ok so its aug.30 2am.. i didnt get ur texts coz it's dead right now.. needs charging.. but i emailed u a long one about directions on how to go to my school... anyways.. sure u can leave ur awesome katana with me but i'll be away for a week on sept23-oct.4 to winnipeg... spending my term break with family and friends over there.. but hey..... i think i'll have hinata... im just not sure if i should have my bangs straight cut like a doll... eeeeeh.... and straight cut at the bottom..... eeeeeh...... but hinata's outfit can be worn even outside the convention... her sandals are especially useable.. though not in winter but definitely summer.. and since we're gonna cosplay, i think it's wise to buy a table too coz we dont want to cosplay for just a day.. at least if we get a table, we get free passes for 3 days.... and while we're cosplaying, we can probably attract customers..... =P
yeh i got the number right.. i'll just call u once i get the phone charged up..
aight i've decided to wear black and blue green for top and jeans.. we're gonna go to mcdo today coz i dunno where exactly that is inside the mall but we're sort of rushing to finish some stuff due monday.. XD
it's a temporary number.. im originally from manitoba and i dont know anyone in toronto when i came here so i thought i wouldnt need a plan if im not staying here for more than 2yrs.. XD turns out that i have some friends here from manitoba too and even a classmate from elementary..!!
lol.. well.. im for sure gonna have my hair laid back.. i think u'll easily spot me.. =P im thinking of wearing something black and red.. hope to see u soon...~~ and oh, i just txt u.. feel free to text me whenever..
coincidently, ur the 2nd from the internet who has my current number and same name with the other too.. same spelling too.. she's blackpixidust from DA..
$30 for a sketch.. my lowest sketch commission was worth $3... lol.... i'd rather sell stuff thru commissions.. but if some are willing to buy copies of whatever's in my gallery, then i guess thats cool.. artist tables are pricey... not sure how much but it must be expensive and it has to be pre-reserved..
geeee bic..... u should totally fly here and join us...!!
pay as you go? O_o
you dont ahve a regular cellphone? D=
loll!! i'm confident enough in my own abilities that
unless you bring a group or drug me, i'd be fine and can kick your ass
but i dont think that's gonna happen =]
and i imagine you as that picture you posted
the one with the slip on your back and confused the crap outta me
and yes, i'm actually a 50 year old pedofile man who's 4'5 tall and 200pounds overweight =__=
guess u would have to buy a table....wonder how much they charge? although i remember some artists selling stuff here at the waicon convention for like $30 a sketch minimum....and they weren't as good as yours.
plus u'd sell out in 5 minutes.
dont worry bout the tables. cosplay and show ur stuff around while walking and posing ;P
pretty much the same as chem labs.. but labs.. it's just a period to work on whatever task.. there'll be some discussions and mostly just work period.. each is working on different stuff so its more of a self study if u'd say but we're not studying but working....
and.... i will text u tomorrow i promise.... i already ordered a pay as you go voucher and my friend should have it tomorrow..... XD
hmmm.... lets leave expectations out of the way... in fact, after that first meeting happened, i dunno what else to expect on meeting someone from the internet... lol jk.... XD u are definitely a girl....right..? and ur thinking im that person in the pics i post but what if im actually a guy..? or a poser..? or that may be my old pics when i was young... i may be in my 30s and posting pics from my teens... lol.. but anyways... we'll see once we meet.... but lets keep our thoughts for ourselves and just be normal when we meet like how we'd usually chat here..
.....i don't think you told me your number O_o
did you? O___O
and, i'll have a round fat face
and chubby legs
and chubby body
and i think i've told you this before lmfho XD
i dunno how you'd return it to me either =__=
come to waterloo? lmfhooo
we'll see
if you can get the tablet from your guy downstairs first
omg, art lab?!?!
i was thinking of a chem lab til you mentioned that its an art lab lmfho
but i still cant get the images of beakers out of my head =3=
thats completely fine with me.. i invited some friends too but most of them are just too busy to even drive me to the station... they're just like 2 rooms away... some classmates are going too and we'll probably bump on them in the centre.. but sad.. im going to see u by myself.... in case u got there earlier than me, call me the moment u see me coz i might look funny looking for u guys... XD
u mean u'll bring ur tablet and willing to lend it to me..? but how can i return it..? XD but i think i'll bring my laptop coz i'll be staying on my friend's house the night before so i might have a huge bag... depends... XD
and yeh... i was thinking u might be able to sit in in our lab time on monday around 2-5pm that is if u want to.. we'll be working on the tim hortons game.. most of them are just art stuff.. i mean clay stuff........ x_x" but enjoy the sight of the good looking teacher plus some cute guys in the campus around that time... if we're lucky, we might see that pretty guy i was talking about before.... XD
Maybe bad news lol:
I’m staying at a family’s friend house right? And, there’s a girl [aka, their daughter] there that’s our age who’s currently on break too and because she hasn’t found a job yet, she might be bored and would want to come..
Would that be okay if she asks and I say yes?
