So I'm obsessed with Reno. THERE I SAID IT!! I am constantly drawing Reno, writing about Reno, looking at pictures of Reno, watching videos of Reno.. et cetera, et cetera.
So yeah, I um... like Reno. So this is where all my crazy Reno stuff is gonna go.


Silver Hair and Summer Heat

So! I'm back! Again! ^^; Aheheh... another story about Reno. This was written for my friend Deanna, and because of that, there are a few disclaimers that must be attached: 1. YAOI ALERT! RenoxYazoo. I think they call that Renzoo? X...

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In the Workplace

XD, Turks in an office, yo! Yup, just a bunch of random shorts. About the Turks. Doing office work. Sorta. Really more Reno annoying the hell out of Elena and Tseng, and Rude having to cope with his antics. Because we all know that redhe...

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Heh... look what I found.


It doesn't happen in the movie that I remember, but I like this screenshot. XD
