Nice to meet you! The name's Rishi. This is a place where Rishi posts fanfiction~! Yayz.

Neway, about Rishi...Rishi ish five-teen, Rishi talks in third person, Rishi loves making WORLD posts, Rishi's hyper and talks in third person, Rishi love love loooves manga (<3) and Rishi ish TEH GENKI GIRL!!! Don't know what that is? Lookit up!

Most of the stuff posted up here is nominated for publication, so be sure to check if it gets published. Please hug~cause hugs are niiiiice.

Rishi will write anything you would like! Just request it! Seriously!


You can find more about Rishi if you scroll around Rishi's WORLDS!

Favorite WORD fiction:

This one's adorable. Nuff said.

A sad little fic where Rishi's feelings for a special someone are voiced and...

Just a memory

A cute Naruto ficlit that deals with Hanabi's jealousy of Hani and her yearning for a "Big Brother"


The Day I Was Tramautized

Alright, alright, you’ve come into my domain! Quiet down, all of you! I’ve got a story to tell!

Halloween is a scary time of year, let me tell you. All the ghouls and ghosts and people trying to scare the crap out of you. Oh, it’s happened. Let me tell you of a little story, of a little girl who had just turned ten…

It was my birthday. My tenth birthday, to be exact. Double digits. I was excited—and my mother decided to take our family (consisting of me, my mom, my future aunt, my future cousins, and my little brother) to a haunted house in upper-state New York. When we arrived, I could hear a chainsaw revving, but that seemed unimportant, so I was blissfully unaware of the traumatic scars that would soon follow.

The first thing some idiot did was put on a “scary” mask and grabbed my shoulder. I turned around, faced him, and clocked him in the head. Apparently, the guy was bald, and was left with a bruise that probably lasted a week. He didn’t bother with my family after that.

Now, being my impulsive, just-turned-ten self, I wanted to go into the haunted house alone. One of my future cousins, who was about fourteen at the time, would not go in. I wanted to seem brave and cool, so I charged in alone, much to my mother’s horror.

At first, it wasn’t scary. I was smiling and laughing at the heads in the toilets.

But soon my high wore off.

Someone covered in red paint jumped out at me from a wall. That was the first time I screamed in that haunted house. After that, I jumped at the slightest thing, including the cheesy spiders plastered on the ceiling.

Somehow, I had made my way out of the dreaded haunted house. But I soon realized that I was fenced off. And I could hear a chainsaw…

Quickly, I turned, and I saw a Johnny-type character, with a hockey mask, a straw hat, overalls and all, carrying a chainsaw, revved up.

Doing what any normal child would do, I screamed, my feet nearly flying in an attempt to get away. The orange fence was right in front of me, and I frantically tried to climb over it, but, since I was not athletic in the least, I was fumbling around, completely useless.

The man came closer, and closer, and closer, until he said the words that haunted me and caused me nightmares for weeks.

“The exit’s that way.”

I ran like hell, and soon I was in the arms of my mother, sobbing. Apparently, my mother had chased after me with my little brother, but had to get out through a ‘secret exit’ because he had gotten scared.

And to this day, I have not set foot into one haunted house.


That’s my super-weird Halloween contest entry. I’ll write something else, too, but I hope you enjoyed!