I’m really bad at saying no, so if its okay with you, then it’d spare me the thoughts to planning
But if you just want you and me [which is what I’m hoping for originally because it’d be more adventurous since we both don’t know Toronto that well] then I’ll think of something =D
P.s. I’m bringing my tablet from Ottawa to waterloo, so if you need it, I can bringgg itttttt
And then I’d have an legitimate excuse to go visit your palace and [hopefully] see hot guys
Don’t wear makeup okay? Cuz then I won’t feel bad if I don’t..
So exciting~ 8D
I hate taking showers at another person’s house, but I’ll do it just for youuuu!!
Speaking of which, shoot, I still need to start packing XD
i'd rather not comment before my existence blur out.... >A<;
in regards to ur other replies..
no no.. the subway is not slow.. it's just that im quite far from downtown.. im up in the north area... i was lucky to find an apartment close to school = less than 1hr travel time while others have more than 2hrs... XD
where are u staying..? i'd love to invite u to my apartment but i'll be sleeping over on my friend's house coz she happens to have a tablet and im really desperate to have something colored... XD u can drop by in my place if u want though.. and then ur last day is on monday right..? wanna go to my school..? maybe we'll see that guy i was talking from before... or nevermind him coz my teachers are pretty hot too..... lol.......... XD
geeeeee.... i am so excited im starting to plan out things.... we should probably eat first coz i doubt i'd eat something before i leave.. and then we go straight to the fanexpo.. coz i dunno how long it'll take us to get there from eaton.. and then we check out some cosplayers. kyaah..~~ im also excited to see cosplayers coz most of them can really pull off their costumes.. =P
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/31/10 | Reply
heheh yeh..... she saw the guy i was talking about... might not be her type but she liked someone from my class.. XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/31/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
i hear ur having so much fun DX - i wanna join too
except for the fact that i cant =TT^TT=
make sure one of u guys stick up the cosplaying photos =D
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/30/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
hinata from naruto?
no deathgod powers for us?
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/30/10 | Reply
ok so its aug.30 2am.. i didnt get ur texts coz it's dead right now.. needs charging.. but i emailed u a long one about directions on how to go to my school... anyways.. sure u can leave ur awesome katana with me but i'll be away for a week on sept23-oct.4 to winnipeg... spending my term break with family and friends over there.. but hey..... i think i'll have hinata... im just not sure if i should have my bangs straight cut like a doll... eeeeeh.... and straight cut at the bottom..... eeeeeh...... but hinata's outfit can be worn even outside the convention... her sandals are especially useable.. though not in winter but definitely summer.. and since we're gonna cosplay, i think it's wise to buy a table too coz we dont want to cosplay for just a day.. at least if we get a table, we get free passes for 3 days.... and while we're cosplaying, we can probably attract customers..... =P
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/30/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
next time, email me XD
i didnt see this til now
1:14am, Aug 30
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/28/10 | Reply
eeeh... im sleeping early just so i'd wake up early to be there early... XD see u at mcdo 2nd flr....~~
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/28/10 | Reply
yeh i got the number right.. i'll just call u once i get the phone charged up..
aight i've decided to wear black and blue green for top and jeans.. we're gonna go to mcdo today coz i dunno where exactly that is inside the mall but we're sort of rushing to finish some stuff due monday.. XD
anyways.. see u tomorrow or wait for my call.. =P
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/27/10 | Reply
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/27/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
oops, forgot to reply XD
i didnt get your text msg lol
you sure you got the right number?
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/25/10 | Reply
it's a temporary number.. im originally from manitoba and i dont know anyone in toronto when i came here so i thought i wouldnt need a plan if im not staying here for more than 2yrs.. XD turns out that i have some friends here from manitoba too and even a classmate from elementary..!!
lol.. well.. im for sure gonna have my hair laid back.. i think u'll easily spot me.. =P im thinking of wearing something black and red.. hope to see u soon...~~ and oh, i just txt u.. feel free to text me whenever..
coincidently, ur the 2nd from the internet who has my current number and same name with the other too.. same spelling too.. she's blackpixidust from DA..
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/25/10 | Reply
$30 for a sketch.. my lowest sketch commission was worth $3... lol.... i'd rather sell stuff thru commissions.. but if some are willing to buy copies of whatever's in my gallery, then i guess thats cool..
artist tables are pricey... not sure how much but it must be expensive and it has to be pre-reserved..
geeee bic..... u should totally fly here and join us...!!
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/25/10 | Reply
we can kidnap her together and put her in my basement! 8D
i have 3
well.. 2, one isn't very ...live-able lol
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/25/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
pay as you go? O_o
you dont ahve a regular cellphone? D=
loll!! i'm confident enough in my own abilities that
unless you bring a group or drug me, i'd be fine and can kick your ass
but i dont think that's gonna happen =]
and i imagine you as that picture you posted
the one with the slip on your back and confused the crap outta me
and yes, i'm actually a 50 year old pedofile man who's 4'5 tall and 200pounds overweight =__=
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/25/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
guess u would have to buy a table....wonder how much they charge? although i remember some artists selling stuff here at the waicon convention for like $30 a sketch minimum....and they weren't as good as yours.
plus u'd sell out in 5 minutes.
dont worry bout the tables. cosplay and show ur stuff around while walking and posing ;P
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/25/10 | Reply
gold digger =__=
how could u choose fame an fortune, and the chance to be with a hot celeb....wait forget that
I'll take vacuumology's idea of kidnapping and lock reirei in the basement to draw for me...although sadly dont have a basement.....
