What is physics day???? I envy you soooo much.......what kinds of rides are there at Darien lake? oh, and how do you do physics work while you're there?? i spent all my last physics classes listening to the teacher explain problems on an exam....and most of my other subjects have been like that too. We're studying modern physics this semester, and it's actually pretty interesting.
Oh, i forgot to ask you, what major did you apply for in your college apps? did you apply for psychology? my classmates have all begun to organize stuff for their college applications (they need to prepare a folder of information about themselves, stuff like photos, essays, a resume, recommendations....all in one folder to give to the professor), and i realized...stuff in the states seem much much simpler!!
that sounds like it was so much fun!! i cant wait to go to something like that ^_^. i have heard of chopper, i've only seen one peice a few times but chopper is adorable! ^_^ he and nami were my favorites.
i just checked my callender it said eastern orthodox lent... I've heard of lent before, i'm just not overly sure what it is :T.
i just found out today that i get to go to an AMAZING theme park called Darien lake for physics day!!! XD i havent been there before so i'm really excited. i cant wait to ride all the rides.. the whole having to do physics work is a downside, but my class gets to be there from about 10 in the morning until 5! i just have to make sure i dont miss anymore school and dont fail any classes.
sorry i took so long to reply XPPp i've been totally swamped with printing stuff out these days...:/
i had a great time at the book fair, although most of it was spent watching my friends go on crazy shopping sprees on the weirdest stuff. THere's this really short reindeer with a pink hat in ONe Piece (don't know if you've heard him before) called Chopper, and one of my friends bought two Chopper hats, one blue and one pink. and then all of my friends bought posters and random items (like badges, pins, drawings, bags, umbrellas, cards, pencil case-ish things, PSP stickers, and even a computer mouse shaped like a very stupid-looking duck (it's a character in Gintama))....anyway it was kinda fun, watching them shoving past other people to get at the good stuff in the different stalls.
as far as i know, hte only holiday coming up is a one-day holiday on Feb 28 (i don't even know the english name of the holiday, we just call it 228 memorial day). it's on monday, though, so we get three days off in a row =DD
wow.. im really glad that my senior year has proven to be really easy, especially compared to your school, i actually only have like 3 required classes, if i dropped the rest i'd only be in school for like 2 hours and the work would be really easy. the vacations over here are really broken up, we got a week off between christmas and new years, then another week in coming up this month, and then another week around easter.. (i can never rememeber when it is because for some reason i used to think that it switched between march and april, although i'm not sure if it actually does O_o) the only really long vacation we get is summer.
ohh man! i wish we had book fairs like that here!.. well there probably are, i dont here about them though, the only thing i can think of that would be like that would be an anime fair or something, which they arent very often in one place, i think there is supposed to be one in april or may though around where i live. i've never been to one yet, but i'm supposed to be going as this one. i hear there is a TON of anime stuff they sell there though ^_^ i can't wait!
i hope the book fair goes great though! it sounds like it will be tons of fun.
i'm technically still on vacation right now, since winter vacation in Taiwan lasts from Jan 18 to Feb 8. But I'd had to go to winter school this past week so.....i had one less week of vacationXPP not that I mind that much, i get to see most of my friends at school, which is nice after Chinese New Year (because Chinese New Year is basically about spending time with family). this semester I got switched back to the department i used to be in (i was in the bilingual department for 1 semester) and the workload's a lot larger ( i guess my time in the bilingual department felt like a semi-vacation =DD). Having to do a LOT of work in one day is just.....harrowing XDD glad you don't have to do that.
I'm going to a book fair today. It sounds a LOT more boring than it really is, since I'm technicallly not going to any section of the book fair....except for the anime/manga section. The anime/manga section is HUGELY popular. And when I say HUGELY, it means having to queue up at one of the entrances three hours before the fair really starts. Some of the more enthusiastic people even camp overnight outside of the building. There's all kinds of stuff there, like figurines, mugs, posters....well, just about every bit of anime merchandise you can think of. It's really crowded, which is annoying, but that's definitely not enough to deter me from going! I'll tell you more about it when I get home tonight.
i'll have to go look that up! XD there are a few english shows like that, Criminal Minds is really focused on motives and there was a show a while back called the Mentalist that was like that too, i'll deffinitely look into it, i love shows like that ^_^
yea that kind of constant drizzle really is bothersome. it warmed up here again =_= so now almost all the snow is already gone, and the wind is really strong right now so there is probably going to be another storm, and that means there will probably be no school, since we have a half day tomorrow anyway there would be now point in just a delay. i hope not though, i left school after about an hour today so i missed all of my classes except for sociology (psychology was only a semester class :( but atleast sociology isn't much different) so hopefully they wont need to cancel tomorrow so i can get all my work that i missed and wont have to get it friday and do it all then.
No worriesXDDDD I just had winter vacation, so i've been pretty busy going out with friends and family, and before that i was busy with finals and college apps, so...anyway glad you're back now =D
Oh, i've heard of that movie, some people in my English class told me about it after we read that book. i haven't had time to watch any movies these days, although i just watched part of this amazing Japanese TV series. The videos belong to my chemistry teacher, and the series is called 'Mr. Brain'. I remember you wanted to study psychology right? 'Mr. Brain' is like CSI, but more focused on psychology: like, the killer's motives, evidence, and, well, general psychology. It's in japanese but i think there is a subbed version (the one i watched was subbed in chinese). it really is totally awesome, so.......watch it if you can !!!SDDDDD
It rains here every day. Like, almost every day. it's raining right now, and it's this annoying little drizzle that doesn't seem to stop. I kinda wish it would just rain really hard and clear up =/
my laptop got all virusy i guess and it took FOR EVER to get fixed, cause it'd get fixed then promptly stop working again >:T
but it is now fully functional! ^_^... at least i hope.. haha
haha no i haven't read the scarlet letter yet but a super amazing movie came out about a year ago that dealt a lot with it, the girl was pretty much a nobody then she was accused of sleeping around and stuff and so she pretty much changed her whole look to kinda get back at everyone who was making fun of her, and one of the things she did was put a scarlet letter A on all her shirts since her english class had recently read it, it's a super funny movie, it's called "Easy A" if you ever get the chance to see it :).
sounds like that would have been something pretty funny for an english teacher to read ^_^, a friend of mine told me about a kid who during their major global history midterm didnt have enough time to finnish all his essays so he drew a picture for the last essay haha, just a little one though haha. i cant wait to find out what the kid got on the test ^_^.
we actually had a surprisingly warm winter until recently, between 50-70 degrees (you're right haha it is pretty warm for our winter and fall times.) and any time it snowed it melted away right away, atleast until recently, as of the begining of January we've had 2 snow days and multiple 2 hour delays. i dont mind the 2 hour delays but the more snow days we have means the closer we get to having to go over into summer vacation days >:T i really hope that doesnt happen :)
I LOVE LOVE LOOOVE P!NK!!!! XD i completely agree, her voice is amazing :)
sorry i didn't reply earlier, i was really really busy this week. there was this really funny thing that happened on friday...have you read a book called 'The Scarlet Letter"? if you haven't it's a book where a woman named Hester commits adultery and has to wear a scarlet 'A' on her chest for the rest of her life. THe first part of her punishment is public humiliation; she has to stand at the scaffold for around three hours. Anyway, there are these women watching her and criticizing her, and Hester's not really paying attention...and then she sees her ex-husband at the edge of the crowd. OUr English assignment on Friday was to 'write a monologue of Hester's thoughts from Hester's POV." usually it would mean something like: 'Why are they all looking at me? They're looking at me like I"m the only person to have sinned. I wonder what they are talking about. Is it about the A?" ...anyway, one of my friends wrote about HEster's reaction when she saw her ex-husband. He wrote something along the lines of: 'HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!The only person who can freaking embarrass me more in the entire freaking world has arrived!!" *note*: this wasn't just normal English class, this was Honors English. like, *really* serious English. I can't wait to see what's going to happen XDDDDDD
the temperature suddenly dipped down today....only a little =PP it would probably count as really warm weather on your end. it was around 68 degrees or so, but compared to the 70s-80s weather before it was kind of a nice surprise. i don't know how to snowboard...or ski...or ice-skate =PPP i have a pair of Rollerblades but I don't know how to use them very well.
I'm supposed to be working on my essays but i couldn't resist going out since the sky cleared up today......so now i'm trying to catch up =/
I kinda like Eminem better than that kind of music....maybe Green Day. Have you ever listened to P!nk? i totally love her voice. =))))
wow.. that sounds.. super tasty! haha, chicken, simmered onions ^_^ im gonna have to try that sometime if i ever get the chance!
stinks that you too busy to read :/ i've been reading a lot lately. i started to re-read this one series called 'the imortals' by Tamora Pierce, i read it in middle school and loved it then and i find it an AMAZING series... especially after finnishing it and then re-reading it and you kinda see things that you wouldn't have taken notice to before... it's actually kind of.. well weird, what ends up happening, just because of modern day society, but it's set in what would be like medieval times so i guess what happens would be... acceptable. heheh..
yea.. when it snowed earlier this week it was just that little bit, it ended up only leaving a dusting that barely lasted to the next day :/ i'm actually getting a little anxious for it to be snowing a lot already haha, mostly because i want to go snow boarding SOOOO bad.
yea, for sure when you come to the states you'll be seeing the sparkling ^_^ well, unless you go to a warmer state, then you might have to take a trip to a colder state haha, but it's weird, some places have no snow and are all warm, but then you go one state over and they have tons of snow O_o... i heard once that in virginia and west virginia and such since it usually doesnt snow all the time, that if they even see just a few flakes they cancel school and stuff cause supposedly when it DOES snow, they get tons at a time.
hmmmm..... well comparing them to Lincoln Park, they are a LITTLE bit to moderately heavier than them, it depends on the song, some of them are softer than others, but quite a few of them have at least a little 'screaming'. have you heard that stuff before? where they like... inhale and make that weird sound thats kinda screaming kinda growling... i find it a strange noise... but kinda facinating haha.
the sun FINALLY came out today. just for a few hours, but at least it didn't rain the entire day =DDDDD. i went out and had this really great rice thing (apparently it's japanese and called Donburi. I looked it up =P) with eggs and onions simmered in this really great sauce and fried chicken on top. I was really full after breakfast (eggs and some kind of radish cakes) and i was wandering around and i was like: what smells so good????and i went and got a bowl (it was a really big bowl) and i could just barely finish it. Then I went to the bookstore...but decided not to get books because i was too busy to read =((
I've only seen real snow drifting down for like five minutes. I was in Japan at the time and there were these really tiny flakes that fluttered down and then stopped. It was nice while it lasted....i wished it could stayed longer. I haven't seen anything look all sparkling yet though, hope i will in the States =))
Heavy rock...is that like linkin' park? I like a few songs of linkin' park, like New Divide and Numb, but some like 'Faint' get a bit too loud and screamy for me =PPP I kinda like eminem more...his songs are great.
the band is kind of a heavier rock band i guess?? im not really sure what they would be called. but if you have ever heard of that old band called KISS they do the make up thing like they did sometimes, with the white face paint and black markings which can look pretty darn awesome when they are done right haha. but they deffinitely do eyeliner, almost always haha, but it actually looks not.. well, weird but actually kind of awesome haha. people still call it weird though, but every one has their own opinion haha.
yea i know what you mean, some times here in winter time, it feels like i'll never see the sun again, but it's still been pretty sunny around here. im pretty glad for that. but at the same time i kinda cant wait for winter, i cant wait to see the snow, and the way out door lights make the snow all sparkly and like a wonderland, and how when it's a clear light it doesnt even take an artificial light to make the snow look like an amazing tiny city spread out over a mass expanse of land. i really wish i could have stayed in cattaraugus.. because that would mean snow boarding every wednesday and snow ball fights after school and making snow men with leah and having some actual fun in the winter again... its been years since ive been able to act like a kid, and i kinda miss it.. i guess that would be why i miss Cattaraugus so much, it made me feel like i could be whoever and do what ever i wanted even at the worst of times... i guess that would be why i liked it there so much haha..
i FINALLY signed up for the SATs! i have to take them in december now, and depending on those scores im probably gonna end up having to take them again in January. i might just take the ACTs in january though, since supposedly they are easier or something haha.
i love pranking people on their birthdays....but there's only like ONE prank for birthdays at our school, and for some reason it works EVERY TIME. people at our school pretend they've completely forgotten about that person's birthday and then spring an enormous surprise (usually with cake and all the gifts) on that person. probably the most common form of gift-giving here is a bunch of people buy one really expensive thing together...like designer t-shirts or stuff like that. I haven't heard of that band before, what's it like?
There are always tons of university students around here that are giving surveys. usually they're ignored because people say they don't have time =P i feel kind of sorry for them, so i answer those surveys now and then, until they start asking for personal information =P
i'm actually playing minesweeper right now =PPP like, 'just one more game before i go to sleep' = =
it's been raining for days here now. I mean, i don't mind a little bit of rain, or a couple days of rain....but this is just too dreary =((( i miss the sun so much. i don't even want to step outside these days.
i havent gotten my grade back yet on it, im not too sure on what i got though, i was a little confused on how i should calcualte my data but im hoping i did ok. the project itself though was on the factors that can influence drug use in highschool teens. i think my major problem with calculations was that i had too many questions on the survey, it was really hard to put together though, i gotta give credit to all those people that give out surveys and stuff.
haha yea when one of my friends first showed me how to do it i was addicted almost instantly haha, i played it for several hours straight while i was waiting on my mom to be ready to leave work.
a double rainbow!!! :O that sounds AMAZING!!! ive never seen a double rainbow in person, ive seen pictures though, and they look so cool. everytime it rains i always try and look for rainbows ^_^ i think they are so pretty.
haha im pulling a little prank on my friend tori. her birthday is coming up, and she told me to get her anything that had to do with Black Veiled Brides, which is according to her, her favorite band. and so when i went shopping today i told her i got myself a new t-shirt and that it was BVB... she got SUPER mad, but it turns out when i went to buy it that the shirts were buy one get one half off (originally i was just going to get one just for her, but this worked out PERFECTLY) im SUPER excited now for her birthday, cause i got leah in on it so hopefully she's doing as i asked and showing tori all the pictures i sent her of me in the shirt since tori is at her house. so... its not really a prank, more of a surprise, but i know that tori is DEFFINITELY annoyed because i told her i'd do my best to get her a t-shirt, after i didnt take her to warped tour to see the band live and only took leah. :)
no problem =) i've been busy with the SATs this week too, so i would've have had much time to type stuff on theO. How did your psych project go? what was it on anyway?
well, the numbers that pop out on minesweeper tell you how many mines there are in the surrounding eight squares. usually you can use logic to get through the first two levels, but i think that the third usually involves a lot of guesswork (and i'm not the luckiest person in the world). i've only gotten through the last level twice, and i think i was pretty lucky those times =PPPP it's very addictive
it was cool here for a couple of days last week, and then there was this incredible heat wave. the temperature here is somewhere in the 80s-90s. there were these occasional bursts of rain, but that was nice since we got to see a double rainbow =))))
i agree! dodge ball is AMAZING... they stopped letting us play in elementary school... and when we did play it, we were'nt supposed to even play it then cause it was supposedly "too rough for kids" and then after a little while of playing it, it was banned in our class atleast cause kids kept complaining from getting hit so much... and now we STILL aren't aloud to play it :/ even though i think it's ridiculous since several of the games we play are almost just like it (in fact at my old school the guys DID play it the teacher just called it a different name ^_^). this game we are playing right now in gym is almost like dodgeball if you're the goalie... which i was the past 2 gym classes except for today, not that i minded getting hit, i just stink at keeping the ball out most of the time.
it ended up it STILL hasn't snowed, although the weather people keep saying it's supposed to it never does, im kinda glad though, but cold weather has started setting in now, it has since about a week or maybe less before haloween. halloween night it was actually pretty cold, my friend jasmine had to keep using me as a heater ^_^ heheh.
well if you ever get sick of the freezing winter over hear you can always try and go down to florida or something for winter break, if you end up in a snowy state that it heheh..
i actually still don't know how to really play minesweeper O_o.. i figured out like.. the EASIEST level once and got addicted to playing that for a while, but i never figured out how to legitimately play it haha... hmmmm.. sounds like something i might do now for an hour or so ^_^.
im sorry for not responding in, like, a LONG time (at least it feels like it's been a long time to me..) i had a big psyche project i was working on, i actually didnt get to do as much as i initially wanted to do with it :/ but i got it done atleast ^_^. it was actually kind of an interesting project, i got to hand out surveys and i was SUPPOSED to do a case study too, but since i live 3 hours a way from both of the people i was considering for that i didnt get to.
that kind of reminds me of volleyball. i love that game, but i don't like volleyball though...my arms always get sore from being in that awkward position. we mostly use volleyballs to play dodgeball at our school =P i love dodgeball, but for some reason our school stopped letting us play after junior high =((((
it still doesn't seem like fall here, except for the occasional cool breeze. Today was probably 80 degrees or so, with all the sun and no wind at all. cold weather sets in in November where I live, so...i'm kind of dreading it and looking forward to it at the same time. It's probably going to be my last above-freezing winter for a loooooonnnnnnnnnng time ://
I just recently rediscovered the joys of minesweeper =DDD i didn't know how to play it until high school (unbelievable right??) and since then i was hooked =P
haha thats pretty neat with all the dragon flies :D when i went white water rafting last summer there were a bunch of dragon flies that were flying around our raft and stuff :) it was pretty awesome.
haha yea i love that game where your supposed to keep the baloon off the ground, its one of the best, most intese games ever!! haha and not just for kids XD
haha yea i love days like that :D they are the BEST :D
supposedly it was supposed to snow this week, that made me kinda sad cause it feels like fall has barely just got here, even though i love the snow haha, i just prefer it at the end of november and in december haha
today i saw this enormous flock of dragonflies. there was this reddish haze and when my friends and i walked closer and looked up, the sky was filled with dragonflies. dragonflies fly near the ground when it's about the rain (usually) and they were pretty close, so i looked around to see if there were any clouds....but there wasn't a single one!! i still don't know why all those dragonflies were there....it was nice seeing them though =))
i think i could amuse myself pretty well with a piece of paper....but it'd probably be shredded within the hour. balloons are fun too =))
today was my favorite type of day: all windy and sunny =DDDDD there's supposed to be a really cold winter this year, so i'm glad that there's still some warm weather now
i would legit cry if i found a half grown baby chick in an egg i was eating... i would flat out ball my eyes out...
i had a friend though that found one that was starting to grow, she showed me a picture and i almost puked :/
definite ick haha
haha thats pretty awesome that its still there!!! :D
i absolutely love baloons... they are just... so ENTERTAINING!!! XD. i swear if you trapped me in a room with just a single baloon i could entertain myself until it died. then i would freak out haha.
it started to randomly start pouring in the middle of one of my classes this morning.. but then it just stopped and didnt rain again O_o.. but sadly no thunder... i really wanna get a good camera and take pictures of lightning :) id be SUPER awesome! haha
i don't mind runny yolks...i actually kinda like them, to dip stuff in. but if they aren't cooked well there is this weird taste, so....it just depends =PPP did you know that a common streetfood in southeast asia (although I haven't seen any in taiwan) is an egg with a half-grown baby chick inside. When I first heard about that i was like: ick XPPPPPPPPPP who would want to eat that anyway???? i like stuff with eggs in general though, there's this pastry that's sold in all bakeries in taiwan with this eggy custard that tastes great =)))
my brother hates the sound of popping balloons and he spent his birthday last year being chased by his friends, who were holding pins and balloons. when i was younger, i used to beg for balloons on all occasions, and my mom would look at me like she thought i was crazy, but she always let me bring balloons home. and then after a few days they would start leaking and shrink and i would be kinda sad....and they i had to throw them away =((( but the balloon's still floating above our school =DDD that makes me happy =).
yeah, it's so annoying when girls scream everytime there's a thunderclap (which one of my friends sometimes does). it's been sunny these couple of days, and i'm feeling kinda sad. I love watching thunderstorms. lightning can be scary but it's also fun to watch. i haven't run in thunderstorms in ages.....might consider doing it next time =PPP
yea, that and they are pretty high matinence, and even though some of them are made out of real hair they can get damaged really easy and it's a pain in the butt.
wow... that... that is odd O_o... i've never heard of baking an egg.. i doubt it would work very well, so im not surprised that it didn't work out very well. im not much of an egg person, with some things they are ok, but i absolutely despise runny yolk's... i dunno what it is about them... mostly the smell and the taste, i cant just flat out eat a runny yolk, if i can even eat it at all i have to dip toast on it, which then makes it pretty yummy... it may also have to do with... that SHOULD be the DNA for a baby BIRD! im mean im not a vegitarian, i grew up on a farm and we ate meat for almost every meal, but... that's not even really meat!... i dunno... it just freaks me out a little to think about it haha, but i love eating like scrambled eggs and stuff or what ever on like breakfast sandwiches.... (crud... now im hungry for a bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich ^_^)
i hope they dont take it down either! haha i love baloons XD... over my schools homecoming 'spirit week' they decorated the halls with balloons and stramers and stuff, and well, i ended up with this one baloon that was green. i named it artichello and kept it all day but then when i went out to the buses i dropped it and it almost got run over by a bus, but then it ended up some wierdo picked it up... they popped it.. it was pretty upsetting..
we had a big thunderstorm friday right before school got out :) it was raining really hard, but i wanted to just run around and play in the rain and dance in it and stuff... but sadly no one would dance with me... one of my friends from cattaraugus, where i used to live, said she would have danced with me, but she is like 3 hours away haha. but i love thunderstorms too, its a little annoying for me when everytime there is a thunder clap at this school about 10 or 15 girls just scream bloody murder... i get it after the first one if its like a flash storm... but when your standing in the middle of the rain and there's a little rumble of thunder i don't think it's nessecary haha
i hate wigs too...not that I've ever tried one on =PPPP i guess i've read too many books about wigs being scratchy and uncomfortable and stuff...
i recently found out that one of my friends has an obsession with eggs. i mean, a really, really, REALLY big obsession. apparently he ate 7 eggs in 30 hours = =. anyway yesterday he was alone at home and he didn't know how to cook a lot of things, so he cracked an egg onto a plate and baked it in the oven. he decided that it tasted weird, so he baked another without the plate. I was completely O_o. I mean, I love eggs too, but........wow
there's been these enormous thunderstorms lately, and the one on thursday was...incredible (i kinda like thunderstorms). there was this blast of thunder in our naptime that woke EVERYBODY up. for taiwan's anniversary our school but this really big red ballooon up above the school. it had a tag that read '100th anniversary of ROC' and anyway, when it rained, it began sinking lower andlower until it was somewhere around the second floor. (at first it was near the sixth floor). i hope the school doesn't take it down =/ that balloon bobbing around was so cute.
hahahaha thats pretty awesome, in my stage design class last year me sara and kali would go to wash paint brushes and end up in paint wars, painting on eachother in the sink... the teacher wasnt too impressed :) hahaha
haha yes, very true... naruto IS very bright haha... and some of their out fits are... a little strange :)
a lot of people here dress in all black... its kinda normal i guess, in the town that i used to live in me and leah used to make the comment "you can tell some one is from cattaraugus because it's 90 degrees and they are wearing pants and black shirts.." not everyone was like that but a lot of people are haha.
haha yea, it probably will be a little cold, so ill probably have leggings with me so i can put them on if i get too cold, but i have a really good cold tolerance, especially when im having fun so i should be good :D
haha yea im hoping to get some colored contacts :D since, well i just wouldnt be sebastian without the red demonic eyes :D. hair gel is a good idea though... my hair tends to fall down alot and look kinda flat, especially the way its cut now, but jasmine's a hair genius so she should be able to pull it off :). but no, jasmine isnt going to dye her hair, she is going to wear a wig instead, that way she doesnt have to cut her hair either, she doesnt want me to dye mine either, but, id rather do it that way, i dilike wigs imensely :) haha
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 2:15:52 PM CDT on October 14, 2011.
there was this time when my friends were washing their chopsticks in the sink (we bring our own utensils to school) and anyway they started fighting with the soapy chopsticks, doing some kind of weird fencing battle....everyone around them were like O_o.....
i'd probably go with the all-black thing, since a lot of ninjas in Naruto look pretty ridiculous (case in point: the main character in bright orange. he looks like one of those cones you stick at the side of the road)....i have lots of black clothes =PPP...black boots too, so...it'd be pretty easy to dress up like that, although i'd certainly get a lot of weird looks from other people here (not many people go around dressed head-to-toe) in black. i don't have a very clear idea of what hooker clothes are gonna be like, but...isn't it going to feel cold if you do wear a hooker-ish costume?
you're going to dye your hair black?? is your friend going to dye hers white then? one thing i've always wanted to try if i were to cosplay or dress up would be colored contact lenses. I wonder what I'd look like with green eyes...or maybe blue..or maybe amber =DDD i think your haircut's pretty close to Sebastian's, although his hair is more....prickly...but a bit of hair gel should do the trick. =)
no. ive never been in a legitimate food fight, the closest ive had to one is when my friend made a giant bowl of instant ramen and me and 2 of my friends had a war in the bowl... (we stabbed eachother with the forks and there was a small amount of noodle throwing hahaha :D)
haha yea black cats are SOOOO cute ^_^ i love them the absolute most :D... hmmmm... i think you should dress up as a ninja too :) but i suggest either something naruto style... or going with the all black and tights thing...
i guess now im going as some sort of black cat dressed hooker, O_o... since my friend jasmine is going as jack the ripper she wants someone dressed as a hooker to walk around with, so we compromised :)
we are planning on making most of our outfits, and ordering the stuff that we need that we cant make, to try and cut the costs down hopefully... im not sure if im going to make a good sebastian or not.. since well... im probably almost a foot shorter than he would be, since he is supposed to be really tall i guess. but im quite a bit taller than jasmine who is going as ciel, so i guess its not going to be too bad of a comparison :). that and if i keep my hair trimmed down so its about the length it is now, with a slight more bit of styling it should look just like sebastians hair when i dye it black to go with the outfit, so hopefully i wont do too bad :)
Have you ever been in a food fight? I've only seen them on tv.....the closest thing i've seen to a food fight would be people chucking banana skins at each other = =
ooh i love black cats=))))) i don't know why either, but black kittens....they're just so adorable =DDD they just seem extra fuzzy to me i guess. i wonder what a ninja should look like =PPP might dress up like that if i have the chance
I haven't watched Black Butler, but I know what the characters look like. i have a friend who REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wants to cosplay (she looks almost EXACTLY like Lenalee in D. Gray Man, down to the long long long legs)....but hasn't ever got the chance. cosplay clothes are expensive to rent =PPP i don't watch a lot of anime or manga, so i wouldn't know who i'd cosplay as if i had to cosplay...=PP
haha that slushie thing DOES sound fun :D... it'd be even more fun to do it to some one else probably haha, or even better! have a whole slushieing war!!!!! XD
hmmm... sounds scary.. i would NOT wanna be the person jumping out of that plane... ironiclly though i wanna go sky diving some day hahaha :D
i think being a ninja would be fun too :D i also kinda wanna dress up as a black cat... the reason for that would probably be not only because i love cats (especially black ones ^_^ they are just so cute!) but also because that was supposed to be my costume when i was a kid then i wasnt aloud to go trick or treating or anything any more so i never got to... so im planning on being a cat this year... i was also considering a ninja though haha, definitely next year :D
well friday i had two friends over, annette and jasmine. we didnt do much, we went to walmart and got some pretty awesome hats XD. then saturday we went over to jasmine's house, her little sister was having her birthday party. then we stayed there that night, then i had to go home sunday. it was really fun over all though, i got to try pocky for the first time and we decided that im gonna cosplay with them next year :D. (have you ever watched black butler? if so i guess im gonna be sebastian.. but in sorta an alice in wonderland themed thing.. but i guess all three of us are going as guys so its not like im the only one of us pretending to be a guy :) hahaha) overall though i dub it a successful weekend haha :D
one of the traditions on glee is to get slushied. it's supposed to be extremely uncomfortable, although i never tried =PP
well, the one special thing about this year's parade was that there was a parachute jump from a few military planes. The problem was, there was a gigantic draft the moment they jumped out of the plane, and half of the parachutists ended up far way from the landing spot. One even got stuck in a tree.
i celebrated Halloween when i was a kid, but don't have much time for it anymore. OUr school used to take a couple of empty classrooms in the basement and turn it into a ghosthouse, and all the kids in kindergarten would dress up as...well, whatever they liked. I think i was a fairy or something = = although if i had to dress up now i'd like to be a pirate...or maybe a ninja XDDD how about you?
yes.. sleet is WAY worse than snow, its like... tiny bits of ice that comes with slushie rain that just soaks through your clothes and makes you super cold. i hate sleet and freezing rain worse than anything... the only thing worse than sleet and stuff would probably be hail... because.. you know.. it has the tendency to hurt WAY worse than just tiny ice pellets that is sleet haha.
sounds like its pretty fun O_o.. haha, its strange that you say that monday is a holiday for you (today its monday... since i was busy all weekend and didnt get the chance to reply earlier, sorry for that, heheh...) because we have columbus day! but.. usually we dont do too much, but we dont have school, since it's supposedly "the day christopher columbus discovered america.." well at the very least its the day we celebrate it haha.
do you celebrate halloween in taiwan??? just wondering because i absolutely LOVE halloween :D. even though sadly i havent been able to celebrate it since i was little... i still loved seeing all the stuff going on for it. i cant wait for this year's because im actually going to be able to do stuff for halloween this year again!!! :D
wow...it's that cold already???i haven't ever seen sleet before in my life, though most books i read describe it as freezing and miserable...is it really like that?
next monday is our national day, and it's called Double Ten Day, since it's on October 10th. It's the date of some uprising that overthrew the last Chinese dynasty, and anyway our school just did everything for the celebration (since it's the 100th anniversary). we have a parade every year, but this year it was especially loud, with every grade in the school walking outside the school. (except the ninth graders and seniors) There was this cheerleading competition a few days ago, and they even got all the cheerleading teams (three of them) to come in their uniforms and do their routines. I'm wondering what Taipei will be like by monday....=)
yupperz! its already getting cold :D and it was sleeting at the game friday!... i woulda been fine with it but there was NOTHING to do other than sit or stand so i froze because i was only wearing a hoodie as a jacket...
haha yea, history is kinda boring... my economics class is super boring =_= but i dont fall asleep in it atleast heheh, thats for the class period before hahahaha... although when im super tired like on monday i do fall asleep in it..
you dont HAVE to tag people and make more questions and stuff, that was just the rules, but since it's been going around like crazy people have been answering the questions but not tagging people and stuff... yesterday my backroom was FILLED with posts that were all the taggings.. O_O
it's cold where you live already?? just kinda surprised, since it's still 70-80 degrees here, although it's already at lot cooler than the summer.
today's a thursday...and i really, really don't like thursdays....because there're two periods of history, and i don't like that subject. add that to the fact that history is the first period after naptime....i just kind of doze through it all. and we don't have study hall on thursdays, and have assembly on thursday morning (we don't get to sit on thursday assembly, we have to stand in rows >:(( )...so the only nice thing about thursdays is the music class and art classes. i always fall asleep in 5th period since it's the period after naptime.
I saw the tagging message on your world, and i'd love to do it, but actually i probably know around 5 people on theO (including you)...and i'm thinking that the other 6 people i tag will be like: who is this and why's she randomly tagging me??? i really have no idea who to ask, although i have a couple of good ideas what to ask =PP
eeep! well im glad you gained some of it back!... ive been gaining weight =_=... nothing serious, i just need to find something more to do...
haha yea it was super fun, pretty much froze my butt off at the game and actually kinda wanted to go back early but we didnt, the team won though! XD. and the dance was super fun too, saw alot of people i miss and got LOTS of exercise haha.
haha sounds like you have a pretty awesome english class... i fall asleep almost every day in mine =_= thats how boring it is.. both my 2nd and 3rd classes are that way, its super hard for me to stay awake in them. i even tried going to sleep early last night and i STILL dozed off... i hope it doesnt end up as a problem...
it was pretty funny in my physics class though XD i zzsshhhhed my teacher haha and he actually realized that i did it hahaha he was like "did you just shh me!?" and im like ".. no.. i 'zsshhhed' you, there's a difference.." hahaha.. im ok with that class, mostly because its kinda easy, right now atleast, and the teacher is pretty nuts hahaha
actually i thought of something funny: the first semester sophomore year was probably the year i looked most like a sick guy. see it was because of this weird cheerleading competition in our school where our class had to be divided into four teams and get a routine together. anyway, i was captain of one of the teams (don't ask me how that happened, i'm not sure myself) and we had to practice really late, so i often missed dinner...add that to all that exercise and the stress....i lost a LOT of weight (i weighed around 80 pounds, but luckily i've gained some back =P) so i looked like a skeleton =PP
glad your weekend furned out fine =) i think i probably would've walked right in front of that guy just to piss him off =PP how was homecoming?
Today something really funny happened in English class. We were acting out The Crucible, and there was this guy who played Danforth (a judge in the Salem witch trials in The Crucible). Anyway, our teacher was reading out the stage directions and the narrator's lines, and there was this stage direction that goes: ...Danforth cries out: 'What are you doing?' (or something along those lines =PP) The guy who played Danforth didn't hear the teacher the first time, so the teacher repeated the prompt more loudly, like: DANFORTH CRIES OUT:!! and the guy jumps and screams AAAAAAHHH!!!!! instead of saying 'What are you doing?" Everyone was laughing, including the guy when he realized his mistake.
aaahhhhh i see, yea, if you were a sophmore i see how they would have to actually make you look guy-ish.
yea, we have to have a certain amount of required fire drills per school year (it used to be one or two a month) but the school just bunched them all up into the beggining of the year, so last week we had a firedrill almost every period two days in a row... so it was pretty hectic.
my weekend went alright. i didnt have to put up with crap from the travis kid or his friend because as it turns out travis switched schools because he "cant deal with real school" basically his grades sucked so much that he just transfered to this other school that's easier i guess.. but i did see him *evil grin* he didnt recognize me as i walked off the school grounds with my one friend, but im guessing he THOUGHT it was me because he stared... very obviously, so i yelled i like your butt to my friend so he would know it was me, im pretty sure he is scared of me though O_o because even though his friend that has been a pain in the butt was at the football game, he wasnt. so if he is scared of me then i will laugh hysterically. over all though, the weekend went well. i had a lot of fun and didnt want to leave, was actually kinda depressed this morning and didnt want to go to school but i feel fine now (after my nap in english ^_^... we have been watchin "oedipus at colonus" and i just cant stay awake during it... its such a bore...) haha
actually, i played tiny tim when i was a sophomore, so...they had to work REALLY hard to make me look even remotely like a guy...i had to wear layers of white shirts and baggy black shin-length trousers plus really weird socks....and of course a cap, since i had long hair. they did make my face look really gaunt with all these weird powders...i actually nearly made someone scream when i walked into the restroom after my photo shoot to wash off the makeup....everyone was staring = = and i looked into the mirror and i was like WTH??????????? i looked like i was gonna drop dead then and there = =
i WAS kinda freaked out....and then i thought something along the lines of: what the hell, i'm only on the 2nd-3rd floor, i could probably jump down from the window anytime or climb a tree since there was one right outside.....so...stop freaking out O_o
well homecoming princess and queen are pretty much who is voted to be that. and the queen and king are seniors and i think the ones considered as prince and princess are juniors, and then homecoming court is the other four people in those grades that were voted (they came in second) and also the four representatives that were voted in for sophmores and freshmen.
yea stage make-up is really fun for me... but if you ask me its more than just making someone's face white because they are sick... your supposed to highlight the cheekbones and stuff and the eyes and the lips.. but hmmm let me think for tiny tim, yes they should have made you pale, they should have used some white or really light skin tone powder to make you look that, then they should have used like maybe a light gray to excentuate your cheek bones and eye sockets (since usually a super sick person is really gaunt and so their face is really sunk in...) and well... they shouldnt have had to really make you look like a guy persay... (how old were you? because if you were younger then it REALLY shouldnt have mattered because well being a kid a boy can look kinda girly.)
i had to do that with my hair for a while, it wasn't to my shoulders yet but it was a pain in the butt at times so i had to pull it back into a pony tail that got only the back of my hair heheh..
hmmmm... thats strange... i would have been super freaked out and worried, i mean what if there HAD been a fire?... i wonder if you would have had to retake the ENTIRE exam just because you had to leave the room... that would have sucked -_-
yea i usually just copy it that way i can just paste it but i just have to be SUPER careful..
DX i almost had to go with out my computer pretty much for the rest of the month... i left my computer cord in my friends room and we live like 3 hours apart DX... but turns out i have a spare so im ok till i can go get it now.
