Everytime I check my backroom, I am so amazed by the number of new members who introduces themselves. Some of them request mentors, some aren't. I want to help every one of them, but I wouldn't possibly PM all of them, no? So instead of approaching each one of them personally, I want to help by writing this guide. This guide serves as one-stop guide to help new members get to understand attractive and interactive features that offer to the fullest.
Guide to Basic Features of
1. Portfolio : you have a portfolio page, of your very own! When people visit here, they can check your latest works (as well as the old ones), add you as a friend (or rather : subscribe), sign your guestbook, view your gifts and trophy case.
- Title : new members will be entitled Otakuite. To achieve higher status, you must login,submit works, and comment often. Promotions are held routinely. After 2 years, you have a chance to be Senior Otaku and then Otaku Legend. There is a new title being introduced, entitled Otaku Angel. To attain this status, refer to here
- Birthday : can be displayed or not.
- Member since : the date when you join.
- Guestbook : some friends will comment on this about you, like "Hello, nice to meet you. I love you art..." etc, but sometimes it can also be used to congratulate someone or to say happy birthday.
- Worlds : provide links to your worlds.
- Favorites : member's favorite pieces (in wallpapers, etc)
- Comments : the number of comments the member has posted.
- Gifts : gifts received from other members. To send Gift, see the Backroom section. Remember : 1 member can send up to 3 gifts per 30 days and feature up to 10 gifts in your portfolio page.
- Trophy Case : the newest part introduced. This is actually the most interesting and unique. Depend on how many works you have submitted (and be published), you can get different colors of trophy per category. Here's the order : Blank (no or little activity), Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Ruby.
- Subscribers and subscriptions : subscribers indicate the number of people who have added you and subscriptions is the number of people who you have added. Click on the heart icon next to subscribers to add or subscribe someone.
2. Backroom
- Dashboard :
- Overview : shows general notifications. Fans indicate the number of subscribers you have. Other options are self-explanatory. Guest poster is available when someone added you. That means you can post things freely in that world. Members subscriptions shows your friends' activities. You can know if they submit anything or update their worlds.
- Inbox : shows the number of messages in your inbox.
- Comments : notices you when there is new comment, whether in your guestbook or submissions. You can also reply every comments, but you are not allowed to post 3 consecutive posts.
- Who's Online : shows everyone who is in the chatroom. You can access the room when you have been a member for 3 months.
- Post :
- Add Post : available if you create a world. You can post anything, and if you want to publish the post, don't forget to click "Nominate for Fan Words Publication".
- Add Guest Post : almost the same with Add Post, but in other people's world who have added you as guest poster.
- Modify Post : modify posts that you have posted.
- Worlds :
- Create World : create your own world! You can say a world is like a blog, but you can make it as interesting as you can. Some make it to hold contests, some even make it for reviewing stuffs.
- Other options are self-explanatory. You get brief explanations there.
- Profile
- Edit My Info : you can edit your e-mail, gender, birthday, and timezone here.
- Avatar : where to upload or change avatar. Remember, avatar must be exactly 100 x 100 in size.
- Comment/PM style : you can change the font type and color.
- Gifts : you can send gift from here and pick which ones to be displayed in portfolio. There is a wide range selection of gifts you can send to members. You can also add a short note that will be displayed when you hover your cursor to the gift. Each members can send up to 3 gifts per 30 days and you can display up to 10 gifts in your portfolio.
- New Member Introductions : list of new members who introduce themselves.
- Ad Link : available for Premium member only.
- Account :
- Privacy : you can block other members here.
- Premium : change the account to Premium.
- Change password : self-explanatory.
- Delete account : self-explanatory. (don't ever do this!!)
Additional Features
1. Our Artists : in each category, there'll be "Our Artists". This section views Leaderboard Ranking.
2. Members : can be found in Portal. There is "Most Followed Member" ranking here, depend on the subscribers number.
3. Community Chat : can be accessed via Interact. This place can only be entered after being a member for 3 months, and you can create a room if you have been here for 1 year. This is the easiest place to find new friends! ^^
I hope you'll find this guide useful!!