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/25/10 | Reply
pretty much the same as chem labs.. but labs.. it's just a period to work on whatever task.. there'll be some discussions and mostly just work period.. each is working on different stuff so its more of a self study if u'd say but we're not studying but working....
and.... i will text u tomorrow i promise.... i already ordered a pay as you go voucher and my friend should have it tomorrow..... XD
hmmm.... lets leave expectations out of the way... in fact, after that first meeting happened, i dunno what else to expect on meeting someone from the internet... lol jk.... XD u are definitely a girl....right..? and ur thinking im that person in the pics i post but what if im actually a guy..? or a poser..? or that may be my old pics when i was young... i may be in my 30s and posting pics from my teens... lol.. but anyways... we'll see once we meet.... but lets keep our thoughts for ourselves and just be normal when we meet like how we'd usually chat here..
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/24/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
.....i don't think you told me your number O_o
did you? O___O
and, i'll have a round fat face
and chubby legs
and chubby body
and i think i've told you this before lmfho XD
i dunno how you'd return it to me either =__=
come to waterloo? lmfhooo
we'll see
if you can get the tablet from your guy downstairs first
omg, art lab?!?!
i was thinking of a chem lab til you mentioned that its an art lab lmfho
but i still cant get the images of beakers out of my head =3=
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/24/10 | Reply
thats completely fine with me.. i invited some friends too but most of them are just too busy to even drive me to the station... they're just like 2 rooms away... some classmates are going too and we'll probably bump on them in the centre.. but sad.. im going to see u by myself.... in case u got there earlier than me, call me the moment u see me coz i might look funny looking for u guys... XD
u mean u'll bring ur tablet and willing to lend it to me..? but how can i return it..? XD but i think i'll bring my laptop coz i'll be staying on my friend's house the night before so i might have a huge bag... depends... XD
and yeh... i was thinking u might be able to sit in in our lab time on monday around 2-5pm that is if u want to.. we'll be working on the tim hortons game.. most of them are just art stuff.. i mean clay stuff........ x_x" but enjoy the sight of the good looking teacher plus some cute guys in the campus around that time... if we're lucky, we might see that pretty guy i was talking about before.... XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/24/10 | Reply
come with us bic...!!!! it'll be so much fun..!!
and oh.. cant sell stuff unless we buy a table.... i dont have much to sell too.. =P
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/24/10 | Reply
Tell that to reirei!!
she's getting so famous! D=
[which is why i'm being a golddigger and trying to get close to her now]cough.
I ate strawberry and kiwi for breakfast! =D
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/24/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
Maybe bad news lol:
I’m staying at a family’s friend house right? And, there’s a girl [aka, their daughter] there that’s our age who’s currently on break too and because she hasn’t found a job yet, she might be bored and would want to come..
Would that be okay if she asks and I say yes?
I’m really bad at saying no, so if its okay with you, then it’d spare me the thoughts to planning
But if you just want you and me [which is what I’m hoping for originally because it’d be more adventurous since we both don’t know Toronto that well] then I’ll think of something =D
P.s. I’m bringing my tablet from Ottawa to waterloo, so if you need it, I can bringgg itttttt
And then I’d have an legitimate excuse to go visit your palace and [hopefully] see hot guys
Don’t wear makeup okay? Cuz then I won’t feel bad if I don’t..
So exciting~ 8D
I hate taking showers at another person’s house, but I’ll do it just for youuuu!!
Speaking of which, shoot, I still need to start packing XD
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/24/10 | Reply
im so jealous u guys get to go to an anime expo! u know u can sell ur art too guys ;P
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/10 | Reply
i'd rather not comment before my existence blur out.... >A<;
in regards to ur other replies..
no no.. the subway is not slow.. it's just that im quite far from downtown.. im up in the north area... i was lucky to find an apartment close to school = less than 1hr travel time while others have more than 2hrs... XD
where are u staying..? i'd love to invite u to my apartment but i'll be sleeping over on my friend's house coz she happens to have a tablet and im really desperate to have something colored... XD u can drop by in my place if u want though..
and then ur last day is on monday right..? wanna go to my school..? maybe we'll see that guy i was talking from before... or nevermind him coz my teachers are pretty hot too..... lol.......... XD
geeeeee.... i am so excited im starting to plan out things.... we should probably eat first coz i doubt i'd eat something before i leave.. and then we go straight to the fanexpo.. coz i dunno how long it'll take us to get there from eaton.. and then we check out some cosplayers. kyaah..~~ im also excited to see cosplayers coz most of them can really pull off their costumes.. =P
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/10 | Reply
......why's he so good!?!?!?
i hope there's more people going 8D