Hi I'm Dranzerstorm
You may remember me as a regular contestant on the caption battle contest.
Welcome to Retro Retrospective, my world dedicated to the old guard of the Otaku world; expect some reviews of the old & obscure, and in-depth geeky knowledge with the occasional top ten and I now have a logo.

Little info about me
Well I'm British and I'm in to all things animated and nostalgia.
I've grown up with every cartoon going and have watched hundreds of anime.
Oh and to answer a question I was asked once, no I don't wear glasses in real life, I would wear Loke's sunglasses though.

Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon Review

Sorry for the lack of updates as I've been on the convention trail but before I left for the convention I finished an anime series I was desperate to review but ultimately ran out of time. Now that I'm back and eager to recover quickly here is my review of Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon.

In the distant future the world is devastated so the human race moved to the heavens but something went wrong and they are forced to return to the world which was still very much ravaged; however Japan is still functioning so the human race gets squeezed into their country using pocket dimensions to separate each nation. The nations in control are called the Divine States while the pocket dimension nations are called the Harmonic Divine States.
At this point the worlds decide to reenact history from 10,000BC in order to rediscover their lost technology and return to the heavens all run by the Testament Union, but in 1413AD War broke out and the Harmonic Divine States invaded the Divine States and split up the States to each group in a similar way to how Sengoku Era Japan worked.
In 1648AD the residents of Japan now live on the battleship Musashi but rumors of an apocalypse coming soon creates waves of concern within the Testament Union who precede over the viewing of history. Taking advantage of this situation, Tori Aoi, head of Musashi Ariadust Academy's Supreme Federation and President of the student council, leads his classmates to war against the Harmonic Divine States in order to reclaim their homeland and recover the lost emotions of his android girlfriend Horizon; which being an anime is in the form of weapons and strictly speaking each nation is controlled by student councils and anything and everything you can expect is there including ecchi.
That is a long ass explanation for this series, it's any wonder this light novel series is longer than most western manuscripts.
So is it any good?
Well it's difficult to keep up with and set universe laws seem to break pretty easily; the assortment of characters are all unique with little to no focus on Tori Aoi who often walks around naked for no reason, Horizon herself barely has any focus at all either despite being the title character, as other characters often steal the spotlight. I do give this series a lot of creativity points for unique character designs and equally unique battles, but getting through the story was a tough enough barrier and I pretty much wore myself out just explaining the plot.
The dub is okay but Season 2 suffers with audio issues with too much clashing between music and dialogue and with such a complex plot it can be a little daunting to read subtitles and it really needs the dub to be clear and precise.
Final Verdict: It needs a bit of love and care to get past a heavy barrier of plot and dialogue but within lies a host of unique characters and action that leaves you feeling more satisfied by the time you finish season 2. The light novel goes on for much longer and there's little to no info about future seasons.

Cartoon Vault: Bananaman

Superheroes are a core part of geek culture and the likes of America are packed with hundreds to choose from; whether it be DC Comics or Marvel, everyone has a favorite. Go international and every country has their own superhero to speak of; come to the UK you get Bananaman.

Bananaman is a British comic made in 1980 about a Superman esque superhero gaining powers from eating Bananas hence the name Bananaman. Three years later, the BBC made a cartoon.
The story is about Eric Wimp who lives at 29 Acacia Road, Nuttytown as were reminded of in not only the cartoon opening but at the start of each comic strip.
After eating a banana Eric becomes Bananaman who saves the world from various evil villains such as General Blight and Appleman among others.
It becomes pretty obvious that it's a piss take of Marvel & DC Comics as every character is a homage to the many villains in those comics.
Bananaman uses good old fashioned British wit, the kind that made the likes of Dangermouse such a household name; in fact British viewers will note that all the voices in the cartoon were done by the old comedy team The Goodies. If you don't know who they are ask your dad.
The series is a bit dated but the humor manages to survive the 30+ year cycle, you'd think with the rapid evolution of technology along with the British comic industry barely surviving these days you'd think Bananaman would be forgotten but you'd be wrong; next year a live action film will be released, although sadly cartoon to live action transitions leave a lot to be desired and I doubt that a name like Bananaman can really compete in today's market, but stranger things have happened such as Johnny Test still being on TV.

The Endless Wardrobe Catching Fire

Welcome to another rousing news report from the Endless Wardrobe, today is special as I am pleased to announce a Brand New World!

Welcome to the Fantasy Zone!

No not that one but you'll find The Fantasy Zone along with the other Worlds on my profile page or as I upload content.

So What's it About?
The Fantasy Zone is a World covering the lesser elements of the anime world such as the clothes, the weapons etc. It's presented as a TV Channel hosted by the cast of Victory Script.

Wait So What Will Happen to the Victory Script World?
It'll remain in place and proper character background stories will be added to better explain the presenters.

And Walk of Fame
The next entry is ready to go.

And Retro Retrospective?
Even this world will have a proper review shortly as we dive back into the vault to place in a British Superhero cartoon, followed by a Cartridge Diaries review of Space Harrier.

