Hi I'm Dranzerstorm
You may remember me as a regular contestant on the caption battle contest.
Welcome to Retro Retrospective, my world dedicated to the old guard of the Otaku world; expect some reviews of the old & obscure, and in-depth geeky knowledge with the occasional top ten and I now have a logo.

Little info about me
Well I'm British and I'm in to all things animated and nostalgia.
I've grown up with every cartoon going and have watched hundreds of anime.
Oh and to answer a question I was asked once, no I don't wear glasses in real life, I would wear Loke's sunglasses though.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood Review

This show has been on my radar for some time, so now it's time to finally review it, but because of the nature of the show's format I'll be reviewing this in sagas starting with the very first one, Phantom Blood.

The story begins at the scene of an accident during Victorian England period. About to be robbed by a thief, George Joestar sparks to life asking the thief to help him and his son out in return for whatever he desires.
Later on in life, the Thief's son Dio Brando is adopted by the Joestar family after his thief father dies. Dio immediately wants to ruin George's son Jonathan Joestar's life by stealing his life and his wealth, but after a failed attempt at murdering George and accidentally discovering the secrets of an ancient stone mask, Dio becomes a Vampire and sets his new found powers on the world as he attempts to rule it. It's up to Jonathan and his own newly discovered abilities taught to him by his mentor to stop Dio's reign of terror.
There is a lot wrong with this short saga, the main one being it's an old anime that belongs in a bygone era. It takes a lot of it's inspiration from Fist of the North Star in terms of action sequences which is from the ultra violent 80s anime era, not to mention Jojo's Bizarre Adventure itself starting in 1986 two months after my own birth. So it's aged already despite using current generation Anime graphics, and it's because of that it really suffers in the story department not helped by mediocre supporting casts and really poorly strung plotlines.
For his awesome name and look, Speedwagon doesn't do much but tag-a-long and state the bloody obvious when watching Jonathan fight. Other fighters and even Zeppeli is rather underwhelming considering he made Jonathan into a hero in the first place. Even Jonathan's dialogue can be a bit tedious to read and hear, I don't even bother with the dub due to this.
Dio Brando is a great villain, wonderfully despicable and he loves it. Definitely one of anime's finest villains, even a couple of his minions prove to be decent as well.
So yeah, an 80s anime made in the modern day, doesn't really do the franchise justice but I have some more hopes about Battle Tendency and the most popular saga Stardust Crusaders, that really drives home the flamboyant nature of the show. Yeah Phantom Blood is a mixed mess but don't let that stop you from carrying on.
Final Verdict: It looks, acts and feels like an 80s anime and that's where it should've been in the first place, in modern day it's already out dated before it even airs, not helped by poor supporting cast and very messy story telling, but it does improve so don't give up on it yet.

Endless Wardrobe: The Force Awakens

First things first, I'm not very well.

So my progress in kick starting new posts in the Video Game & Music Lounge has stalled a bit but that doesn't mean I'm down for the count, the floor is open for requests for the following.

Anime Reviews
Cartoon Reviews
Walk of Fame Character Entries
Death Battles on Fantasy Zone
Music Posts
Video Game Reviews
and finally Top Ten reviews

If you want me to cover something in particular now's the chance.

As for the story world of Victory Script a new story will begin featuring new characters.

Don't be shy people, request whatever you want.

Tribute List: Nintendo in Anime

I find it intriguing that Nintendo haven't made more of an effort to create more anime considering it's extensive catalog of franchises, this Tribute List gets to the issue of why some shows do work, should work and don't work.
First up is the anime that already exists moving to the ones that don't.

Pokemon Current Format
Yes Pokemon is still the cream of the Nintendo Anime Sundae, but it's been such a staple for so long that it needs a new direction or a new lead.
Rating: It's current season is boring and tedious and in desperate need of help.

Pokemon with a Different Plot and Protagonist
Again attempted with Red and teased a lot with the release of Black & White 2. This idea can work but needs to tread a different path to Ash Ketchum.
Rating: It can work and the current fanbase who have stuck with it deserve it for remaining loyal.

