- Created By SoundScapeAbyss
Ok, The idea for this Fan FIction arose after I watched the Fullmetal alchemist move "Conquerer of Shamballa" Since I am an EdWin fan, I was really irritated at the end. Because you know, they're only left in separate freakin' dimensions with no hope of ever seeing each other again.
So I got this crazy Idea, What if he met the alternate Winry in our world? SO I went to my friend Kura Neko Kun since she has a bit of experience with writing fan fictions, She gave me a place to start and a general plot. I specialize in generating filler plot points to space out the major events.
As of now, It's still in the works, But I decided to create a place for it to be published and discussed and stuff.
Me And Kura will be posting Concept images for the Fan Comic we hope to make as well along with excerpts.
I hope you enjoy.