I'm kinda curious, what's a homecoming princess/queen? how does that work?
we're not allowed to wear makeup at school, but most girls know how to put on makeup because a. they're from another school or b. they're part of the dance club (makeup is allowed for performances) or c. ...their moms taught them? ( i have no idea) i had this very memorable experience with stage makeup...i was playing Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol for that year's Christmas musical, and the makeup artists the school hired were supposed to make me look like a guy--a very sick guy. one of the makeup artists took one look at me and said: oh, this is easy. she's supposed to be sick right, so we'll just put on lots of powder to make her look pale. the other makeup artist gave her this look O_o and said 'she's also suppsoed to look like a guy too.' in the end, they painted my face a sort of dark gray....i looked like a skeleton.
one of my friends has her hair in an awkward half-long-half short phase, like below her chin and above her shoulders and her hair's naturally curly so it kinda stands on end...so she usually fixes it into a really really short ponytail.
in the middle of the SATs today, there was this really annoying squeaking sound from the speakers above. after a while, the sound came through and we heard someone saying that there was a fire and would we please evacuate. The proctors went out to investigate and everyone just sat there waiting for them to come back in....and afterwhile they did and said it was nothing...probably was a false alarm. it was kind of unnerving though.=PP
oh, i usually keep microsoft word open besides the internet, so if i'm typing something REALLY long, i'll copy and paste it onto word first =P
that sounds nice :D, yea i came up with a few designs for my room once, though right now its pretty... nuts... i moved everything around from how it was when i got here, the room is now in the middle of my room un-movable the book case is pretty much a door jam... if i could get my room re done legitimately, like with all new furniture and stuff i would probably pass out from excitement hahaha, i cant wait to be able to redocorate a dorm or even make up my own room and furnish it with everything i want, the only item of furniture in my room that i picked out would be my awesome disk/circle chair thats awesome and im in love with XD haha..
haha yea its for a dance :) homecoming is just basically like a fall thing that is intertwined in sports, they have a football game the night before and then the dance is SUPPOSED to "celebrate" the good season so far and the victory (although they dont always win on homecoming, and a team would probably never take it easy on another team just because its homecoming..) its really fun though :), its kinda like a prom for all the high school grades instead of just juniors or seniors, and its a lot less formal, and is usually held at the school.
thanks alot :D i like the way it is now too, and so do most of the people that have seen it. i used to have long hair too... once you get it cut though its SUPER hard to grow it back out, just because most people (like me >.>) that keep getting it cut again and again just because its short, im gonna try and grow it back out little by little again though... when you first get it cut, even if you've had short hair before, it feels almost like your neck is naked O_o.. thats how i felt in 10th grade when i got it cut short haha, i ended up trying to keep the hood of my hoodie up all day because my neck felt so exposed.. even though its against school rules XD haha.
i wear a little make up, but i dont go all crazy with it like some people do, i usually only wear eye liner and sometimes mascara and a little cover up every once in a while. the only time i wear more than that is either for dances sometimes or when im doing stage make up, which ive only done a few times, although im REALLY good at it apparently :D i view it almost like painting or drawing on a face instead of paper or a canvas :) and if i learned any thing at all from my mom it was that make up is supposed to enhance beauty not to create it.. (basically its not supposed to be used to try and make a new face, it doenst work, and usually doesnt look right... i had a sub in my study hall today who looked REALLY creepy... she looked like she was wearing WAY too much make up O_O... [have you ever seen 101 dalmations or 102 dalmations? if so, she reminded me of Cruella DeVil *shudders*])
yea i hope it goes good too :) thanks. and i hope your SATs go well :).
wow... i feel like i typed A LOT...O_O... if my computer were to freak out like it usually does when i write a really long reply and make me accidentally delete it all... i think i would cry... hahaha
one of the ranking categories on that site was titled 'Dorms like Palaces' and another 'Dorms like Dungeons'. i laughed when i saw that...i'm looking forward to decorating my own room...or dorm if i get to stay at a dorm...since my parents decorated my room for me. my dad did most of the work in decorating my room, which is actually a good thing, since he's pretty good at designing. it's just warm-looking, with a reddish brown desk and bookcase plus light brown shelves and a closet. The lights are yellow and white and I have a kiwi bedspread and lots of pillows ( i LOVE pillows =D). but it's kind of boring...i think my room would look totally crazy if i was the one designing it =DD
i know, i just saw your post with the photo =))it's for a dance right? what's homecoming like?? I like your hair, i sometimes want to hack off my hair and get a pixie cut...maybe will someday...but right now i'll just stick with medium-length hair =PP do you wear makeup? your eyes look REALLY big =))
well i hope the weekend turns out fine...i have to take the SATs =( *sigh*
haha yea i know... but i guess its mostly a way of describing a person XD
haha thanks! :D we talked about the whole SAT thing today in one of our classes, the whole class had to go down to the guidance office... it wasnt much of a help though... but im just gonna go down and talk to the guidance councilor myself... im definitely taking the SATs in november though, i NEED to heheh... i havent checked out that other site yet, but i will soon :) i mean your right... sucky food just... sucks :) hahaha
hahaha wow... that john smith thing sounds really realistic... O_o hahaha. yea, i talk in 3rd person just without realizing it... i actually just did it today on accident, i wasnt even thinking about it but i did, and then like 5 minutes later i realized i had hahaha..
hmmm.... i havent had anything with apples in a long time... i kinda want apple juice now haha... but that contribution is also probably partly from my friends who did this whole dialogue from an anime show (not sure what one) but it was about apple juice XD it was pretty hilarious XD
yea things are going better... wont find out for sure till friday.... BUT ITS ALREADY TEUSDAY AND TOMMORROW'S WEDNESDAY, SO YAYYYY!!! XD and i got my homecoming dress this weekend, and got my hair bleached out (found out that it's not just people with black hair who's hair turns orangish when bleached... mine kinda is now, although its not noticeably orange, just a little orangish tint..)
i just hope i didnt mess things up... blahh... im starting to hate all the guys that go to my old school =_=.......
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 2:13:38 PM CDT on September 27, 2011.
although i probably am a mixture of those colors, i just don't find the thought of orange + blue + green + gold appealing AT ALL. i'd so much rather be a red/silver/black/purple person ( at least these colors don't clash that badly) =PPPPP.
actually, there's an SAT test scheduled this Saturday, only it's past the registration deadline so if you want to take it you'll have to register late. The next one's at the start of November and the other is at the start of December, but for SATs you usually have to register for them about a month in advance. You'll have to register for an account on this site http://www.collegeboard.org/ to take the test, and there's some basic info about SATs and colleges on it, so you can check that out.
this here is a pretty useful website toohttp://www.princetonreview.com/college-rankings.aspxsince it ranks colleges on different stuff, like 'best food' or 'best party school' and things like that. I mean, who wants to go to a school with really horrible food??
i sometimes think of myself doing stuff in the third person, though i don't think i've said it out loud. you know the guy in the pocahontas movie named john smith? well, apparently he liked to write about himself in the third person and he did it very annoyingly ( so he seemed a bit like a narcissist and a fake). we had this timed essay last week where we had to write about him and William Bradford...well i had fun writing that essay, especially when i used parts from the original text, where John Smith says he's 'beset by 200 Indians' and 'only wounded a little in the thigh'.
random thought: right now it's 11 o'clock at night here and I'm staring at a list of recipes with apples in them and feeling hungry. my mom isn't the best cook (although she isn't the worst either) and the school food i've been eating lately....well the less is said about it the better =PP
haha well then you would probably be a mix of colors, the teacher said when you have several colors with close scores then your a blend of those colors, (well actually its just that those colors are more prominent, all of the colors got a score it was just that one or more was usually lacking from the others.)
yea, i know that im going to have to do them soon, id actuall like to do them as soon as i can, im really hoping that there is one this month over here and one next month or whatever because id like to take them more than once, ohh well, i guess ill find out on teusday...
that promt actually sounds a little interesting.... a few years ago i talked in 3rd person quite a bit for absolutely no reason, usually i just slipped into it when i was really happy without realizing it and then people would ask me what on earth i was saying so i kinda stopped my self from doing it so much,, so i have some expirience with it (i dont do it much at all any more... the last time i can think i did it was maybe 10th grade... O_o... not sure, it may have been 9th though im not positive haha)
haha yea, i despise people like that too... and it takes a TON of effort on my part to not say something back because despite encouraging other people not to say things back, i have a bad habit of sinking to that level and saying things back... especially if they say something really mean. but your right they arent worth my time... and im just gonna do my best to ignore them and patch up the whole situation, its not like i havent been called those things before, im pretty used to all the trash talk a person could dish out, and i HAVE managed to get pretty good self control over the years. well then i guess i should just ignore them like you say :) its not like a bunch of the stuff is true any way, and if people who know me listen to them.. well its their fault because they should know better :) thanks... being an advice giver... sometimes i just kinda need it back i guess heheh :))))
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 9:36:09 AM CDT on September 25, 2011.
i'm thinking about the color blue now...i mean usually i want to help my friends when they're in trouble, and that basically equals conflict with the teacher or other people XPP i'd pick helping friends over no conflict any day though...
as to green...well i'm usually quiet if i'm busy...or if everyone around me is quiet =P. im only organized when i KNOW i'm going to screw up something majorly (like application deadlines) if i don't get organized and then i have to make a chart or something of the deadlines and requirements. yeah and i TOTALLY hate being controlled...unless i have no idea what to do though, then i'll just...go with the flow =PPPP
well, good luck with the college stuff, but you probably need to take the November SAT since most schools' deadlines are on January 1st, so you won't get to submit January scores. i saw an interesting prompt on one of the schools i'm considering (McGill, it's a Canadian school). It was: please write a letter of reference for yourself in the third person. I was like: ????? = =
i hate it when people call other people names....and sometimes i really want to say something mean back, but that would mean being like them. There was this bunch of guys at my school who'd make fun of my teeth ( i used to have braces) and i really had to resist a jab at them (since one of the guys was only a little over five feet, and another almost 300 pounds....= =) just ignore those guys i guess, and help your friend any way you can...people like that aren't worth your attention ;))
i agree you would probably be orange, i was orange, then off by a few points with green then blue... my gold was awful.
orange is free spirited, loud, fun, risk taker sorts.
green is kinda quiet and studious, they think and contemplate things alot (which despite being really loud and hyper active if im not around any one that i can have TONS of fun with, i am pretty quiet.)
blue is sensetive and hates conflict, they like to try and help sort out problems that friends have and are really social (again its also me... haha)
and gold... gold is organized and controlling, they would rather be told EXACTLY what to do. (im only organized when i have NOTHING else to do, and i only like having guidelines and expectations when im COMPLETELY clueless as to what i should do,)
i dont think i'll be taking the SATs till about winter time, but im glad because next teusday we get to go down to the guidance office and talk about college and stuff which for me is REALLY relieving because i wasnt sure who i was supposed to go talk to about it, there are like 5 guidance councilor people in the guidance office that all do something different... i think O_o
nothings stopping me from going but... remember that travis kid ive mentioned... well him and his friend marvin are complete butt heads and i want to try and help everything because they are also leah's friends but they are mad at her and what ever, and without me there she feels alone and is all depressed and i dunno... i just want it all to work out im just not sure how im gonna be able to do that. and well... lets just say he called me a mean name... to one of my friends then im guessing told that person to send me a message telling me this... and well i behaved myself, i didnt say anything mean back but i did get a little smart alec-y with them... which probably didnt help, but i dunno, i was mostly just insulted because im guessing travis was bad mouthing me... again... and im mostly mad about this because we were 'supposed to not be fighting or anything'... its just gonna take A LOT of self control next weekend, especially if i want to stop the fight instead of continue it...
I think my color would be orange...or maybe blue. i'm not a very gold-ish person.=PP what kind of color did you get?
lots of people in our class are cramming for the October SAT (it's next Saturday). Have you ever been stuck in a classroom with everyone studying beside you? A lot of my self-study classes were like that, and so i study with them too = = I have barely any time left for drawing as it is now...
what's going to happen later that might make certain persons ruin your weekend? i'd probably go even if i were forbidden to go...but that's because I live in Taiwan and can get practically anywhere i want to go in a half hour. (the perks of living in a small place)
haha yea, we are reading the oedipus trilogy or whatever it is, and the teacher gave us our parts, and the people who dont have parts are supposed to say the lines of the chorus... but then the teacher ends up having to do it because no one will.
well im not sure how she's gonna take care of the pie situation... but we do have rain ponchos that we are gonna wear :D... we have been supposed to do ours all week but we STILL havent doe it.. we have to do it first thing monday now. hmmm that is strange... pie is a pretty big thing over here..
and the girl who is playing the gameshow host is just supposed to tell us what our 'challenges' are and introduce us and stuff.
there were four colors that you could get, orange, green, blue, and gold. it was basically a score sheet saying you got more of one color than another... that was my order..
.... yea... i really cant wait for next weekend... i finally get to go to my old school and see all my friends... im hoping that nothing ruins that weekend... like a certain persons that im gonna hurt if they do... im pretty optimistic that they wont now though... but that all depends on later tonight.
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 7:13:20 PM CDT on September 22, 2011.
There was this other student that drew a picture book and sent it to Caltech as an essay...and she got in!!! I really, really admire that person......=)))
We're studying The Crucible in English class, and we usually act out the parts. since some guys plays girls' parts and girls play guys' parts, it's pretty hilarious, and because a lot of the guys have names that start with p (putnam, parris, proctor...etc.) we get the lines mixed up, and sometimes two people start talking at the same time XDDD
wow that psych thing sounds so cool...wish we had classes like that. what kinds of color were there??? we never get to do projects that are really interesting....the most interesting one i had been assigned was to make a poster of a facebook page of a character in Macbeth. I did the three witches and looked up lots of pictures of lady gaga and put them in the 'photos' section of facebook since when i googled 'witches' they all looked the same. I wonder how the girl with the cream pie is going to clean all that filling off her face...(random thought: did you know that there are practically no pies here in Taiwan? I don't think i've ever seen a whole pie in Taiwan yet). So what does the host do anyway?
that is a sweet answer to that prompt!!! hahaha that's pretty hilarious... i bet they got to find out QUITE a bit about that apple tree haha
i kinda miss my chemistry class... but mostly because i want... no NEED to find out where i can find this amazing video about oxidation... its the expiriment where they oxidize gummy bears or whatever.. but i looked through ligit pretty much ALL of the videos and i couldnt find the amazing hilarious one that my teacher had!!! DX it was soooo amazing!!... i miss it...
either tommorrow or the next day i get to eat pie in my psyche class... well my group does haha. we are doing this project about personality colors or what ever, and we all took this quiz (there were only 4 results) but any way so we were put into groups based on the color we got, and part of the project has to be a skit... well we were doing this game show that has 3 contestants (three of the colors) and the 4th color is the game show host, well, it was pretty hilarious, because i got cast as the emotional one, that cries alot and thinks that every one should just be friends... and cries... alot... then a girl named kayla got to be the super smart and quiet one, that instead of doing what we are supposed to be doing writes out formulas for WHAT we are supposed to be doing :), and then a girl named sadie got the part of my color's group and gets to act all crazy XD haha she gets to shove her face into a cream pie hahaha... its gonna be pretty hilarious XD
i remember a sample essay whose prompt was: Use this space to tell us anything else about you that you feel we should know. Anyway, there was this girl who actually wrote something along the lines of: I don't really like to tell people about myself because it makes me feel really self-centered, so now I'm just going to tell you about my apple tree.
we were experimenting with chemistry stuff today and we made this sticky gelatinous stuff...kind of like those fake boogies in stores. one of the guys in the class scooped some up and blew it so it became a bubble larger than a basketball. the best i could do was soccer-ball sized, though.
Just finished a 3-hour long session of chemistry. I love chmistry, but....i really admire the people who don't crack a single yawn (i mean, it's 6-9:30 p.m.)... i got really sleepy.
yea i know, the hours majorly suck. i get out almost an hour before everyone else i know.
well i didnt really do any thing bad to him. there was this one class that was like a study hall but they had extra teachers in it that could help you with your work. some people were assigned to it but if you weren't in it you could go up there with a signed pass. well he was assigned up there and i would go up there just so he would have some one to talk to up there. but then to get back at him i just stopped going up there... he wasnt too happy about that haha... so really it wasnt bad... it just annoyed him.
wowz... that last sounds like it would be a long one... O_o... some colleges deffinitely have some intersting prompts :)
i don't eat a lot at school either, because the food's so crappy. i try to remember to bring snacks, but usually i just forget....and when i do, i always finish them at 9 in the morning or even earlier than that. and your school hours are weird....they should change it so it's from 8:30 to 3:00 or something.
not many of my dreams are realistic, although most of them start out kind of realistic and then there's always this twist that makes them completely off the wall. for example, running up the stairs in our school's basement would be really realistic...but not the part with a bunch of ninjas chasing after me =PPP that was a fun dream though. oh yeah and i hate people who stand you up just for the heck of it, but i don't usually have to do anything to get back at him/her...since everybody usually does that simultaneously. how did you get back at him??
Stanford's ones are pretty amazing too, one of them was 'write a note to your future roommate'. I'm wondering how i'm going to write that one. There was another prompt from a few years back that went: please pose a question of your own and answer it. Apparenly, there was this applicant whose question was: 'If you had to choose, would you be a Cheerio or a Snickers?" And then finally, the weirdest one I've ever seen is (forgot what school it was for though): 'Write your autobiography. Please send us page 207."
wowz.... thats alot of kids... i just skip lunch all together because there are multiple lunch periods and i never really found a place to sit... that and the lunch period lasts a full class period, so about 45minutes-ish instead of the 20 or so minutes im used to. that and i dont hardly eat during the school day and since we can kinda sorta snack during some classes i just take a snack with me and then if i dont eat it during the day i just eat it on the way back to my house, we get out at freaking 2:20!!! O_o .....and have to be there by 7:35 =_=
i can usually tell if its possible for one of my dreams to actually happen because usually its a mostly realistic dream. so when i have one of those i get pretty freaked out (which would be the reason my friend proposing to me freaked me out, it was a realistic dream... well besides the power in the school going out and him PROPOSING.. but if i think about it he may not have actually been proposing.. but it was still scary because he had been dating someone at the time... even though afterwards i found out he was basically just trying to make me jelous, haha i didnt work though, he just made me mad becaus he would ditch me without telling me so i would wast time waithing for him and then he wouldnt show =_=... but i got back at him for that so its all good haha.)
that is an AWESOME essay prompt!!!! hahaha... the only thing is that the only thing i know about plato is that he was some philosopher or something... and that play-doh, is a play thing of sorts that REALLY stinks (if i did that essay i would have put that in there hahaha..but plus some hahaha) for the other one i probably would have put something about reality or conciousness... or something smart alec-y hahaha... i love being smart alec-y :D
oh, that's because the entire school (including kindergarten, elementary, and junior high) uses the cafeteria and there are only 300 seats there....and there are over 2000 people in the entire school.
if half of my dreams came tru in real life it would probably be the end of the world = = my dreams are totally unrealistic....like the one time I found myself at an amusement park where i had to either answer the math question and go on the ride or die = = i don't actually remember ANY dreams of mine that did came true...:/ it'd be kind of fun if they did though
speaking of dreams, i'm reminded of the University of Chicago's epic essay prompt: "Between living and dreaming there is one thing. Name it." another one of its prompts was "What's the relationship between Play-doh and Plato?" I was like O_o shocked when i saw the questions....
haha i LOVE dreams too :D they are literally one of the best things in the world.... but if they show our subconcious desires then its pretty spot on for me most of the time... well except for aliens invading... although as long as i defeated them i wouldnt mind :D.... the scary part of that though would be that i have been proposed to in one of my dreams... and i dislike marriage imensely haha... the only other wierd thing i would say about my dreams is that ive had dreams that have become true... it was really wierd, for about 2 or 3 weeks i knew when my one friend christian was going to be absent or not in school much on a day, and then i knew he would end up ditching me for a dark haired girl (when i first had the dream i thought it was my friend alissa but it ended up being his no EX girlfriend katie... haha) it wierded me out though even though it was pretty sweet XD
that fried egg stuff does sound icky >_<... the scrambled eggs are like that sometimes here... they put them on your tray and there is water in with them... i get that its to make sure they dont dry out but still >_< it makes them pretty gross.. that really sucks though that you dont even get to choose what you want... i would not like that... just wondering, but why dont you get to use your cafetiria that ofter???
hope you get well soon then =) and yeah i hate the nap thing, i sometimes come home after a walk around and drift off....and then at night i can't fall asleep because i took a nap!!!
yeah i've heard that saying too, and i just don't believe it....because i have lots of dreams with my entire class inside and i doubt they were all thinking of me at the time. i tend to believe more in the subconscious-ish theory though, the one that says dreams express hidden desires. for example a person who dreams of having lots of friends might have only a few friends or none at all. i really like having dreams, they're more often than not weird or fun =))
our school lunches come in boxes...one of those folded cardboard thingies, so we don't even get to pick stuff we like. we have a cafeteria though and it isn't bad...pity we don't get to use it that often. and i think the fried-bean thing is called bean curd or something. i hate bean curd and tofu....although a lot of people assume that i like tofu (since most people here do). i think the worst food here ever(but i bet some people would disagree) is the fried egg and tomatoes. it's more like fried eggs drenched in watery tomato broth. i mean, it's usually soggy and smells...ick
yea i did the same thing sort of over the weekend... slept A LOT... im actually still tired >_<... but everytime i nap i just cant fall asleep again... it doesnt help that im sick-ish AGAIN!! i hate being sick =_=
when i want to dream a certain thing i watch movies or read too, either that or i try and think of what ever i want to dream about as i try to fall asleep.
did you know that they say that when you dream of a person they were thinking of you as they fell asleep???... i dont entirely believe that, i believe that its possible that if some one was in your dream they were thinking of you, but i dont think thats the case everytime (my proof of that would be my lizard dream thing.... there was a good portion of the kids at school in that dream, and a few of them i barely even talk to, not to mention my teachers that were in it too >_<)
yea the school food is ok... sometimes, it really depends though. sometimes it really sucks and sometimes its actually good. the worst ive had i would say would be the tacos at the last school i went to (the one that i wish i was at now =_=)... they are AWFUL!!! they dont even use meat!!! they just use that re-friend bean stuff or whatever... ick... the first day i was there i had them and i regreted it imensely... another sucky school food would be the macaroni and cheese... i dont like mac and cheese to begin with... but school mac and cheese is utterly gross though >_<.... i dont think ive ever seen any thing like 'glop' though...
i couldn't sleep well last night either...i guess it was probably because we had monday off and the entire weekend i just slept late, woke up late, went outside into the afternoon and walked a lot....and just enjoying the last bit of summer, you know? and then i'd go home and draw, or listen to music, or nap....i slept way too much those days...just like a sloth =PPP i'd like to try that dream thing sometime though, i usually try to control my dreams by reading or watching videos before bed....if i have time. and i always need to finish my day with a song, or else it doesn't feel right.
for some reason a jar of honey came with the box of mooncakes my parents brought home. i love honey =)) brought a couple of slices of bread and honey to school today instead of eating the scary lunch thing ( there is always at least one unidentificable lump of food in A LOT of colors...i usually call it 'glop' in my head.) is the food at your school good?
ewwwy that sounds like some icky ramen >_<... i like the instant stuff.. but i also havent ever had any other kind so i really dont have any comparisons :D
i had a strange expirience last night/this morning... i couldnt fall asleep at all and it was about 3 in the morning, and since i REALLY didnt want to go for another whole day with out sleep i decided to try this lucid dream thing i heard about, where if you lay a certain way or what ever and kinda meditate or something you can control your dreams... i dont think i succeeded but i absolutely don't remember even being close to falling asleep or even being asleep, my alarm woke me up at 5:30 and it felt like i hadnt slept at all my eyes were dry... i kinda remember a dream-ish thing where i was in this one video game i've been playing alot and i know that i had written directions for in that game on my had before i turned it off so that i would know the co-ordinates for where i was supposed to go and wouldnt forget them.. well in this dream thing that (atleast in my opinion) didnt exactly feel like a dream and i said those co-ordinates and was going to that place..... but thats the only time that even seemed that i may have been asleep... i dunno it just sort of wierded me out because i remember seeing that... but i woke up and didnt remember sleeping O_o
i can only play card games that have easy rules, like bridge. others....well i forget the rules a lot... =PP
i had this interesting encounter with ramen yesterday. there was this new shop right across the street (you can't even call that a street, it's about only about 12 feet wide) that sold ramen and teriyaki and other stuff. Anyway i started eating really fast (cause i was really hungry) and i thought it tasted pretty good, but then....you know the type of soup that tastes worse and worse as you go on? yeah, it was that type of soup, with a lot of salt and artificial flavors...it was also kind of greasy. but i didn't want to waste it, so i finished as much as i could without gagging...and i went back to my apartment across the street to brush my teeth and get the taste of the soup out of my mouth XPPPP ick.
i like playing some card games, i dont know how to play too many different ones though... and i always tend to forget the rules to most of them >_<.
the teachers here are really assorted... actually i just thought about it... ive never had a male math teacher, and other than gym until middle school when we started changing class rooms i never had a guy for a teacher O_o
well my friend reserved seats in that restaurant so we could eat for two hours straight, so it wasn't like we stuffed all that in in half an hour or so....one guy actually drank 5 bottles of coke, i was like O_o.
flip cup sounds fun =))) i've never really played games that involved moving around (well unless you count the assassin-cops game because everyone starts yelling when the discussion gets really heated =PPP) do you play cards? i play cards a lot, but mostly in secret since a lot of parents (including mine) in Taiwan don't approve of cards (they think it's addictive. they kind of have a point though... = =)
i'm glad you have a nice math teacher: random strange thing--there are no female math teachers in our high school. all the chem and bio teachers are female though, for some reason....
haha yea, i have a pretty nice math teacher this year (even though im not even supposed to be in math and im pretty sure i already went through the class they put me in =_=..) any way she's really nice and funny. im thinking i'll like the class a little bit at the least since the teacher is ok.
at my old school we had to do stretches and stuff like that every once in a while, i just hated doing the crunches on the floor >_<.
i actually havent been camping alot... i went a few times when i was really little and then once in 6th grade we had to stay in these cabins (it sucked because the people at the school i was going to at that time was majorly sucky and by the 2nd all the stupid people were being all dramatic and crap =_=) since then though the only other place ive been to is my friends camp grounds.
flip cup is another drinking game. its where you have 2 equal teams, one on each side of the table. and its kinda like a relay race or whatever. the first person starts it off by doing this up down up down thing with the other starter and then the chug and then you put the cup up side down on the edge of the table and try and flip it over so that its standing rightside up. once some one has their cup right side up the next person can go. then whichever team gets the last cup flipped right side up first, wins. i really like the game a lot because its kinda challenging because of the whole flipping the cup part :)
that... is A LOT of food O_O... i dont think i would ever be able to eat that much food... i would probably die in the processes hahaha :D
i thought of something funny when i saw the laughing until you fell off your bed comment =DDD we have this great math teacher who's fun and jokes around with everybody and teaches well. anyway he gave a quiz and it was so easy that everyone in the class was asleep in ten minutes flat. one guy took his frustration at the quiz to a new extreme: he scrawled 'what the f***???????' across the front of the page. i wonder what the teacher thought.....XDDDDD
actually we only have P.E. once a week, it's double period. there are some people who do really funky dance moves though, and it's fun to watch. the warm-up exercises take ages though..imagine lying on a wooden floor doing lots of crunches. my butt still hurts a day later = =
i've never been in a trailer...sounds fun, though. i've camped a few times, once when i was at a canoe camp, another time when i was in eighth grade, and another time in...seventh grade i think. i stayed in tents with friends, so it was really fun. i've also (although it technically isn't camping since we live in what look a bit like dorms) stayed away from home on school activities that are held in the middle of the mountains (i HATE the car rides, i seriously get carsick although i've never actually been sick =PP). rice wine...well it tastes fairly inoffensive, just sweet with that bitter aftertaste alcohol has. but if it's bad rice wine (like the one we made)....then it tastes like vinegar and alcohol. XP What's flip cup?? when we play games late into the night it's usually card games or the assassin-cop gain i told you about.
There's this thing called the Full Moon festival in china and Taiwan, and it's supposed to be on monday (but people generally celebrate it a day or two earlier than that. anyway, tradition for that festival is eating lots of pomelos (some citrus-ish fruit that's the shape of the pear but a lot larger), moon cakes (really rich pastry filled with bean paste and other sweet stuff, sometimes ice cream), and...barbecue!!! of course, since i live in a city, there aren't a lot of places where you can actually have a barbecue, but there a lot of restaurants where you can do similar stuff. the one i went to with my friends tonight had this long table with two grills on it and two stoves (that's for hot pots, which are basically pots with boiling water that you add whatever stuff you like inside (for example veggies, meatballs, dumpling, and other stuff)).
Tonight's barbecue basically meant gorging on all kinds of meat (steak, chicken wings, lean cuts of pork, lean cuts of beef, marinated pork, marinated beef, curried chicken, spicy beef....you get the idea), veggies (onions, cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkin, mushroom) and then later on ice cream (black currant, raspberry, chocolate, caramel, and vanilla)as much as you want...for around 10 US dollars. i'm completely stuffed XDDD
Last edited by Blaze023 at 8:41:01 AM CDT on September 10, 2011.
well im not much of a jam and jelly fan and apple is the only kind that i actually like.
ick... i would fake an injury if i had to do that =_= i cant believe you have to do that dance stuff though... atleast you only have it 2 times a week though, right?
:D hahahahaha reading that part about what your brother wrote LITERALLY made my day :D honest, i almost fell off my bed laughing :D
a camper is just like a trailor thing that has living quarters in it, usually they have a kitchen like area and a tiny tiny bathroom and a couch all smooshed together >_< its really cramped if you get a small enough one with 5 or 6 people >_<. some are bigger than others though.
yea i only like certain stuff... and i HATE beer, it makes me want to barf, we were playing beer pong (i only played 3 games the entire weekend... i prefer flip cup) and the last game, the last night we were there, i ligit almost barfed while drinking my last cup XP ick... it serously tastes nasty, some of it smell really good though, but the stuff that was there didnt even SMELL nice...
im actually not much of a fan of drinking either.. i like some of the stuff though (word from the wise though... dont EVER drink ammeretto or apircot brandy >_< ickickickickickickICK. the one year when i went to my friends grand ma's house (i wasnt with my friend though, her grand ma used to be my one land lord so me and my family went up there to visit.) any way we went up there and we took her up some christmas... stuff (im not really sure what the thing was called) but it had some ammeretto (not sure how its really spelled...) and she had me drink some... its gross... same goes for the apircot brandy... its practically cough syrup >_< (thats actually what my mom's boy friend used to use it for yuck)
i know economics has nothing to do with cooking....i just thought of home economics when you mentioned economics =PP i've never tasted apple jelly in my life though...my favorite jam flavor would probably be raspberry =))
we have what we call 'gym uniforms' although they're technically not gym uniforms since we wear them outside gym. i'm wearing a set of them since i haven't showered yet. it's boring (dark blue with a couple of white stripes) but it's certainly better than one of the gym uniforms i saw (a pink and green jumpsuit. ick). we had dance today in gym and it was....have you heard of a girls' band called Girls Generation? it's korean and anyway, the teacher taught us the choreography for that dance, and it was...horrible. like, really cutesy stuff like blowing kisses and the like. I looked like an absolute idiot dancing that routine. =PP
yeah and my history teacher told us to write the same stuff, only hers was more fun. we had to write fears and stuff...and my broher (he sits right next to me) wrote my name there = =
wow that camp sounds really fun, although i don't know what a camper is =PP i've only drank a few times...not a big fan of alcohol. once was in this outdoors camp thing when we were supposed to make our own wine out of some kind of grain...that didn't taste really great, it was just half-fermented and sour-tasting. the other time was some kind of coming of age ceremony thing held at our school, and they made this AWFUL grape thing....i mean, i could smell alcohol....but it tasted nothing like rice wine (which we drank in a toast after a hike)....and i think they added lab alcohol or something to grape juice.
yea, i really like mythology so im pretty excited..
but economics has nothing to do with cooking haha this economics is more like economy stuff :D
i can cook some stuff, i like making pancakes and grilled cheese and grilled pb&j (grilled pb&j is DELICIOUS especially if you are using the apple jelly for the jelly part :P) i can bake some pretty good cookies, cakes, and brownies too... but other than that i cant cook for crap... and sometimes dogs wont even eat my pancakes :/... but they aren't that bad i was just usuing too much oil, the spray stuff is better for pancakes because then they wont get overly... well... overly soaked in grease :/... since they aren't supposed to be greasy haha
no we dont have gym uniforms, we just have to wear shorts, a t shirt, and sneakers and we get credit as long as we participate... luckily i met some pretty awesome people in gym today... in truth i actually only made like 4 friends... barely... :/
until art class i was totally ranting in my head and then as the teacher kept going on about annoying stuff i started to rant again... then i messed with the physics teacher and felt better :D we had to fill out these little cards and he said to put down nicknames and hobbies and other stuff, but for a preffered name i put (awesome) and for a hobby i put proffesional unicorn hunter... yea... im sleep deprived so im not sure if that was the smartest thing to do... but i did it any way hahaha
my friends camp is really fun, we stay in campers instead of tents though, and it's a family camp so its not like its a bunch of annoying strangers... although we do sometimes do things that aren't exactly legal in the states there... like under aged drinking.. but shhhh hahaha... its not that bad though, they wont let any one drink there unless they are atleast in their teens and responsible at that, they prefer to only let people that are atleast 16 drink but they have let a couple years younger drink too, but they dont let them drink too much and my friends parents usually keep an eye on everyone to make sure no one does too much, and they absolutely FREAK OUT a guy and a girl walk in the woods without a chaperone of sorts, they dont let it get out of hand
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 2:09:54 PM CDT on September 8, 2011.
i took a greek mythology class a couple of years ago....and i realized that reading Percy Jackson actually helped most of us ace that class since we already knew most of the stuff that was taught. economics...that makes me think of home ecs...i haven't ever taken classes like that and i can't cook at all. we don't cook a lot in our family (grandparents' don't count), probably because we can always get the same stuff at small local restaurants. i really want to learn how to cook though =PP
wow i envy the gym class...we only have two gym classes per week, on Friday. do you have gym uniforms?
what's the camp like? i haven't been to many real camps (like in the forest), probably once or twice...mostly i go to 'camps' in the cities...like the houston space camp thing i went to last year.
well the year is split into 2 pieces so i only get to take some of the classes half the year, but the first half of the year i have psychology, english, economics, art, physics, study hall, lunch, algebra, then every other day i have study hall or gym in the last class period.
then in the second half of the year, my psychology class turns to sociology, my english turns into a study hall, economics turns into government, and my study hall turns into greek mythology...
its actually not that bad... there are only 9 classes a day and luckily i managed to get gym in the last class period.
sucks that you cant go out for ramen alot with your friends because of exams :/
right now im trying to figure out who i can stay the weekend with so i can go see my friends on friday :/ its not looking too good though, hopefully though now that i know i can stay till sunday instead of saturday i might be able to stay with onee of them that oes to her camp every weekend... which is an AWESOME place haha
what new classes do you have? right now we have a few science classes a week (the people in charge of the schedule finally got tired of our complaints)...but i still have lots of history classes and self-study classes (which sound fun, but if you can't talk....it gets really boring after a while). and really there is a certain amount of time doing college apps and studying for standardized test that won't drive you crazy...i feel like my brain's turning into mush.
just went out for ramen with my friends =)) but since they're cramming for exams....it might be ages before we get to hang out again :/
bleeehhh sorry its taken me several days to reply, my computer decided to be mean and not work right so i had to get it checked, its all better now though, not sure what was wrong with it though.. O_o
thats what i love about sports :) they are so much fun that you dont even realize that you are doing the work, and before you realize it your in shape :) haha
but yea, it super sucks that i have to transfer, turns out i dont start till thursday now though... not that im looking forward to it though =_=... at least i have some good classes though... but my old school messed up and now they arent sure what happened to one of my required english from 10th grade... either the guidance councilor or her secretary from my old school were supposed to call my new guidance councilor back... but it wouldnt surprise me if that didnt happen =_=
i'll deal though, i just hope it wont be that bad
phew, i'm finally back home = = i was in another city in the morning and i spent the evening listening to a session on college admissions. i started to write this message three times but every time i got halfway through my mom would say: it's time to go!!!!and i'd have to leave =PPPP
yeah, i've always wondered why i didn't break a bone two years back when i was in cheerleading. i'm short and didn't weigh a lot, so i was one of the people who got tossed around....and apparently most of the guys in our class were better at tossing than catching = = that was my first and last encounter with cheerleading...although we (all the people in my squad) realized that cheerleading made us all slim down and tone up really fast =PP random coincidence: i hated milk when i was a kid too and my mom made me drink two mugs of milk per day...
that really sucks.who's heard of changing schools in senior year???? i haven't ever changed school, but i changed my homeroom class and moved across to the bilingual department and that was weird enough...i couldn't even imagine changing schools. well, at least it's going to be less than a year before you'll be able to live on campus and room with someone...although it's definitely going to be different from rooming with a good friend.
i like chocolate alot, but only certain kinds and only in moderation, i dont like making myself sick over chocolate.
yea when i first went in she was in alot of pain because she had just woken up a little while before and she couldnt find her pain medicine button, i think that may have been why i got so freaked out too, i hate seeing people in pain.
ive never broken a bone in my body before too!! which is actually surprising to me due to the fact that i did a lot of stupid stuff that should have resulted in broken bones, but when i was little since i was such a picky eater the doctor told my mom to atleast make sure i drank lots of milk so i always did.
i have actually only been in the hospital for myself twice once it was because i must have had an allergic reaction to some unknown substance in the mowed grass i was picking up because i got in the car and i was on my way home and i was just sitting in the backseat and then i realized that it was difficult to move my hands and apparently the muscles in my body had locked up... it was stupid because i went to this sucky hospital and by the time they took me in a room to do test i could move again (i had gotten out of the car and couldnt even straighten up, i walked in practically in a sitting position.
the other time i almost forgot about because it was so long ago but the flap at the back of my throat that covers my windpipe had gotten stuck shut somehow and i couldnt breath.. that one really sucked.
i have to go to a new school because (i theorize that my dad never wanted me to stay with leah in the first place so he sabatoged it) but things never got disscussed so my dad signed me up for school where he lives (not happy about this... at all.) i have to go do my scheduling on teusday and then i start wednesday i guess... but i have a theory, since i changed schools so many times my credits are really messed up, and so its possible that i wont have enough credits, and i know that at my old school that they had a way that you could earn extra credits by tutoring people, and since my old school was the only school ive heard of so far to actually do that (if im correct and they do and im pretty sure they do) if it turns out teusday that im not going to have enough credits to graduate im going to go talk to the councilor at my old school and see if i can (so there fore if what im thinking is true then i will have to go back... but thats only if i dont have enough credits and that my old school has a way to earn extras and the new one doesnt.... its a long shot but atleast i have a plan for the worst haha)
the weird thing about the dream was that i didn't REALLY REALLY want bananas (okay, i did want bananas, but not THAT badly = =)...now there's a bunch of bananas in my kitchen =)))
my mom bought a ton of chocolate from Canada. right now the contents of my fridge are: chocolate with hazelnuts, chocolate with pralines, chocolate with almonds, chocolate with coconut, toblerone, hersheys, o'henrys, Reese peanut butter cups, milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate-covered pomegranate (at least that's what it says on the wrapping) and chocolate-covered dried blueberries. and.....my mom doesn't even particularly like chocolate = =.
