Lol, yeah I could see Reno doing that.
"Aw, crap I got her pregnant. *shuts eyes quickly and drools for good effect.*"
But thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Man, what a way to wake up! If I heard that, I'd go right back into a coma. But this really was a touching story. It kinda shows that even Reno has a human side. I'll admit it, I teared up.
Aww, you almost cried? Don't cry! *gives a cookie*
Thank you for your kind comment! I was trying really hard to make this seem like something that could actually happen in the world of Final Fantasy VII, not just something totally random, so I'm glad that you think I captured Reno so well. He's my absolute favorite character EVAR!
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/15/09 | Reply
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
wooo hoooo!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
Another Reno Fanatic!!!

I love Reno a lot as well!!!
Otakuite | Posted 03/06/09 | Reply
...Great story!! I can only imagine what their life is goin to be after that...LOL
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/02/09 | Reply
Lol, yeah I could see Reno doing that.
"Aw, crap I got her pregnant. *shuts eyes quickly and drools for good effect.*"
But thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/02/09 | Reply
Man, what a way to wake up! If I heard that, I'd go right back into a coma. But this really was a touching story. It kinda shows that even Reno has a human side. I'll admit it, I teared up.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/13/08 | Reply
This is one of the best fan-fics I've read yet!
So sad.Then so happy!
I pulls you in as soon as you start reading!!!!!!!!LUVS IT!

Otakuite++ | Posted 09/01/08 | Reply
Aww, you almost cried? Don't cry! *gives a cookie*
Thank you for your kind comment! I was trying really hard to make this seem like something that could actually happen in the world of Final Fantasy VII, not just something totally random, so I'm glad that you think I captured Reno so well. He's my absolute favorite character EVAR!
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/01/08 | Reply
@Xx Anime Girl xX:
Thank you so much! It was actually my first time writing a fan fiction, so that means a lot to me!
Xx Anime Girl xX
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/31/08 | Reply
One word..........Wow!!
This so sweet! You did a really good job on this, it kept me reading right too the end! This has to be my favourite so far :D