Repitition of Hatred

not only is the title a Dir en grey song but also, someone I hate came to visit my house today. I soo much dislike this person. The person was all asking me questions about what kind of art I like

me: ...................(stare off into space)
person: ok...?

then the person asked if I still draw, of course I do baka! then asked if could see my folder in which my answer was a flat out no. I don't like my drawings that much so no one sees them although I like the one I did of Aoi from that one pic I had of him even if I did animate him. I don't know why this bothers me so much, I said nothing but I felt like I was being mean somehow. I hate it when ppl ask me about my art though. I also feel like I've been talking too much and have been getting on some ppl I know's nerves. It's ok thought I'm going to revert back to the silent me. the only good thing that came out of this week was that I got tow new backpacks to replace my old ones and that I started talking to someone I had lost contact with temperaly with.
