An Anime Christmas Year...

Vegeta was dead to begin with. As dead as a doornail. His partner in crime…er…I mean business was Hiei, a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone. A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner! Solitary as an oyster he…

Hiei: >o< Allright already! That’s enough they know the pathetic setting already!

Well geeze, I was already cutting lines out as it was for the abridged version here.


>.> Well, Hiei’s attitude speaks for itself, so as I was saying it was the day before Christmas and all through the…

Hiei: >o< WRONG STORY!!!

Is not, I just wanted to add a cliché! Just get to work at your office like you do day after day!

Hiei: -_- Why am I even here?

Let’s not tackle the big questions until later. When you’re ready to jump off the bridge we can show what life will be like without you.

Hiei: Just shut up and let me work.

You should stop talking to me, people will think you’ve gone insane!

Trunks: Excuse me Mr. Hiei, but who are you talking to?

Hiei: >o< NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! NOW GET BACK TO WORK BEFORE I FIRE YOU! *Holds up Dragon-summoning hand*

Trunks: Yessir.

Joey: *enters* Hey dere Uncle Hiei! Merry Christmas!

Hiei: Humbug!

Joey: Christmas a humbug Uncle? Ya can’t mean dat!

Hiei: You keep Christmas in your own way and let me keep it in mine or I’ll slit your throat!

Joey: Ah ya can’t mean that, come have Christmas Dinner wit me an’ Mai tomora evenin’!

Hiei: Mai? Why did you ever get married?

Joey: ‘Cuz I fell in luv Uncle!

Hiei: Fell in love? Hn. That’s the only thing sillier than a Merry Christmas!

Joey: HEY! *punching fist in hand* Ya wanna piece of this?

Trunks: Calm down Joey, remember the Spirit of Christmas!

Joey: Yeah, you’re right Trunks, You have a Merry Christmas!

Trunks: Thanks, you too!

Joey: See ya on da flip side! *leaves*


Goku: *enters* MERRY CHRISTMAS! Good evening Mr. Hiei, I’m here collecting donations for the poor and hungry! How much can I put you down for?

Hiei: Go away.

Goku: Do you wish to remain anonymous?

Hiei: Leave me alone or I’ll donate your death sentence! I have to pay my hard earned money to taxes that pay for prisons, so send the homeless there!

Goku: That’s not fair it isn’t a crime to be poor, they weren’t even able to defend themselves!

Hiei: Then that’s their own fault! Let them die and stop crowding up this miserable world!

Goku: Well, excuse me. *leaves*

Trunks: Mr. Hiei?

Hiei: What is it now?

Trunks: I think we should keep closed tomorrow, since everyone else will be closed and it would cost more money than it would earn to open up.

Hiei: Fine, but if you don’t work, then you don’t get paid, so be here all the earlier the next morning.