ouch....that must've hurt like hell. i've never broken a bone before =P i don't like hospitals, but i generally won't get too freaked about them, since i've been in the hospitals quite a few times (twice for pneumonia, once for...something...and of course the colds and allergies and asthma stuff). hope she gets well soon =))
why a new school??? aren't you going to your old school?
omigod i was just thinking yesterday AND the day before that i really wanted a bannanna!!! :O
... i never got one though... sadly... hmmm maybe ill go eat one now... ill do that in a few minutes haha.
i really do hate nurses offices... almost as much as i hate hospitals... which i was at one today (just slightly random) my sister was in a car accident, she's gonna be ok but she broke her ankle, a rib, her shoulder blade, and 3 vertibrae... its gonna take her a while to heal but she isnt paralyzed or any thing... any way, when i went to see her i went in to see her and i was standing there and i thought i was gonna puke (because hospitals literaly make me sick) but i had forgotten that i hadnt eaten at all (so technically i had nothing TO throw up) but i got really dizzy and almost passed out... and the nurse threatened to send me to the emergency room >_<... but yea... i despise hospitals... they smell wierd if you ask me XP.
i really wish they had nap time over here... it would be awesome haha.
i dont think that my eyes stay open... but unless im in a confined space i move around alot in my sleep... and tend to hit nearby people hahaha
i hope your doing ok in school though... i start either teusday or wednesday.. at a new school >_< ick
i dreamed of bananas in the fridge yesterday night. i know it's really random, but it's something i just had to mention. the entire frekaing fridge was stuffed with bananas with a couple of apples and oranges......i wonder if it means i have a very intense, hidden craving for bananas???
yeah, i've been in a nurse office ONCE in my life. it was absolutely horrible, since it was the office on the first tloor and FILLED with screaming kindergarten's kids. i originally went there because i had a headache....and i went there and my headache got worse = =. our naptimes aren't long, 45 minutes or so, but it sure beats having through the whole school day without sleeping.
that's part of the reason i kind of like so, because it usually makes me so tired i don't have to worry about insomnia. i like watching videos before bed too....because occasionally i'll dream of stuff in the video XDDDDDDD
do you sleep standing up in the closet? no, i'm just having a very hard time imagining anyone going to sleep ina closet...since mine is divided into shelves...= = random fact: i sleep with my eyes open; they drift open halfway after i fall asleep
i wanted to type more....but i'm running late for school =PP so that's it for now, sry=P
ok... NOW im jelous haha, everyone always says we should get nap time but we never do!!! i mean we can go to the nurses and sleep for a couple hours, but its not the same... especially because all of the snobs hang out in the nurses office and then they are all nosy and see who is sleeping and then they talk about you and you have to just lay there and take it or you have to go back to class.. =_=
most of my classes contain only 12 people, heck last year in my stage design class we only had like 8! and we were supposed to have 12 since it was a new class, the minimum for a class that they have had for more than a year is 10... so we were kind of illegal, but they never cancelled the class.
yes.. i have REALLY wierd sleep patterns, all summer i have been sleeping during the day and staying up all night, every once in a while i manage to stay up during the better part of the day but that is usually just when i stay with friends and that is usually just running on a couple hours of sleep because i stayed up most of the night too haha. the only other time i have managed to reset my sleep patterns is if i stay up all night and day, then i usually pass out at like 11... during the school year my sleep is usually normal, but sometimes i get insomnia and have to find something to occupy me until im tired. i like reading before bed too, it usually helps to get me tired... even though when its a good book i cant help but just keep reading and then that poses the problem of i stayed up all night and have school in a few hours heheh
well my closet is pretty big so its not actually cramped, im short enough that as long as there isnt any thing in the end of the closet i cant fit in there entirely, and it really helps when its day light, i have trouble falling asleep in daylight, unless im extremely tired. i ended up having to resort to putting a sweater over my head this morning... im gonna have to figure out what to do with the stuff in my closet.
yeah (i'm thinking of my ex-homeroom teacher that everyone hated...including everyone's parents =DD)..she would never let us listen to music even when we were napping (do you know we have designed naptimes at school?? at noon and at night =P it's weird i know)
i guess we have class with them simply because our school thinks it would be too expensive to teach a class of just twelve people =PP
...you know, it took me some time to realized that you kept really irregular sleeping hours. one day i was like: ....wait a sec, it's...3 o'clock on my end, and there's at least a ten hour time difference between taipei and new york...so...oh O_o
my parents are pretty strict on sleeping early...i have to sleep at 12 at night, and i can't hide somewhere and use my computer because i live in a pretty small apartment and if i were moving around my parents would hear...so when i went to other places i would just....sleep when i wanted to. like in Houston i always made it a point to sleep twice a day, once at three a.m. and once at ten a.m.. i'm a bit of an insomniac, so i just lie there and think about stuff and i drift off eventually (but it's hard to sleep because i live in the city and it's noisy and the sky's all red at night from light pollution).
i lobe reading books before bed...but my mom always stops me from finishing them.....and then i can't sneak up at night to read it *sigh* and i'm wondering how do you nap in a closet????isn't it cramped??
haha yea, some of the teachers are ok with us using headphones when we are doing work... and then some dont... those are usually either the most disliked teachers or, the awesome fun teachers that you dont need head phones in their class so you dont care... usually its the most hated though... heheh
that sucks that you have a class with 11th graders, why is that??? and i hate people like that... they talk super loud because not only do they love their own voice but demand that every one else hear it too =_= bleehh...
i would be sleeping right now.. but i cant fall asleep... and my lap top was tempting me... its a mean lap top right now as far as im concered, especially because i really need to sleep right now haha but i mostly blame my friends sara and kali, they have an awesome story that they have had out for a while but i just started reading it, and its pretty good... and i stayed up to the point where now its light out and i cant fall asleep, and i cant go in the closet and shut the door because since i rearranged my room i put a bunch of stuff in there so i would have room still after i moved my bed... which is a real pain 'cause i could use a good nap in the closet right now, ohh well, ill probably fall asleep soon haha
yeah, and that's why i listen to music =))) technically we're not allowed earphones in the school but i think that even the teachers feel sorry for us, so they kind of...go easy on us and let us play with cell phones and listen to music.
i had my first class with eleventh graders yesterday, and i must say...i don't particularly enjoy being in class with them (especially since the guy behind me seems to love the sound of his own voice( he does have an exceptionally American accent that's rare in Taiwan) ) *groan*
that really sucks >_<
thats the same rule for the library at my school... but it gets pretty loud in there any way :) heheh... that really does suck though... i wouldnt be able to deal with complete silence..
yup, because it's senior year. Crazy right? and for the last three hours we have to sit in the library and the rule's COMPLETE SILENCE. luckily you can pick a couple of days not to come for the last three hours...today's one of my days off. we even have to go to school on saturday to study *groan*....and i want my chem classes back >:(
that supern sucks >_<... i dunno what i would do if i had to stay at school that long without any one to talk too xp. that sucks that you have no science though, science is usually fun. do you always have to stay that late????
i had to stay at school till 9:30 p.m. at night *groan* that's what our school is like...and that's why i really wasn't looking forward to starting school. i get this really....pressured feeling since people all around me are cramming for exams and they're studying and if i'm not studying it just feels....awkward, so i try my best to study....and basically try not to fall asleep =PP
our new schedule came out--i have 11 periods of English per week, and history every day, and no science AT ALL. a lot of people in our class were like O_o wth?????
haha yea, of all of them i think the second movie was the best... and that may have been because 'edward' wasnt in most of the movie, and there was a pretty cool fight scene towards the end, and the wolf fight scene was pretty cool too.
i kinda cant wait for school to start but at the same time i really wish it were still several weeks away... im thinking its only a about a week away now... ughhh... not overly excited... just slightly haha
now i'm REALLY glad i didn't attempt to watch a single of their movies. and i seriously don't get what's so attractive about a cold marble statue (isn't that what the author always describes him as??)i'm just not the biggest fan of guys who looked like they powdered their faces and used eyeshadow before going outdoors i guess =PPPP
it's the start of real school today *groan* and i've really got to stop moping around and go back to my college apps..=(((( i wonder if this semester will bring anything fun (most my classmates are cramming for their own exams too) ah well....i'll try to look on the bright side, there's always something fun happening at our school with my crazy group of friends =DD
hahahaha you have no clue how many times some one has said that to me haha and i completely agree, the movies are even worse >_< i dont care how many people love kristen stewart and robert pattinson, their acting sucks in these movies (i only say these movies because i havent seen any movies besides this on that they have starred in) especially in the first movie... the first movie seriously makes me wanna gag half the time. robert pattinson's acting gets a little better in the second movie... but in his shirless scene.... ick.... i can say no more...
haha yea i will look for it on the tv guide to see when it airs over here. :)
EVERY SINGLE FREAKING time i finish one of the twilight books, i think: ....why does Bella have to be such a wimp???? i'm not a fan of wimpy girls =PPP
you could try watching it, although i kind of like the songs better than the entire show XP
you know, i read the twilight series in EXACTLY the same circumstances. my friends were all raving about it, and i really wasn't into the lovey dovey crap....and even GUYS were reading it and anyway my friendstried to make me read it and i was like: okay....maybe..just to humor them and stop them nagging. so i gave it a try, and although i found it okay,it's...still not my type XPPP
glee mostly does covers of songs, some old songs and some popular ones. they write a few songs themselves, so...i'd way they cover a wide variety of music. I like the lazy song too...but that's not a song i'm supposed to be listening right nos =PPP i like bruno mars' grenade a lot =)) eminem...i like his song 'not afraid' check out the lyrics =DD
hahaha you probably will someday... people in the states are nuts, and you're sure to see lots of weird hair haha.
well... the twilight books were well written.. but i agree... and im not overly into the lovey dovey crap, and thats basically what the book is about. actually i didnt even want to read the books and i was really adamant on that point for a long time, but then i decided to just give them a try, they kept me entertained, but beyond that i only liked a few things about them.
i listen to alot of different music, mostly punk rock (or whatever its called) but mostly rock and stuff, but i really like lots of different music, i havent watched glee much so i done know really the kind of music that is on there... i absolutly LOVE bruno mars' 'lazy song' :D me and my friend brooke would hear that every morning on the bus and just start singing it haha. i havent heard much by eminem though either, but the little bit that i hear here and there isnt bad :)
i get the bleach one =)) it's funny, but i've yet to see someone who's had their hair bleached orange though, hope i will someday =))
i read the twilight books too. i forgot which book was it, but there was this one that went on talking and talking and talking...it's a good series but i kinda like things with a bit more action in them.. i mean they barely fight at the end, the vampires just stand there and one of the sides realizes that they're not strong enough and say: uh, truce? ...i was like O_o
what kind of music do you listen to? one of my friends told me to watch glee, and i sort of watched it...found it okay, liked the music pretty much. i listen to other people like taylor swift and bruno mars and eminem, how about you?
well it wouldnt be a ligit orange it would be more of an orangish blonde (if you have ever seen bleach it would be like ichigo's hair.. which [fun fact time!!! :D] it is theorized by some bleach fans that the title of the anime is bleach because when you "bleach" a black haired person hair it turns an orangish color which is the color of ichigo's hair, and being set in japan and most people in japan having black hair, orange hair is an abnormality... [im not sure if that was confusing at all... i did my best explination haha.])
i dislike floods... its too... damaging... heheh.
i had the sudden urge to watch the twilight movies a little while ago... which made me wanna barf... i love the books but the movies drive me mad, but since i figured that my dad and step mom went through the trouble of buying the movies for me i should at least watch them haha... i just got through the first one.. but it has pretty much just been background noise because ive been reading manga online... oddly enough im reading bleach haha
i can't imagine myself with orange hair..but i think i probably would look like a jack o'lantern, since i have really thick hair. =PPP i often wonder what i would look like if i dyed my hair blond or red though....
there was this flood before and my dad was about to go out and buy some supplies and he looked out of the window and was like: what the *****????? because the water had come up to the first floor and well...the street looked like it was filled with milk tea.
i have a sudden urge to belt out songs from glee...= =
yea we get floods, ive never seen any thing more than a few feet of water from a flash flood though, but thats just personally, ive heard of it get real bad, places near rivers and creeks are always the worst.
(oops i submited before i was done haha)
any way, no i doubt it would turn your hair gray... it would turn it orange most likely :D haha but thats usually with pitch black hair i think... but when you bleach it its always some where between blonde and orange, at least thats what i know of it.
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 12:11:06 AM CDT on August 29, 2011.
i go on the internet all day and my homepage is yahoo, so i knew about the hurricane thing. do you get floods from hurricanes, or is new York too far up north??
oh yeah, i heard that lemon juice could make light brown hair blond or something. if your hair's already very light i think it might not make a really big difference....i never tried it since my mom wouldn't let me...also i kind of wondered if i bleached my hair would it turn out mousy brown and gray *blech* (my hair is dark brown and black)??? that would be horrible =PP
my dad was saying that there was a bad hurricane or something on the east coast near NYC... im not sure though, i dont watch the news any more heheh.
i dont think i would mind teaching some one older than me... i think it would actually make me feel super smart haha,
i dont mind non 100% juice... i doubt sunny d is 100% but i do know that its pretty good for you any way. but i agree... i absolutely adore lemonade :) haha i love being able to actually make it myself too hahaha.... OOO!!! you can bleach your hair with lemon juice!!! :D... i wonder if i have any.... i tried it once but my mom wouldnt give me very much lemon juice and your supposed to stay in the sun i think, its like a natural way to make your hair lighter... but it may also discolor it... im not quite sure, it made my hair only a teeny tiny bit lighter.
we're having a storm day here....that's why i'm still at home now =)) there's a typhoon and the government people in our Taipei cancelled school. it's fun being indoors when it's pouring outside...of course, when you have electricity, food, and water indoors.
i'd feel kind of awkward if i had to teach someone older than me...i think i'd feel a bit more confident if i had to teach high schoolers or junior high students math and science....actually i have NO IDEA how to teach Chinese, i just know the language XPP and i know french too, but i think i'm probably the one who needs tutoring since it's been ages since i practiced speaking it.
i have this obsession with fruit juice that's either 100% or freshly made. i guess it's because some fruit juices have lots of artificial coloring and i'm always like: ugh...it's gonna dye my insides orange. well, of course lemonade. i don't think it's actually possible to drink 100% lemon juice XDDD i love lemonade though.
yea jobs are deffinitely gonna be difficult to find, but if i were you i would advertise the tutor thing on campus, you will meet more people that way and usually there is atleast some one looking for a tutor, especially in foriegn languages.
the wind is always the worst part of winter xp it just cuts right through everything. its raining here too haha, but it made my room cold so im not too happy about that... but sunny d... :D is a SUPER awesome orange juice. its super tasty, and they have different flavors too, its really really good :)
yeah, i take one look at the tuition and i think: how the *bleep* ing hell am i supposed to pay this *bleep*?XDDDDD i guess i could always go to Canada where school fees are like 10 times cheaper, but....it's cold *sigh*. i wouldn't be worried too much about the homeless thing though, since i remember most freshmen live on campus, so you'll probably be able to find a dorm room or something. i'm kinda worried about the jobs though, since i have NO work experience AT ALL and i'm not particularly good at stuff...don't know if i'll be able to place an ad in a newspaper saying that i'd like to be a math/science/Chinese tutor....wish it could be that easy
our school uniforms for winters aren't exactly warm enough. we wear stockings with skirts in winter (and it's absolutely freezing. i wish we could switch to trousers) and sometimes it just feels like the cold goes through every layer you're wearing..brrrrr =(((( i don't know about vitamin D, but if it's raining outdoors i immeditately feel grumpy..like now XPP...what's sunny d by the way?
distance doesnt really matter to me either. the only college i truely have my heart set on is Alfred University, and thats mostly because i have friends that go there already, and i've heard alot about it and really like it. and yea, pheonix is a big city so im sure there are probably gangs there. and yea, stiffies is a term i use for uptight people haha, and yea, they are pretty judgemental, and there fore dont like alot of people, especially people who have a different way of thinking. haha but i really hope you can get into caltech too :)
i bet winters like that suck. it gets all wet and cold at the very start of winter because it isnt cold enough to actually snow but its still cold >_<. i think the reason most people get grumpy during winter is lack of vitamin D, i think that they actually did a study on that though, if you dont get enough sunlight you get cranky, i always try and drink lots of sunny D in the winter time though :D well, i try and drink it all the time but i always seem to drink more of it in winter in sometime... maybe people are trying to tell me something O_o... hmmm....
yupperz, im graduating next year :D... but im kida worried too... im actually most worried that im gonna end up homeless and jobless though... thats my biggest worry, but other than that im super excited :D
i want to go to california or the carolinas....or maybe texas.....distance doesn't matter much to me anymore since either way it's going to be thousands of miles away from Taipei. i read a book that was set in Arizona...apparently Phoenix is famous for its gangs, so i'm not that keen to go there. and what are stiffies?? do they jus mean people who are uptight? if they're lots of people like that in the ivy league they would hate me =P i <3 pranks....that's why i want to go to a school that's famous for its pranks *yay Caltech* hope that i can get in though =D
i've never done any snowball fights in my life...although i've built a measly little snowman once when i was in japan. winters here are just....cold and wet, like 40 degrees or so and rainy every day. and there are the winds too, that make everything seem so much colder and drearier...and the sun doesn't rise at 6 in the morning....and it's dark by 5:30..well i just don't like winter even if it's in a warm place like where i live. i love the feeling of being indoors when it's rainy or really cold outside though....although i generally don't like staying indoors, probably because the apartment i live in is kinda cramped, it's practically as small as our classroom. summers here are incredibly hot, it's always above 80 degrees even at night, but that means on any give day you can have fun cooling down =DDDD i kinda want to go to a place that snows in winter but isn't FREAKISHLY cold. i have bad moods when it gets too dreary outside and great moods when it's sunny...so i need somewhere sunny( i'm sounding like a plant =PPP) you're graduating next year right? i'm semi-excited and semi-apprehensive about next june.....graduation + going abroad + ...old enough to be legal = =
haha yea arizona is a LONG way away from new york :) but i always wanted to travel and i figured i wanted to start there, it's really random though that i picked arizona, i dunno, i just really like the sound of it :). and im not sure about the gang thing, in truth there are lots of gangs every where. in fact about an hour from where i live is a city called buffalo and there is alot of gang stuff there. its every where, i dont think there is really a place that you can get away from it, even in the smaller towns there are kids who at the least claim that they are in big city gangs. but big cities are where its more concentrated in the states.
i thought a little bit about the ivt leagues, i might apply to one or two, when i look a little more seriously into colleges this year. i doubt i actually can make it into one of them, but it would be fun to :) i bet the stiffies there would end up hating me haha, im not sure if all of the people that go there are up tight, but i know that some of them are.
but winter isnt THAT bad haha, but it can be worse at times :) but it honestly isnt all that bad, snow can be really fun when its several feet deep and not just a thin layer haha. i mean there's snow ball fights (which i always enjoy) and there is ice skating (which unfortunately i have never done :/) snow boarding is super fun too. and we wouldnt be able to do any of that without winter :)
you can always do similar things in year round summer though. but really being outside in winter isnt all that bad if your having fun :) you forget all about the cold because you really arent cold at all :) you stay warm by doing stuff, and when you get tired, you get to go inside, wear fuzzy pajamas, and drink lots of hot cocoa and i find instant ramen super tasty after coming in from outside in the middle of winter. haha but then again, i grew up in it, and not all people enjoy winter time, but it can be really fun haha much more fun than sticking your head in a fridge ahahaha :D
isn't arizona really really far from new york? i heard that it's a place known for gangs and stuff...= = correct me if i'm wrong though.are you gonna apply to any of those big-name schools? there are a lot of them clustered in the northeastern part of the US....all the Ivy Leagues are there, and if your writing is good then your SAT writing and reading scores probably are too, so..
my essay teacher who's from the states says that if you can't imagine living in a college up north, 'stick your head into the refrigerator for 40 minutes, then imagine that for six months of the year'.....i was like O_o (help)...
well i was hoping to look into some colleges in arizona, and im deffinitely applying to alfred university, and i was considering hilbert, and maybe villa maria. but im not too sure about those last two.
i actually like winter, i just hate having to stand around in below freezing weather for hours, thats the only thing i hate about it though... well that and when the water freezes or the heat goes out, but thats really the only bad parts besides the travel hazards. but then again im usually happy in any weather as long as im having fun ^_^ heheh
if the college you're applying to uses the Common Application (most colleges use the common application, except those in California) then one of the topics is going to be 'topic of your choice'. which colleges are you planning to apply to?
i'm a very un-winter person :/ i don't even want to think of the weather in Canada.....
haha i would love to have a 'topic of your choice' essay :D haha but i doubt the college i was applying to would hahaha.
im glad you got your influential person essay dont though, im sure it will do fine :)
i know exactly how you feel though, i want to go back to july!!! i really wish summer werent nearly over :/ i really wish i could just stop time.
=D blame the Common Application for having such a tempting essay topic : 'Topic of Your Choice". come on, that was just BEGGING for something interesting and even though i don't know whether the admissions officers like that or not, i think it's best to be myself =)). oh yeah, and i FINALLY managed to finish my influential person essay. it might not be the best....but at least it's done.
i'm wondering how summer passes so quickly = = it's my favorite season of the year, and now i have to wait another whole year for it to be back =((
hahahahaha that is amazing :D i cant wait till this year, my english teacher is going to partially hate me :) she has already met me and when she did i was with one of her students retrieveing another one of her students for the blood drive and i was really really hyper so she was a little over whelmed heheh
haha yea, my mom actually used to work at pizza hut, but that was a LONG time ago, i was really little, i actually dont even remember that she did, but she always talked about it. ive never had their chicken though, i'll have to try it sometime :)
yeah, i have that habit too, when i don't like stuff i'll just put it off until i forget about it...and the teacher reminds me about it. i can't muck around in my essay class though since the teacher's kind of strict, so when he says 'write the first paragraph' i usually write the entire essay...so i won't have anything left to do for the rest of the week =)) a lot of kids in my class picked boring stuff to talk about, like trips, books, and school. the teacher's eyes literally bulged out of his head when i told him i was going to write about my teeth =DDDDD
oh yeah, i was so hungry after we talked about pizza this morning(at least it was morning where i live) i went and had pizza for lunch. The perks of living in a city =)))) i love pizza hut chicken , i like it even more than the pizza....there's this pizza hut buffet about a mile from where i live and when my family goes there i always load up on the salads and chicken =)).
yea, i mean im good with essays, if its something i can actually write about, if not then i put it off... and well then im basically doomed heheh. i would say that putting things off is my biggest down fall, i always think i'll have time then i never do, i was super proud of myself this past year though when i turned in my english essay on the due date (i actually didnt have it done in my class period but i got it done and turned in by 3:15 that day so i was all legal :) haha) but since the year before the essay was due in like march and i didnt even turn it in till may, i was pretty happy heheh
pizza hut big foot pizza is AMAZING :) i havent ever eaten pizza hut pizza much though, and i dont think ive ever had Domino's. there are some really nice smaller pizza shops around here. in this area there is a gas station called crosby's that has AWESOME buffalo chicken wing pizza (its really really good, and spicy.) their other pizza is good too but thats the best. there is also a place called brooke's general store, and it has some awesome chicken whings and really good pizza too. and then there is jenny lee's, the only thing ive ever had from there is pizza and it is really good too, its really popular in the town where my school is and from what i hear the other food there is really good too. (yea i like pizza haha... i talk about it alot, which now, i really want some pizza hahaha :D)
my essay teacher describes my essays as edgy and mock serious. i guess that's true, but i'm seriously wondering what the admissions officers will think of that...=PPPP and i never dreaded college apps....until i started having to do them. then it really, really sucked =PP
we only have about two kinds of pizzas here: pizza hut and Domino's. i remember one memorable Christmas when our class had a party and ordered every pizza PIzza hut had on its menu.
well cold weather really isnt all that bad, winter stuff can be really fun. but it can be a pain in the butt, sometimes.
i dont really have a favorite kind of pizza, but there is this one pizza place called little ceasars... the pizza there is awesome :D
i find it really difficult to write essays sometimes... well the ones that have to be realistic. i am truely dreading college application essays heheh.
Caltech=California Institute of Technology. i'm still deciding whether i want to go to the east coast or west coast (i mean, i've lived in Taiwan for all my life. i think the cold weather might drive me crazy up north if i went there right away).
i've never tried that sort of pizza. my favorite would probably be..plain pizza, the ones with lots and lots of tomatoes on it (i love tomatoes =))))))) )
well.....the first person i thought of was my mom, so that was what i wrote about, although she didn't exactly influence me THAT much (but when compared to teachers and the like, she influenced me quite a bit). my mom's totally imperturbable...so i tried working on that point and realized that it was very hard to work on
haha yea, the caltech one was better :). ive never heard of that school though, where is it???
that sounds like some tasty bread :) haha... hmmm makes me hungry for white pizza (i have no idea how the two relate, since white pizza is pretty much a galic-y pizza... but still now i wanna go to the mall heheh)
if i had to write that for a college essay... they would not wanna hear about the people that influence me :)) haha, i mean i could write a ligit one about a teacher or something, but adults just dont influence me much. did you figure any thing out you could write for it yet???
Apparently MIT retaliated by going over to their campus and stealing their 1.7 ton school cannon (i have no idea how they did that). i kinda thought Caltech's prank was funnier though, they're famous for pranks and i'd love to go there if i were good enough
random incident: i found this really interesting bread at the bakery yesterday. it was shaped like a clover leaf (one of those four-leaf ones) and on each side there was this different flavor (one side was sausage, another was onion, another was corn, and the last was ham) so i got it and i had it for today's lunch =))
i have absolutely no idea what to write about for my essay 'tell us about an infuential person in your life' (it's the prompt for one college's application)
my turtle never got that big... and i was never too willing to stick my hand into the tank with the aligator haha.
but older siblings... you dont want them haha. its not that i was tortured... buuut... i kinda was lolz. i have tons of cousins though :/ but im not a fan of most of my family, they are all nuts... the only ones i like in my family are my uncle, and my half brother, and sort of my half sister that i know.
that is a hilarious prank though :D deffinitely awesome haha that is deffinitely one of the best pranks ive heard of so far :D
my dad wouldn't let me clean my turtle's tank after i had him three years, since he'd grown too big by then. he'd bit anyone, so my dad kind of held a stick-like thing to keep him busy while he picked the turtle out of the tank. i once came home to see my turtle dangling from an old toothbrush because he wouldn't let it go.
i'd always wondered what having older siblings would be like...and as far as i know,i only have one cousin in Taiwan, who's only a few months older than i am. if i were an older sibling i might bully my brothers od sisters *evil grin*
i was reading up on college stuff and i was on Caltech's website, and there was this entire page about their pranks :D apparently once they went with a crowd of MIT students to Cambrige (secretly of course) and gave out t-shirts that said MIT on the front (but the back said: ....BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE CAN GO TO CALTECH) :DDDDD
well my mom was the one who always took him out of the tank and took care of him and stuff, i dont know how she managed not to get bit. i just love animals though... well except for bugs.. but i dont consider them animals heheh
i actually dont have any full siblings. i have an older half sister and an older half brother that are my moms kids and i have an older half sister that is my dads kid, but i only ever remember meeting her once, so i dont really count her very often.
im not much of a fan of kids either, im good with some kids, but those kids are ones that i know their parents and they arent much of a pain in the butt. other than that though, i extremely dislike all the little kids at my school and on my bus... they were terrible >_<
how do you take the alligator out of the tank without it biting you anyway? i wish i had one =(( i love scaly creatures, for some reason, like fish and snakes and lizards.
how many siblings do you have? i only have the one brother, and most people here only have a one or two kids. Personally, i'm not a really big fan of kids. they're loud and noisy and they fight a lot (my experience from a four-day volunteer project with elementary kids).
it wasnt very big no bigger than 3 feet if even that. he would bite... but he never bit me, i never let him have the chance :) haha, we would put him in the bath tub so we could wash his tank, but it was pretty cool that he didnt get very big, he got to be like 4 or 5 years old. there were some people that my mom knew who got 1 or 2 at the same time as us and they kept theirs in their pool... they got to be the size of normal aligators :).
i try not to think about the getting old thing, because it kinda scares me too, but my brother always tells me how old he is getting :D haha he is 10 years older than me, so he is almost 27, i told him he wasnt old till he was 31, or until he had kids, so technically my sister who is 2 years younger than him, is older than him... atleast the way i think of it :D
WOW!!! AN ALLIGATOR???? that's SO cool =DDDDDDD how big was it? would it bite you? and do you let it out of the tank?? i did that ONCE with my pet turtles....and they disappeared under the piano within five minutes O_o. i was supposed to feed them fish too...but i usually grew attached to the fish (well they were all different colored carp =P) and then i'd keep them instead of using them for food and my dad would feed the turtle (yeah, one died because it didn't eat its vitamins) scraps from the salad, like old lettuce and stuff. i never knew alligators could get pneumonia though...
i don't think that much about the on my own thing, since i'd had a few times to get used to it (like, rooming with complete strangers), it's the GETTING OLD that freaks me out a bit. Yesterday i was like: damn, this is gonna be my last summer as a teen....how did six years pass this fast??? O_o and then i thought: i'm old.......and i sound old too = = i mean, if six years can go by this fast, i'll probably be saying the same thing when i'm 30 or something.......
haha yea they arent supposed to be kept with other fish :D my mom was gonna try and raise them but you just couldnt, they always wanted to fight :D... my moms boy friend used to do the same thing, putting them in front of a mirror, it was pretty interesting.
we raised minnows once... but they never lived long either... but there was a reason haha we had them for food for my aligator :) he was just a baby though, if you keep them in small containers they stay small, and we just had him in a fish tank. i loved that thing :) especially because it bit my moms boy friend... twice haha. but it died one winter from pnemonia (i am not sure if thats how its spelled... i did my best haha)
and yea i know.. its almost hard to believe that this time next year we will probably be on our own O_O.. wow that really just hit me, like now haha
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 12:59:29 PM CDT on August 24, 2011.
oh i know those fish, for some reason they're sold in plastic cups here (you know, the transparent ones with the detachable flat round top with a hole you poke a straw in). i think they're blue or red or sometimes black (that's kind of a rare color). we used to have those but they never really lived long since they always bullied other fishes. my brother liked to put it in front of a mirror and then it would think that there was another fighting fish and its gills would expand and it would start looking all angry =D.
i've kept guppies too, but they didn't live long either since they kept jumping out of the aquarium (our aquarium didn't have a cover back then).
i suddenly realized that this was my last summer as a teenager = = i feel old....= =
yea, but in my defense i was like 6 when i had all those gold fish lolz
i love gold fish the most though because they are so easy to take care of lolz
i used to have those beta fish or what ever they are called, the fighting ones, they were pretty easy to take care of. we used to have them in those vases with the plants on top where the roots of the plant would hang down into the water, they were fine as long as they didnt get entangled in the vines. but those ones were really pretty too.
fish are kinda sensitive to climate change, so when it's too hot or too cold they'll just die, so...if you want to keep fish long-term, you might have to go to one of those special aquarium stores and get a thermostat and a motor that pumps bubbles. normally goldfish are pretty easy to keep (at least that's the case here) but you can't just tip them into their bowl and add tap water, they have to get used to it bit by bit (like: add some tap water into the plastic bag, then add a little more after an hour, and so on). i like the black ones and the really really red ones (the ones that look like carrots =)) ) and the white ones with a little red cap on their heads (they're called little Red Riding Hoods in aquariums here).
haha yea, when i was little my dad always brought me home gold fish but they would always die about a week later :( but i used to love going to the section in the zoos with fish :) there ware always so many and they were all so pretty :D. i think my favorite kind of fish would be those black gold fish with the bug eyes XD i think they are sooo cute heheh
nah, it was WAY too fast...guess it was still scared of someone trying to kill him. not a lot of people here seem to be fond of lizards =(
i love fish =)) there is a street about a forty minute drive away from where i live with that is lined with stores that sell different types of fish. it's completely lined with aquariums, so stores even sell real live coral and stingrays and clownfish. most places sell goldfish and carp and other weirdly-shaped or colored fish--there's this kind of fish called the parrot fish that looks just like a parrot and is a very distinct shade of hot pink =)) i started keeping fish when i was in first grade. i think that it was a project or something where everyone had to keep about five or six carp. anyway, i kept them after the project ended and asked the teacher for a few more. a lot of them lived for years, but there was only one left when i was in sixth grade and it died that summer =(( because the weather was too hot. fish are kind of stupid though, but they're really pretty to look at and they nibble on your finger if you stick it into the water
thats awesome haha, i wonder where it could be too.. did you try and catch it at all??? i have a bad habit of picking up what ever animals i find :D i used to find turtles alot ive had 2 (one was this little tiny baby snapping turtle XD but it was so small it couldnt hurt any one, so i got to keep it for a few years until i moved and then we let it loose in the pond thing behind the house.)
at the moment im trying to figure out if i can have a fish though. because my dad doesnt like animals so i cant have any but im wondering if i can convince him to let me get a fish since they dont make much of a mess. the only problem though would be where would i put it when and if i move in with leah, because she has 2 cats... and multiple dogs XD going to her house is like a party for me because i miss all the animals i used to have.
today i saw a lizard in my room. i thought it was a really skinny cockroach or a really fast centipede at first because it just flashed by. then my dad came in with a spray can, found the creature and told me that it was just a tiny lizard with its tail missing. and then i was like; NO!!PUT THAT SPRAY CAN AWAY!!!THAT LIZARD'S ALREADY ESCAPED DEATH ONCE!!! so that's what my dad did. wonder where it is now...=P
haha yea, i have only heard of one place that POSSIBLY sells ramen in my area, and its still hours away if im right about where it should be.
but honestly... i dont think i could take a bath with those things foating around O_o i would feel like i was in a soup or something and about to get eaten (haha but that would be an AMAZING prank to pull on little kids haha if i ever end up having kids im deffinitely putting those in a bath with them and then telling them that they are in a soup and gonna get eaten... haha im gonna be a horrible parent... but then again i cant be as bad as my mom, she used to tell my brother and sister that they were gonna get sucked down the drain, and she is probably the reason i used to be afraid that the vacuum would eat me O_o)
i havent ever gotten too many wierd gifts from friends though.. mostly cards and little stuff, but i always keep all my gifts (unless its food then i eat it :D)
now i'm thinking how i'm going to survive in the States without ramen O_o. there are at least 5 ramen restaurants within a 15 minute walk from our apartment (the perks of living in the city), but i only ever go the one near to our school, since it makes UNBELIEVABLE ramen =)))) it would probably cost a little more than five dollars on your end, but after you finish your first bowl (don't drink all the soup!) you can go on adding noodles for free. =DDD
and yeah, it's awkward to talk to family about what i want, so i'm actually kind of glad they just give me the money and be done with it XP one of my friends elsie gives people the WEIRDEST GIFTS EVER. she bought a pack of bath salts (or something similar, anyway you drop it into the tub) that were shaped like Oden (a type of japanese food, see link). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Yataioden.jpg
can you seriously imagine being in the bath with those things floating around you??? = = she bought me a rather normal gift for my birthday: pens and a notebook from Italy and a fat, soft star she made. Then she gave my brother Kleenex printed like 100-dollar bills and stuffed a plastic Starbucks cup with miniscule red, pink and white pom-poms so it looked like it was filled with candy. Some of my friends aren't really knacky with their hands though...so mostly i'm the one making gifts, but i don't really mind, it's the thought that counts and the cards are always great =))))
yea, its really hard to find real ramen here, so the only kind i have ever had is the pre-packaged and its deffintely one of my favorite foods :))
but i always like gifts from friends more than gifts from my parents, because my friends know me better and usually they dont buy me stuff they make me stuff instead and i like that even more just because, its always better, its something that no one else has and its priceless :) but usually i get money from my parents and family too, unless there is something they can figure out that i want that they can buy me, which they usually dont, because im not much of a talker when it comes to my family.. i find it really awkward to actually "talk" to them about things.
i like soup, but that might be because soup in taiwan isn't always thick and gluey (our school makes that kind of soup and it tastes like....salty custard with bacon that's so solid it can't even DRIP off the spoon. ick). soup in taiwan is mostly like different types of broth, not the gooey stuff. my brother's favorite food is soup though...because he claims to be too lazy to chew = =. i like ramen (real ramen, although ialso like the prepackaged version). and well...prepackaged ramen is practically a part of Taiwanese culture. there is NO household in taiwan who doesn't have a pack of the stuff (health food addicts aside). i have at least three or four types at home...everyone eats packaged ramen here =)). i even have it sometimes for breakfast.
my family's not big on birthday cakes, my parents just give my brother and i a wad of cash and tell us to get whatever we like, so i don't really look forward to gifts from them =P i look forward more to gifts from friends =))) they're always surprising.
yea, sometimes i wonder if my school knows what climate control is, its always practically freezing in all except a couple rooms that get heat once in a while in winter time, its like musical chairs only instead with heat in class rooms lolz.
but i didnt do much, got a new camera :D and then went out to eat at outback steak house, the food was really good, except for my dad got french onion soup (ick in my opinion, although its not as bad as most soup... i really dislike soup lolz, well except for ramen noodles, but i only ever eat the noodles so i dont consider it soup haha) but it came late, and it wasnt warm so he complained and got free soup, but also they gave him extra soup to take home...
