Hi I'm Dranzerstorm
You may remember me as a regular contestant on the caption battle contest.
Welcome to Retro Retrospective, my world dedicated to the old guard of the Otaku world; expect some reviews of the old & obscure, and in-depth geeky knowledge with the occasional top ten and I now have a logo.

Little info about me
Well I'm British and I'm in to all things animated and nostalgia.
I've grown up with every cartoon going and have watched hundreds of anime.
Oh and to answer a question I was asked once, no I don't wear glasses in real life, I would wear Loke's sunglasses though.

Ruin Explorers Review

Now my second review tonight is a retro classic from 1995 it's Ruin Explorers.

Ruin Explorers does exactly what it says on the tin, they are Explorers of Ruins, and on today's cast of characters we have Fam & Ihrie, a catgirl wiccan sorceress known for spiritual based spells and an appropriately dressed female swordsman/sorceress. The rivals are Rasha & Miguel, another sorceress along with a swordsman who can actually backup his manly boasting. For good measure we have a greedy merchant named Galuff and his dog Gil, and for plot sake we have the lost Prince Lyle who hopes to slay the evil sorcerer Ruguduroll.
The plot itself isn't anything spectacular, Fam & Ihrie seek the Ultimate Power which should make their dreams comes true if they manage to find all the pieces relating to the secret including a mirror, a sword and a small statue that proves royalty, however they stumble along with their rivals onto Lyle's quest to slay Ruguduroll who is also after the ultimate power so the heroes decide to help out the Prince.
I won't pull any punches, the writing is lazy and having only four episodes to work with is no excuse, there are plenty of moments that made me cringe and question why certain plot points aren't used. There's a moment in the last two episodes where it's discovered that Ihrie's magic can actually harm Ruguduroll but isn't actually used to defeat him, so only really serves to highlight Ihrie's curse of turning into a mouse when she uses magic. In fact the only character who is used properly is Miguel, the rest are either underused or like Fam who is a pathetic excuse for a sorceress; Sylphiel from Slayers is more useful than her and she's the definition of dead weight party member.
The dub is tolerable to a certain extend so I would choose sub instead.
There's a lot of things which can be taken as positive, the character designs are good, the setting is good and the potential is endless but it's lazy writing refuses to take advantage of any of these and reduces this series to dead weight status.
Final Verdict: The anime is too lazily written to be any kind of success which is a pity because it had a lot to work with and it just chose to ignore it's own potential and just stuck with something that really comes across as weak for a fantasy show considering it's main rival is Slayers.