Pokemon with just the Pokemon
Teased with numerous times but it would mean giving them actual dialogue and that doesn't really make for a desirable series.
Rating: Keep this idea in the games as their script doesn't involve voiceovers.

The show is pretty much what I expected of Kirby, there really isn't much else to add.
Rating: It doesn't need a comeback and I can accept what the anime it did release had.

Animal Crossing
It certainly works as a cutesy kids show but the Animal Crossing experience is very much dictated by it's players, which would mean giving a character the name Nanashi which translates as No Name in English should it go through with anything other than a movie.
Rating: Probably would work better without the human characters.

The problem this anime had is that they needed to make an anime only character to make the series happen. Strange considering there's at least 40 characters to work with and probably takes some edge off Captain Falcon's lead character status but I digress, what we did get was good enough and probably shouldn't be pursued again.
Rating: Doesn't need remaking unless you go for the Live Action route which would work.

Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem only managed an OVA during the 90s where every other second class game was trying to break into anime, but with such an extensive catalog of storylines it could easily try again especially with Awakening featuring personal favorite Lucina.
Rating: The OVA is hardly memorable but a full on series based on one of the major games is a sure fire winner.

Trialed as an OVA back in the early Mario franchise stages it's sad that it's produced several cartoons and a poor live action film but never attempted another anime. With a group of interesting characters now in the franchise and a history with enough to work with, a Mario anime is a no brainer.
Rating: Needs to happen if it hopes to stay relevant in this decade.

Legend of Zelda
Another one dipped in history but has too many things blocking it's release, for one thing, which game needs making into an Anime? Link would need voicing which went down soooo well the previous times and finally would it actually work with nothing to take from the character other than the same sword and shield and green costume?
Rating: This one is tougher than Mario as Link's lack of vocals don't really suit it for anime even if the environment does.

Considering that everyone knows what Samus looks like now this franchise is almost a no brainer for anime adapting, it may even work as a live action, however it needs to decide whether or not it should have outside help for animating considering that Other M happened on the Wii and that wasn't a comfortable episode for Samus.
Rating: Yes it can work and should work but needs the right people to do it.

Missing from the current era of animation is the animal sci-fi, left unclaimed when Bucky O'Hare stopped airing. There's enough to get this series off the ground but I doubt Japan would want to do it as it would actually work better Western made.
Rating: The west are better at animating Anthros so should make it instead of the Japanese.

This show has too much creepy to work as an anime, have you seen some of the stuff that comes out of this game? It doesn't help that the characters look far too close to Charlie Brown and Doraemon.
Rating: Too difficult to find a balance between the show's kid characters and the game's creepy mantra.

Definitely works as a series of interesting shorts Looney Tunes style much like it's collection of ten second games.
Rating: This one works and certainly gives screentime to undervalued Warioware characters.

Donkey Kong
It didn't work as a cartoon, it didn't work in terrible CGI it won't work as an anime.
Rating: No just no. Moving on.

Other Nintendo Franchises.
Not a lot to work with.
Chibi Robo
As a collection of shorts yes but as a full series no.
Super Punch Out
Too much like Hajime no Ippo
Custom Robo Arena
Maybe but too much like Megaman to succeed.
Game & Watch
Works as a collection of shorts maybe.
Yes, looks like it could work surprisingly well.

Kid Icarus
Yes, yes, yes, yes, this franchise works the most as an anime, it's anime shorts prove it does, it has some of the best characters, funniest dialogue, most extensive universe to make an easy 52 Episode series. This is the franchise I really hope Nintendo haven't given up on since it's 3DS comeback, it's an amazing series that needs it's own anime. Make it happen Nintendo.
Rating: The post picture should prove my point. I also suggest watching Palutena's Revolting Dinner for an idea of how it should work.

Cartoon Vault: Star vs the Forces of Evil

Next up and probably the last Disney title for a bit, is Star vs the Forces of Evil.