but over all it was really good, i didnt get to go see any of my friends but it wasnt too big of a deal, the way i see it, it's just a day, i doesnt mean the next time i see them i cant demand a birthday cake haha, not that i would, unless it's leah, because we actually still need to make a birthday cake for no reason any way.
yeah, because of the humid climate here i had this MAJOR problem with frizz a couple years back. the humidity here was enough to make my ponytail frizz so much it looked more like a cauliflower ( of course, that wasn't helped by the fact that i kept combing it because ithought it would be less frizzy. boy, was i wrong =P)yeah and i learned that the worst thing you can do to curly hair is to straighten it without an iron--it never works, and it looks REALLY weird (there was this once when i tried it and i went to school with the ends of my hair pointing ever which way. i looked like i had lopsided hair extensions). it still gets cold here in winter though, so a lot of people here have electric heaters, but definitely not central heating.
what did you do for your birthday?
yea my hands get SUPER dry in the winter time XP i super hate it lolz, because no matter what i do, my hands would be sooo dry. but it didnt help that i had electric heat, which is super dry xp. right before storms it always gets super humid over here, and then my hair curls and i yell at it (not that i really care, its the weather, so what if my hair freaks out because of it,) but i yell at it because it NEVER curls when i try to curl it (or when my friend dillon sits there for HOURS trying to curl my hair for prom... unsuccessfully haha). im usually not the type that is over worried about my hair all the time, usually it isnt overly... troublesome either, well unless im trying to cut it. i swear there isnt a person on earth who can successfully cut my hair.. well maybe but i never go to a proffesional so, that is probably the reason i always have issues.
yup, it rained today AGAIN...but at least it didn't rain yesterday or the day before....last week was literally FILLED with thunderstorms, really really big ones too. there are perks about a humid climate though, not a lot of people get chapped skin in winter
i've never actually tried a jalapeno....although i remember times when my brother and i swallowed this powder ground from chili seeds. it was very....interesting XDD
i had to go to this math competition yesterday and it was SO hot and we didn't have any air conditioning. >:( well, hope it'll be better today......=P can't stand summers in taiwan without air conditioning
hahaha awesome, this past year in my spanish class we dared eachother to eat jalepenos out of the jar... it was amazing but i had to run to the water fountain and it brought tears to my eyes haha
we were gonna try and get my friend kenny to drink the juice but the teacher wouldnt let us
my mom originally used to tell my brother and i to eat more...until we started eating so much my brother would always get sick =PPP
i love thai food, which basically has a lot of lemon and chillies in it =DD there was this guy in our class who couldn't stand the SLIGHTEST bit of spicy food....and of course we loved pranking him on that.
i love buffets but i cant go to them too often because i always over eat, usually not by choice though, my mom would always tell me to eat as much as possible "so we can get our money's worth" =_=
but yea, i like spicy food, i usually dont eat alot of it, but i LOVE jalepeno pepper poppers :D spicy stuff is pretty tasty :D
most buffets like that in Taiwan are probably in hotels. i remember this chain of Yakiniku (Japanese barbecue) stores in Taiwan, they had the most amazing courses (no it's not a buffet, i'm just hungry =P) that started with some kind of roll, with lettuce on the outside and shrimp salada and apples inside, the second course would be this amazing tomato soup (actually my favorite part of the entire course), then there would be lemon/cranberry sorbet and then the grilled meat and vegetables. after that there would be soup again(vegetables and mushrooms) and then dessert =DDDDDD there are a lot of thai food buffets here for some reason....do you like spicy food?
haha your making me hungry too lolz... but they probably get to eat so well since they dont get to eat too well up in space.. or, atleast thats my theory lolz.
ooo, a good buffet, that you should try whenever you come to the states is golden coral... AMAZING food. they have the best buffet i have ever seen, because its not just one!!! they have a buffet bar thingy for steak and salad and just tons of different food... and they have this awesome dessert bar... i make myself sick everytime i go there because i eat so much :D
last time i went there was like a year ago though... but now i have made myself even more hungry... :D
i was at houston at the NASA museum and since i had classes in there we got to eat the same things workers there ate. i have to admit, astronauts and mission controllers have really, really good stuff to eat =)))) a buffet with all kinds of things (i'm hungry just thinking about it =P)
i agree with you on the tofu stuff... people go nuts with it, do they not remember that we have survived for millenia on NATURAL things.
ive actually never had a veggie burger though
i don't mind spinach, but i HATE tofu. who said asians had to like tofu anyway....= = you know they actually make veggie sausages out of tofu here??? it's the most disgusting thing ever invented. people here seem to think that veggie stuff NEEDS to be made out of tofu. i went to Houston once and had a veggie burger that tasted great with spices and herbs and stuff like that. wish veggie stuff here could be like that......and sausages really don't go with milk =P i kinda think they go with juice, apple or orange juice. i think waffles or french toast would be fine though XDDD
hmmm, i didnt know about the tofu thing either... im glad i dont eat it haha... but its not like i eat spinach either :D guess thats one thing i dont have to worry too much about...
and i dont usually eat yogurt either... but i do drink alot of milk, and i love italian sausage... which is a type of sausage i guess, so hopefully i dont have to worry bout too much of that :D especially because i usually dont drink milk when i eat sausage xp... in my opinion some things just dont go together.
im not too up to date on the whole "things different foods cause" any more there are so many things that cause illness i cant keep track heheh..
milk is fine but yoghurt is not, i think it's because some of the fermented stuff in yoghurt, anyway it reacts with something in the sausages. it's obviously not a well known fact though....= =
did you know that spinach can't be eaten with tofu too? apparently the acid in the veggies make stuff in the tofu condense and it causes kidney stones = = well that's what our bio teacher said =PP
THAT LOOKS SOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!! haha i so wanna try that now..
but that is strange... sounds like some one is trying to cause some cancer heheh, just kidding, but you would think they would know... then again most people just dont care. hmmm... im not sure but what is lactic acid drinks... it sounds like milk products..
check it out =)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdF_6bteMLc although i think they might've programmed it instead of actually doing it....still cool though.
random fact: did you know that sausages can't be eaten with lactic acid drinks? something inside the sausage (i think some kind of salt used for preservation) and the lactic acid can react to cause poisonous stuff that'll eventually cause cancer. Well our entire class was laughing at yesterday's menu because they sent up BOTH sausages and lactic acid drinks in the same meal.
ive never heard of that game before but you probably could pull it off since people usually stay after school till dark anyway. most kids dont stay after school that late unless there is somthing going on like a home sports game or a play or something. and even then alot of them leave and then come back, well unless they ride the bus home and are hanging out with some one who also doesnt live in town, then there will be a few groups of kids who are walking around the school doing nothing :) haha it would be fun to get a bunch of the people who do nothing during the foot ball games to do the light thing during the middle of a game and freak people out :D
im wondering if we're supposed to draw a really tiny pic = = well i think i'll ask the creator later.
there was this one video i saw before, don't know if it was a senior prank or not. anyway the students of this school were there at night, and you know that game where a little dot of light appears and you try to swallow it (is it called Snake or something?). well they played that game with the windows of the classrooms, turning the classroom lights on and off so it was like an enormous game of whatever it's called. it was incredible and you could see it from a long long way off. wonder if we could pull that off, since students at our school stay at school until it's dark out.
if we painted the room so it could be washed off then it wouldn't be so bad then...i'm thinking white since our classroom walls are white. =)))
i probably would never dye my hair hot pink but i would like to dye it some strange color sometime, just for fun.
but painting an entire classroom one color would be AWESOME!!! :D... but i think any one who did that would probably be arrested for vandalism... well atleast over here :/ doing that would probably be the best expirience of my life though haha if i could do it :D
im not sure about what they mean by the avatar thing though, i saw that challenge too and read through it but i had NO idea what they meant by it. i would think it would be the the little pic on the portfolio but alot of people have pics from actual anime so i dont know how that would work...
there aren't many people who dye their hair a very different color here. they're always dyeing their hair a light brown or a light-reddish brown. occasionally you do see something that can be actually called blond, and sometimes there are people who dyed their hair hot pink =PP not that i would want to
the funny thing about pranks here in our school is that pranks are usually done on the good teachers, not the super nice walkover ones but the ones that people really like. we have a lot of daily pranks though, like for some time there was this running gag with the math teacher where we would leave a smudge of chalk right untder a loose metal-clip thingy that made a very loud bang when it crashed down. random prank i thought of: whatwould happen if i painted a classroom one color? i mean everything except the ceiling, all...maybe hot pink or lime green would be nice. that would be a shocker XD
I got invited to a challenge called 'Avas'. what does it mean to draw my own ava? i don't even really know what an avatar is... i thought it was the little pic on your porfolio O_o mind explaining to me?
Last edited by Blaze023 at 5:54:25 PM CDT on August 17, 2011.
yea i get what you mean, certian groups of kids will copy eachother just to "fit in" and they all end up looking alike. it gets kind of annoying too, when i decide when i decided i wanted to bleach my hair so it was a lighter blonde (whick i never got the chance to) right after i said that i wanted to do that, about 10 people did it... =_= i learned my lesson that if i want to do something i cant tell anyone about it first.. haha but usually there is still always difference, i guess that is the good thing about the states, every one and everything is different.
haha last year at summer school a mouse came into my class in the middle of our final, one of the kids tried to smoosh it and i started yelling at him (cause i didnt want him to kill it and i didnt want to see guts..).. the teacher wasnt too happy :)
im not sure if alot of people are afraid of reptiles, i dont think that most are but i know a few who are afraid of them.
and no, i dont hear of alot of actually good senior pranks... this past year i dont even know what they did, or the year before that. and freshman year i know the kids at the school i had been going to wrote thier grad. year all over the outside of the school... in chalk, so it washed right off.. nothing memorable. but i think the senior prank for this year is going to be awesome, we have some of the BEST goof balls in my grad class, and a majority of them arent afraid to get in trouble so it will deffinetly be good, at least if i can help it :)
random thought: one of the things i think would be interesting if i went abroad was that people seem to look so different in the States. i mean, in a class you might be able to see brunettes, blondes, redheads, and so on, with different hairstyles. here, there are practically only three hairstyles: the ponytail, the bob, and the untied hair, and all of them are straight and dark brown. everyone's eyes are the same color here too: dark brown. It's boring =P
oh yeah, i've heard about senior pranks from my cousin. she goes to an american school, and she said that one year the seniors all set their alarm clocks and watches to some time in the middle of a class. (this makes me think of another practical joke. yesterday one of my friends was timing us on a few math problems, and he set the timer to 'bark' instead of 'beep'. Everyone jumped XDDDD) i like the animals idea. i wonder what my homeroom teacher would do if a mouse came scampering into the room =))))) and of course lizards would freak out another load of people...are a lot of people at your school scared of reptiles and insects? sadly, our school doesn't allow 'disfiguring' the walls =((( i would've loved to do that*sigh* are there any really good senior pranks you've heard of?
well im seriously not sure how people confuse us, im 5'4" and she's between 5' and 5'2" (so not really several inches, but im kinda just guessing, she might be shorter.) we do both have sorta the same hair lenghth, i have short, slightly wavy (sometimes its curly, it was when i was younger too, but now its just..... not really wavy but deffinetly not sraight, i usually straighten it though in the morning if i have time.) and she has short hair thats naturally blonde, but she always dyes it different colors, like blue, red, purple, black, and usually between colors its a really light blonde. we dont even have the same eye color. so basically the only things that we have in common is hair length and personality.
our school walls arent really bare though, teachers are always hanging stuff up on the walls in the hallways, and in a few places there are show cases where art work is put, and senior show cases (where seniors put a bunch of pictures from all through their lives... sadly when and if i do this, i will only have pictures from the last year or two.. i have NO baby pictures any more, they are all with my mom and i dont really know how i could get some of them)
i think it would be absolutely amazing to paint the walls though, they do, do these senior murals that are on the wall, but its just a picture that the seniors have decided to put up and the best artists in the senior class paint it and it includes all the names of the senior class of that year. but i think that we SHOULD be able to paint the walls :) heheh, and luckily i have no uniform but i would deffinetly deystroy it in some way if i did have one though lolz. but for a senior prank im seriously thinking we are going to let animals loose in the school or something O_o i brought it up sophmore year and everyone i talk to about it says it would be awesome to do that... if we could get around the animal cruelty laws and stuff.. (even though this year the agriculture teacher had a chinchilla get out..)
i haven't been mistaken for anyone in my entire life, mostly because of my hair. in taiwan most people have hair that's either completely straight or just slightly kinky (tusually hey perm their hair straight if it's like that). i have naturally wavy hair that used to be curly but somehow got wavy =)(not that i mind). oh yeah, and i'm a very small person, around five-three or so and i weigh less than 100 pounds, so people notice me pretty quickly (like: who's that midget over there? =PPP). and wow a several inch height difference, how can people even confuse you two??
we don't really have goody two shoes here, most are too afraid that they'll get glared at if they do something, so they usually go with the flow and suck up to the teachers later.
One of my dreams is to spray-paint the school walls with....i haven't thought much about it yet. OUr school walls are all white and bare, you don't see stuff tacked to the outside of classroom, so it's a RREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLY tempting canvas. another thing i want to do when i graduate is to dye my school uniform into.....maybe hot pink would be a good choice *evil grin*. we have lockers, but mostly they're just stuffed with books and nothing else. our desks though are covered with pencil drawings (our school goes on and on about the 'no wrecking' rule too) and stickers and post-it notes.
haha yea i get called taylor all the time on accident because people say i look like my friend taylor... even though we look nothing alike, have a several inch hieght difference, and she always has crazy hair colors... im thinking it must just be a personality thing because her and i have similar personalities... other than that though i have no clue how people could mistake me for her lolz. but its hilarious when there is a new substitute teacher that has no clue who is who and so kids will pretend to be different kids, or if we just keep telling them that the attendance sheet is for the wrong class :)) (which would be the advantage of switching classes) sucky part though is when there is a goody two shoes who ruins it and tells the sub who's who and that everyone is lying, then everyone gets yelled at and lectured for goofing off the next day when the teacher is back.
i really wish i could just keep my stuff in a desk, we did in elementary school but if we ever drew on them or any thing more than maybe taping stuff to them we would get in trouble. we can sorta customize out lockers though, but its the same thing, they have to be in the same condition that they started in by the end of the year or you get fined or something, im not sure though. i was super jelous though because the year before last the middle schooler got to paint their locker doors and take them home because the section they were in was being tore down.
yeah, when it comes to picking seat the first row is ALWAYS empty. No one wants the teacher glaring down at them XDDD
there were this two guys in my class that looked a lot alike. they had the same hair , same build, and same skin tone. ANyway once they traded glasses and seats and half teh class got confused. i only managed to identify each of them because one of a more smiley guy than the other. if it's not a new teacher a lot of people switch seats, since the teacher isn't going to call names from the seating chart but call names from memory. But it hard to switch seats permanently though--we don't run to classes like you do--we have only one classroom, our homeroom classroom, so everyone has their own desk and most people have their stuff inside. a lot of people 'customize' their desks by sticking stuff on it (when we switch seats we move the tables and chairs around too, so everyone keeps their own desk to the end of the semester). one of my friends draws on her desk, like REALLY large anime pics =)
i think the goofing off is part of the reason why we have to switch seats so many times, because it always goes like this: find seat --> find person -->if it's a friend then goof around, if it's not a friend then become friends and goof around =))
haha yea i did the seat thing when we didnt have assign seats in chemistry and a new girl was in my class and since i was ALWAYS late she took my seat, she didnt know though.. but i still had to move to a different seat =_=... i didnt mind except for the fact that i was now sitting directly in front of the teacher's desk.
its hilarious how in the classes we dont have assigned seating in, everyone always sits in the same spot and if some one else sits there someone always throws a fit... well except for me because it doesnt bother me, and i like being able to actually say, "we dont have assigned seating, so how am i in 'your' seat." when i decide to change seats.
but we usually do have assigned seats in a way, because after a couple days or a week or something the teacher expects us to sit there and gets really confused and annoyed when we move, but we usually get to pick our own seats, unless its a pain in the butt class and everyone always goofs off, then the teacher moves everyone.. and everyone either still messes around or after a day or so everyone just moves any way.
our school rearranges seating charts a few times per semester, and each time after my seat was switched i would get confused. like: *sleepwalks into class and walks towards seat* okay, there's my seat....HUH????THERE'S SOMEBODY IN MY SEAT!!! *remembers the seat change* oh, right....O_o *sweatdrops*
when teachers make me run errands like: 'go down to the academic affairs office and tell ms. lee (there isn't actually a ms. lee, it's just an example =P) that we need a stack of the paper you note down scores on' i run to the office and then i go: is ms...eh *forgot* here? since our school makes teachers come to our classrooms, we don't have the classroom changing problems though. and i agree that the most frustrating thing of all is trailing off midway. i hate it when you know you were going to say something really funny or really interesting ......and then you forgot =P
haha ill space out and walk into the wrong class room... or the right class room at the wrong time lolz i absolutely hate it when i actually show up on time for class and the teacher asks me what im doing there and then i realize what ive done and end up being late any way. then there will be the times where ill just walk around the school because i cant remember where im supposed to be (well i know where im supposed to be usually but most of the time that happens when the teacher sends me to do something, ill get distracted and forget what i was doing) the worst though i think is when im in the middle of a sentence and completely blank out because i forgot where i was going with what i was saying, or if im saying the name of something and ALMOST have it, but cant quite remember what it was...
i have a pretty good memory in general though, if i remember something, it stays there, usually... i think the most embarassing time that ive ever had where my memory failed me, i walked into my summer school study hall last year and asked the global teacher what the name of the american war between north and south was... and a kid who had probably failed 3 times remembered right away that it was the american civil war, haha i felt sooo stupid, and the teacher just kinda looked at me like i was nuts (which i kinda am... if you ask most of my friends)
i'm mostly good at logic and short-term memory, you know, when words or pictures flash in front of you and you memorize them (it kind of explains my thing about phone numbers). the school one was an official iq test, but i've take online ones though, and i'm guessing by the results that i'm between 130-140, or maybe just a bit above that (like: 141 or something) since i took the school one in eighth grade and scored 139. when i said finding errors i meant like two rows of numbers and letters mixed together (example: a587Q912 and a587O912) and you choose if they're different or not different. it sounds easy but you ahve to do it really fast.
i'm kinda lazy and have no idea what to do with my avatar so...=P never got one.
i get these brain-dead moments a lot. i walk down the hall to another class and i'm like: wait, where was i going to go? ( i stand there for a moment and then remember) or i talk and forgot what i'm talking about. =)
haha yea, im not sure why but my older brother had to take an iq test and it was over 140. i just took an online one (i know they arent very acurate but it gave me an idea on the area i was in) but i got over 120.... then i took it again and got over 140 because i had memorized it.. haha thats how un-acurate they are. but i realized something about them, alot of times you have to find patterns and stuff like number patterns and what shape fits where stuff. but really an iq test doesnt judge your book smarts (atleast its not supposed to) its supposed to be more for how good you are at problem solving and stuff.
i requested some avatars from TwinkLes. because the one i had, was the one i started with so i figured i should change it lolz...
... (i just had a major brain dead moment... i was gonna say something else.. but... now i cant remember hahaha).
i have good grades, but i'm not genius-level in math or science or stuff. this intrigues me, as i've taken an iq test before (school's orders) and scored really high on it (although there was this kid that scored 147, i was like O_o). i guess i'm smart, just not in a generic way. i'm good at finding errors and stuff like that. and yeah, i agree having fun is lots more important than studying, since our junior high is so strict there's barely any room to have lots and lots of fun, so appreciate high school and the few years left before you start getting OLD =((((((
i have a couple of friends who hug me on sight too, so sometimes i don't know who they are and after they've latched onto me for a while i'll say: uh, step back a moment so i can see who you are? XDDDD
i like your new avatar, where's it from?
haha yea, i have some really smart friends... i actually could be considered "really smart" but im too lazy and like to have fun, but if i really applied myself i would probably be grouped with all the smarties since my iq is so high...
but yes.. thats exactly what i did... and then by the next time she saw me a few months later, she came completely out of no where and hugged me (by now i was used to being hugged) but i couldnt tell who she was because i couldnt see her face, so i just kinda stood there, then she realized i wanst going to hug her back so she looked at me and i pretty much freaked out because i had missed her, it was just hilarious because i just stood there like a dummy...
i never usually do many school related activities though so i dont usually meet many different people out side of my friend circles. at the start of the school year though i usually make new friends because of different classes and stuff.
i met most of my friends playing cards. a lot of guys in our class played cards and eventually, girls did too. and most of my friends, for some reason, are either math nerds or science geeks or both. i think only joy and tiffany weren't math nerds. i got closer to a couple more friends because of the SATs *sigh* (this is what happens when your school is so focused on grades and other crap). i'd certainly be freaked out if a complete stranger hugged me though, i'd probably cringe or something =PPP
hahaha yea, so many of my friendships start our so wierd.. with my friend taylor, it was because she gave me a piece of gum, with leah it was because we both hated the same person, and with my friend brittany it was because i guess taylor had told her alot about me and the very second she met me she hugged me... at the time i still had my no touchy rule so i was pretty freaked out that a random stranger hugged me, even though to her, i wasnt a stranger lolz.
i forgot a few more (cherries, blueberries, and raspberries) but i'm also pretty sure that they're not grown here. the rest, though, most are grown locally =)).
apparently, my friendship with elsie began since we were BOTH late to assembly and sat next together. normally we wouldn't have that chance since she's almost half a foot taller than i am, and we stand in rows with short people at one end and tall people at another. there was another of my friendships that started with playing cards, when this guy named kevin turned to me and asked: do you play bridge?
haha there were black squirrels and white ones, brown ones, and TONS of different ones, it was pretty awesome.
im not sure how she managed to start a conversation with pudding though... i think it had something to do with she really wanted some pudding. im not sure, haha but it was pretty awesome.
and that is A LOT of fruits. ive heard of quite afew of the ones you mentioned, but not all of them. im also not too sure on what ones are actually grown in the U.S.
all squirrels here are the same color--gray, although i think i've seen a tiny golden one...somewhere (probably in canada). back where i lived in canada we had a squirrel who lived in the tree in our front yard. i like fish for some reason. they always seem clean to me (because they're always in the water or something) and they're nice to look at, although they certainly are stupid.
the only processed fruit that i probably like would be peaches. i can't stand those cherries in the canned fruit syrup mixture. oh, and i like frozen fruit, but i don't count that as processed since....they're just frozen =PP i could live on fruits alone =), there are tons of fruits here (let me think: apples, pears, sand pears (it's a round, crunchy type of pear), mangoes, grapes, pineapples, guavas, lychees, durians, logans, bananas, plums, peaches, rambutans, dragonfruit, waxapples, strawberries, oranges, lemons, tomatoes, coconuts, papayas, watermelons, honeydews, kiwis...and there might be more but i can't remember anymore =)) )
how did you start a conversation with 'pudding'??
well im not sure about the sparrows but i know pigeons are really easy to keep, ive had them before. but no, ive never seen a white sparrow. but ooo i have seen white squirrels... i love squirrels :D. when i was in Washington D.C. a long time ago i saw soooo many squirrels and pigeons, in sooo many different colors.
i love fruits too.. but for some reason i cant stand to eat fruits that have been processed. and if something looks wierd i refuse to eat it same goes for if it smells wierd. ive tried to get over it but no matter what it's SUPER hard for me to eat things that are deemed unfit by my nose and eyes.
but yes, pudding is... THE BEST hahaha, pudding is actually how my entired friendship started with my friend Cara. pudding was literally one of the first words she ever said to me.
WOW... O.o that is really, really small. there honestly aren't many really small birds here in Taiwan--all you see in Taipei are the aparrows and pigeons. are those birds hard to keep? random thought: have you seen a white sparrow? I saw one before in Canada. i'm pretty sure it was a sparrow because it hopped around among a bunch of sparrows but it was white with a pink beak and really cute.
i used to be a really, really picky eater...but i've definitely eaten a lot of weird stuff. there're lots of other foods in Taiwan that taste great though, like the fruits =))) (i love fruits). i think one of the weirdest things i've eaten (they tasted good eventually, but they were...weird) was a meal cooked by my classmates. ANyway we were camping on a school trip, and the the counselors there dumped a basket of prepackaged food on us and told us to start cooking. the basket contained eggs, frozen dumplings, meatballs, canned fish(forgot what kind of fish it was), veggies, random selections of vegetables, noodles, and other stuff. My classmated dumped everything into a pot (yes, including the fish)with the exception of the grapes and cooked the thing for an hour or so. it turned out to taste good, although it certainly looked very weird (think noodles floating with chunks of indistinguishable food). another time was when my dad realized that there was nothing left in the house except instant noodles, so he boiled them and then fried them up in the pan with soy sauce (luckily, my dad is a good cook. it tasted great). and i agree, i LOVE pudding too =))
a button quail is SUPER tiny. about 1/3 of a regular quail. you could cover a new hatchling with a nickel. one time one of mine got out when my mom put the cage outside so they could get some sun. we were lucky to find it, it blended in with the grass REALLY well.
haha i probably would never survive in taiwan... im an EXTREMLY picky eater lolz but i agree, using sporks are much faster than chopsticks, but i still have food i love to eat with chop sticks when i get the chance :).
but the foil thing is probably true... people in prison get so desperate they will use ANYTHING to make a weapon. there is a lot of stuff that they cant have. and when they get mail the cops always open it and have drug dogs sniff it because people put drugs in a powder form in there... its really freaky. i think i would die though if i couldnt have pudding i think i would die lolz
how large is a button quail?
you probably won't believe a lot of the stuff we have to eat here. there are eggs marinated in some kind of sauce so they turn transparent brown on the outside and green on the inside, sauce made from fermented fish or shrimp, chili sauce that's pink (i have no idea why either), and other weird things.
you know a lot of people use sporks around here, for the sake of convenience. usually our eating utensils are the chopsticks and the spoon. chopsticks are to pick up the smaller bits of food but if you ate with just chopsticks it would certainly take longer than if you ate with a spoon. then came the spork....and people could spear bits of food with the fork end and still use the spoon part to eat faster.
i've heard that in american prisons prepackaged foods like pudding are contraband, since they think that some inmates might save the foil from the packaging and turn it into a weapon. don't know if it's true or not though...
hmmm those eggs dont sound like something i would eat... im not a fan of off colored things lolz.. but quail eggs i have seen lolz they are soooo cute when they are babies, i used to have button quail... even tinier XD but they are really hard to keep because they can squeeze through almost any thing and die easily, the bigger ones are easier to keep... but ive never eaten a quail egg...
and a spork is a combination fork and spoon... basically its a spoon with tiny tines on the end. i think they originally came from the prisons because they couldnt trust cell mates with forks but they needed forks, so they came up with sporks to limit the ehh... stabbing risk... but im not sure, but i know that they do use them in prisons... you have no clue the imaginations some of those cell mates have lolz, my moms bf was in jail once for a dui thing, nothing major just some unpaid fines, well there was this big guy that was always picking on this little guy, and one night the little guy was just sitting there sharpening pencils and the big guy went to pick on him and the little guy freaked out and was running around trying to stab the big guy in the temple with a sharpened pencil, screaming "im going to kill you!!!" and stuff like that, i guess he stabbed a gauard in the leg with one i think while they were restraining him... scary stuff lolz
the eggs taste exactly like normal ones (just with a soy sauce flavor, which isn't a bad thing), but instead of being white and yellow they're dark brown on the outisde, light brown on the inside of the whites, and the yolk's the same. i wonder what you would think of the quail eggs....they're the same but smaller.
our school term. usually ends on 6/30. the last three days are invariably exam days. =((
what are sporks??
haha yea, i miss the snack shop at my old school it had tons of stuff, poptarts, ice cream, granola bars, ice tea. but i possibly might actully getting one at the school im at now since they remodeled the cafeteria, i think someone mentioned one, but im not sure. (haha i love the waffle song XD)
and i have never heard of eggs being pre-packaged in such a way O_o... strange. i know over here we have that egg beat stuff thats really gross from what i hear... but those whole pre-packaged eggs intruige me... reminds me of the metal sporks that i was told of this morning XD haha... i <3 sporks.... dunno why but just do lolz, i think its the name... its so amusing to say :)
i know school starts sometime in the begging of september here in NY, but down in PA it starts at the end of august, im pretty sure the further south you are the earlier it starts, but also the sooner it gets out. NY didnt completely get out till the end of June, but that was mostly regents testing, classes got out June 15th or something.
our school has two of those snack shops. one is at the first basement, next the cafeteria and sells toast and waffles and bagels with different spreads (chocolate, butter, strawberry jam, garlic, cream, cheese,and peanut butter. and i'm thinking of the waffle song now..... = =). it also sells tea and coffee and stuff like that, which is kind of cool since we can always get sandwiches or something there if the cafeteria food sucks. the other shop is just upstairs. Both of the stores sell a lot of pre-packaged foods, like ice cream, pudding, drinks, and basically junk food. Random thought: did you know that eggs get prepackaged too here? i mean whole eggs that you can eat after ripping off the plastic wrapping. they cook it in some kind of soy sauce so that it doesn't spoil.
our nex schedule is out now. we only have a couple of periods of chem and physics per week, so it kind of sucks since i like being busy and now all we do at school is mope. school for us starts at the first of september, if i remember correctly (i might not =PPP)
wowz, i would flip out if a teacher did that to me too. very ridiculous. i dont have a snack shop at my school though, but at one of the ones i used to go to we did, it was hardly ever open between classes though, but there were so many lunch periods that you could go in during one of them and get whatever you want. its pretty awesome though because where i go now, every once in a while if a student is on the good side of the principal they can ask to order pizza for lunch, but i think if they do that they have to share it with a class or with the teachers or something.
kinda sucks though that you have to do almost the same thing more than one day in a row... school doesnt start for me till i think the 5th of september.
i spent an entire day doing the exact same things i did yesterday, only there was math in place of English yesterday. a couple of good things about moving to our new class is that it's very close to the school shop and we can always get snacks to eat there without returning to class late. the second thing is that we get to leave our old homeroom teacher behind. she's a very....forceful and very illogical. both my dad, my brother, my friend jack, and jack's mom are furious at her now because of her attitude. my brother got into trouble for sneaking outside for dinner (we're supposed to eat inside school). since the teacher couldn't find any proof that they had entered the schoolfrom the front doors, she assumed that they had climbed the walls (actually, my brother and jack had entered from the back) and reported them and insisted on calling my parents and exaggerating the entire incident. instead, she pissed off four people = =
thats an awesome day XD lolz, but it sucks that you are being seperated from the rest of your class mates... i wish my school day was like that... well atleast when i have school.. but if i think about it, it kinda usually was that way lolz
because the people in our class (most of them) are going to take the BIG EXAM and the school seems to think that we're disturbing them since we're lazing around. it's true though: (schedule of the day: go to class with my new ENglish teacher, return to our new classroom, chat with friends, go and get food from the vending machines, eat, chat with friends, play games on electronic dictionaries, go upstairs for class again, then leave school = =) =PP
today i got a really, really unpleasant surprise. my brother, a friend named Jack, and I were sitting outside of our classroom at the balcony and studying. Then the dean came over and said: why are you all still here???? we were like: HUH????? turns out that we were supposed to 'relocate' to the other building, the one called the Bilingual Department because we were people in the going-abroad group. the dean acted like we should be thrilled to be in a different class, with our own classroom and new teachers. Not. i miss my old class...= =
haha yea that is sort of confusing on why your dad does that, but atleast you get to go to some pretty interesting places.
a tater head is just one of my many ways of calling someone stupid. you know how people who have been in bad accidents and stuff usually no longer have use of their brain and some people call them "vegtables"??? basically by calling some one tater head you are inferring that they no longer have use of their brain, since a potato is a vegtabel... i think (i know that its actually a starch but im pretty sure its still considered a vegtable).
any ways, its just one way to call someone stupid XD
i've roomed with a lot of different people before on trips starting from when i was in eighth grade. i went to austria and czech for a choir competition, and i roomed with a friend i had known for a couple of years. you know one of those friends you can't stop arguing with? well, she was one of them, our personalities were too similar and we clashed all through those two weeks, from everything including habits and food and other random stuff. THe second time was when i went to Shanghai the year after that for another choir performance. i roomed with a girl a couple of years younger than me. i knew her for a year or so already, but she was younger and *evil grin* fun to tease and bully. =DDD then i went to houston and i roomed with a complete stranger, although we got to be good friends after that. when our class took a trip to beijing a while later i roomed with joy = =, whch turned out kind of interesting since we have totally different personalities. i roomed with three total strangers again this summer...at a camp that lasted four days. Glad it's going well at your end though, rooming with friends is fun =)) (and no, i don't get why my dad lets me out of the country four two weeks+ and share a room with 1 or 3 complete strangers but doesn't let me go to sleepovers. sucks =(( )
What is a tater head anyway?
haha sounds like you're friend does have a bit of an imagination lolz but hey thats good right XD
but i might be rooming with a friend so that i can stay in the school ive been in instead of transferring for my senior year. im hoping it all works out because it be amazing!!! XD and i dont like my dad all that well and this way i will have to spend even less time with him, basically if i move in with leah it would be the best thing ever, since leah and i get along really well and she doesnt get on my nerves too much (even though she is 2 or more years younger than me) and it would probably really make atleast one person mad XD (well for a while atleast. travis is being a tater head and is mad a both me AND leah.. atleast we think he's mad at leah too, we know he's mad at me XD but he will get over being mad at leah really fast and since she is "one of his best friends" [if you ask me he is a bit of a flake since he is possibly mad at her for siding with me, but i know she is important to him] but it would make him super mad if i live with her since he kinda hates me at the moment xp) its going really well so far, in fact leah's parents want to talk it out with my dad and step mom, so basically they want to talk about how its all going to work out. if i get to move in with leah though... the day i find out would be THE single-most happiest day of my life so far (and thats saying something cause ive had some pretty amazing days XD)
it hasnt worked itself all out yet, but im hoping it does. it was kinda funny though when leah first asked her mom, because her mom said it would take alot of thinking since it wasnt like she was asking for a puppy XD, i was suuuuper tempted to say "well yea kinda it is because im very puppy like" :D (true though, alot of people describe me like a puppy.. i dont know why but im guessing because despite my slight destructiveness, people love me any way XD)
one of my friends is in the process of writing thsi RPG novel, where the characters are members of our class. sometimes, her imagine runs wild though....see below example =P
joy: You're in my story, and you're going to be a ranger.
Me: ....okay. what do i look like?
joy: you're going to have red hair and greenish-yellow eyes. (in reality, i have dark brown hair and eyes).
joy: i want you to dress like you picked random clothes out of the bin.
joy: or maybe i should let you wear black leather.
Me: *thinking* HELL NO.
joy: yes, probably black leather.
Me: who's going to do the drawings?
joy: you, of course.
Me: Then i'll drawn whatever i want to wear *evil grin*
joy *turns to elsie*: all right, whatever. elsie, you're inside my story too, you're half-fairy and you're 76 years old
elsie: what????i want to be 114 years old!!!
joy: all right....*notes it down* 114 years old. have i mentioned that you'll be wearing a green or brown miniskirt in the story?
elsie: O.o
and yeah i know about the 'making me feel uncomfortable pastime', my friends seem to enjoy doing that a lot too, since i'm usually imperturbable. =)
just curious, but why are you rooming with a friend? don't you live with your dad?
hahaha yea, if i played that game and that happened i would probably tackle the traitor lolz does sound like fun, especially the after part of chasing people XD
but yea, every chance they get my friends do SOMETHING to me. im actually kind of fearing moving in with my friend leah xp she would make me look like a hooker every chance she'd get XD but i love her so i would forgive her but i would still be dressed in short shorts so i would probably atleast attempt to murder her. but i know how you feel with the dresses thing, fortunately its not too often that im forced into a dress, but im sure if someone had an "everyday dress" (i dont even want to know why some one would wear a dress everyday) they would probably force me into just to make me uncomfortable (seems to be everyone's favorite pass time XP, fortunately its not too easy any more since i had to pretty much DEYSTROY my entire comfort zone =_= everyone decided to ignore my no touchy rule)
im not really sure what those worlds are like though, this one by neko moonshine is the first one ive joined and it hasnt really started yet so im not quite sure of the finer points of it :]
when that game ends the conversation mainly sounds like:
"Why did the evil side win this time anyway??"
"Cause I was the assassin?"
"...you a**."
"w-what?? he's the traitor?? i can't believe it!"
"Yep, he was the traitor. " *starts chasing whoever is the traitor around the school* 'TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!" xp
i wouldn't have the guts to let my friends put me in what their wanted. Elsie would probably dress me in a sack of cloth (well the truth is i have no idea what she'd dress me in) and joy would dress me so i looked like a hooker and most of my other friends would probably pick a pastel-colored dress for me or something (pastel colors run rampant here in Taipei), the horror of it =PP
haha yea, probably a good idea to stop thinking about that color >_< icky xp
haha yea, sara is shorter than me though, and im pretty much the same as her when it comes to the whole dresses thing, (but sometimes i wonder how the other half feels, so i allow myself to be turned into a doll and let other people have fun with putting me in whatever they want... sometimes its not willingly, ok yea a majority of the time i just let them think its willingly, i no longer find any point in saying no, then begging them not to when they insist.. they usually just do it any way)
well i was talking about role playing lolz but i meant the RP worlds that are all over here (i have someone on here that made one recently and i offered to let people know about it) but that game does sound really fun, ive never actually done a real live role play thing though (never actually participated in a RP world either but i figured id give it a try since i do nothing all day xp) but over here there are people who do the whole mystery role playing thing too
it's the color of the box i put my retainer in...i hate it and usually just wrap the damn thing in tissues so i don't have to see the box (its hidden far far back in my desk). it kinda makes me think of medicine---wonder why other in-between colors don't look so disgusting....i need to stop thinking about that color = =
in junior high at our school we have different classes for guys and girls--girls on one end of the hallway and guys on another. so there really wasn't much dancing at junior prom, just a bunch of girls standing there looking pretty and some guys with their hair standing straight up with hair gel walking around. the rest of the people (including me) just ran amok, bingeing on the different food there. (junior prom at school isn't usually like this, it's just that there were probably these really wealthy parents and they rented a swanky ballroom in a hotel or something) and the food was pretyy good, so we just walked around eating and drinking. there were performances too, but in all it was just....walking and eating and watching = =. your friend sara kind of makes me think of one of my best friends. she's named elsie and she claims to be my brother. she's also about half a foot taller than i am (okay, a little less than that, but you get the point =P)
by RP do you mean role-playing? well....there aren't many role-playing games here in Taiwan. I once played a RP on an university campus. there were people dressed up as Private Ryan, Rose in Titanic, Spongebob Squarepants, and other characters. we had to run around and get information from every person and solve riddles and stuff like that. That makes me think of a well-known game here (i don't know if it's role-playing, not =P). i'm not going to translate the name literally because it sounds too absurd.
