TheGazettE Neo Genesis 44: Uruha & Aoi

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that's the new photoshoot. I have a lj but I'm not part of gazette_daily so I can't see the pics. Anyone know where the scans are also posted other than gd on lj? My mind is going nuts with desire to see them. Thanks in advance

and remember you can't spell yaoi without AOI

Gone Forever and a Day

I've been gone forever it seems. I actually forgot about this site you know. So thursday was my birthday, I turned 21 so I'm finally legal to drink alcohol, not that my age has ever stopped me before. I want the Gazette's cd Dim, man I go through so much hell to get their merchandise, it's like they hate me but I can't resist the beautiful Uruha nor Aoi's dumbass it seems. I bought a bass guitar recently, it's black, and when I bought it the guy behind the counter called me Aoi. I thought it was halirious, you know my siblings called me Ari-chan but Aoi is just as good.


Today is the guitarist from the gazette's birthday.

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stage name: Aoi (uses a kanji for a hollyhock flower)
real name: Shiroyama (last name) Yuu (first name)
birthday: Jan.20 1979
age today: 30!!!

gawd he looks hella good for his age. I hope he has a great birthday.


I like my gazeRock is not Dead boys so I ordered a live dvd from their 06-07 tour in August but have not got it now I just recieved an email telling me that it was backordered. FUCKERS! I need my daily dose of Aoiness and Uruhagasms or else these people will suffer a horrible and hardcore yaoi fanfic written at my hands and Reita will be killed in this fic and Ruki will leave the gazette to become....dare I say it......A RAPPER!!! And Kai...well Kai will just be there. Wait a minute there is a fanfic like that! And I did write it and I still didn't get the dvd.


guess what? you can hear rips of the gazette's new song "Leech". To me its kinda weird, not really fond of it.

strange enough I ordered a gazette dvd a while ago and still haven't recieved it. WTF? and while I was thinking about it I was playing my guitar and my A string broke. IT WAS AOI'S FAULT, he thinks cause his amplifier dies he has to kill my A string. that bastard! hahaha.

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