In recent years, the rise and continuing rise of Disney Princess often leads to criticism about how Disney chooses it's female characters to market to young girls, understandable when your selections are Frozen, Sofia the First or the Disney Princesses that wear the big poofy dresses, often ignoring the fact that there are some female characters who could use it bit more love, Mulan comes to mind. So how about a Princess more geared towards adventure? Well this is how Star vs the Forces of Evil was born.
Star Butterfly is the Magical Princess of the Magic Dimension of Mewni, but on her 14th birthday she sets fire to the castle after receiving the family heirloom, a Sailor Moon style Magic Wand. This prompts her parents to send her to Earth on a Foreign Exchange program staying with her new friend Marco Diaz. However seeing Star outside her Dimension prompts many evil beings to chase down Star and retrieve the wand for themselves but unfortunately for them, Star is no damsel in distress as she sees no problem resorting to gratuitous magical violence to save the day.
Star is probably the most realistic acting princess Disney has ever made, and that's saying a lot considering she gets very little in the merchandising department. To describe her I'd say she's the forbidden love child of Mabel Pines and Steven Universe, insanely hyper with emphasis on enjoying life and very eager to use magic because, well it's magic that's how it should be used, and that's not only a bold move but a welcome change from the diabetes inducing Sofia the First.
The episodes are fun to watch and make the most out of Star's personality and the obvious references to Sailor Moon are welcomed with open arms as the anime of the 90s make their way into American cartoons as pop culture references.
Disney need to give this show more love because it would save them from a lot of criticism about it's TV Channels recently especially when it considers Star Wars, Nickelodeon teen sitcom ripoffs, more Star Wars, Marvel cartoons, even more Star Wars, cartoons about retarded food stuffs and oh no more friggin Star Wars as the best it has to offer.

Haunted Junction Review

I have just been promoted to Senior Otaku, a great honor to receive, to celebrate lets review something obscure. Lets have a look at Haunted Junction.

The son of a Christian Pastor, the daughter of a Shinto Priestess and the Son of a Buddhist Monk form the Holy Student Council, and no this isn't the start of a really terrible joke these are our main characters, who under the orders of the Chairman must retrieve the seven colored badges from the school's seven spirits; this consists of a living statue of Ninomiya Sontoku (A great symbol of Education in Japanese Culture) of whom Priestess Mutsuki has a crush on, the Dancing Giant, two anatomical human models, the little girl in the mirror, the Tuxedo Mask-esque Red Mantle, the school slut Toilet Hanako, (Yes that is her name and title) and eventually the Chairman himself. Upon completing this task, the Chairman pulls a fast one and opens the door to the Spirit Realm only for it to cause many of the spirits to cause trouble in the school much to lead character Haruto's dismay as his desire to have a normal school life is dashed constantly which prompts him to declare "Oh My God!" in broken English at the end of every episode.
Now it's up to our three holy warriors along with the help of the Seven School Spirits in Haruto's possession to bring order to the school, in what is pretty much an Anime Scooby Doo minus the dog.
For what it was able to do in such a short load of episodes, it's actually incredibly funny and due to it's position in the 90s, introduced many tropes to anime newbies looking to find more anime beyond Pokemon and Dragonballz.
As great as it was, it's presence in the west is very, very limited; it was licensed very briefly by Bandai for Western release but was released in such short numbers that it's become one of the hidden treasures of the first DVD Generation, it was also intended for dub but nothing materialized leaving it sub only.
If I have any criticism for it, its that some characters jokes wear thin and the ending comes across as somewhat mean spirited, but set correctly before the actual ending. But for an anime that was barely released in the west I still rate it highly among much higher tier anime.
Final Verdict: A lost gem among a sea of revolutionary anime of the era, Haunted Junction is packed with comedy and filled with tropes that have become a common part of most anime of the following 20 years from it's initial release, living proof that a lost anime still holds weight with an Anime Veteran like myself.