Anyway, there are fourteen people who play this game, plus one host. Every person receives a card with a character on it: there are two assassins, one undercover, two policemen, one traitor, one necromancer, one forensic, one hitman, one recon, one Wendigo (a type of snow monster), and three civilians. Three people (assassins +traitor) are evil and three (policemen + undercover)are good. when either side loses all three members, the game ends. Each round starts with the host saying: NIght falls. Everybody, close your eyes. Assassins, please open your eyes. (the undercover is an assassin, but he works for the 'good' side. so the undercover's job is to convince another assassin that he's a real assassin). Assassins, please pick a victim. (they pick somebody) Assasins, please close your eyes. (they do). Policemen, please open your eyes. (the traitor is a policemen, but he works for the 'evil' side). Please pick a person you want to know the identity of. (they pick one, and the host motions to them if the person's a civilian or assassin (undercover counts as an assassin too)). Police, please close your eyes. (they do). Then...It's daybreak, everybody open their eyes.
The host will announce who the victim is. the vicitim is out of the game, and he or she has the choice to point a finger at somebody they think is the killer. The rest of the people vote on it, and the person with the highest votes 'dies'. Then it's 'nightfall' again....repeat instructions above xppp it's a seriously complicated game but it's really fun.
*jumps up and down pointing* THATS THE WORST PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ughh its like its almost hot pink and for a while it actually looks it and then you get it and you realize its the worst color ever!!! XP (haha sorry i can never remember what to call that color of pink and you described it perfectly xp lolz... i get a little over excited at times.)
well he showed up while we were taking pictures because he was "mowing some ones lawn on that street and decided to stop and say hi" yea just because he rode his lawn mower down doesnt mean he was mowing someones lawn -_-....
but that really sucks that you dont have and actual prom, its practiacally a right of passage over here. but we really dont do much, some schools really do go all out with decorations and stuff (this past year at prom... i kinda accidentally kept knocking over the decorations in the hall way.. it really was an accident but they were crappy to begin with so it wasnt my fault that they were deystroyed before prom really even started XD they shouldnt have put them in front of the closet any way XD haha) but really we all just dance, eat, and hang out. our food sucked this last year, and anyone who was allergic to seafood or garlic couldnt eat it!!! im not but i hate seafood so i ate rolls... it was a buffet but they closed it down too.. the food half was really sucky overall. but it was really fun, everyone (even those of us that despise dresses) gets all glammed up and hangs out pretty much. its hilarious to see my tomboy of a friend sara in a dress with glitter in her hair XD. the only reason i went though was because i didnt pay for ANYTHING. i got my friend kali's extra ticket, i was given the dress, and i got a ride from a friend. haha it was hilarious though because i had all my clothes with me for the weekend and i had changed into my jeans and a tank top under an opened button up shirt by about 2 or 3 hours into it all XD
random question, but do you ever RP???
how did he show up there anyway???? i'm glad that pervy teacher at our school only came here last semester....i haven't yet met him out of school, which is a goood thing. random weird fact of my school that i remembered: our school's junior high has something like junior prom, but officially our high school doesn't hold prom.
what do people do at prom anyway?
i hate the shade of pink that's halfway between really pale rose pink and hot pink. i'm okay with hot pink too, since it's a bright color. my favorites probably would be red, yellow, and purple =))
haha yea, same here, i only half pay attention, and read the situation, debating on how long it will be before i can ask for stuff again xp
im glad your new teacher is nice :D and its always nice to have someone different than a perv teaching you lolz but its worse seeing them outside of school xp ick, the pervy teacher at my school showed up at my friends house while we were taking pictures for prom... yea i was sooooo freaked out. XD
i dont have any really hated colors, but im deffinetly not a fan of the washed out ones either but if i had a least favorite one it would be some shade of pink.... ick i like hot pink though, hot pink is good. i love colors too haha i dont really have a favorite one but if i had to choose it would probably be purple... or green... or red... those are pretty much my top three but i think if i had to choose one it would most likely be purple XD.
yeah, i ignore lectures but my parents STILL give them. My usual strategy is to stare at the wall or whatever is behind their heads and tune them out and nod when i think it's appropriate or when they stop talking. (i think there were a few times i got into trouble when they said something along the lines of: you think this is fun, young lady?? and i nodded in response =PPPP) the crying thing works on my mom but not on my dad, he just gets annoyed....so all i do is nod to everything he says =PP. i'm not a fan of lectures either xp
i like my new teacher, he seemed kind of stern at the start of class (because i was late) but later turned out to be pretty nice. =)) it's a nice change from the perv.
random question: do you have any hated colors? i hate pastels, like pale pink and pale purple. they just seem so....washed out, to me. my clothes are either entirely black-and-white or black-and-white with a burst of color or just very colorful =PPPP hey i like colors. it goes without saying that my parents don't approve of my fashion choices either =PP my favorite color probably would be red.
haha yea i get the whole guy thing, ive done that one before too XD but we managed to pull the me staying with him thing easilt enough. his parents dont think that he would do anything while he is grounded and he pretended to be sick so he could stay in his room, and so i pretty much stayed in his room for 2 days straight, it was close a few times though becuase his dad was going to check him and his sisters rooms to make sure they were clean so i had to climb out the window and stand on the roof several times XD
your parents do sound super strict though, i never get too many speeches because i usually just ignore them any way (short attention span, cant pay attention XD) my trick when my mom and her boy friend were lecturing me (usually her boy friend did most of the talking and she would just stand there) i would cry like i felt super bad (usually i actually did) and he would feel bad and speed it up thinking i had learned my lesson XD heheh yea im not a fan of lectures.
there are i think 3 tiffany's at my school.. there are probably more but there are only 3 that i know of. there arent too many people with my name at my school, i actually cant think of any but there is someone in the younger grades probably.
yeah i know chinese, and you're right, i prefer using English. i don't read stuff in chinese a lot, since the words just kind of jump around in front of my eyes or squiggle around like worms and i can read through a page without having any idea what it's about. my everyday dialogue at school mostly consists of chinese, with a few words or sentences in english with most friends, english, with sentences or words in chinese with a couple of other friends. oh, and the occasional French word. i don't like french, it's totally annoying, but my parents....*sigh*
anyway i wouldn't be able to do that, since this one guy would definitely be annoyed if i went to another guy's house...you get the gist (obviously, my parents don't know about that one guy)=PPPP but i've thought a couple of times of just packing up and going somewhere....but a lot of my friends come from families like mine, they wouldn't be able to hide me in their homes because their parents would explode. my friend joy once called me saying that she'd walked out and asked me where she should go, since i was more familiar with the area she wandered into and i was like: dunno, go to the bookstore, it's open 24/7 (i was half-joking) and that's just what she did, she stayed the night at the bookstore. I was like O_o. the reason i haven't done anything really crazy or bad yet is because my parents don't trust me at all, i make a tiny mistake and they give me LLLOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNGGG talks so i'm gonna wait until i'm out of their sight and then...PARTY TIME!!!!XDDDDD damn i'm looking forward to college, wonder what people do at parties? how did you stay at that guy's place without being noticed while he was grounded anyway???
i don't randomly add friends on facebook because i have too many weird/embarrassing pictures on fb (for example, the time when my friends decided to borrow the teacher's red ink cartridges and drenched their old school uniforms with all the stuff. and that time when we were sitting in a circle in Beijing playing cards wearing pajamas and the lighting was so bad it looked like somewhere people would be smoking crack in =P)...there was this person with the name Ooh Hoo who kept pestering me to add him or her..i ignored him of course =P random question: are there a lot of people named tiffany at your school? cause there're 5 at mine. i haven't yet met somebody with my name though, it's far too weird =P
yea, people do get REALLY weird on there.. i usually just add whoever for the friend count but i just ignore them when they message me and stuff.
:D and the at the guys house thing... my parents didnt know i was there :D heheh if my mom would have known she would have (if this were possible) pulled one of those alarms that put on an automatic lockdown so i couldnt have gone anywhere... yupp that weekend was my weekend of major badness :D the place i was going to after hanging out in the woods with my guy friend was another guy friends house (well it wasnt really his house it was a lady that is like a 2nd mom to him's house and she wasnt there) but it was me and 2 guys staying there (my friend tiffany technically stayed there too but really she just stayed up all night then left around 6 after everyone was asleep... she is kinda a creeper lolz atleast in that way, but it was her neighbors house and she was really close to the lady too so it was all good.) then i couldnt stay at that place a second night so i stayed at my friends that i had been in the woods with the night before for 2 nights... without his parents knowledge... while he was grounded XD haha yea my super duper weekend of badness... biggest mistake of my life (got in lotsa trouble because i had technically run away, and worried a lot of my friends) but i actually dont regret it. haha that whole weekend is actually kind of the reason i moved to my dads, i had been planning on it before that weekend but then i got in a fight with my mom and stuff happened and yea... people were stupid and blew it way out of proportion sadly.
but any way lolz i dont suggest doing that xp
im guessing you already know chinese though?? or do you just prefer english? lolz
i don't really know any weird people....unless you count the English teacher who got kicked out of an all-boys' school for being a perv in class. i guess that's what happens if you're in a private school your entire life...that's why i have an extreme case of paranoia towards most people i don't know (especially weird people on facebook).
the last time my parents let me go to a guy's place was when i was in fifth grade and it was mid-morning AND my mom insisted on coming along. it was, to say the least, extremely embarrassing.
yeah, i hope it goes well too, thanks =))whatever the class will be, i expect it'll be a nice change, since the alternative would be Chinese =PPP
haha yea i would get pretty freaked out too if i was the only one in the streets, ive done that before though, was walking back to the place i was staying from another friends "house" (we were actually hiding out in the woods behind his house that way i could leave as soon as his parents got home without them knowing i was there xp) but any way it was clear out but it was after dark and i was the only one walking around... i ended up running most of the way, the only time i would stop was if i was in a not so secluded place (just being careful, you never know about some of the people out there) wasnt too bad though, really quiet, if it hadnt been the chance of getting attacked i would have taken my time and just walked, but there are some serious creeps in the town i was in (and not all of them are adults, some of the kids around there are quite the weirdos too)
sucks that you have to go to school still, but i hope your new class goes well :D
yeah that's what my friend joy said after i phoned her to tell her about the thunderstorm thing. and i've also never caught a cold from running in the rain before...not that i get to do that all often. joy said she was swimming in an indoor pool with the windows open and she suddenly realized that water was pouring into the pool. the rain thing didn't freak me out, it was the sudden: oh god why the hell am i the only one still on the streets??? feeling =P. i'll have school again tomorrow *sigh* although starting this week i'll have an additional class called 'English for The Going-Abroad Group' (again, that's a very, very literal translation). wonder what it's like...
haha yes chocolate is amazing lolz, but the thunder storm/ typhoon thing-almost getting blown away, deffinetly scary. running in the rain can be fun but it really sucks when its so bad that you almost get blown away xp hope you dont catch cold, it would really suck (even though honestly ive never caught a cold from being out in the rain and stuff, i dont really get how you get sick from it, but everyone always says you do so... :))
i have a monster metabolism too, so i'm skinny even though i really love chocalate (wheeeeeee chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate milkshakes, chocolate...sry i get all hyper when it comes to chocolate=)))). my brother used to be chubby, until he lost about 30 pounds of weight after a bout of stomach flu.
just ran home through a thunderstorm. it was fun but kind of scary at the same time since it's a thunderstorm coupled with a typhoon and i nearly got blown away (literally). i had to take refuge inside a convenience store since it was too dangerous, i realized after around 30 seconds or so that i was the only one on the streets and there was lightning and thunder every ten seconds or something. i've never gotten so wet in a rain in my life
haha yea ive had a long lived and everlasting addiction to sugar lolz. people always ask me how ive managed to stay skinny but i have a monster metabolism xp. when i was little i was super picky and cereal was actually one of the only things i would eat (one time my parents werent home so it was just me and my 2 older siblings and i wanted a bowl of cereal so i "beat up" my brother because he was closer, actually made him cry even though he is 10 years older than me xp although didnt get me very far with the cereal xp)
and the waffle song.... its posted in my world, wat a random life. hehehe
when i was younger, i ate junk food for breakfast (i don't know why i did that, probably because my parents rarely cooked in the morning). And then my mom tried to wean me off the junk by giving me cereal, which she deemed healthier. that kinda worked for a while, until i grew older and got tired of all the sugar (i hated Froot Loops). i also found out that cereal couldn't fill me up...so i started buying stuff from the breakfast shops. another common breakfast food here is the onigiri. the japanese version of an onigiri is a triangle of rice covered with salted seaweed and filled with stuff like tuna or eggs or ham. The taiwanese version is a cylinder of rice, rolled around something we call an 'oil stick' (that's a very literal translation) which is a stick of flour that's fried up. between the rice and the oil stick is a layer of meat or pickles or egg. (i know it sounds really weird but it's actually good, minus the pickles). and of course there's the traditional dumplings and porridge and fried radish cakes for breakfast, but i think more people go to the breakfast shops for sandwiches nowadays. there aren't many places you can get pancakes here, except for maybe McDonald's. you don't see a lot of people eating fruit as breakfast here either. . What's the waffle song?
haha i eat alot of breakfast too, but the closest thing we have to a breakfast shop is places that pretty much specializes in the "to go" breakfast foods like breakfast sandwiches and stuff.
one of the ones a majority of people eat would be cereal, and there are tons of different kinds. and then theres poptarts and the knock-off brands of poptarts. granola bars and cereal bars. there's alot of sugary stuff that we have as breakfast foods over here (i think the theory is that if we eat sugar in the morning we will have more energy, not really sure though). but there is also oatmeal, waffles, pancakes, frenchtoast (REALLY restraining my self from sining the waffle song now, probably going to have to look it up and listen to it now ^_^) we have eggs and stuff for breakfast alot too, and breakfast sandwiches (pretty much the same, egg, ham, cheese, bacon or other stuff like that.) bagels, toast, and english muffins are popular too. fruit is also a popular breakfast, usually oranges and bananas or grapefruit. those are just most of the more common breakfast foods though, every area is different.
i always really envied my friends when they had sleepovers on new Year's Eve (not the chinese one). There's this landmark in Taipei called taipei 101 that used to be the tallest building in the world, and there would be fireworks and a countdown there. One of my best friends lived a few minutes' walk from the place and she would always invite friends over (most of which were also my friends) to watch the fireworks, binge on whatever food she had in the place, fool around, and basically have a load of fun.
i have a feeling that i'll spend the entirety of my freshman year in college having fun and barely scraping by in classes =) but who cares, i'll make it up the next year. there's a possibility i would still have to live with my mom though....well at least she's less overprotective than my dad.
random question i thought of while i was having breakfast: what do you have for breakfast? in taiwan there are these small shops with something that looks like several large sheets of metal spread over a fire. They fry up eggs, ham, noodles and stuff on the metal and make sandwiches or egg rolls or stuff like that. There's usually a menu, but that's just to let you know what they have or don't have, you can mix and match your sandwiches (for example, you could say: i'd like a ham-and-cheese-and-bacon-and-chicken sandwhich, no onions,just lettuce and tomatoes please instead of going with the menu's ham-and-cheese sandwhich) i really like those shops, because i eat a lot at breakfasts =PP
well we can fry eggs too in the summer time when its really hot. and it sounds like you get alot of rain O_o i would hate that, we usually just get lots of rain in the spring and then thunderstorms here and there in the summertime (and sometimes the thunderstoms contain tornados xp never been through one myself though). but when water freezes we usually try and unfreeze the pipes by usuing a sort of i guess blow torch (i dont think thats what it is because it usually doesnt melt the pipes but thats the best way i can describe it) it has a little propane tank thingy on it and it takes a LONG time to unfreeze. but since we usually leave the water running a tiny bit to prevent that in the middle of winter, it actually happens more often in the spring when we dont expect it to get too cold at night and turn all the water off.
yea i get the whole overprotective thing, my mom was kinda the same way. i was never aloud to go any where or do anything "without her" it was like i was forced to be her little puppy... ughh.. but the fact that your not aloud to go to sleep overs and stuff actually kinda makes me wanna kid nap you :))) lolz i know what its like though to not be able to do stuff so i kinda understand. but atleast your a senior and will be able to leave and start doing stuff soon.
i kinda want to move to the city someday just to see what its like, im pretty good at ignoring stuff when i sleep so i kinda wanna see if i can stand up to city noise lolz.
after i read the 2nd book of Harry Potter i always had this urge to check behind taps and pipes to see if there were snakes there. I always thought that sliding down that slide would be kind of fun....=PPP yeah and i don't like clowns too, they always look so evil -_-.
we don't have snow here except up in the mountains. most years, it's over 50 degrees fahrenheit year round. it's always wet here though, up in northern taiwan. southern taiwan's dry season is in the winter, and they get sunny days for about three months or so. in the north...well, in the spring there are the monsoons, in the summer thunderstorms (which happen every other day, at 3:00- 6:00 in the afternoon), in the autumn (and occasionally summer) typhoons, and in the winter.....just plain, dreary rain, which is part of the reason i hate winter in taiwan so much. i've only seen snow once, in japan, when i was in eighth grade (and even then there wasn't enough to make a snowman). we have the same equivalent of freezing an egg--frying an egg on the asphalt. what do you do when the water freezes?
it's always loud here even at night--one thing i just couldn't get used to in canada was that all the shops closed at around 5 or 6 p.m. In taiwan most stores (boutiques and the like) open at 11:00 am. to 1 in the afternoon and they stay open at least until 10 p.m. it's never completely dark at night(except on New Year's Eve (the chinese one), where everyone is at a family dinner) , so i always have to draw the blinds. it's always annoyingly noisy here too at night, sometimes there's loud music or something equally annoying. I really envy the woods thing though, because i love taking long walks, but you just CAN'T get that 'long walk' feeling if you have to stop every half minute for a red light. my parents (mostly my dad) would probably never let me take a walk in the woods either, they're too overprotective (like, frustratingly so. i never had a sleepover or been to a party in my life. but there is no arguing with my parents, believe me, i tried :( ). anyway i really like trees and stuff, although it isn't hard to think in the city either. i like watching for interesting-looking people (you get that a lot in cities) to put into drawings and the like, so that's kind of entertaining too.
when i was 12 i had a similar thing with showers and stuff only, it was after the 2nd harry potter movie came out and i was afraid of the giant snake (and for some reason its clown sidekick, no clue where that came from) i find it strange now because i love snakes and did then too (im starting to think it was mostly the clown thing, even though im not really afraid of them, just dont trust them).
yea we always get snow days where i am, there is always lots of snow, but since the area im in is used to it, it has to get really bad before we actually get a day off. one time it was so cold that on the news they did this expiriment or whatever to see how long it took for an egg to freeze and it didnt take long and REALLY cold (dont remember the exact temperature though for some reason, my brain isnt working today sadly) and we STILL had school, my mom let me stay home though because i had to walk up the road to wait for the bus. but in virginia and stuff where they dont get alot of snow if they even see a flake they cancel, because usually if they get a little they end up getting alot.
living in the country isnt all that bad. its nice because you can have as many animals as you want and there arent alot of people bothering you (although there are still some, there is always someone who just HAS to annoy everyone lolz). its not as quiet as most people say (atleast if you ask me) there is still traffic on the roads and stuff its just not as loud as the city sometimes can be. the only down side would probably be how secluded it can get, in the winter it can really suck because when there is alot of snow it can be pretty hazardous going into town to the store and stuff, and it REALLY sucks when the water freezes, (but that happens in town too so its not just a country living thing lolz) it is nice not always having to deal with people though, in town its hard to go for a walk without seeing quite a few people but in the country you can take super long walks and the woods are really pretty and quiet, i love taking long walks in the woods when i need to think and stuff, especially when i need to get away from family. all together though it isnt too bad, and its usually not to hard to find something entertaining lolz
for some reason i was scared of toilets and drains and the like when i was smaller. i always imagined that something big and wet and slimy would come out and drag me in and similar stuff.
there's this big typhoon (Taiwan's version of a hurricane) coming this way. I remember there was this one time when i was in second grade and the water flooded the basement of the building where we lived. and then the machine used to suck water out of the basement broke down, and the water and other stuff made all the pipes unusable. we didn't have running water or electricity for days. But most typhoons are probably like snow storms at your end--everyone wants a day off (you have days off when the snow's really big right?)
what's living in the country like?
haha i knew there was a difference between moths and butterflies!!!!... everyone always asks me why im super scared of moths and not butterflies, its just that moths are worse.. and i dont trust vacuums because i still kinda think they will try and eat me, but not as much as i used to (im also alot taller than i used to be too though lolz) i actually used to be ok with all bugs except spiders and moths until either a grasshoper or praying mantis bit me (i cant remember which it was) majorly freaked me out though.
i never lived in the middle of a very big city though, i used to live on the outskirts of pittsburgh, PA which is really big but i was only there on the weekends and never went to school there. other than that ive always lived in towns or out in the country, but i get what you mean about the isolation thing, it can get pretty boring not living close to any one
my twin brother harbors an intense fear of insects, mainly because he doesn't want any of them crawling on him (i think the real reason was because a very large grasshopped hopped onto his nose in one of those insect observation classes). he's also extremely freaked by both moths and butterflies, owing to a trip he took to southern Taiwan a few years ago. According to my brother, he walked into a clearing in front of a lake that was swarming with hundreds of butterflies. Butterflies are the one type of insect i don't catch--it's far too easy to hurt them. And i agree, moths are disgusting. we had this mandatory experiment in elementary school that involved keeping baby silk worms. the silk worms were kinda boring, they just ate and grew fatter every day. And the cocoons were pretty cool, but one look at the the moths was enough for me. I hate their weird feathery antennae things. what do you mean by distrusting vacuums?
when i first visited canada it felt like a totally alien place. i've been a city girl all my life, and everything in canada (and the states) was so much larger than things in Taiwan. shops here are compact, there could be a dozen of them along a 25m section of a street. i lived at my grandparents' place back then, and it was already considered one of the most convenient spots in Montreal (it was a short walk from a supermarket and a metro station). but i felt totally isolated, because in Taiwan it's not suburban areas that are desirable, but apartments in the center of the city ( my family lives in a 1000-square-feet apartment, so it's a bit cramped, but really convenient). but Canada is a beautiful place, just a little less exciting if you're used to city life.
ive never been to one but i know we have them somewhere nearby, and that someone my mom and her boy friend knows has one because he always has peaches that he said he grew. there probably are some wierd trees like that but not around where i live. (im kinda jelous of the canada thing though, ive always wanted to go to canada but i cant until i turn 18 and can get a passport on my own. since my parents are divorced and also dont get along too well its kinda difficult to get them both to give me permission for me to get a passport at the same time. they are too paranoid of eachother).
i feel the same way about holding small, fluffy, squirmy animals, but i can never resist and usually have to cuddle with them anyway (major animal person here :)) i actually like reptiles too... and all animals.. well except for inscects :) im ok with everyone else touching and likeing them, i just dont like it when they get too close to me... but i think it may have something to do with how im extremely ticklish, and when inscects walk on me it tickles me really bad (yea i know im kinda a freak when it comes to ticklishness, its my biggest weakness xp) i have no bias against bugs really and aslong as they are outside and stay away from me its ok, and i even try and save them when i get the chance, if i see them on the side walk or something i always sidestep and i usually yell at people and try and stop them from smooshing bugs. moths are the only ones i have a problem with on some scale... i have been deathly afraid of moths my entire life (same goes for vaccums but i kinda was able to tone that one down, now its mostly just an intense distrust) i dunno why, and people always ask me why moths and not butterflies and i dont know... im ok with butterflies that dont touch me. people still question my reasoning lolz :)
I've only been to an orchard once or twice ( i say once or twice because the second place was totally dedicated to biotechnology--which basically means weird plants). The first time was when i was in fourth grade. i went to this apple orchard in Canada and drank a ton of the cider, but that's basically all i remember =P. the second time was at the FLora Expo, and i was a guide there so i had to know the place really well (which was kind of hard for me actually, since I have an incredibly bad memory when it comes to remembering paths). In the orchard thingy, there were lots and lots of weird plants, including a potted pineapple plant, a tree with half a dozen or so different types of pears growing on it, and some kind of fruit (i forgot what it was) that originally grew in the mountains.
i used to sneak onto the slide even after i got too old too. i could do that the same reason you did: i looked younger than my age =P.
you know, i have this weird fear of small, fluffy animals. I'm always afraid i'll drop them or something so if someone asks me to pick up a puppy i'll always make an excuseb or just tell the truth. I mean...they squirm, and i'm afraid i'll hurt them if i drop them. on the contrary, i'm not afraid of insects or reptiles. beetles don't squirm too much, and i find grasshoppers and ladybugs to be quite cute. we had this insect observation class in the program that i always attended, because i would get to see dozens of beetles (i once caught a pair of beetles: one was gold with a silver head, the other was silver with a gold head) and other stuff.
well they actually move them around alot. they fold up and they transport them with really big trailers and use semi trucks to pull them. but yea we have those slides and the age limit thing too ( i think the age limit is for the same reason... but when i was a little bit younger and still over the age limit i would sneak in because i looked like i was young enough :D)
there is alot of agriculture over here too. only over here they focus more on either farming to take care of their animals (they usually grow corn, oats, hay and sometimes soy bean and they sell the surplus to pay for other stuff they need and expenses.)
or farming to sell their products to farmers with big farms with animals (they usually grow pretty much the same stuff but sell all of it instead of keeping some of it). thats just a majority of the farms though. in certain places they do have orchards and there are quite a few potato farms. there are TONS of animals over here though... at one time (not any more) i had over 40 horses, we ended up selling them though. and i have a friend that has over 100 horses, her dad owns a buisness where he sends horses to summer camps so kids can ride them, and at there house they take people on trail rides and stuff. there are lots of people that have horses over here though, but usually unless they have some kind of horse buisness they only have a couple. the dairy farms too have lots of cows, i can never keep track of how many there usually are. at the fairs there are always tons of animals, they have barns for horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits (there are usually a couple guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, and even naked mole rats, and sometimes some other small rodent like animals in that barn), chickens, geese (and other water birds).
ok, tractor pulls and demolision derbies. tractor pulls are when people take tractors and modify them (to a certain degree, they have to stay within the rule range [i dont know what is within the rules though, ive never participated just watched]). but they modify them and then pull this trailer that has a weight on it that moves from the back of the trailer to the front. whoever makes it the farthest wins. and demolision derbies. people take junk cars, fix them up so they are drivable and then during the derby all of the cars are in the arena or what ever, pretty much drive around and crash into eachother.. slightly stupid, very dangerous (at times, im pretty sure its not too dangerous but when the people driving get stupid it can be) its really fun to watch though, at times :)
that sounds like a really awesome program that your school has though, my school doesnt have anything like that (the super attendant would probably never let something like that get approved... it might take out some of his paycheck :))
how do they get the rides there anyway?? the most you could hope for in Taiwan is one of those slides that you pump air into (don't know if you have them there). i used to love playing those slides...and then i got too old -( and couldn't play (i think the age limit is to prevent older kids from stepping on younger ones or something). anyway after they're filled with air they're all bouncy and can reach up to three stories high and you can jump right off the top of the slide and bounce down (it feels like flying). Taiwan isn't very big, so farming here is more...agriculture oriented. most farmers don't keep sheep or cows or whatever animals, they just plant rice or flowers. I've never seen a lot of farm animals in one place before--closest thing i've ever seen to that would probably be a stable with five horses. what are tractor pulls and demolition derbies anyway?
our school has this really cool program where we can learn to do really interesting stuff. it starts from first grade, and in that program i've learned a bit of riding, rock-climbinb, paintball, and once there was even an archery class. There are activities when they give you a map and let you run amok and trips to the sea (mainly having fun climbing the weirdly shaped rocks). i've played paintball several times because it was available in the program =).
yea feeling slightly better.
but the fairs arent that much different only we dont have them as often. there are usually carnivals and stuff in most towns that usually go on around the beggining of summer. they have abunch of tents and stuff and some small scale rides (if its a bigger one) but most of the tents usually sell food while only a couple would sell other stuff. but the bigger fairs that are starting now have tons of stuff. they are usually set up for people to show animals so thats one of the main attractions, the tons of animals there, usually all farm animals and then there is a midway where there a TONS of tents that sell food and other stuff and lots of rides (not big roller coasters but they do have alot of ones that go up in the air and ones that spin and stuff) they usually also have concerts and other stuff like demolision derbies and tractor pulls. they dont usually have ziplines or painball at the big county fairs because there is always a lot of people. but i love paint ball too!!! :) i actually only played it once but i had tons of fun... even though i got shot in the head, but atleast i had a helmet lolz. the fairs though are usually one of the funnest things about summers over here, its something pretty much everyone looks forward to.
i was sick about a week ago (that's why i was at home last thursday and friday), i had this headache that turned into a fever. my dad said it was the weather too = = although i really can't see any change (it's always hot here in Taiwan, almost 100 degrees every day in the summer). I hope you're feeling better though.
well, we do have fairs that pop out of nowhere. Sometimes they have a reason to be there (like festivities and holidays for example) but a lot of the times they're just there. I don't know if fairs in Taiwan are the same as fairs at your end though: fairs here are like lots and lots of tents grouped together selling everything imaginable. We have a school fair on our school's anniversary--each grade as a different topic to work on. Sixth graders prepare games (you know, like shooting balloons and stuff), seventh graders prepare Taiwanese food, eighth graders (who are divided into 7 classes) choose countries (each class chooses one) and prepare food from that country, freshmen dont do anything (since in Taiwan ninth graders cram for a big exam that'll determine which high school they get into), sophs and juniors have free rein on whatever they want to sell. Some teachers man stalls too, (there's this really fun paintball one, i LOVE paintball =))) ) and once they hooked up this wire-cable thing on the fifth floor of one building and linked it to the second floor balcony of another building. students got to get hooked up to the wire and slide across the wire, through the air, to the other building (it was GREAT =) ). What are fairs like at your end?
yea i prefer sprints to anything else too, for the same reason. but the when we went white water rafting we had some pretty heavy duty life jackets (which was pretty much the only reason i was ok with the whole thing). the one guide though was really creepy, and would pull people into the water as he passed and really freaked me out the one time because he pulled me down in between the two rafts and they were reaaaaallyyyy close, but because of the life jacket i was ok, and it actually got to be really fun after a while because you really kinda forget about the water.
its not that im a moring or night person but its pretty much right when i wake up im not too happy about having to wake up. but i enjoy just laying in bed after i wake up too.. i just cant do that too often because i usually fall back asleep if i do.
i pretty much have been in bed for the past 2 days though because ive been kinda sick. ive had a headache for 2 days straight and feel like utter crud. i guess its something about the weather change or something (atleast thats what my dad said) but im not sure. the weather hasnt changed much recently though, so im kinda doubting it. i feel a little better now though, i just hope my headache goes away later today because if not i dont think i will be able to go to the county fair. which would really suck. do you have county fairs and stuff in taiwan???
yeah i have really bad endurance too. a couple of months back we had this hiking trip up a mountain that was about 12,000 feet, and the first day (which was supposed to be the easiest) i was dead last in our group. but as we went up the trail i moved forward to the front since lots of people began having altitude sickness and feeling all sleepy and achy (i didn't get any, for some reason =D ). but basically i really, really dread jogging and swimming since that takes lots of endurance ( i prefer sprints) and i always feel like i can't get enough air in my lungs. I haven't gone white water rafting before, although i've done canoeing. and all the while i was thinking: don't think about the water, don't think about the water, don't think about the....AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH SCREW THE FREAKING WATER, i'm going to grab the damn boat anyway, at least i'm sure it'll float. =P
i'm totally not a diary person either. I've tried keeping them, got about half a dozen empty diaries in my room....i'm just not the type who'd want to spend time going: 'Dear Diary, i went to school today...." i always feel so stupid doing that. i have a collection of notes with a friend (we sat together in freshman year and spent the semester passing notes back and forth) but that's about it.
i'm not a night person or a morning person. i don't seem particularly cranky at any time (maybe because i'm always a bit cranky? =P) on this graduation trip thingy i stayed up the entire night playing cards and then started watching movies after i boarded the plane. but if, for some reason, i have to sleep before twelve at night....well i'm not going to object too much. i do like lying in bed and doing nothing though, so i have specially allotted a quarter hour in my daily schedule for that (6:00--alarm clock wakes me up. 6:00 -6:15-- lying in bed and doing nothing =)))) ).
yea i dont have asthma but i have sucky endurance and stuff becuase i have really bad lungs due to living in a house with smokers my entire life. but if i would have been in that scuba incident i probably would have freaked out.. a ton. when i was little if water got on my face and stuff while i was taking a bath i FREAKED, and even now its a struggle for me to put my face in running water in the shower and when i go swimming, if i dont just jump right into a deep spot and walk in i start to have a small sort of anxiety attack. but as far as my water fears go ive come a long way, last year i went white water rafting and had a ton of fun, and was able to overcome parts of my water fear (i still cant breath out my nose going under water so i have to plug my nose *grrrz*)
im not much of a diary person either though... ive tried starting one, ohhh say A MILLION TIMES lolz but can never manage too keep up with it. the only two slight successes ive had is one that lasted about a year between me and one of my friends and we passed it back and forth and wrote down stuff like in a diary because we lived quite a ways away from eachother and we wanted to have a way to keep track of the stuff we did while apart. and the other one would be my one world that i have right now that i kind of use like a blog.
but sara and i have discussed dream diaries before i thought about it but... im not much of a morning person lolz. im lucky if i manage to speak to people right after i wake up. lolz the last time that i had to talk to some one IMEDIATLY after waking up was when my dad called me to wake up me and one of my friends while we were at a hotel and i accidetally told him to go die... i was lucky that he didnt hear me though lolz, or atleast he never mentioned it
i've got a bit of asthma, so sometimes when i wake up at night it's kinda hard to breathe and it's really a horrible feeling. i hate being stuck in small, enclosed spaces--i guess i probably am claustrophobic. I didn't mind that abandoned amusement park since it was on the eleventh floor and really realy spacey and even though the lights were out there were some broken windows where you could see daylight. my worst nightmare (thankfully, i haven't dreamed of it yet) would be a small, enclosed space underwater. Like i was locked in a sub that was leaking air. i can swim but im far from good, and there was this summer camp thingy i attended last year that made me freaked about deep water. they had this scuba diving thing, where the water was 15 feet deep. anyway i kept bobbing around on the surface because for some reason i couldn't sink down. So the guy who was teaching the class did something to my equipement (added sandbags or something) and then i sank...to the bottom and COULDN'T GET UP!!!! i had something like a mini panic attack under water once my ears started hurting from the pressure, but luckily the guard notice and dragged me out =P
i read an article a few days ago about dreams. apparently, if you resume your former sleeping position, you're more likely to remember your dream. I have no idea what to do to continue an awesome dream though....only happened to me a couple of times, i had been thinking of keeping a dream diary--you know, where you write all the weird stuff you remember when you wake up? I'm not a diary person but i just feel so bummed at all those great dreams going to waste =PP
yea i dont always remember them with that much detail (another creepy part, about half of the ones that i remember in that much detail have ended up happening..... but hopefully there will be no attack of the alien lizards) and its really annoying when i have a super awesome dream, plan on telling someone then promptly forget it, because then i KNOW i had an awesome dream but can only remeber a little bit if anything.
surprising fact is though i hate tuna too (not much of a seafood fan) and the kid wouldnt be doomed forever because you didnt have to eat it (although i dont know why, you would think you would, but i guess just having the smell of it on a person is what gets rid of a lizard)
your reaccuring dream that you had does sound super creepy though, i probably would have freaked out if it had been my dream just because of the alone factor and the way the roller coasters made no sound and the dark and stuff (im not afraid of the dark for the most part but it does unnerve me.... its the cant see thing, if i cant see i slightly freak out, and same goes for if i cant breathe <-- that one though is probably for the most part because when i was little i got some weird sickness and woke up in the middle of the night unable to breathe, it wasnt asthma though, it was some weird thing where the flap in the back of my throut that opens and closes so food doesnt go into my lungs would stay shut... *stupid throat flap* lolz, my worst night mare [which ive had] is where my senses were cut off except for sight and no one could see or hear me even though i was screaming at people trying to get their attention... no sound would come out)
i dont think ive had any dreams from naruto... or atleast that i can remeber, but that would be pretty awesome.
my dreams though inspire alot of what i write (or atleast have ideas for writing)
the thing i hate about dreams though is when the end unfinnished and you want to go back because it was an awesome dream and you want to know more, and how everything goes back but you cant... absolutely hate that. sometimes i continue those dreams conciously though, if i just stay in bed and think about the dream bits and pieces will come back, but then i have to wake up and usually if that happens i cant remeber them though.
