by marionettes singing "It's a Small World"
Hiei Clone #3: *remembers* >-> >~< I will kill you! *buzz* >o_O<
Refi: ^-^ Much better, have a fudgey brownie!
Kurama Clone #2: *sidenote* ^^;;; Wooo, she’s brutal today…
Refi: So as I was saying, I’d like you to meet Hideaki!

~Hideaki, the wildcat
Hideaki: *rawr*
Refi: I adopted him from Z (aka Die Before I Wake, or on DA MasonHeartagram), she does the cutest adoptables. =^o^= Oh, and I am thinking I’ll be using him in Beyond! as a demon world wildcat, Akira needs a friend. This playmate should help bring out his character since he’s so quiet.
Kurama Clone #2: In the meantime he is recuperating here at the castle from being caught in a poacher’s trap.
Hideaki: Rawr!
Refi: (That means “I love you” in dinosaur…wait, I didn’t know Hideaki spoke dinosaur!)