stupid title requirement XP

i dont like titles lol

okay so the picture of Shino is wayyy done!!!
and i put alot of detail- like way more then normal, but Risa already took it the last time she came im gonna steal it back for a little while so i can put it up =]

the L picture....hmmm i couldnt do his body for some reason
so i made a chibi-looking thing
im not really sure
but then i screwed up the body again!!!
like its really small...and the normal L just looks rejected
i've tried fixing them...and well it just made them worse
so im gonna put the rejected pictures up, hen re-make them after a few weeks, and hopefully that will just make everything better
or...worse, but we wont be thinking about that now will we lol

the picture of OC Amy is done...but i fail on her hair for some reason
so i skipped it until the end....which was a bad idea
because for me i always start with the hair and end with the hands and feet
but in this case i started with the waist, went to the legs, then worked my way back up....weird i kno...sorry =/

OoOoOh yeah...and the picture of Zero eehhh. i could sit here and complain about it but i wont -_-U cause i dont feel like typing today, and i wanna go to the beach lol. but anyway the face is done, the eyes look rejected (im gonna try to fix lol), but i think im gonna need a refrence picture for the uniform...cause i keep making it look weird lol, and the hair probably needs to be a little shorter in the front....anyway lol im rambling.

my friend drew a neko for me, and he wanted me to re-draw it in my own style....yeah i like his better =], but what ever i guess that can go up too

omg i cant wait till i can put these all up!!
cause there is gonna be at least 4 at once
plus what ever else i come up with between now and when i get either a new scanner, or find my camera....which is still missing =[

mkay thats it for now

have a random funny picture that i DIDNT do =]
lol yes i can be a dork

i dont really know why i find that funny XD