whoa......O.o that is one seriously weird dream. totally like the godric gryfindor sword part, i've never had a dream involving some many teachers of our school, guess it's because i just ignore most teachers and i'm not particularly fond with those i 'interact' with (mainly, getting yelled at =P). i also tend to forget my dreams really quickly-----and i HATE it, because i always just remember that they're really fun but don't have a clue what they're about *grrrr*. and when i do remember i can'tremember my dreams in THAT much detail, although i've dreamed of weird stuff happening to my school lots of times too. and tuna...this is really random but it kinda reminds me of this kid who HATED tuna. we were on this hiking trip and there was this dish that was filled with what looked like boiled onions and weird brownish feathery clumps (the tuna). It actually tasted fine, but that kid took ONE bite and nearly gagged. and i was just thinking what would happen if he got possessed, he would be doomed to be a lizard for ever.
i had this recurring dream when i was in junior high. it was a fun dream that turned creepy after a few times. anyway i woke up to find myself in this abandoned shopping mall. it was totally ransacked but the facilities were still working. there was this maze in the bazement that was decorated kind of like a forest, with places where you could take a boat or stuff like that. and anyway i was always alone in that dream, it was fun but a bit freaky. i'd mess around in the maze for a while (it was totally dark inside), somehow get out, and board the empty elevator to the eleventh floor. (side note: in taiwan, there are a few indoor amusement parks). Anyway there was this huge indoor amusement park that was partially on the eleventh floor ( i say mostly since a good part of it was hanging in empty air, because the rides would arc over the balconies and there'd be this LOOOONNNNNGGG drop to the basement. actually, i could never see the ground, it was all dark) and then i'd go onto the rides and they'd start automatically, but not make any noise. i'd go on five or six rides, get bored, start walking around, and then...there was this one ride that looked like a faded pink-and-white striped candy cane. i always went on that last, but everytime i started towards it it faded away and i woke up, and i was like: awww why do i never get to try that out???
i've had a few dreams set in Naruto(mostly in the forest of death, don't know why =P) and in the one i remember i was using this fire jutsu and jumping around on trees and it was really slippery and i was wondering 'how do they do that without slipping anyway???' anyway i remember punching a bunch of random people which was actually really fun =DDDD
haha yea i noticed that the show has some serious lack in quality lately but ive seen recent manga and its still good so im thinking im going to catch up that way lolz and that is quite the strange dream lolz... i hate it though when i have strange dreams like that that i want to end and then i fall back asleep and they are there again, happened to me once for like a week, i had the same dream everynight of this strange white carrot like tree sprouted under my house and then rapidly grew taking my house up towards the sky with me still on the ground with no way up.. (yea kinda jack and the bean stock-ish right lolz)
ok so the freaky lizard dream. so it took place in my school, only the school was surrounded by a military blockade because these weird lizard alien things were invading the earth and they were trying to contain it... (yea no one gave a crap about the students and faculty trapped inside, no one was aloud out) but the thing was these lizard people were kinda ghost like and couldnt do any harm or anything to any one because they had no bodies so they had to posses humans so they could continue their invasion plans and ofcourse they started with MY school. well funny thing is that wasnt the first time it happened (well atleast according to my dream) the same thing had happened towards the end of the previous school year, only no one remembered it because i guess it was erased from everyones mind (kinda like a men in black thing i guess)down side to no one remebering though was that no one knew what the "cure" was either. the only way to tell if some one was "possesed" though was when they were possesed their pupils turned to slits so it looked like they had cat eyes. so any way im running around my school with a sword killing people so we can stop the invasion and trying to avoid, what i like to call, the "horde." the horde was made up of possesed people, one of which was one of the math teachers, mrs. gilman, and they were trying to make sure that the few people that were still not possesed would behave themselves and not resist like i was along with a few other kids. so after a while of slaughtering possesed people, my sword breaks.. crap... so i hide it and start sneaking towards the one art teacher's, mrs. purdy, old room, where i know that the other art teacher, mrs. clark, and a few other non-possesed people are. but on my way i have to pass the horde, but since they dont know i have a broken sword and i also appear to be behaving they leave me alone (although mrs. gilman does give me a nasty glare) but as i pass i see that one of my best friends, alissa, is among them and that she is possesed. so at that point i promised that i would figure out what the cure was and i wouldnt kill her (you really cant expect me to willingly kill one of my best friends right.) so i make my way to mrs. purdy's old room and find mrs. clark, along with two students, a girl named alicia and another of my best friends kali, in the room. so since im determined to find the cure i go over to the table that alicia and kali are at and ask alicia to try and find the "cure" on the internet from her ipod (im guessing all of our computers were shorted out). while alicia starts working on that i look at kali to say something to her but then i notice something strange about her eyes.. almost like they are cat eyes, so i ask her if her eyes have always been like that and she said yea, and believed her, she then exits or whatever as i go give mrs. clark my sword and ask for a new one. so while she is digging out more swords (because i regected all the ones she had right there, even thought there probably arent any more she is just looking for the possible one that she may not have had in the imediate closet) i try and think of what the cure could be, since alicia wasnt having much luck.. so im thinking.. and thinking "think.... think of what the cure is.. what is the cure.. think..... think............................. TUNA BUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (haha yea i know random right but that was what the cure was, tuna :D) so i tell mrs. clark about finding a different sword and tell her to make me some tuna buns... lots and LOTS of tuna buns, and then leave while she is making more, taking a sword with me, just in case (it was actually supposed to be the sword of godric gryffindor from harry potter.. yea strange..) so i then run around the school screaming stuff like "TUNA" "TUNA BUNS" BE CURED!!!!!!!!!!!!" and ect. while throwing tuna buns in peoples faces. after a little while i find a room where the, now cured, kali and sara (another one of my besties) are along with a multitude of other people who have now been cured, and managed to stay cured (since in several cases after a while another lizard thingy would posses some of them, another downfall was that they just kept possesing others, since the tuna didnt kill them right away, usually took a few doses of tuna and in some cases poisoned them so it slowly drained their health.) well in this room sara was giving swordsmanship lessons... with a sword.... which is a sharp object... which according to kali sara is not supposed to have.... (but since sara is my assasin i allow it lolz) but any way i leave there and continue curing people and get chased by mrs. gilman and some of the leftover horde in the process when i finally wake up... but then after both art teachers, the chemitry teacher, and a bunch of my friends heard about this, i had a follow up dream about a week or two later. this dream wasnt very much but it was creepy because in the dream i was following sara around trying to convince her that everything in my dream was actually gonna happen and that the lizards were comeing..... creepy because i have had dreams (not ones that strange though) actually happen..
yea messed up if you ask me lolz and reeeeeaaaaallyyyyy long.... and that took twice as long as it was supposed to because i tried to copy it so i wouldnt have to write it again and acciedntally deleted it instead... yupp..... made me wanna scream... and the thought of typing it all again made me wanna cry.... yupp deffinetly wanted to cry lolz
what was your crazy lizard dream about? speaking of crazy dreams, i had this extremely bizarre one a couple of nights ago. You know Naruto has these toads he summons right? Well, i dreamed that there was a row of them sitting on my air conditioner (yeah, you got that right. The freaking air conditioner -_-) and they were BLUE. ALL OF THEM. they ranged from dark blue to royal blue and they were really, really large. Apparently, i had to knock them off because in my dream, i was holding this really brittle-looking hammer and trying to smash them down. If i missed too many times the frogs would jump down on their own accord onto my bed and turn ORANGE. i woke up shortly after seeing one turn orange. Then i fell asleep and dreamed the same thing AGAIN....
i don't watch Naruto anime that often, since it actually isn't done very well (compared to the manga). You'll like Hinata even more in the shippuden part of Naruto...but i won't spoil it =)).
yea... we arent aloud to do dangerous expiriments..... but there is probably a good reason lolz, my class alone had multiple pyros and after hearing about my crazy lizard dream i dont think the teacher trusted me much either (even though i am kind of a pyro, but i guess i use it responsibly lolz) but the gas thing could happen at my school just becuase of the gas outlet thingies but it never got that serious becuase if someone couldnt light their burner there was always someone close by that could lolz.
i have the smudging problem too, only im ok with it slightly. pretty much all of my drawings are smudged because they all stay in the notebook and move around alot i guess. every couple months or so at the least i take the good ones out and do smudge control and redefine lines and stuff.
the reason i missed so much naruto though was because i stopped visiting my dad and i couldnt watch it at my moms so i was stuck with no anime for 3 or so years until i started watching it in school and then now that i live with my dad i watch it every saturday night when im home. but i like kakashi alot too, and hinata. and i agree, sakura is a major wimp, i would say the same for hinata but i liked her alot more after her fight with neji during the exams, the fact that she didnt back down to him and fought her hardest made me like her, but she can be pretty wimpy at times.
Some of the experiments we do are kinda dangerous there was this time in chem class where we made this flammable gas as a by-product and the teacher told us, very seriously, if anyone lit a match, the entire sixth floor would go boom as the entire lab was filled with the gas (luckily, no one did). i don't like showing drawings where i can see really big flaws to people either. Sometimes i smudge the paper and i think: oh, darn it, and i try to turn the smudge into part of the background so it looks intentional =P.
i've a couple of friends who are diehard Naruto fans and that's kept me watching and reading the series for four years straight. i like Temari and Kakashi a lot (you probably can tell from my fanart challenges) but my favorite would still be Kakashi (i drew Temari for that challenge because she was my favorite female character and i didn't really know how to draw guy clothes). i have characters that i dislike though: sakura, mainly, since she's kind of wimpy (and i'm not a fan of wimps, guy or girl). i like gaara a lot too, he's interesting =)
haha yea, im a bit of a pyro too but my mom used to atleast let me light fires for like campfires and stuff, but i do the same thing in my chem class, only we just use a bunsen burner, we had to use the flint thingies and i was pretty much the only one who could light it in less than 10 seconds so i usually got to light it lolz. we didnt get to do the light the different powders on fire though, we watched a video of it then the teacher did it in the fume hood but other than the bunsen burner we didnt get to light too much stuff on fire.
i can be quite the perfectionist too when it comes to drawing, i just hated to throw away a good drawing because of the hand. but im perfectionist to the point if i like it but dont think its perfect i wont show it to any one lolz, thats also part of the reason i never got around to posting my drawing lolz
ok, favorite naruto character... well i dont really have a favorite but if i had to pick one it would probably be either garaa or temari.... it would be between them lolz i dont really dislike any of them, but im also way behind in the series, i missed a 2 or 3 year chunk so i missed from close to the end of the chunin (i think thats the word heheh) exams and ive only picked up a few shows here and there since then.
who's your favorite character???
my parents don't trust me with fire either, they won't even let me turn on the freaking STOVE -_-.... well they have good reason to, i'm a bit of a pyro--can't stop playing with matches in chem class =P i always beg to light the lamp-thingy (the one with the pinkish liquid inside, i think it's alcohol) when we do lab work. another fun chem experiment we did outside of school (some competition that was a lot more fun than work) had these different white powders (i'm thinking that they were metallic compounds, maybe like BaCl2 or something like that) and when we burned them they'd turn different colors.
i used to train the same way too, and still do occasionally, but i usually do my own drawings now. My brother bought a lot of Naruto manga a few years back and I've been copying pictures mainly from the databook to practice. i take longer to draw and color--a line art with lots of details might take as long as one to two hours, and colored art...at least three, i guess. that's probably because i'm a perfectionist--i have to get something done...or it goes into the bin. And sometimes when i'm halfway through i think: i want to chuck this; and then: but darn, i already got this far....=( all right i'll finish it *sigh* =P
what's your favorite character in Naruto?
haha yea i always wanted to try it but i can never manage to get my hands on something that starts a fire and the coffee creamer at the same time, i we could say my parents deffinetly dont trust me with fire lolz. but if you do try it be careful i guess it can be pretty dangerous lolz the chem. teacer was saying something about severe burns if you somehow get the flaming coffee creamer on yourself lolz.
but im the same way with my drawings, unless i have a moment of "extreme need to draw" and end up finnishing something in a couple hours i dont usually get too much done. but i actually havent been drawing anime and stuff for very long so i pretty much have been just traing myself by drawing from other pictures in the manga that i have. i actually have a semi-decent one of naruto from WAY back when he was a kid. the only thing i absolutely hate about it is the hand, the size is totally wrong, the shape of it is ok but since its too small it makes it look deformed... but i actually have started quite a few drawings, but i trash most of them if there isnt atleast one thing i can find within it that i want to save. when i really get in the zone though i can really turn out some atleast half decent stuff though lolz and it doesnt take me long either, as long as i really get myself to do it lolz
seriously??? powder coffee creamer??!!! i gotta try that one out =))). our science teacher once brought this airtight container (you know, the one where you can twist this knob to suck the air out) and she added hot water into the container and twisted the knob and all the water started boiling inside. ah i miss her lab classes, there probably won't be anymore in senior year... =((
teachers who are pushovers don't garner much respect either here =P
one of the things i love the most about theOtaku is its challenges. like i said before, i'm kind of a slacker, and even when it's doing something i like, i tend to postpone my drawings. with the challenges, it's like having a deadline, and i finish drawing a whole lot faster. i still tend to draw a head and then forget about it and go draw something more interesting. i'll come over the head a couple of weeks later, decide it's not worth working on, and trash it (or i'll just keep it lying there =P)
sadly we didnt do any explosions this year :( but since i had this really interesting kid named ron who constantly went on and on about blowing stuff up i did get to find out that the powder coffee creamer.... is flamable!!!! hahaha but we did get to gold plate pennies so that one was pretty awesome too.. but my teacher was a major push over, he wasnt a bad teacher but i pretty much had no respect for him, much like the majority of the school. haha
and the drawings... well i dont have many but since you mentioned it and reminded me ill ask my dad later if he has a scanner (cause i dont have one in my room T.T) and i will post some later..... they arent very good if you ask me, but im also kind of pessimistic about my artwork. and at the moment the only ones i have arent completed, they are mostly all ones i started and didnt have time to finnish or just didnt bother, so all except for maybe one are just the faces of people...... but there is my bleach kitty drawing in my one world... i did it in like half an hour for a challenge and then failed at posting it because technology hates me lolz... but i am going to attempt to motivate myself into doing more drawings... that are complete lolz... especially going to have to if i want to accomplish anything as far as my challenges lolz
yeah, that's the ONLY good thing about having lots of minor tests at school--the grades even out in the end, and to avoid flunking too many people some subjects (math, physics, chemistry) pick the highest scores out of the dozen or so quizzes and tests and use them to calculate your average.
our lab classes aren't that bad (although our ENTIRE class is usually AT LEAST five minutes late, even though the lab is right across from our classroom) since in chem and bio we get to do some interesting stuff. i remember once in organic chemistry we had to make esters (acids + alcohols). and that was like the only time the chem lab smelled good, because the stuff we made turned out smelling like grapes and apples and basically like candy flavoring. Another time we were doing oxidation-reduction reactions (changing colors and explosions are always fun =)) ). There was also this dissection class where every group of four people got a live frog and it was primarily gross but really interesting. (those frogs are FREAKISHLY BIG!!!). we have to do write-ups too but the first day we started her class the teacher said: i'm telling you, i'm not gonna give you really easy exams so you'll get good grades. I'm betting that half of you are probably going to flunk. So to redeem yourself, write those reports. (she's actually a great teacher, it's just that the principal sets a limit on how many people she flunks, or daddies and mommies will start complaining about how their kids flunk school. That's why she has us do write-ups, but other than that, there's nothing).
What kind of drawings do you do? i'm kinda curious since you don't have any fanart on =P
haha yea, there isnt much text book lugging, we are slouchy and grumpy enough as it is so i guess they dont want to make us carry around books lolz
but i cant memorize phone numbers overly well (and the 314th decimal of pie thing.. never) if there is like a rhyme to something i can usually handle it but my thing is locker combinations lolz.... this past school year i had access to 9 lockers and had them all memorized. i think it was the whole split into 3 small groups thing that made me memorize them but phone numbers are the same way so im not sure lolz. i used to always memorize the number that i texted the most though, that way if my phone got taken away i could use someone elses to text them lolz... (my phone used to get taken away by my mom and her boyfriend alot)
but the sucky thing about our tests is they are a big part of our grade but they arent enough to carry us entirely, sometimes they can if there isnt much other work but then if you bomb one your in trouble lolz. i just thought it was hilarious this year because the only reason i failed chemistry was because i didnt do the labs (well i did the labs i just didnt do their write ups and didnt turn them in half the time lolz) but in doing this the result was that i didnt have enough "lab minutes" to take the chemistry regent which was considered the final.... so i pretty much just wasted my time in that class the whole year (even though the lab class we just messed around if we werent doing a lab but even then we were talking constantly, and the actually class well, everyday, all year, i showed up to that class on average atleast 5 minutes late and then about half way through the year i would leave like 10 minutes after i got there for another 10 minutes and over all not even be in the class half the time lolz)... but i still slightly see it as a waste becuase i could have been taking a different class, but i guess me and my friend dillon are just going to take conseptual physics next year instead of wasting our time taking chemistry again since conseptual physics doenst have a regent exam or a lab class so it wont be so bad.
no, actually i don't think you would die at our school. you'd probably just be like the rest of us--ignoring all the homework =)). test grades are a really MAJOR part of our grades too. They're three really big exams in a semester--one at the start (no name for it), midterms, and finals. These make up 60% of our grade. The remaining 40% is made up of unit tests and quizzes and homework (which kinda makes the homework part seem insignificant, doesn't it, after all you only need 60/100 to pass =P)
i do study...but unlike most of the people here , i DON'T study for TWO FREAKING WEEKS pending the exams(totally don't get why they do that). i cram stuff a few hours before the test and scribble a couple of questions, then i'm good. Some people who don't know me as well as my friends do find this annoying. They think that i'm 'slacking off' right before a test. But frankly, i just don't see the point of studying something that early on, because i'm just going to forget it (i'm a short-term memory person). words don't stick easily in my head--especially when it's Chinese. In chinese lots of words look alike, or sound alike, and i have a hard time remembering all of that. but when it comes to numbers and pictures (especially numbers) and stuff that you can relate to logic, they stick in my head like glue (there are no phone numbers in my phone. I'm used to memorizing them. But that's nothing compared to my brother's best friend, who memorized Pi to its 314th digit after the decimal point).
anyway i totally suck at history, especially Chinese history (it's 4000 years worth of emperors fighting each other *sigh*) but i seem to be best at chem, my brother said that my 1 hour of cramming the night before the finals was what saved him from flunking. =)))
does keeping the textbooks in the classroom mean you don't have to tote a giant bag of textbooks everywhere?? *envy*
haha yea, i think that if i went to your school i would probably die lolz, sounds like you guys do a TON of work. but my chemistry teacher hardly ever checked our work sheets either :D lolz. and we dont take that many quizes.. we usually took only maybe 2 unit quizes and our unit test.. not alot of testing, even though that is a MAJOR part of our grade, but thats probably why i do ok in school, other than the history homework i hardly ever do homework. when i had math i occasionally did it. but for some reason for me testing is really easy, but i dont study, if i study i get all worked up over it and freak out and forget stuff. got A's on almost everyone of my tests (except the book tests in english when i didnt read the book, but if i did i would get 100 lolz) im not sure why but i have always been that way. in 7th grade i was the only person in my class to get 100s on our major tests on the book we were reading. stuff just sticks in my brain easily i guess. and thats probably why my history teacher loved me this year, i always did my homework (unless i had an english project to do and didnt have time, which was rare that i didnt have the time, or if in the process of copying my homework my friend taylor lost it... i am LITERALLY the ONLY reason he passed the first half of the year in history, then he switched out of my lunch and couldnt copy anymore and started skipping the class if he could, but if he did pass the class... im why lolz) but we deffinetly dont have many textbooks... hardly any of the classes give them to us and if we do need a text book, half the time its on rare occasion and so the teacher just keeps them in the room and hands them out when needed
i'm kind of a slacker too, so in class i just try to look like i'm listening attentively (i'm not the type to scribble down notes as fast as the teacher's saying them, i like studying on my own). as for exams (smaller ones, not like midterms or finals)...well, we can have as many as three a day, and usually it's impossible to get good grades if you don't write a page or two of homework.
There are students here though that take writing homework to an entirely new level. They are the reasons why textbooks and guidebooks and cram school (that's what we call them they're like a more in-depth version of textbooks) industries are so successful in Taiwan. We have at least a dozen textbooks per semester. If you add all the guidebooks and exercise booklets that the school ordered for us (half of which we end up leaving blank) there might be as many as...two dozen per semester. It's a completely waste of space and paper, and you can often see students at our school hawking off blank guidebooks to people who've lost them. There are students who buy three or four versions of the same textbook and read all of them then do all the practice questions (they don't just do school homework, they go on and buy MORE homework to do = = i don't get it).
we have a lot of worksheets in chemistry too, but the teacher never checks them or asks us to turn them in. since our homeroom class is focused more on science than on social studies, we only have history once a week, so not much to do except take notes like crazy or just stare out of the window and wait till class ends. as to math...well, we go through textbook questions in class, and then the teacher assigns worksheets or pages in practice booklets that most people don't do( and then most people fail the quiz =P)
yea it does get annoying when people refuse to accept that they are wrong, thats usually when (aslong as its not a teacher) i loose my temper and punch them or something... i hate arguing with stupid types... but yes i think it is horrible that when someone realizes something is wrong and doesnt stand up for it, especially when they know that others agree with them, its like people dont understand that if they try they can change things that they dont like, well not always but that doesnt mean you shouldnt try. but i dont think its just the chinese ancestry thing, even over here we are expected to respect our elders, and alot of people are the same way over here, but there are just alot more people over here that dont put up with the crap, but there are still just as many people that just let things happen, i really hate it.
but your old english teacher sounds like he was pretty good at teaching
but i actually dont know what grade i got on that project alone, but i actually did the torn edges because i didnt have any scissors heheh
as far as home work though, we dont get much. it really depends on the class, the harder classes give out lots of homework i guess (i wouldnt really know because im kind of a slaker lolz) but other than that it depends on the teacher and the class. math usually gets the most work, and its usually out of our text book, but when the teacher doesnt like the problems in the book they usually use worksheets that they have either made up or found somewhere (i have no clue what-so-ever where these teachers find all these worksheets lolz) but for my chemistry class we mostly did worksheets, we had this green practice booklet (that i actually threw away the day before the teacher asked for them back because they were paperback and i didnt know we had to give them back lolz, we usually dont return paperback work books) for my history class it was all worksheets that had most of the answers in the text book, if they werent in the text book though the teacher would give us little packets that had the information in it lolz. over all the homework isnt too hard, not a majority but a lot of people just ignore it lolz
i'll explain further about the labs...they're opposite us, on the other side of the hallway. What i DON'T get is why they built the labs on the sixth floor (the only enclosed hallway in our entire school, other floors at least have one third of the hallway opened up to stairways or balconies). the sixth floor always stinks with these really, really weird smells. once it was nice though, because they were making candy in the chem lab. In Taiwan, everything is really compact, so our gym in the basement doubles as auditorium. It's really cool--the hoops are stuck up in the ceiling and teachers lower them when there's class.
there are some people you just get tired of picking arguments with because they TOTALLY belive that they're right. i enjoy watching people squirm when they have that niggling feeling that they're wrong *smirk* but when they don't even know why they're wrong it's just troublesome.
i sometimes think that a lot of people (both guys and girls) in our school are really wimpy. they're not exactly good-two-shoes, but they don't have the guts to argue with teachers. It's probably due to culture, since Chinese tradition requires that we respect teachers (no matter how much they suck). doesn't it just get on your nerve sometimes when you know that tons of people in the class agree with you but no one speaks up?
We don't get to do a lot of projects like that, and half of the time students here just don't do homework (when about 80 people out of 98 don't do any homework the teachers usually just let it go, since they can't fail the entire grade). one of the larger projects we did before was in English, and it was about this exposition in taiwan called the Flora Expo.. I don't know how that English teacher did it (our former one), but he somehow managed to get everyone in class involved in their projects. By the time the exposition ended (this april) everyone in our year were practically experts on the FLora Expo. I guess some teachers are like that...they get you to do homework while you don't even know you're doing it. It was really fun.
I agree that war DEFINITELY isn't supposed to be anything to be proud of. I wouldn't have thought of the torn edges, but i might've drawn something abstract and /or did away completely with the poems (i don't think words can really describe war). It sucks thatyour teacher wouldn't give you a higher grade :(.
What's homework like on your end? We have textbooks that almost always come with these...'practice books' with questions and problems inside. our homework always sounds something like: Page *** of &%$# practice book. MOst of our work comes from preparing for exams, thoughn =P.
yea, we dont have very many stories... only 2 i think, but we do have 2 or three gyms and a awesome theatre lolz but labs??? what kind of labs would be outside of a school??? just wondering lolz. sounds like your teachers are a pain though, i would never sell out a friend either, actually had a close call with that in june only with the cops not just teachers, but since everything was my fault to begin with i couldnt tell them who i had been with... i wouldnt have felt right..
haha but i agree with that, your english teacher must have TONS of talent lolz, but i hate pervy teachers... ugh the 9th grade english teacher for my school is SUCH a perv, im so glad i didnt have to be in his english class, i feel bad for this past years 9th graders because they get him again this coming year because he moved up to 10th grade english.. ugghh, worst part is everytime he sees me with students he knows he asks them who i am becuase he "doesnt" know who i am... the guy has seriously met me 10 times!!!!! that is absolutely HILARIOUS though that he is committed to ignoring you lolz, i would talk to him and pretty much FORCE him to speak to me lolz... but im sort of the kinda person that enjoys making people mad when they do stuff like that hahaha. and the squirming thing.. the absolute best, i love it because im really good at debating when i put my mind to it, i just wish i had been the one talking to the super attendant.. but it probably would have turned into a MAJOR debate that would have lasted for as long as i could have made it last and i probably would have been kicked off the speaker, and not aloud to do it again lolz.
but the idea i had in english class had to do with our war projects. i was dissapointed to begin with because i hadnt had enough time to do everything i wanted with it so it was just 4 poems instead of 4 poems with matching drawings. and then i forgot that i had needed to put them on a bigger piece of paper so i was just going to take them up and put them on the board then just put them on a piece of paper later, but then i had this idea about how war isnt something we should be proud of and how we shouldnt show case it (well atleast the bad parts, which was what my poems were about) and so i tore the edges then taped them all to a piece of notebook paper while other people were presenting and by the time it was my turn i was all done, but she called me on it any way so i explained it even further and she still wasnt happy with it.... she was an amazing person (she was the teacher in charge of drama and theatre club) but i hated having her class at times. especialy when we had our MAJOR junior english papers... apparently mine was AMAZING and i got a really bad grade on it because of the stupid MLA and parenthetical documentation but we did our revisions and i fixed all the stuff she told me to and... i still only barely passed it... i wasnt too happy especially because she told me that if i fixed everything like i did i would get like an 80 on it (which was still more than 10 percent lower than i would have gotten if i had gotten the documentation right the first time) but i got it back and i got a 67, i shouldnt complain because i passed but i was still dissapointed. but atleast i know that it should have originally been over a 90 so that made me feel better lolz
our school isn't that big, it just looks that way--it is tall though, nine stories plus another three stories of basements. It's the angle that makes it look big--we have a basketball court with five hoops for middle school, one with four hoops for elementary, and a playground with slides and a water fountain for kindergartners. Our school's perimeter is only about 400 m, but since we only have 2000-3000 (can't keep track of em all =P) students in the school, it's spacey enough. And as seniors, we get to stay at the seventh floor (one side is a balcony that looks down into the basketball courts and playground), which is a vast improvement from the sixth, where our classrooms were facing the labs and strange smells would always come drifting out.
I'm always into arguments with the same two teachers: my homeroom teacher and the ENglish teacher. Let's just say that my homeroom teacher and I have vastly different values. Once, she tried to make me tell her who got into the classroom after she locked it. i knew who PROBABLY did, but SHE was the one who locked our belongings in, and anyway i would never sell out a friend, so i denied everything. I also wanted to avoid telling her the full truth, which DIDN'T involve a key at all, seeing as I'd climbed in through the window. (but i ended up having to tell her that, since she went on interrogating me for half an hour).
And about my English teacher...well, i used to have a really nice English teacher. This one, the new one, transferred from one of the top boys' high schools in Taiwan. Rumor has it that he was KICKED OUT from that school because he said pervy stuff in class (and to have been kicked out from a *BOYS' SCHOOL* for saying pervy stuff, that takes TALENT). Anyway, the teacher himself spoke horrible English with a Taiwanese accent and taught grammar the Taiwanese way (which means memorizing EVERYTHING). i had a disagreement with him five minutes into th class--i asked him why he had to teach English this way, seeing that no one could understand him (our former teacher used a completely different method to teach). after a few weeks and when some of my friends joined in, the teacher exploded (he's committed to ignoring me this semester though, after he had to give me an A in English =) )
and yeah, i know what you mean about the dodging questions thing. that's why i make it a point to talk to the teachers directly (i LOVE watching them squirm *evil grin*)
another reason why i was less unpopular in junior high was that i looked absolutely hideous. i had hideous teeth (buck teeth which resulted from an accident when i was 3), hideous braces, hideous glasses, and hideous hair. I had no fashion sense to speak of, because my parents (especially my dad) deemed such clothing inappropriate. (even now when i'm a senior, i'm not allowed to wear...let's see, skirts, dresses, tank tops, or anything that looks nicer than a t-shirt and shorts *sigh*). I was in a girls' class, and i swore a lot, argued a lot, and didn't listen to the 'queen bees', and i looked hideous (unpopularity was a GIVEN =P).
what kind of idea did you have in English class anyway?
haha yea the way mine is set up is HORRIBLE... none of the high schoolers are supposed to be able to go to where the younger kids are.. YET WE HAVE CLASSES IN THEIR AREA!!!! hahaha so they expect us to always take the long way around to all of our classes yet by the end of the year none of the students cared anymore and went through the part where all of the younger kids are since it was faster than going back and all around the school, JUST to get back to our section... it was pretty ridiculous but it was another thing our principle didnt enforce too much. but our grade set up isnt too different from yours. pre-K and kindergarten are pre-school, 1-5 or 6 (some schools do it differently) elementary, 6 or 7-8 is middle and 9-12 is high school. your middle school is just as long as ours in the schools where 6th grade is considered middle school. (thats the thing in my education, i have been to 4 different school districts, the one i originated from considered 6th middle school then after that year i moved and the school i moved to had 6th grade in the elementary, so i sort of had a bit of an edge on the whole changing class rooms all the time [although i never found it very difficult in the first place])
this year i actually have gotten into some nice debates with teachers though (since a majority of them arent overly closed minded it never ended up in an argument) and i actually was able to prove some pretty good points to them. the only time it almost ended badly though was when i got an awesome idea for my english project... the day it was due to present... in the middle of english class.... the teacher saw me working on it so she critisized it even though i explained it and everything and then tried to argue with me on the fact of whether or not it was done, it was hilarious because then even the teachers assistant in that room said that she understood everything that i was saying along with several other of the really smart kids lolz. but as far as the principal goes i almost always try to avoid him... especially when ive done something i shouldnt have done, and im pretty sure he is gonna try and talk to me about it even though he cant do something about it, like stuff that happened outside of school, but i didnt have to worry too much about him because.. well he is kind of a perv and girls hardly ever get in trouble... he never does anything or makes any moves on girls but still... we hardly ever get in trouble, my friend leah can even talk him out of punishing her... its kinda strange if you ask me lolz
but i think its great that your actually going to stand up to your teachers and tell them that the program wont work... we always try that here but usually (especially the super attendant) they just ignore us. when kids did the whole protest thing there was alot of our super attendant trying to calm every one down by "answering our questions" and he pretty much dodged them all, there were 3 days of him doing that on the morning announcements and i stopped listening after the first day because he wasnt answering anything... i really wanted to go down there and give him a piece of my mind but.. the lady at the front desk of the office scares me... she doesnt like me very much lolz and i get what you mean about the more brutal than than honest thing lolz... at the school i was in for most of my junior high i had a REALLY bad reputation for telling people off... and occasionally punching lolz but i have deffinetly calmed down on that whole thing lolz.
but your school looks really nice... deffinetly big :D
you'll be even more surprised when you find that our school went through a remodeling phase starting from 2002 and to 2009 (which means i got to see both the old and new campuses). our school's division system is pretty simple (it's a tiny campus, but the facilities are great): there is a building dedicated to what our school dubs 'The Bilingual Department', where students receive Americanized education and don't follow Taiwan's curricula (the building is at the left of the main entrance). all of the 1st floor (in all the buildings) belong to kindergarten, 2nd and 3rd belong to elementary school students, 4th and 5th to junior high students, 6th for sophomores and juniors, 7th for seniors. (in taiwan, 1-6 grade is elementary school, 7-9 is junior high, so we don't have freshman year).
i tend to avoid the principal or teachers i don't like since i'm the type of person who's DEFINITELY going to argue if i feel that things are unfair (although i can feel a BIG, BIG, BIG =P argument coming up next week. The reason for that is kinda complicated, so i'll try to explain it as best i can. Our graduating class is divided into two groups--those who want to go abroad and those who are going to take the exam. I'm part of the going-abroad-group, and instead of cramming for the exam everyone else has to take, our group is busy with applications, which basically mean that we don't listen in class. Anyway, the school seems to have noticed this, and they said they're going to enroll us in this program they created (which is definitely going to have some problems). and that's why i feel a BIG argument coming up with them).
as for enemies....well, there are people who dislike me, mainly because i speak rather bluntly (it's just a trait of mine, i think that a lot of things would be so much easier if people could just be honest. i'm less blunt than i was before though, in junior high i was more brutal than honest in the phrase 'brutally honest' =P. another reason why i used to have a LOT more guy friends than girl friends). But most people like me nowadays, even though they do think me as random and eccentric.
btw, here's our school site, you probably won't understand the words but the English version is real crappy, so just have fun clicking on all the links http://www.fhjh.tp.edu.tw/about/index.html
(and yeah, our school is in the center of the city. it isn't an uncommon sight here).
it surprises me how much we seem alike hahaha. but i doubt i would last a day at your school, i would probably get into a major argument with your principal (most likely over the uniforms lolz [i hate uniforms, if my school got them i would probably start an in-school war lolz]) but my school is the same way with the whole kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school all in one building (they started remodeling and adding onto my school before i moved there, they have it almsot done but started doing the cafeteria in like may and i THINK they are still gonna remodel the rest of the old part because i think they are moving ALL the elementary to the big school [they were split up, some grades were in the big, newer school while others were in the older school] because i think they are closing the old building.)
but im pretty much the same way when it comes to no stereo type because im friends with some of the nicer snobby people, some of the people that are actually on here (my friends sara and kali are actually the ones who showed me this site), and then i have the "trouble makers" like my (hopefully *crosses fingers, squints eyes, and jumps up and down* lolz) room mate leah. but people just really dont know what to think of me because i usually get good grades, and (mostly) stay outta trouble (i got detention this year for being late oooooh bout a million times lolz, but only one detention haha. but as far as teachers go, i try not to tell them off too much (but there really isnt that much to argue with them about, they arent that bad) but i DO tend to yell and swear alot at the people who make me mad (my spanish teacher mrs. brown, who adored me, probably yelled at me 20 times for flipping out on my "once upon a time" friend travis lolz
but i have a bunch of different types of friends and i DEFFINETLY agree with you on the point of what does it matter what a person is like as long as you get along with them... had that argument with my mom and her boyfriend a million and about 3 times lolz. i just find it hilarious that most of the people that i know from school call me "dork" "weird" and "crazy" yet a majority of them love being around me and i have very few enimies (atleast that i know of, i only know of like... one lolz... maybe 2 or 3 but its more of a i dislike them, not them dislikeing me thing lolz) :D
i thihk our principal would drop dead if anyone went into school wearing really short shorts. we have uniforms that...look like what private school uniforms generally look like in Taiwan (for girls, it's a white blouse, red tie, dark blue vest, knee-length dark blue-and-gray plaid skirt, black socks plus black low-heeled shoes. Guys: white shirt, horrible red-and-blue-striped tie, khaki slacks, and black shoes (no sneakers allowed)) at least we usually weare our gym clothes--dark blue t-shirts with our school's name in white and dark blue trousers with a double white stripe (they look like pajamas, but hey, at least they're comfortable and they don't scream 'private school kid' like the uniforms do). Our school is kinda biased when it comes to money too--you'll see that kid in junior high who had abysmal grades get to our high school because of his rich parents (oh yeah, forgot to mention, our school is made up of a kindergarten, elementary, junior, and senior high).
i see what you mean about teachers discriminating about students. My twin brother's kind of a troublemaker, and i've had teachers tell me 'not to turn out like him' for ages (let's put it this way: i'm no goody-two-shoes, and i get into trouble for mouthing off at teachers and voicing opinions no one has the guts to say, but my school record is pretty clean and teachers have NO leverage on me whatsoever on grades). i don't really have a filter either when it comes to friends--although a good amount of my friends read Naruto or watch other anime and manga.