Will You Actually Keep to Schedule This Time?
Other than a four day break at the end of the month for Kitacon Anime Convention it should be easier to manage from now on, my writers slump has ended.

Digimon Review

I've been gone a while thanks to a combination of writer's block and a lack of time but I plan to make it up to you starting with this review on Digimon.
Just to clarify, this is only covering season 1.

We start off in modern day Japan as one night, a parrot and a dinosaur monster fight each other in front of a number of scared children with the dinosaur coming out victorious but both soon disappear. A few years later we arrive at a summer camp where seven kids end up being transported to a mysterious world known as the Digital World.
Our characters are Tai, Matt, Joe, Izzy, Sora, Mimi & TK who are each partnered by creatures called Digimon which take on many different forms such as dinosaurs, wolves and birds to name a few. These kids and their Digimon form the Digi-destined as they save the Digital World from the onslaught of Devimon and other assorted villains.
Now back in the 90s there was an intense rivalry between Digimon & Pokemon each believing to be rip offs of the other but both have their own merits and both are still going.
But to put things into perspective both were tv anime in the west but the term anime was in it's absolute infancy and was only associated with the ultra violent 80s era of the genre. Both shows were mixed into the cartoon label but out of the two, Digimon felt more like an anime, mainly because it took it's audience more seriously.
Looking back, while season one of Pokemon is sounding more and more like some sick joke, the first season of Digimon not only stands the test of time but is actually getting better with age.
There are plenty of memorable moments which are not just comedy or action scenes but tearjerkers, darker tones and major deaths; yeah those deaths may be bloodless but are still pretty gruesome in context such as some of the villain and allies deaths, yeah sure death is cheap and you revive in egg form but for some Digimon like poor old Wizardmon can never come back. It also manages to be threatening; with every major villain you always got the sense that when the heroes gained a victory there's always a loss. Even the kids aren't so clear cut in their character molds with each one having to deal with their own personal issues, such as divorced parents, adoption and quite a dark one when Tai nearly causes Kari's death for not recognizing Kari was sick, made all the more harder to watch when you hear Kari apologize to Tai for not being able to play soccer.
Yeah I agree that it's silly in a number of places and the music for the dub is corny as hell but everything else it manages to do and it does it so well that you have to give them high praise for it.
Final Verdict: It stands the test of time and deserves it's place among the greats of anime, in fact I think it deserves a place in an official top ten anime list.

Top 10 Dangerous Chefs

A little delayed but here is the 2nd part of the double list, the top 10 most lethal chefs. Not included on this list are those who cook for other species as it's clear that a human won't eat it anyway so Lum from Urusei Yatsura & Elsie from World God Only Knows are not on this list.

Step away from the fish!

10. Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2
In a world where everyone can cook in more ways than one it's baffling that the lead female that Ranma is supposed to marry is the only one who can't cook. Akane does improve but in a near 300 episode series the best she can manage is basic curry.

9. Nia from Gurren Lagann & Apis from One Piece
Nia's food can make the average person seriously ill but remarkably Simon & Boota actually enjoy it.
Same can be said about filler character Apis who makes everyone on the Going Merry ill except Luffy who actually likes it. In Luffy's case he's made of rubber and probably can't tell the difference, I guess with Simon being underground most of your life will have a negative effect on taste buds.

8. Miyabi from Ninja Nonsense
In her defense she's never cooked before but someone who is the other half of a ditzy, genius sister combo, you'd expect the genius to be the better cook, but here is Miyabi mistaking gunpowder for seasoning.

7. Tenma Tsukamoto from School Rumble
Her rice balls have done some horrifying things to people so Yakumo doesn't let her cook for that reason. Eri isn't any better but being a rich girl who never has to cook is helpful in more ways than one.

6. England from Hetalia
Truth be told our food isn't that bad, it's just boring and on the scale of other cuisines it's extremely low on the scale. Ironically this is the only male entry.

5. Moka from Rosario X Vampire
She can't use kitchen utensils without harming herself or others and anything she makes is alive and hostile and can take out a full blooded vampire in one bite (Kinda ironic as she is a vampire). Even when she has help and does produce something edible it's at the expense of the kitchen and all the other members of the harem being knocked out cold.

4. Bianchi from Hitman Reborn
Her cooking is so bad it always ends up as poison which as a professional assassin became her convenient weapon of choice; no one knows why this happens it just does.

3. Himeji Mizuki from Baka + Test
The smell can summon the reapers, actually eating it causes a horrible painful death that should never be wished on anyone. Oh sure it looks okay but that makes it more deadly.

2. Seraphim from Is This a Zombie?
Her cauldron contains a substance that looks like a witches potion which causes anything to melt when exposed to it. In fact it's so bad it melts through not only the cauldron but the table, the floor and possibly the Earth's crust.

1. C-Ko from Project A-Ko
I don't really have anything nice to say about this character. Her idea of a bento box has been known to contain random objects such as bottle caps and pebbles. At least the other people on this list use actual food. Why anyone would enjoy her cooking let alone enjoy her company is clearly on crystal meth!