Tribute List: Class of Mahora Part 2

Okay who's ready for part 2 of this tribute list?

Ayaka Yukihiro
Everything Class Rep does on screen is pure gold and is one of the few characters to actually have a proper backstory, sadly underused in the official canon which is a shame.
8/10 Score

Sakurako Shiina
Another member of the cheerleading squad with her only character trait being good luck, which isn't enough to sell the character.
4/10 Score

Ako Izumi
The reluctant medic is another one of those wasted characters; her giant scar has no explanation and she just becomes a chew toy later on in the story. With that in mind, her season 2 downgrade was welcomed.
4/10 Score

Nodoka Miyazaki
I should hate characters like Nodoka with a passion but despite the obvious Hinata Hyuuga comparisons I can't bring myself to hate a character who manages some amazing acts of bravery despite her obvious shortcomings.
7/10 Score

Chao Lingshen
I can't stand Mary Sue characters and Lingshen fits the role like a glass slipper. Perfect at everything, is somehow Negi's descendant and can manipulate things with time magic, everyone's favorite reset button. Non canon versions don't improve the character much despite removing the above backstory.
1/10 Score

Misora Kasuga
I had to look up this character to remind myself that she exists. Her entire role in the story is redundant.
1/10 Score

Asuna Kagurazaka
You'd think Akamatsu would've learned not to use another tsundere after Naru's legacy was met with such discontent, but here she is, Ass Pull Asuna as I call her. To be fair her second season character was more tolerable and less tsundere, everything else, official or not is just bad; there are lots of characters more deserving of the main character title.
4/10 Score

Konoka Konoe
Konoka on the other hand is lots of fun and quite possibly the only character in a harem anime to come out as a lesbian. Like Haruna she's genre savvy and knows how to manipulate things to suit her and will quite happily enjoy the ride.
9/10 Score

Yue Ayase
Yue is smart but lazy, always seen with interesting drinks, is a Deadpan Snarker and acts like a real teenage girl when faced with the love triangle in front of her as she grows feelings for Negi but not wanting to hurt her best friend. She's a great character to watch and more believable than the rest of the class.
9/10 Score

Chisame Hasegawa
A reclusive computer hacker masquerading as an internet idol in her spare time. Chisame hates the idea of her reality suddenly becoming a magical realm, which is ironic considering her Net Idol indulges in that warped reality she tries to avoid. She's also our lampshading expert, pointing out things that the audience ask themselves, like why a robot is in class, pointing out that Mana clearly shouldn't be in school and the main thing that everyone asks "Why a ten year old boy from Wales is teaching a class of Japanese School Girls"
10/10 Score