As for type...well, i don't fit into a stereotype, i guess. (for some reason, there exists 'cheerleading type queen bees' at our school even we don't have a cheerleading squad). I like art and reading, and that originally would've grouped me with quiet, bookish girls, except that i'm smartmouthed and blunt. I have a lot of guy friends and girl friends and we hang out in a large group that ranges from half a dozen to two dozen. i'm not a stereotypical math nerd or science geek either, but i don't care, since what's important is that you get along with other people right?
it died over here last night too, didnt come back till after midnight, probably not till after 1 maybe.. wasnt paying too much attention to when it came back.
but yea, sounds like your school is A LOT more conservative than the ones over here, although im not sure about the private schools, they might be almost as conservative, but if they are the only ones nearly as conservative would probably be the catholic schools, since you know nuns tend to be a little conservative lolz. but the public schools are deffinetly not even close to that conservative... in some cases though they DO need to tighten up a little bit. we have a dress code that doesnt even get enforced half the time, and is almost never enforced on the "well to do" students... for example if i were to wear short shorts that barely can even be considered shorts to school i would have to change and possibly even get a detention, but if one of the suck up girls did, even if she was reported she wouldnt even be told to change. it happened to one of my friends, it really made us mad because she had to go home and change (since she didnt live too far away) and the next day a girl wore the EXACT same shorts, my friend reported her to the office (because no one really likes the suck up girl that was wearing them) and the next time we saw her she was still wearing them. the schools over here are really.... well really discriminatory. im friends with alot of people and a large number of them some would consider trouble makers, but i kinda dont have much of a filter when it comes to who im friends with lolz, but my one teacher didnt know i hung out with these kinds of people, she thought i just hung out with "good kids" since i was always with my two friends Kali and Sara in her class. but then one time she saw me hanging out with these other people and she started to really judge me because of it.
but it sucks that you dont have very many clubs, and that the dean tries to get rid of the ones that could be the most fun. and the cheer leading thing sounds like it sucks too. over here its all for sports and stuff, only the middle school and younger do competitions i think, i havent heard of our high school cheerleaders doing any. but the down side of ours is that its pretty much all suck ups, there are a few ok people that do it but even a majority of the ok ones get on my nerves... i have a few friends that want me to join with them because they want to be a cheer leader they just dont want to be alone with all the annoying people, and also because im the "cheerleading type" i guess... haha i think its hilarious because every year some one tell me to join, and every year i say "ok sure ill sign up", and every year... i dont, lolz
sorry i couldn't reply to you yesterday--the site died on my end. =(
we have only like five functioning clubs in the school, like dance club, debate club, choir, bands, and bridge club. At first the deans of our school opposed the dance club (our school is kinda more conservative than other schools since it's private, and other schools in Taiwan are probably more conservative than American ones). They deemed the dance moves and the clothing too 'provocative'. (the clothes: black off-one-shoulder t-shirts with skulls on them, white tank tops inside, and pink shorts plus tennis shoes.)Another club that generated a lot of controversy was the bridge club. Our school's deans (again) think that playing cards is the Devil's game, and they expressed extreme annoyance at us playing bridge (we don't just play bridge, since it gets boring after a while. we also play napoleon and other games) but in the end we won out
the strange thing about our school's cheerleading is that it's a one-time competition. students are to be divided into five groups come sophomore year and compete against each other in a cheerleading competition. (more often than never, it ends up as a dance competition since most people here don't know gymnastics). it's horrible.
wowz.. your school system sounds pretty harsh.
but as far as extracurriculars we have a bunch, all the sports, soccer, foootball, basketball.... cheerleading (ick), bowling (that one surprised me when i moved here lolz), soft ball, baseball, golf, ect. all those sports and stuff. besides sports though there is a BUNCH of clubs art club, drama club, theatre club (which is almost the same as drama club only instead of being in plays they go to them, but alot of the kids that are in one are in the other), we even have this one group called natural helpers that is supposed to help the students (if you ask me though the only thing a COUPLE of them do is help out kids that move to the school on their first day, other than that its pretty much just a bunch of "nice" people saying they do stuff to help the student body but actually dont do much at all) we have A TON of clubs though, one that had a lot of controversy this year was FFA which is Future Farmers Of America, or kind of an agriculture club. there are sooo many extraciriculars that we have.. its really hard to keep track of them lolz
well, i hope you do get to go to that class. i kinda envy your school's classes...we would never, ever have psych in a billion years. It's not just our school (although our school is one of the strictest private school in Taiwan); i don't think other schools would have psychology either. another thing about high schools in Taiwan is the atmosphere in most schools here is...well, really, really cutthroat, because there are only about five really good universities and everyone's vying for them. the peer pressure in college is pretty intense too, but it's better compared to that in high schools (apparently, there was this guy who took the exam 7 times to get a 75. he then went to the best medical school and went on to commit suicide because he couldn't stand the pressure). i have a twin brother who's great at the piano. we aren't particularly great fans of our dad either, since it often feels like he(my dad) is the one planning our college life instead of us =P btw, what kind of extracurricular activities do you have at school?
hahaha thats actually pretty awesome that your atleast gonna make your parents happy by getting an undergraduate in engineering lolz.... i would never do it for mine, but my mom really doesnt care what i get into for college (doubt she even cares if i go to college, also doesnt live with me any more haha)and as i said my dad would like it if i went for something other than art but im not exactly his biggest fan, the only reason i live with him now is because things werent working out with my mom. but i absolutely love psychology, i never got far because i hardly ever had the time but for a while i started kind of homeschooling myself in psychology. as soon as i can get another college psychology book i will probably try again lolz and im attempting to get into the psychology class in school this year, though im not sure if they are even going to have it because the teacher for it, mr. connor, was moved down to teach 7th grade
well, the truth is, i like engineering, but i don' like engineering as much as art. (by the way, my dad's an engineer. my mom wanted me to go into the medical field but i was like: nah....no thanks. both my parents seem to want me to become an engineer) so my plans for college are: to get an undergraduate degree in engineering....and then ignore my parents and get a degree in graphic design!!! i like psychology too =); when i go to a bookstore i always try to read books or novels about mental conditions (of course, out of sight of my parents, who'd think that those books were 'unhealthy')
ok thanks lolz. thats pretty awesome bout you wanting to go into engineering and stuff. my dad keeps trying to influence me to get into that stuff but i like psychology and art and stuff lolz. but ill deffinetly let you know if i end up needing any help with the SAT stuff, if you need help with any thing you can ask me lolz if i dont know i can deffinetly ask a friend lolz
no, in reality it's not difficult to get over a 70, because the exam is only about basic things. But that's where the problem is, since because of that, there are tons of 72s, 73s, and 74s in the applicant pool. the hard part of this exam is that you have to be very well-rounded--even if you're a math whiz who's...say, bad at English, you'll score lower than a person who's not particularly talented at math but gets good all-round scores. I'm like your opposite--i find the math easier on the SAT and on subject tests, (might apply for an engineering major ) although for some reason i score higher on other sections.
as for SAT prep classes, i don't think you need them, since your grasp of the English language is probably better than mine (seeing as you live in the States) and i got 2210 when i was a soph (funny, i'm only a couple of months older than you, but i'm in another grade. Random thought: in Taiwan you'd be a senior, since our school term starts officially on September 1st and ends on 6/30)if you need help on the SATs in the future though i'd be only too willing to help.
wowz sounds reeeeaaaallyyy difficult... but yea i think the SAT's are probably alot easier, i have to take mine this year because i never had the oppertunity to before.. im thinking ill do ok on the english but im pobably gonna MAJORLY fail the math lolz.... i stink at math.. i never took anything harder than algebra but im hoping the fact that im an absolute natural when it comes to words and stuff that it will be enough to carry me.. im also thinking of taking an SAT prep class.. although i know it would be REALLY hard.. thats why i was still kinda debating on if i wanted to or not lolz
we get to pick majors in colleges, but whether you get in or not...it's a very inaccurate science. for the big exam, full marks are 75, with 15 for each of the five subjects. You usually have to have 75 marks to get into the medical school of our leading universities, and even 75 marks isn't a guarantee, because they'll also look at your application materials and interviews. with 70 marks, a student might end up at a popular major in a less distinguished college, or at an unpopular major in a good college. And of course, you're right, your grades in each subject determine which majors you will be able to go to (for example, a senior with English: 15, Chinese: 15, Math: 10, Science:9 and Social Studies: 15 probably wouldn't be picked if he or she applied for an engineering major).
the bad thing about this exam is that ALL high school students in Taiwan spend all four years cramming for this ONE exam (well, there is another, ten-times-harder one in July, but it's far too hard) which is placed halfway into senior year. They get results in April-May, which means that even after the exam, they can't relax and have to go on studying, since they might have to take the July one. I've taken the SAT (I & II) a couple of times...frankly, i prefer that kind of testing =P.
haha sounds like your principle is the kind of person not many kids would like lolz. and im not entirely sure why so many kids fail school... but it seems like a pretty big thing lolz but i dont think its really as bad as i think it is because its usually just certain "groups" of people i guess, that are the ones who fail.. basically its the same kids that fail every year, with a few exceptions. but if we fail, we fail. we dont really get second chances, we rarely even get the chance to turn in late work. we have some pretty big tests though. when i lived in Pennsylvania there werent that many big tests other than a few grades took PSSA's but that was mostly elementary and middle school, but once i moved up to New York it was waaaayyyyy different. you have to take a major test called a regent for every class, almost every year. i think im done with all of mine though, i dont think im required to take any more of them. but (hopefully) being a senior next year means i will have to do a sennior project >_< every school ive gone to requires one so im pretty sure its a national requirement to graduate, but every school has a different requirement for what the senior project really is.
but as far as the major exams you were talking about that you have to take, about how they determine what school you will go to and what your major will be, does that mean you dont get to pick your own major and stuff, or does it just kinda point you in the right direction as far as what you should do because of what the test says your good at???
we don't have a lot of students that fail classes, mostly because we have 'makeup exams' on whatever was taught last semester. The exams are always held at the start of summer school. Another reason why there aren't many students who fail is probably because we study the same stuff, so the work can't be TOO hard or the teachers would have to fail over half the grade (happened once in an English exam: about 80 students received an F that time). our schedules are probably drawn out by the principal, which is kind of annoying. You see that in Taiwan, there are two large exams: one for junior high students, the other for high school students. it's kinda like the SAT, but most people take it the January of their senior year. It's a really big deal because your scores in five sections (English, Chinese, Math, Science, Social Studies) determine which school you'll be going to and what major you'll have. Anyway, because we had this exam, the principal picked out what she THOUGHT were the best teachers in the school and switched our current teachers. (her line of reasoning: good teachers = good students= good scores= good reputation for the school) the original teachers would be dispatched to lower grades. one class had every teacher changed except for their civics teacher and homeroom teacher. our principal....i don't think anyone in our grade is a particularly big fan of her =P
haha yea my school is pretty small too... my graduating class is actually smaller than yours i think... im pretty sure there is less than 90 students in it, haha especially cause they keep failing xp lolz my class keeps getting smaller while the one a year after me keeps getting bigger lolz.. but we usually dont change teachers much, but in the next couple years there are going to be alot of changes though. this past year they put through a bunch of budget cuts and so alot of our teachers were fired or retired. i kinda sucked cause there were quite afew good teachers that they got rid of, but they did do some good and got rid of the person who was in charge of the scheduling things, she couldnt do any of her job right because she was always concerining herself with things that werent part of her job, she is really nice but she never did her job right. but we actually had a bunch of students that had a sit out day during school because of all of those budget cuts.. they couldnt do anything though because the girl that set it up was an ABSOLUTE FREAKING IDIOT!!!! didnt set it up corectly and set it up AFTER the budget was already through so there was nothing the protest could accomplish... hehehe im not the biggest fan of THAT girl lolz
but we usually have a TON of extra classes we can choose from but, atleast in my case, we cant always take them because our schedules themselves are REEEEAAAAALLYYYY messed up lolz. but that would majorly suck if they got rid of art completely.. i think i would cry if they did that
yeah, it's pretty convenient when you forget to bring stuff. You just have to run over to the class next to you and borrow it, since everyone has the same textbooks. my school is absolutely tiny. in my grade, there are only 98 people, 39 of which are in my homeroom class, which means that everybody knows everybody (and no one has ANY privacy). you know, this semester they seem to have eliminated art from our schedule . we usually have the same teachers for at least a couple of years, but sometimes we get a nasty surprise when the schedules come out ( like: WHY THE HELL IS SHE TEACHING US THIS YEAR??) there was also this time when the class next to ours changed ENglish teachers 7 times in a school year (they protested to the principal). the classes we get to choose are pretty good though. they range from singing, cooking, drawing, mapping, to lab work classes and science teams (which is mostly comprised of science geeks).
wowz.. ehh sometimes it can be difficult having different people in every class, but your right it is nice to be able to see a bunch of different people. but that kinda stinks that you dont have any honors or AP classes and not alot of arts and stuff. we choose a majority of our classes, but it can be a pain when the teacher in charge of scheduling is a ditz and doesnt really know what she is doing like at my school.... i dont even have my schedule set up for next year :(..... yea, schools like a month away and there are quite afew people that have NO schedule.. haha so in a way having mostly the same classes for everyone could probably help, atleast as far as schedule set up goes, but even then its just more convienient lolz but you should deffinetly atleast come and visit the states, it can be alot of fun, when its not being a pain in the butt lolz
Summer school here in Taiwan is basically a shortened version of real school, so we still get around eight or nine classes a day, with 6-8 subjects (like chem, math, English...) i wish our school had more art classes. school curricula in Taiwan is really different from what i've heard of US schools. we only get to choose like two of our classes--the rest is the same for every person (no APs, Honors, or anything), which means i'm in most classes with the people in my homeroom class (don't get to know a lot of people like that, but at least it means having a giant group of friends )i want to go to the States when i graduate =)
yea im from NY, its really easy if you ask me because the day is so short, but they only have 2 classes a day so if you fail more than 2 major classes then you fail your grade. they also only have the major classes (they dont have a summer school class for art or any extraciriculars... bummer hahaha) but they have math and english and chemistry and stuff. also they usually dont have the teacher you had all year teaching it, that way its kinda like you get the chance to have some one else teach it to you, just in case it was the teacher that was the problem. also, atleast in my area, they have several schools in one summer school.... i find it kinda sad that my school's group is always bigger than all of the other groups..... COMBINED.. haha yea my school sucks in atleast a small part lolz... i think i got it all there, anything else that i may have missed???
well its not that i didnt fail something, but i dont think enough people failed the class lolz, me and my friend dillon were the only ones i think hahaha, but i also moved out of the area for the summer so i couldn't T.T i was suuuuper sad, i wonder if they would have kept the class if it was only 2 people??? i know they cancelled it though cause there was only one hahaha, i felt bad for dillon :D
i want to go to summer school like that too our summer school's hours are crazy, but it's already better than real school (7: 20-9:30p.m. Monday to Friday, and 8:00-4:00 on Saturday)*sigh* btw, why don't you get to go this year?
where i go to school, summer school starts july 7, ends sometime around august 16, is from 8-12 and is monday thru thursday..... i miss it lolz, went last year, dont get to go this year T.T hahaha yea kinda sad that i WANT to go but it was really fun for me last year and would have been even more fun this year because of the people that are there lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
What is physics day???? I envy you soooo much.......what kinds of rides are there at Darien lake? oh, and how do you do physics work while you're there?? i spent all my last physics classes listening to the teacher explain problems on an exam....and most of my other subjects have been like that too. We're studying modern physics this semester, and it's actually pretty interesting.
Oh, i forgot to ask you, what major did you apply for in your college apps? did you apply for psychology? my classmates have all begun to organize stuff for their college applications (they need to prepare a folder of information about themselves, stuff like photos, essays, a resume, recommendations....all in one folder to give to the professor), and i realized...stuff in the states seem much much simpler!!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 02/11/12 | Reply
haha it's ok ^_^ we all have busy times :)
that sounds like it was so much fun!! i cant wait to go to something like that ^_^. i have heard of chopper, i've only seen one peice a few times but chopper is adorable! ^_^ he and nami were my favorites.
i just checked my callender it said eastern orthodox lent... I've heard of lent before, i'm just not overly sure what it is :T.
i just found out today that i get to go to an AMAZING theme park called Darien lake for physics day!!! XD i havent been there before so i'm really excited. i cant wait to ride all the rides.. the whole having to do physics work is a downside, but my class gets to be there from about 10 in the morning until 5! i just have to make sure i dont miss anymore school and dont fail any classes.
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/10/12 | Reply
sorry i took so long to reply XPPp i've been totally swamped with printing stuff out these days...:/
i had a great time at the book fair, although most of it was spent watching my friends go on crazy shopping sprees on the weirdest stuff. THere's this really short reindeer with a pink hat in ONe Piece (don't know if you've heard him before) called Chopper, and one of my friends bought two Chopper hats, one blue and one pink. and then all of my friends bought posters and random items (like badges, pins, drawings, bags, umbrellas, cards, pencil case-ish things, PSP stickers, and even a computer mouse shaped like a very stupid-looking duck (it's a character in Gintama))....anyway it was kinda fun, watching them shoving past other people to get at the good stuff in the different stalls.
as far as i know, hte only holiday coming up is a one-day holiday on Feb 28 (i don't even know the english name of the holiday, we just call it 228 memorial day). it's on monday, though, so we get three days off in a row =DD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 02/04/12 | Reply
wow.. im really glad that my senior year has proven to be really easy, especially compared to your school, i actually only have like 3 required classes, if i dropped the rest i'd only be in school for like 2 hours and the work would be really easy. the vacations over here are really broken up, we got a week off between christmas and new years, then another week in coming up this month, and then another week around easter.. (i can never rememeber when it is because for some reason i used to think that it switched between march and april, although i'm not sure if it actually does O_o) the only really long vacation we get is summer.
ohh man! i wish we had book fairs like that here!.. well there probably are, i dont here about them though, the only thing i can think of that would be like that would be an anime fair or something, which they arent very often in one place, i think there is supposed to be one in april or may though around where i live. i've never been to one yet, but i'm supposed to be going as this one. i hear there is a TON of anime stuff they sell there though ^_^ i can't wait!
i hope the book fair goes great though! it sounds like it will be tons of fun.
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/04/12 | Reply
i'm technically still on vacation right now, since winter vacation in Taiwan lasts from Jan 18 to Feb 8. But I'd had to go to winter school this past week so.....i had one less week of vacationXPP not that I mind that much, i get to see most of my friends at school, which is nice after Chinese New Year (because Chinese New Year is basically about spending time with family). this semester I got switched back to the department i used to be in (i was in the bilingual department for 1 semester) and the workload's a lot larger ( i guess my time in the bilingual department felt like a semi-vacation =DD). Having to do a LOT of work in one day is just.....harrowing XDD glad you don't have to do that.
I'm going to a book fair today. It sounds a LOT more boring than it really is, since I'm technicallly not going to any section of the book fair....except for the anime/manga section. The anime/manga section is HUGELY popular. And when I say HUGELY, it means having to queue up at one of the entrances three hours before the fair really starts. Some of the more enthusiastic people even camp overnight outside of the building. There's all kinds of stuff there, like figurines, mugs, posters....well, just about every bit of anime merchandise you can think of. It's really crowded, which is annoying, but that's definitely not enough to deter me from going! I'll tell you more about it when I get home tonight.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 02/01/12 | Reply
i'll have to go look that up! XD there are a few english shows like that, Criminal Minds is really focused on motives and there was a show a while back called the Mentalist that was like that too, i'll deffinitely look into it, i love shows like that ^_^
yea that kind of constant drizzle really is bothersome. it warmed up here again =_= so now almost all the snow is already gone, and the wind is really strong right now so there is probably going to be another storm, and that means there will probably be no school, since we have a half day tomorrow anyway there would be now point in just a delay. i hope not though, i left school after about an hour today so i missed all of my classes except for sociology (psychology was only a semester class :( but atleast sociology isn't much different) so hopefully they wont need to cancel tomorrow so i can get all my work that i missed and wont have to get it friday and do it all then.
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/01/12 | Reply
No worriesXDDDD I just had winter vacation, so i've been pretty busy going out with friends and family, and before that i was busy with finals and college apps, so...anyway glad you're back now =D
Oh, i've heard of that movie, some people in my English class told me about it after we read that book. i haven't had time to watch any movies these days, although i just watched part of this amazing Japanese TV series. The videos belong to my chemistry teacher, and the series is called 'Mr. Brain'. I remember you wanted to study psychology right? 'Mr. Brain' is like CSI, but more focused on psychology: like, the killer's motives, evidence, and, well, general psychology. It's in japanese but i think there is a subbed version (the one i watched was subbed in chinese). it really is totally awesome, so.......watch it if you can !!!SDDDDD
It rains here every day. Like, almost every day. it's raining right now, and it's this annoying little drizzle that doesn't seem to stop. I kinda wish it would just rain really hard and clear up =/
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/31/12 | Reply
my laptop got all virusy i guess and it took FOR EVER to get fixed, cause it'd get fixed then promptly stop working again >:T
but it is now fully functional! ^_^... at least i hope.. haha
haha no i haven't read the scarlet letter yet but a super amazing movie came out about a year ago that dealt a lot with it, the girl was pretty much a nobody then she was accused of sleeping around and stuff and so she pretty much changed her whole look to kinda get back at everyone who was making fun of her, and one of the things she did was put a scarlet letter A on all her shirts since her english class had recently read it, it's a super funny movie, it's called "Easy A" if you ever get the chance to see it :).
sounds like that would have been something pretty funny for an english teacher to read ^_^, a friend of mine told me about a kid who during their major global history midterm didnt have enough time to finnish all his essays so he drew a picture for the last essay haha, just a little one though haha. i cant wait to find out what the kid got on the test ^_^.
we actually had a surprisingly warm winter until recently, between 50-70 degrees (you're right haha it is pretty warm for our winter and fall times.) and any time it snowed it melted away right away, atleast until recently, as of the begining of January we've had 2 snow days and multiple 2 hour delays. i dont mind the 2 hour delays but the more snow days we have means the closer we get to having to go over into summer vacation days >:T i really hope that doesnt happen :)
I LOVE LOVE LOOOVE P!NK!!!! XD i completely agree, her voice is amazing :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/20/11 | Reply
sorry i didn't reply earlier, i was really really busy this week. there was this really funny thing that happened on friday...have you read a book called 'The Scarlet Letter"? if you haven't it's a book where a woman named Hester commits adultery and has to wear a scarlet 'A' on her chest for the rest of her life. THe first part of her punishment is public humiliation; she has to stand at the scaffold for around three hours. Anyway, there are these women watching her and criticizing her, and Hester's not really paying attention...and then she sees her ex-husband at the edge of the crowd. OUr English assignment on Friday was to 'write a monologue of Hester's thoughts from Hester's POV." usually it would mean something like: 'Why are they all looking at me? They're looking at me like I"m the only person to have sinned. I wonder what they are talking about. Is it about the A?" ...anyway, one of my friends wrote about HEster's reaction when she saw her ex-husband. He wrote something along the lines of: 'HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!The only person who can freaking embarrass me more in the entire freaking world has arrived!!" *note*: this wasn't just normal English class, this was Honors English. like, *really* serious English. I can't wait to see what's going to happen XDDDDDD
the temperature suddenly dipped down today....only a little =PP it would probably count as really warm weather on your end. it was around 68 degrees or so, but compared to the 70s-80s weather before it was kind of a nice surprise. i don't know how to snowboard...or ski...or ice-skate =PPP i have a pair of Rollerblades but I don't know how to use them very well.
I'm supposed to be working on my essays but i couldn't resist going out since the sky cleared up today......so now i'm trying to catch up =/
I kinda like Eminem better than that kind of music....maybe Green Day. Have you ever listened to P!nk? i totally love her voice. =))))
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/13/11 | Reply
wow.. that sounds.. super tasty! haha, chicken, simmered onions ^_^ im gonna have to try that sometime if i ever get the chance!
stinks that you too busy to read :/ i've been reading a lot lately. i started to re-read this one series called 'the imortals' by Tamora Pierce, i read it in middle school and loved it then and i find it an AMAZING series... especially after finnishing it and then re-reading it and you kinda see things that you wouldn't have taken notice to before... it's actually kind of.. well weird, what ends up happening, just because of modern day society, but it's set in what would be like medieval times so i guess what happens would be... acceptable. heheh..
yea.. when it snowed earlier this week it was just that little bit, it ended up only leaving a dusting that barely lasted to the next day :/ i'm actually getting a little anxious for it to be snowing a lot already haha, mostly because i want to go snow boarding SOOOO bad.
yea, for sure when you come to the states you'll be seeing the sparkling ^_^ well, unless you go to a warmer state, then you might have to take a trip to a colder state haha, but it's weird, some places have no snow and are all warm, but then you go one state over and they have tons of snow O_o... i heard once that in virginia and west virginia and such since it usually doesnt snow all the time, that if they even see just a few flakes they cancel school and stuff cause supposedly when it DOES snow, they get tons at a time.
hmmmm..... well comparing them to Lincoln Park, they are a LITTLE bit to moderately heavier than them, it depends on the song, some of them are softer than others, but quite a few of them have at least a little 'screaming'. have you heard that stuff before? where they like... inhale and make that weird sound thats kinda screaming kinda growling... i find it a strange noise... but kinda facinating haha.
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/12/11 | Reply
the sun FINALLY came out today. just for a few hours, but at least it didn't rain the entire day =DDDDD. i went out and had this really great rice thing (apparently it's japanese and called Donburi. I looked it up =P) with eggs and onions simmered in this really great sauce and fried chicken on top. I was really full after breakfast (eggs and some kind of radish cakes) and i was wandering around and i was like: what smells so good????and i went and got a bowl (it was a really big bowl) and i could just barely finish it. Then I went to the bookstore...but decided not to get books because i was too busy to read =((
I've only seen real snow drifting down for like five minutes. I was in Japan at the time and there were these really tiny flakes that fluttered down and then stopped. It was nice while it lasted....i wished it could stayed longer. I haven't seen anything look all sparkling yet though, hope i will in the States =))
Heavy rock...is that like linkin' park? I like a few songs of linkin' park, like New Divide and Numb, but some like 'Faint' get a bit too loud and screamy for me =PPP I kinda like eminem more...his songs are great.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/09/11 | Reply
the band is kind of a heavier rock band i guess?? im not really sure what they would be called. but if you have ever heard of that old band called KISS they do the make up thing like they did sometimes, with the white face paint and black markings which can look pretty darn awesome when they are done right haha. but they deffinitely do eyeliner, almost always haha, but it actually looks not.. well, weird but actually kind of awesome haha. people still call it weird though, but every one has their own opinion haha.
yea i know what you mean, some times here in winter time, it feels like i'll never see the sun again, but it's still been pretty sunny around here. im pretty glad for that. but at the same time i kinda cant wait for winter, i cant wait to see the snow, and the way out door lights make the snow all sparkly and like a wonderland, and how when it's a clear light it doesnt even take an artificial light to make the snow look like an amazing tiny city spread out over a mass expanse of land. i really wish i could have stayed in cattaraugus.. because that would mean snow boarding every wednesday and snow ball fights after school and making snow men with leah and having some actual fun in the winter again... its been years since ive been able to act like a kid, and i kinda miss it.. i guess that would be why i miss Cattaraugus so much, it made me feel like i could be whoever and do what ever i wanted even at the worst of times... i guess that would be why i liked it there so much haha..
i FINALLY signed up for the SATs! i have to take them in december now, and depending on those scores im probably gonna end up having to take them again in January. i might just take the ACTs in january though, since supposedly they are easier or something haha.
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/09/11 | Reply
i love pranking people on their birthdays....but there's only like ONE prank for birthdays at our school, and for some reason it works EVERY TIME. people at our school pretend they've completely forgotten about that person's birthday and then spring an enormous surprise (usually with cake and all the gifts) on that person. probably the most common form of gift-giving here is a bunch of people buy one really expensive thing together...like designer t-shirts or stuff like that. I haven't heard of that band before, what's it like?
There are always tons of university students around here that are giving surveys. usually they're ignored because people say they don't have time =P i feel kind of sorry for them, so i answer those surveys now and then, until they start asking for personal information =P
i'm actually playing minesweeper right now =PPP like, 'just one more game before i go to sleep' = =
it's been raining for days here now. I mean, i don't mind a little bit of rain, or a couple days of rain....but this is just too dreary =((( i miss the sun so much. i don't even want to step outside these days.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/06/11 | Reply
i havent gotten my grade back yet on it, im not too sure on what i got though, i was a little confused on how i should calcualte my data but im hoping i did ok. the project itself though was on the factors that can influence drug use in highschool teens. i think my major problem with calculations was that i had too many questions on the survey, it was really hard to put together though, i gotta give credit to all those people that give out surveys and stuff.
haha yea when one of my friends first showed me how to do it i was addicted almost instantly haha, i played it for several hours straight while i was waiting on my mom to be ready to leave work.
a double rainbow!!! :O that sounds AMAZING!!! ive never seen a double rainbow in person, ive seen pictures though, and they look so cool. everytime it rains i always try and look for rainbows ^_^ i think they are so pretty.
haha im pulling a little prank on my friend tori. her birthday is coming up, and she told me to get her anything that had to do with Black Veiled Brides, which is according to her, her favorite band. and so when i went shopping today i told her i got myself a new t-shirt and that it was BVB... she got SUPER mad, but it turns out when i went to buy it that the shirts were buy one get one half off (originally i was just going to get one just for her, but this worked out PERFECTLY) im SUPER excited now for her birthday, cause i got leah in on it so hopefully she's doing as i asked and showing tori all the pictures i sent her of me in the shirt since tori is at her house. so... its not really a prank, more of a surprise, but i know that tori is DEFFINITELY annoyed because i told her i'd do my best to get her a t-shirt, after i didnt take her to warped tour to see the band live and only took leah. :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/05/11 | Reply
no problem =) i've been busy with the SATs this week too, so i would've have had much time to type stuff on theO. How did your psych project go? what was it on anyway?
well, the numbers that pop out on minesweeper tell you how many mines there are in the surrounding eight squares. usually you can use logic to get through the first two levels, but i think that the third usually involves a lot of guesswork (and i'm not the luckiest person in the world). i've only gotten through the last level twice, and i think i was pretty lucky those times =PPPP it's very addictive
it was cool here for a couple of days last week, and then there was this incredible heat wave. the temperature here is somewhere in the 80s-90s. there were these occasional bursts of rain, but that was nice since we got to see a double rainbow =))))
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/04/11 | Reply
i agree! dodge ball is AMAZING... they stopped letting us play in elementary school... and when we did play it, we were'nt supposed to even play it then cause it was supposedly "too rough for kids" and then after a little while of playing it, it was banned in our class atleast cause kids kept complaining from getting hit so much... and now we STILL aren't aloud to play it :/ even though i think it's ridiculous since several of the games we play are almost just like it (in fact at my old school the guys DID play it the teacher just called it a different name ^_^). this game we are playing right now in gym is almost like dodgeball if you're the goalie... which i was the past 2 gym classes except for today, not that i minded getting hit, i just stink at keeping the ball out most of the time.
it ended up it STILL hasn't snowed, although the weather people keep saying it's supposed to it never does, im kinda glad though, but cold weather has started setting in now, it has since about a week or maybe less before haloween. halloween night it was actually pretty cold, my friend jasmine had to keep using me as a heater ^_^ heheh.
well if you ever get sick of the freezing winter over hear you can always try and go down to florida or something for winter break, if you end up in a snowy state that it heheh..
i actually still don't know how to really play minesweeper O_o.. i figured out like.. the EASIEST level once and got addicted to playing that for a while, but i never figured out how to legitimately play it haha... hmmmm.. sounds like something i might do now for an hour or so ^_^.
im sorry for not responding in, like, a LONG time (at least it feels like it's been a long time to me..) i had a big psyche project i was working on, i actually didnt get to do as much as i initially wanted to do with it :/ but i got it done atleast ^_^. it was actually kind of an interesting project, i got to hand out surveys and i was SUPPOSED to do a case study too, but since i live 3 hours a way from both of the people i was considering for that i didnt get to.
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/23/11 | Reply
that kind of reminds me of volleyball. i love that game, but i don't like volleyball though...my arms always get sore from being in that awkward position. we mostly use volleyballs to play dodgeball at our school =P i love dodgeball, but for some reason our school stopped letting us play after junior high =((((
it still doesn't seem like fall here, except for the occasional cool breeze. Today was probably 80 degrees or so, with all the sun and no wind at all. cold weather sets in in November where I live, so...i'm kind of dreading it and looking forward to it at the same time. It's probably going to be my last above-freezing winter for a loooooonnnnnnnnnng time ://
I just recently rediscovered the joys of minesweeper =DDD i didn't know how to play it until high school (unbelievable right??) and since then i was hooked =P
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/22/11 | Reply
haha thats pretty neat with all the dragon flies :D when i went white water rafting last summer there were a bunch of dragon flies that were flying around our raft and stuff :) it was pretty awesome.
haha yea i love that game where your supposed to keep the baloon off the ground, its one of the best, most intese games ever!! haha and not just for kids XD
haha yea i love days like that :D they are the BEST :D
supposedly it was supposed to snow this week, that made me kinda sad cause it feels like fall has barely just got here, even though i love the snow haha, i just prefer it at the end of november and in december haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/22/11 | Reply
today i saw this enormous flock of dragonflies. there was this reddish haze and when my friends and i walked closer and looked up, the sky was filled with dragonflies. dragonflies fly near the ground when it's about the rain (usually) and they were pretty close, so i looked around to see if there were any clouds....but there wasn't a single one!! i still don't know why all those dragonflies were there....it was nice seeing them though =))
i think i could amuse myself pretty well with a piece of paper....but it'd probably be shredded within the hour. balloons are fun too =))
today was my favorite type of day: all windy and sunny =DDDDD there's supposed to be a really cold winter this year, so i'm glad that there's still some warm weather now
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/19/11 | Reply
i would legit cry if i found a half grown baby chick in an egg i was eating... i would flat out ball my eyes out...
i had a friend though that found one that was starting to grow, she showed me a picture and i almost puked :/
definite ick haha
haha thats pretty awesome that its still there!!! :D
i absolutely love baloons... they are just... so ENTERTAINING!!! XD. i swear if you trapped me in a room with just a single baloon i could entertain myself until it died. then i would freak out haha.
it started to randomly start pouring in the middle of one of my classes this morning.. but then it just stopped and didnt rain again O_o.. but sadly no thunder... i really wanna get a good camera and take pictures of lightning :) id be SUPER awesome! haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/19/11 | Reply
i don't mind runny yolks...i actually kinda like them, to dip stuff in. but if they aren't cooked well there is this weird taste, so....it just depends =PPP did you know that a common streetfood in southeast asia (although I haven't seen any in taiwan) is an egg with a half-grown baby chick inside. When I first heard about that i was like: ick XPPPPPPPPPP who would want to eat that anyway???? i like stuff with eggs in general though, there's this pastry that's sold in all bakeries in taiwan with this eggy custard that tastes great =)))
my brother hates the sound of popping balloons and he spent his birthday last year being chased by his friends, who were holding pins and balloons. when i was younger, i used to beg for balloons on all occasions, and my mom would look at me like she thought i was crazy, but she always let me bring balloons home. and then after a few days they would start leaking and shrink and i would be kinda sad....and they i had to throw them away =((( but the balloon's still floating above our school =DDD that makes me happy =).
yeah, it's so annoying when girls scream everytime there's a thunderclap (which one of my friends sometimes does). it's been sunny these couple of days, and i'm feeling kinda sad. I love watching thunderstorms. lightning can be scary but it's also fun to watch. i haven't run in thunderstorms in ages.....might consider doing it next time =PPP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/16/11 | Reply
yea, that and they are pretty high matinence, and even though some of them are made out of real hair they can get damaged really easy and it's a pain in the butt.
wow... that... that is odd O_o... i've never heard of baking an egg.. i doubt it would work very well, so im not surprised that it didn't work out very well. im not much of an egg person, with some things they are ok, but i absolutely despise runny yolk's... i dunno what it is about them... mostly the smell and the taste, i cant just flat out eat a runny yolk, if i can even eat it at all i have to dip toast on it, which then makes it pretty yummy... it may also have to do with... that SHOULD be the DNA for a baby BIRD! im mean im not a vegitarian, i grew up on a farm and we ate meat for almost every meal, but... that's not even really meat!... i dunno... it just freaks me out a little to think about it haha, but i love eating like scrambled eggs and stuff or what ever on like breakfast sandwiches.... (crud... now im hungry for a bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich ^_^)
i hope they dont take it down either! haha i love baloons XD... over my schools homecoming 'spirit week' they decorated the halls with balloons and stramers and stuff, and well, i ended up with this one baloon that was green. i named it artichello and kept it all day but then when i went out to the buses i dropped it and it almost got run over by a bus, but then it ended up some wierdo picked it up... they popped it.. it was pretty upsetting..
we had a big thunderstorm friday right before school got out :) it was raining really hard, but i wanted to just run around and play in the rain and dance in it and stuff... but sadly no one would dance with me... one of my friends from cattaraugus, where i used to live, said she would have danced with me, but she is like 3 hours away haha. but i love thunderstorms too, its a little annoying for me when everytime there is a thunder clap at this school about 10 or 15 girls just scream bloody murder... i get it after the first one if its like a flash storm... but when your standing in the middle of the rain and there's a little rumble of thunder i don't think it's nessecary haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/16/11 | Reply
i hate wigs too...not that I've ever tried one on =PPPP i guess i've read too many books about wigs being scratchy and uncomfortable and stuff...
i recently found out that one of my friends has an obsession with eggs. i mean, a really, really, REALLY big obsession. apparently he ate 7 eggs in 30 hours = =. anyway yesterday he was alone at home and he didn't know how to cook a lot of things, so he cracked an egg onto a plate and baked it in the oven. he decided that it tasted weird, so he baked another without the plate. I was completely O_o. I mean, I love eggs too, but........wow
there's been these enormous thunderstorms lately, and the one on thursday was...incredible (i kinda like thunderstorms). there was this blast of thunder in our naptime that woke EVERYBODY up. for taiwan's anniversary our school but this really big red ballooon up above the school. it had a tag that read '100th anniversary of ROC' and anyway, when it rained, it began sinking lower andlower until it was somewhere around the second floor. (at first it was near the sixth floor). i hope the school doesn't take it down =/ that balloon bobbing around was so cute.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/14/11 | Reply
hahahaha thats pretty awesome, in my stage design class last year me sara and kali would go to wash paint brushes and end up in paint wars, painting on eachother in the sink... the teacher wasnt too impressed :) hahaha
haha yes, very true... naruto IS very bright haha... and some of their out fits are... a little strange :)
a lot of people here dress in all black... its kinda normal i guess, in the town that i used to live in me and leah used to make the comment "you can tell some one is from cattaraugus because it's 90 degrees and they are wearing pants and black shirts.." not everyone was like that but a lot of people are haha.
haha yea, it probably will be a little cold, so ill probably have leggings with me so i can put them on if i get too cold, but i have a really good cold tolerance, especially when im having fun so i should be good :D
haha yea im hoping to get some colored contacts :D since, well i just wouldnt be sebastian without the red demonic eyes :D. hair gel is a good idea though... my hair tends to fall down alot and look kinda flat, especially the way its cut now, but jasmine's a hair genius so she should be able to pull it off :). but no, jasmine isnt going to dye her hair, she is going to wear a wig instead, that way she doesnt have to cut her hair either, she doesnt want me to dye mine either, but, id rather do it that way, i dilike wigs imensely :) haha
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 2:15:52 PM CDT on October 14, 2011.
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/14/11 | Reply
there was this time when my friends were washing their chopsticks in the sink (we bring our own utensils to school) and anyway they started fighting with the soapy chopsticks, doing some kind of weird fencing battle....everyone around them were like O_o.....
i'd probably go with the all-black thing, since a lot of ninjas in Naruto look pretty ridiculous (case in point: the main character in bright orange. he looks like one of those cones you stick at the side of the road)....i have lots of black clothes =PPP...black boots too, so...it'd be pretty easy to dress up like that, although i'd certainly get a lot of weird looks from other people here (not many people go around dressed head-to-toe) in black. i don't have a very clear idea of what hooker clothes are gonna be like, but...isn't it going to feel cold if you do wear a hooker-ish costume?
you're going to dye your hair black?? is your friend going to dye hers white then? one thing i've always wanted to try if i were to cosplay or dress up would be colored contact lenses. I wonder what I'd look like with green eyes...or maybe blue..or maybe amber =DDD i think your haircut's pretty close to Sebastian's, although his hair is more....prickly...but a bit of hair gel should do the trick. =)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/12/11 | Reply
no. ive never been in a legitimate food fight, the closest ive had to one is when my friend made a giant bowl of instant ramen and me and 2 of my friends had a war in the bowl... (we stabbed eachother with the forks and there was a small amount of noodle throwing hahaha :D)
haha yea black cats are SOOOO cute ^_^ i love them the absolute most :D... hmmmm... i think you should dress up as a ninja too :) but i suggest either something naruto style... or going with the all black and tights thing...
i guess now im going as some sort of black cat dressed hooker, O_o... since my friend jasmine is going as jack the ripper she wants someone dressed as a hooker to walk around with, so we compromised :)
we are planning on making most of our outfits, and ordering the stuff that we need that we cant make, to try and cut the costs down hopefully... im not sure if im going to make a good sebastian or not.. since well... im probably almost a foot shorter than he would be, since he is supposed to be really tall i guess. but im quite a bit taller than jasmine who is going as ciel, so i guess its not going to be too bad of a comparison :). that and if i keep my hair trimmed down so its about the length it is now, with a slight more bit of styling it should look just like sebastians hair when i dye it black to go with the outfit, so hopefully i wont do too bad :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/12/11 | Reply
Have you ever been in a food fight? I've only seen them on tv.....the closest thing i've seen to a food fight would be people chucking banana skins at each other = =
ooh i love black cats=))))) i don't know why either, but black kittens....they're just so adorable =DDD they just seem extra fuzzy to me i guess. i wonder what a ninja should look like =PPP might dress up like that if i have the chance
I haven't watched Black Butler, but I know what the characters look like. i have a friend who REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wants to cosplay (she looks almost EXACTLY like Lenalee in D. Gray Man, down to the long long long legs)....but hasn't ever got the chance. cosplay clothes are expensive to rent =PPP i don't watch a lot of anime or manga, so i wouldn't know who i'd cosplay as if i had to cosplay...=PP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/11/11 | Reply
haha that slushie thing DOES sound fun :D... it'd be even more fun to do it to some one else probably haha, or even better! have a whole slushieing war!!!!! XD
hmmm... sounds scary.. i would NOT wanna be the person jumping out of that plane... ironiclly though i wanna go sky diving some day hahaha :D
i think being a ninja would be fun too :D i also kinda wanna dress up as a black cat... the reason for that would probably be not only because i love cats (especially black ones ^_^ they are just so cute!) but also because that was supposed to be my costume when i was a kid then i wasnt aloud to go trick or treating or anything any more so i never got to... so im planning on being a cat this year... i was also considering a ninja though haha, definitely next year :D
well friday i had two friends over, annette and jasmine. we didnt do much, we went to walmart and got some pretty awesome hats XD. then saturday we went over to jasmine's house, her little sister was having her birthday party. then we stayed there that night, then i had to go home sunday. it was really fun over all though, i got to try pocky for the first time and we decided that im gonna cosplay with them next year :D. (have you ever watched black butler? if so i guess im gonna be sebastian.. but in sorta an alice in wonderland themed thing.. but i guess all three of us are going as guys so its not like im the only one of us pretending to be a guy :) hahaha) overall though i dub it a successful weekend haha :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/11/11 | Reply
one of the traditions on glee is to get slushied. it's supposed to be extremely uncomfortable, although i never tried =PP
well, the one special thing about this year's parade was that there was a parachute jump from a few military planes. The problem was, there was a gigantic draft the moment they jumped out of the plane, and half of the parachutists ended up far way from the landing spot. One even got stuck in a tree.
i celebrated Halloween when i was a kid, but don't have much time for it anymore. OUr school used to take a couple of empty classrooms in the basement and turn it into a ghosthouse, and all the kids in kindergarten would dress up as...well, whatever they liked. I think i was a fairy or something = = although if i had to dress up now i'd like to be a pirate...or maybe a ninja XDDD how about you?
what did you do on your weekend?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/10/11 | Reply
yes.. sleet is WAY worse than snow, its like... tiny bits of ice that comes with slushie rain that just soaks through your clothes and makes you super cold. i hate sleet and freezing rain worse than anything... the only thing worse than sleet and stuff would probably be hail... because.. you know.. it has the tendency to hurt WAY worse than just tiny ice pellets that is sleet haha.
sounds like its pretty fun O_o.. haha, its strange that you say that monday is a holiday for you (today its monday... since i was busy all weekend and didnt get the chance to reply earlier, sorry for that, heheh...) because we have columbus day! but.. usually we dont do too much, but we dont have school, since it's supposedly "the day christopher columbus discovered america.." well at the very least its the day we celebrate it haha.
do you celebrate halloween in taiwan??? just wondering because i absolutely LOVE halloween :D. even though sadly i havent been able to celebrate it since i was little... i still loved seeing all the stuff going on for it. i cant wait for this year's because im actually going to be able to do stuff for halloween this year again!!! :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/07/11 | Reply
wow...it's that cold already???i haven't ever seen sleet before in my life, though most books i read describe it as freezing and miserable...is it really like that?
next monday is our national day, and it's called Double Ten Day, since it's on October 10th. It's the date of some uprising that overthrew the last Chinese dynasty, and anyway our school just did everything for the celebration (since it's the 100th anniversary). we have a parade every year, but this year it was especially loud, with every grade in the school walking outside the school. (except the ninth graders and seniors) There was this cheerleading competition a few days ago, and they even got all the cheerleading teams (three of them) to come in their uniforms and do their routines. I'm wondering what Taipei will be like by monday....=)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/06/11 | Reply
yupperz! its already getting cold :D and it was sleeting at the game friday!... i woulda been fine with it but there was NOTHING to do other than sit or stand so i froze because i was only wearing a hoodie as a jacket...
haha yea, history is kinda boring... my economics class is super boring =_= but i dont fall asleep in it atleast heheh, thats for the class period before hahahaha... although when im super tired like on monday i do fall asleep in it..
you dont HAVE to tag people and make more questions and stuff, that was just the rules, but since it's been going around like crazy people have been answering the questions but not tagging people and stuff... yesterday my backroom was FILLED with posts that were all the taggings.. O_O
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/06/11 | Reply
it's cold where you live already?? just kinda surprised, since it's still 70-80 degrees here, although it's already at lot cooler than the summer.
today's a thursday...and i really, really don't like thursdays....because there're two periods of history, and i don't like that subject. add that to the fact that history is the first period after naptime....i just kind of doze through it all. and we don't have study hall on thursdays, and have assembly on thursday morning (we don't get to sit on thursday assembly, we have to stand in rows >:(( )...so the only nice thing about thursdays is the music class and art classes. i always fall asleep in 5th period since it's the period after naptime.
I saw the tagging message on your world, and i'd love to do it, but actually i probably know around 5 people on theO (including you)...and i'm thinking that the other 6 people i tag will be like: who is this and why's she randomly tagging me??? i really have no idea who to ask, although i have a couple of good ideas what to ask =PP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/04/11 | Reply
eeep! well im glad you gained some of it back!... ive been gaining weight =_=... nothing serious, i just need to find something more to do...
haha yea it was super fun, pretty much froze my butt off at the game and actually kinda wanted to go back early but we didnt, the team won though! XD. and the dance was super fun too, saw alot of people i miss and got LOTS of exercise haha.
haha sounds like you have a pretty awesome english class... i fall asleep almost every day in mine =_= thats how boring it is.. both my 2nd and 3rd classes are that way, its super hard for me to stay awake in them. i even tried going to sleep early last night and i STILL dozed off... i hope it doesnt end up as a problem...
it was pretty funny in my physics class though XD i zzsshhhhed my teacher haha and he actually realized that i did it hahaha he was like "did you just shh me!?" and im like ".. no.. i 'zsshhhed' you, there's a difference.." hahaha.. im ok with that class, mostly because its kinda easy, right now atleast, and the teacher is pretty nuts hahaha
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/04/11 | Reply
actually i thought of something funny: the first semester sophomore year was probably the year i looked most like a sick guy. see it was because of this weird cheerleading competition in our school where our class had to be divided into four teams and get a routine together. anyway, i was captain of one of the teams (don't ask me how that happened, i'm not sure myself) and we had to practice really late, so i often missed dinner...add that to all that exercise and the stress....i lost a LOT of weight (i weighed around 80 pounds, but luckily i've gained some back =P) so i looked like a skeleton =PP
glad your weekend furned out fine =) i think i probably would've walked right in front of that guy just to piss him off =PP how was homecoming?
Today something really funny happened in English class. We were acting out The Crucible, and there was this guy who played Danforth (a judge in the Salem witch trials in The Crucible). Anyway, our teacher was reading out the stage directions and the narrator's lines, and there was this stage direction that goes: ...Danforth cries out: 'What are you doing?' (or something along those lines =PP) The guy who played Danforth didn't hear the teacher the first time, so the teacher repeated the prompt more loudly, like: DANFORTH CRIES OUT:!! and the guy jumps and screams AAAAAAHHH!!!!! instead of saying 'What are you doing?" Everyone was laughing, including the guy when he realized his mistake.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/03/11 | Reply
aaahhhhh i see, yea, if you were a sophmore i see how they would have to actually make you look guy-ish.
yea, we have to have a certain amount of required fire drills per school year (it used to be one or two a month) but the school just bunched them all up into the beggining of the year, so last week we had a firedrill almost every period two days in a row... so it was pretty hectic.
my weekend went alright. i didnt have to put up with crap from the travis kid or his friend because as it turns out travis switched schools because he "cant deal with real school" basically his grades sucked so much that he just transfered to this other school that's easier i guess.. but i did see him *evil grin* he didnt recognize me as i walked off the school grounds with my one friend, but im guessing he THOUGHT it was me because he stared... very obviously, so i yelled i like your butt to my friend so he would know it was me, im pretty sure he is scared of me though O_o because even though his friend that has been a pain in the butt was at the football game, he wasnt. so if he is scared of me then i will laugh hysterically. over all though, the weekend went well. i had a lot of fun and didnt want to leave, was actually kinda depressed this morning and didnt want to go to school but i feel fine now (after my nap in english ^_^... we have been watchin "oedipus at colonus" and i just cant stay awake during it... its such a bore...) haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/03/11 | Reply
actually, i played tiny tim when i was a sophomore, so...they had to work REALLY hard to make me look even remotely like a guy...i had to wear layers of white shirts and baggy black shin-length trousers plus really weird socks....and of course a cap, since i had long hair. they did make my face look really gaunt with all these weird powders...i actually nearly made someone scream when i walked into the restroom after my photo shoot to wash off the makeup....everyone was staring = = and i looked into the mirror and i was like WTH??????????? i looked like i was gonna drop dead then and there = =
i WAS kinda freaked out....and then i thought something along the lines of: what the hell, i'm only on the 2nd-3rd floor, i could probably jump down from the window anytime or climb a tree since there was one right outside.....so...stop freaking out O_o
how did your weekend go?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/02/11 | Reply
well homecoming princess and queen are pretty much who is voted to be that. and the queen and king are seniors and i think the ones considered as prince and princess are juniors, and then homecoming court is the other four people in those grades that were voted (they came in second) and also the four representatives that were voted in for sophmores and freshmen.
yea stage make-up is really fun for me... but if you ask me its more than just making someone's face white because they are sick... your supposed to highlight the cheekbones and stuff and the eyes and the lips.. but hmmm let me think for tiny tim, yes they should have made you pale, they should have used some white or really light skin tone powder to make you look that, then they should have used like maybe a light gray to excentuate your cheek bones and eye sockets (since usually a super sick person is really gaunt and so their face is really sunk in...) and well... they shouldnt have had to really make you look like a guy persay... (how old were you? because if you were younger then it REALLY shouldnt have mattered because well being a kid a boy can look kinda girly.)
i had to do that with my hair for a while, it wasn't to my shoulders yet but it was a pain in the butt at times so i had to pull it back into a pony tail that got only the back of my hair heheh..
hmmmm... thats strange... i would have been super freaked out and worried, i mean what if there HAD been a fire?... i wonder if you would have had to retake the ENTIRE exam just because you had to leave the room... that would have sucked -_-
yea i usually just copy it that way i can just paste it but i just have to be SUPER careful..
DX i almost had to go with out my computer pretty much for the rest of the month... i left my computer cord in my friends room and we live like 3 hours apart DX... but turns out i have a spare so im ok till i can go get it now.
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/01/11 | Reply
I'm kinda curious, what's a homecoming princess/queen? how does that work?
we're not allowed to wear makeup at school, but most girls know how to put on makeup because a. they're from another school or b. they're part of the dance club (makeup is allowed for performances) or c. ...their moms taught them? ( i have no idea) i had this very memorable experience with stage makeup...i was playing Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol for that year's Christmas musical, and the makeup artists the school hired were supposed to make me look like a guy--a very sick guy. one of the makeup artists took one look at me and said: oh, this is easy. she's supposed to be sick right, so we'll just put on lots of powder to make her look pale. the other makeup artist gave her this look O_o and said 'she's also suppsoed to look like a guy too.' in the end, they painted my face a sort of dark gray....i looked like a skeleton.
one of my friends has her hair in an awkward half-long-half short phase, like below her chin and above her shoulders and her hair's naturally curly so it kinda stands on end...so she usually fixes it into a really really short ponytail.
in the middle of the SATs today, there was this really annoying squeaking sound from the speakers above. after a while, the sound came through and we heard someone saying that there was a fire and would we please evacuate. The proctors went out to investigate and everyone just sat there waiting for them to come back in....and afterwhile they did and said it was nothing...probably was a false alarm. it was kind of unnerving though.=PP
oh, i usually keep microsoft word open besides the internet, so if i'm typing something REALLY long, i'll copy and paste it onto word first =P
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/28/11 | Reply
that sounds nice :D, yea i came up with a few designs for my room once, though right now its pretty... nuts... i moved everything around from how it was when i got here, the room is now in the middle of my room un-movable the book case is pretty much a door jam... if i could get my room re done legitimately, like with all new furniture and stuff i would probably pass out from excitement hahaha, i cant wait to be able to redocorate a dorm or even make up my own room and furnish it with everything i want, the only item of furniture in my room that i picked out would be my awesome disk/circle chair thats awesome and im in love with XD haha..
haha yea its for a dance :) homecoming is just basically like a fall thing that is intertwined in sports, they have a football game the night before and then the dance is SUPPOSED to "celebrate" the good season so far and the victory (although they dont always win on homecoming, and a team would probably never take it easy on another team just because its homecoming..) its really fun though :), its kinda like a prom for all the high school grades instead of just juniors or seniors, and its a lot less formal, and is usually held at the school.
thanks alot :D i like the way it is now too, and so do most of the people that have seen it. i used to have long hair too... once you get it cut though its SUPER hard to grow it back out, just because most people (like me >.>) that keep getting it cut again and again just because its short, im gonna try and grow it back out little by little again though... when you first get it cut, even if you've had short hair before, it feels almost like your neck is naked O_o.. thats how i felt in 10th grade when i got it cut short haha, i ended up trying to keep the hood of my hoodie up all day because my neck felt so exposed.. even though its against school rules XD haha.
i wear a little make up, but i dont go all crazy with it like some people do, i usually only wear eye liner and sometimes mascara and a little cover up every once in a while. the only time i wear more than that is either for dances sometimes or when im doing stage make up, which ive only done a few times, although im REALLY good at it apparently :D i view it almost like painting or drawing on a face instead of paper or a canvas :) and if i learned any thing at all from my mom it was that make up is supposed to enhance beauty not to create it.. (basically its not supposed to be used to try and make a new face, it doenst work, and usually doesnt look right... i had a sub in my study hall today who looked REALLY creepy... she looked like she was wearing WAY too much make up O_O... [have you ever seen 101 dalmations or 102 dalmations? if so, she reminded me of Cruella DeVil *shudders*])
yea i hope it goes good too :) thanks. and i hope your SATs go well :).
wow... i feel like i typed A LOT...O_O... if my computer were to freak out like it usually does when i write a really long reply and make me accidentally delete it all... i think i would cry... hahaha
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/28/11 | Reply
one of the ranking categories on that site was titled 'Dorms like Palaces' and another 'Dorms like Dungeons'. i laughed when i saw that...i'm looking forward to decorating my own room...or dorm if i get to stay at a dorm...since my parents decorated my room for me. my dad did most of the work in decorating my room, which is actually a good thing, since he's pretty good at designing. it's just warm-looking, with a reddish brown desk and bookcase plus light brown shelves and a closet. The lights are yellow and white and I have a kiwi bedspread and lots of pillows ( i LOVE pillows =D). but it's kind of boring...i think my room would look totally crazy if i was the one designing it =DD
i know, i just saw your post with the photo =))it's for a dance right? what's homecoming like?? I like your hair, i sometimes want to hack off my hair and get a pixie cut...maybe will someday...but right now i'll just stick with medium-length hair =PP do you wear makeup? your eyes look REALLY big =))
well i hope the weekend turns out fine...i have to take the SATs =( *sigh*
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/27/11 | Reply
haha yea i know... but i guess its mostly a way of describing a person XD
haha thanks! :D we talked about the whole SAT thing today in one of our classes, the whole class had to go down to the guidance office... it wasnt much of a help though... but im just gonna go down and talk to the guidance councilor myself... im definitely taking the SATs in november though, i NEED to heheh... i havent checked out that other site yet, but i will soon :) i mean your right... sucky food just... sucks :) hahaha
hahaha wow... that john smith thing sounds really realistic... O_o hahaha. yea, i talk in 3rd person just without realizing it... i actually just did it today on accident, i wasnt even thinking about it but i did, and then like 5 minutes later i realized i had hahaha..
hmmm.... i havent had anything with apples in a long time... i kinda want apple juice now haha... but that contribution is also probably partly from my friends who did this whole dialogue from an anime show (not sure what one) but it was about apple juice XD it was pretty hilarious XD
yea things are going better... wont find out for sure till friday.... BUT ITS ALREADY TEUSDAY AND TOMMORROW'S WEDNESDAY, SO YAYYYY!!! XD and i got my homecoming dress this weekend, and got my hair bleached out (found out that it's not just people with black hair who's hair turns orangish when bleached... mine kinda is now, although its not noticeably orange, just a little orangish tint..)
i just hope i didnt mess things up... blahh... im starting to hate all the guys that go to my old school =_=.......
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 2:13:38 PM CDT on September 27, 2011.
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/27/11 | Reply
although i probably am a mixture of those colors, i just don't find the thought of orange + blue + green + gold appealing AT ALL. i'd so much rather be a red/silver/black/purple person ( at least these colors don't clash that badly) =PPPPP.
actually, there's an SAT test scheduled this Saturday, only it's past the registration deadline so if you want to take it you'll have to register late. The next one's at the start of November and the other is at the start of December, but for SATs you usually have to register for them about a month in advance. You'll have to register for an account on this site http://www.collegeboard.org/ to take the test, and there's some basic info about SATs and colleges on it, so you can check that out.
this here is a pretty useful website toohttp://www.princetonreview.com/college-rankings.aspxsince it ranks colleges on different stuff, like 'best food' or 'best party school' and things like that. I mean, who wants to go to a school with really horrible food??
i sometimes think of myself doing stuff in the third person, though i don't think i've said it out loud. you know the guy in the pocahontas movie named john smith? well, apparently he liked to write about himself in the third person and he did it very annoyingly ( so he seemed a bit like a narcissist and a fake). we had this timed essay last week where we had to write about him and William Bradford...well i had fun writing that essay, especially when i used parts from the original text, where John Smith says he's 'beset by 200 Indians' and 'only wounded a little in the thigh'.
random thought: right now it's 11 o'clock at night here and I'm staring at a list of recipes with apples in them and feeling hungry. my mom isn't the best cook (although she isn't the worst either) and the school food i've been eating lately....well the less is said about it the better =PP
well i hope things are better for you now =))
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/25/11 | Reply
haha well then you would probably be a mix of colors, the teacher said when you have several colors with close scores then your a blend of those colors, (well actually its just that those colors are more prominent, all of the colors got a score it was just that one or more was usually lacking from the others.)
yea, i know that im going to have to do them soon, id actuall like to do them as soon as i can, im really hoping that there is one this month over here and one next month or whatever because id like to take them more than once, ohh well, i guess ill find out on teusday...
that promt actually sounds a little interesting.... a few years ago i talked in 3rd person quite a bit for absolutely no reason, usually i just slipped into it when i was really happy without realizing it and then people would ask me what on earth i was saying so i kinda stopped my self from doing it so much,, so i have some expirience with it (i dont do it much at all any more... the last time i can think i did it was maybe 10th grade... O_o... not sure, it may have been 9th though im not positive haha)
haha yea, i despise people like that too... and it takes a TON of effort on my part to not say something back because despite encouraging other people not to say things back, i have a bad habit of sinking to that level and saying things back... especially if they say something really mean. but your right they arent worth my time... and im just gonna do my best to ignore them and patch up the whole situation, its not like i havent been called those things before, im pretty used to all the trash talk a person could dish out, and i HAVE managed to get pretty good self control over the years. well then i guess i should just ignore them like you say :) its not like a bunch of the stuff is true any way, and if people who know me listen to them.. well its their fault because they should know better :) thanks... being an advice giver... sometimes i just kinda need it back i guess heheh :))))
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 9:36:09 AM CDT on September 25, 2011.
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/25/11 | Reply
i'm thinking about the color blue now...i mean usually i want to help my friends when they're in trouble, and that basically equals conflict with the teacher or other people XPP i'd pick helping friends over no conflict any day though...
as to green...well i'm usually quiet if i'm busy...or if everyone around me is quiet =P. im only organized when i KNOW i'm going to screw up something majorly (like application deadlines) if i don't get organized and then i have to make a chart or something of the deadlines and requirements. yeah and i TOTALLY hate being controlled...unless i have no idea what to do though, then i'll just...go with the flow =PPPP
well, good luck with the college stuff, but you probably need to take the November SAT since most schools' deadlines are on January 1st, so you won't get to submit January scores. i saw an interesting prompt on one of the schools i'm considering (McGill, it's a Canadian school). It was: please write a letter of reference for yourself in the third person. I was like: ????? = =
i hate it when people call other people names....and sometimes i really want to say something mean back, but that would mean being like them. There was this bunch of guys at my school who'd make fun of my teeth ( i used to have braces) and i really had to resist a jab at them (since one of the guys was only a little over five feet, and another almost 300 pounds....= =) just ignore those guys i guess, and help your friend any way you can...people like that aren't worth your attention ;))
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/23/11 | Reply
i agree you would probably be orange, i was orange, then off by a few points with green then blue... my gold was awful.
orange is free spirited, loud, fun, risk taker sorts.
green is kinda quiet and studious, they think and contemplate things alot (which despite being really loud and hyper active if im not around any one that i can have TONS of fun with, i am pretty quiet.)
blue is sensetive and hates conflict, they like to try and help sort out problems that friends have and are really social (again its also me... haha)
and gold... gold is organized and controlling, they would rather be told EXACTLY what to do. (im only organized when i have NOTHING else to do, and i only like having guidelines and expectations when im COMPLETELY clueless as to what i should do,)
i dont think i'll be taking the SATs till about winter time, but im glad because next teusday we get to go down to the guidance office and talk about college and stuff which for me is REALLY relieving because i wasnt sure who i was supposed to go talk to about it, there are like 5 guidance councilor people in the guidance office that all do something different... i think O_o
nothings stopping me from going but... remember that travis kid ive mentioned... well him and his friend marvin are complete butt heads and i want to try and help everything because they are also leah's friends but they are mad at her and what ever, and without me there she feels alone and is all depressed and i dunno... i just want it all to work out im just not sure how im gonna be able to do that. and well... lets just say he called me a mean name... to one of my friends then im guessing told that person to send me a message telling me this... and well i behaved myself, i didnt say anything mean back but i did get a little smart alec-y with them... which probably didnt help, but i dunno, i was mostly just insulted because im guessing travis was bad mouthing me... again... and im mostly mad about this because we were 'supposed to not be fighting or anything'... its just gonna take A LOT of self control next weekend, especially if i want to stop the fight instead of continue it...
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/23/11 | Reply
I think my color would be orange...or maybe blue. i'm not a very gold-ish person.=PP what kind of color did you get?
lots of people in our class are cramming for the October SAT (it's next Saturday). Have you ever been stuck in a classroom with everyone studying beside you? A lot of my self-study classes were like that, and so i study with them too = = I have barely any time left for drawing as it is now...
what's going to happen later that might make certain persons ruin your weekend? i'd probably go even if i were forbidden to go...but that's because I live in Taiwan and can get practically anywhere i want to go in a half hour. (the perks of living in a small place)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/22/11 | Reply
haha yea, we are reading the oedipus trilogy or whatever it is, and the teacher gave us our parts, and the people who dont have parts are supposed to say the lines of the chorus... but then the teacher ends up having to do it because no one will.
well im not sure how she's gonna take care of the pie situation... but we do have rain ponchos that we are gonna wear :D... we have been supposed to do ours all week but we STILL havent doe it.. we have to do it first thing monday now. hmmm that is strange... pie is a pretty big thing over here..
and the girl who is playing the gameshow host is just supposed to tell us what our 'challenges' are and introduce us and stuff.
there were four colors that you could get, orange, green, blue, and gold. it was basically a score sheet saying you got more of one color than another... that was my order..
.... yea... i really cant wait for next weekend... i finally get to go to my old school and see all my friends... im hoping that nothing ruins that weekend... like a certain persons that im gonna hurt if they do... im pretty optimistic that they wont now though... but that all depends on later tonight.
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 7:13:20 PM CDT on September 22, 2011.
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/22/11 | Reply
There was this other student that drew a picture book and sent it to Caltech as an essay...and she got in!!! I really, really admire that person......=)))
We're studying The Crucible in English class, and we usually act out the parts. since some guys plays girls' parts and girls play guys' parts, it's pretty hilarious, and because a lot of the guys have names that start with p (putnam, parris, proctor...etc.) we get the lines mixed up, and sometimes two people start talking at the same time XDDD
wow that psych thing sounds so cool...wish we had classes like that. what kinds of color were there??? we never get to do projects that are really interesting....the most interesting one i had been assigned was to make a poster of a facebook page of a character in Macbeth. I did the three witches and looked up lots of pictures of lady gaga and put them in the 'photos' section of facebook since when i googled 'witches' they all looked the same. I wonder how the girl with the cream pie is going to clean all that filling off her face...(random thought: did you know that there are practically no pies here in Taiwan? I don't think i've ever seen a whole pie in Taiwan yet). So what does the host do anyway?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/20/11 | Reply
that is a sweet answer to that prompt!!! hahaha that's pretty hilarious... i bet they got to find out QUITE a bit about that apple tree haha
i kinda miss my chemistry class... but mostly because i want... no NEED to find out where i can find this amazing video about oxidation... its the expiriment where they oxidize gummy bears or whatever.. but i looked through ligit pretty much ALL of the videos and i couldnt find the amazing hilarious one that my teacher had!!! DX it was soooo amazing!!... i miss it...
either tommorrow or the next day i get to eat pie in my psyche class... well my group does haha. we are doing this project about personality colors or what ever, and we all took this quiz (there were only 4 results) but any way so we were put into groups based on the color we got, and part of the project has to be a skit... well we were doing this game show that has 3 contestants (three of the colors) and the 4th color is the game show host, well, it was pretty hilarious, because i got cast as the emotional one, that cries alot and thinks that every one should just be friends... and cries... alot... then a girl named kayla got to be the super smart and quiet one, that instead of doing what we are supposed to be doing writes out formulas for WHAT we are supposed to be doing :), and then a girl named sadie got the part of my color's group and gets to act all crazy XD haha she gets to shove her face into a cream pie hahaha... its gonna be pretty hilarious XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/20/11 | Reply
i remember a sample essay whose prompt was: Use this space to tell us anything else about you that you feel we should know. Anyway, there was this girl who actually wrote something along the lines of: I don't really like to tell people about myself because it makes me feel really self-centered, so now I'm just going to tell you about my apple tree.
we were experimenting with chemistry stuff today and we made this sticky gelatinous stuff...kind of like those fake boogies in stores. one of the guys in the class scooped some up and blew it so it became a bubble larger than a basketball. the best i could do was soccer-ball sized, though.
Just finished a 3-hour long session of chemistry. I love chmistry, but....i really admire the people who don't crack a single yawn (i mean, it's 6-9:30 p.m.)... i got really sleepy.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/18/11 | Reply
yea i know, the hours majorly suck. i get out almost an hour before everyone else i know.
well i didnt really do any thing bad to him. there was this one class that was like a study hall but they had extra teachers in it that could help you with your work. some people were assigned to it but if you weren't in it you could go up there with a signed pass. well he was assigned up there and i would go up there just so he would have some one to talk to up there. but then to get back at him i just stopped going up there... he wasnt too happy about that haha... so really it wasnt bad... it just annoyed him.
wowz... that last sounds like it would be a long one... O_o... some colleges deffinitely have some intersting prompts :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/18/11 | Reply
i don't eat a lot at school either, because the food's so crappy. i try to remember to bring snacks, but usually i just forget....and when i do, i always finish them at 9 in the morning or even earlier than that. and your school hours are weird....they should change it so it's from 8:30 to 3:00 or something.
not many of my dreams are realistic, although most of them start out kind of realistic and then there's always this twist that makes them completely off the wall. for example, running up the stairs in our school's basement would be really realistic...but not the part with a bunch of ninjas chasing after me =PPP that was a fun dream though. oh yeah and i hate people who stand you up just for the heck of it, but i don't usually have to do anything to get back at him/her...since everybody usually does that simultaneously. how did you get back at him??
Stanford's ones are pretty amazing too, one of them was 'write a note to your future roommate'. I'm wondering how i'm going to write that one. There was another prompt from a few years back that went: please pose a question of your own and answer it. Apparenly, there was this applicant whose question was: 'If you had to choose, would you be a Cheerio or a Snickers?" And then finally, the weirdest one I've ever seen is (forgot what school it was for though): 'Write your autobiography. Please send us page 207."
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/16/11 | Reply
wowz.... thats alot of kids... i just skip lunch all together because there are multiple lunch periods and i never really found a place to sit... that and the lunch period lasts a full class period, so about 45minutes-ish instead of the 20 or so minutes im used to. that and i dont hardly eat during the school day and since we can kinda sorta snack during some classes i just take a snack with me and then if i dont eat it during the day i just eat it on the way back to my house, we get out at freaking 2:20!!! O_o .....and have to be there by 7:35 =_=
i can usually tell if its possible for one of my dreams to actually happen because usually its a mostly realistic dream. so when i have one of those i get pretty freaked out (which would be the reason my friend proposing to me freaked me out, it was a realistic dream... well besides the power in the school going out and him PROPOSING.. but if i think about it he may not have actually been proposing.. but it was still scary because he had been dating someone at the time... even though afterwards i found out he was basically just trying to make me jelous, haha i didnt work though, he just made me mad becaus he would ditch me without telling me so i would wast time waithing for him and then he wouldnt show =_=... but i got back at him for that so its all good haha.)
that is an AWESOME essay prompt!!!! hahaha... the only thing is that the only thing i know about plato is that he was some philosopher or something... and that play-doh, is a play thing of sorts that REALLY stinks (if i did that essay i would have put that in there hahaha..but plus some hahaha) for the other one i probably would have put something about reality or conciousness... or something smart alec-y hahaha... i love being smart alec-y :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/16/11 | Reply
oh, that's because the entire school (including kindergarten, elementary, and junior high) uses the cafeteria and there are only 300 seats there....and there are over 2000 people in the entire school.
if half of my dreams came tru in real life it would probably be the end of the world = = my dreams are totally unrealistic....like the one time I found myself at an amusement park where i had to either answer the math question and go on the ride or die = = i don't actually remember ANY dreams of mine that did came true...:/ it'd be kind of fun if they did though
speaking of dreams, i'm reminded of the University of Chicago's epic essay prompt: "Between living and dreaming there is one thing. Name it." another one of its prompts was "What's the relationship between Play-doh and Plato?" I was like O_o shocked when i saw the questions....
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/14/11 | Reply
haha i LOVE dreams too :D they are literally one of the best things in the world.... but if they show our subconcious desires then its pretty spot on for me most of the time... well except for aliens invading... although as long as i defeated them i wouldnt mind :D.... the scary part of that though would be that i have been proposed to in one of my dreams... and i dislike marriage imensely haha... the only other wierd thing i would say about my dreams is that ive had dreams that have become true... it was really wierd, for about 2 or 3 weeks i knew when my one friend christian was going to be absent or not in school much on a day, and then i knew he would end up ditching me for a dark haired girl (when i first had the dream i thought it was my friend alissa but it ended up being his no EX girlfriend katie... haha) it wierded me out though even though it was pretty sweet XD
that fried egg stuff does sound icky >_<... the scrambled eggs are like that sometimes here... they put them on your tray and there is water in with them... i get that its to make sure they dont dry out but still >_< it makes them pretty gross.. that really sucks though that you dont even get to choose what you want... i would not like that... just wondering, but why dont you get to use your cafetiria that ofter???
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/14/11 | Reply
hope you get well soon then =) and yeah i hate the nap thing, i sometimes come home after a walk around and drift off....and then at night i can't fall asleep because i took a nap!!!
yeah i've heard that saying too, and i just don't believe it....because i have lots of dreams with my entire class inside and i doubt they were all thinking of me at the time. i tend to believe more in the subconscious-ish theory though, the one that says dreams express hidden desires. for example a person who dreams of having lots of friends might have only a few friends or none at all. i really like having dreams, they're more often than not weird or fun =))
our school lunches come in boxes...one of those folded cardboard thingies, so we don't even get to pick stuff we like. we have a cafeteria though and it isn't bad...pity we don't get to use it that often. and i think the fried-bean thing is called bean curd or something. i hate bean curd and tofu....although a lot of people assume that i like tofu (since most people here do). i think the worst food here ever(but i bet some people would disagree) is the fried egg and tomatoes. it's more like fried eggs drenched in watery tomato broth. i mean, it's usually soggy and smells...ick
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/13/11 | Reply
yea i did the same thing sort of over the weekend... slept A LOT... im actually still tired >_<... but everytime i nap i just cant fall asleep again... it doesnt help that im sick-ish AGAIN!! i hate being sick =_=
when i want to dream a certain thing i watch movies or read too, either that or i try and think of what ever i want to dream about as i try to fall asleep.
did you know that they say that when you dream of a person they were thinking of you as they fell asleep???... i dont entirely believe that, i believe that its possible that if some one was in your dream they were thinking of you, but i dont think thats the case everytime (my proof of that would be my lizard dream thing.... there was a good portion of the kids at school in that dream, and a few of them i barely even talk to, not to mention my teachers that were in it too >_<)
yea the school food is ok... sometimes, it really depends though. sometimes it really sucks and sometimes its actually good. the worst ive had i would say would be the tacos at the last school i went to (the one that i wish i was at now =_=)... they are AWFUL!!! they dont even use meat!!! they just use that re-friend bean stuff or whatever... ick... the first day i was there i had them and i regreted it imensely... another sucky school food would be the macaroni and cheese... i dont like mac and cheese to begin with... but school mac and cheese is utterly gross though >_<.... i dont think ive ever seen any thing like 'glop' though...
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/13/11 | Reply
i couldn't sleep well last night either...i guess it was probably because we had monday off and the entire weekend i just slept late, woke up late, went outside into the afternoon and walked a lot....and just enjoying the last bit of summer, you know? and then i'd go home and draw, or listen to music, or nap....i slept way too much those days...just like a sloth =PPP i'd like to try that dream thing sometime though, i usually try to control my dreams by reading or watching videos before bed....if i have time. and i always need to finish my day with a song, or else it doesn't feel right.
for some reason a jar of honey came with the box of mooncakes my parents brought home. i love honey =)) brought a couple of slices of bread and honey to school today instead of eating the scary lunch thing ( there is always at least one unidentificable lump of food in A LOT of colors...i usually call it 'glop' in my head.) is the food at your school good?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/12/11 | Reply
ewwwy that sounds like some icky ramen >_<... i like the instant stuff.. but i also havent ever had any other kind so i really dont have any comparisons :D
i had a strange expirience last night/this morning... i couldnt fall asleep at all and it was about 3 in the morning, and since i REALLY didnt want to go for another whole day with out sleep i decided to try this lucid dream thing i heard about, where if you lay a certain way or what ever and kinda meditate or something you can control your dreams... i dont think i succeeded but i absolutely don't remember even being close to falling asleep or even being asleep, my alarm woke me up at 5:30 and it felt like i hadnt slept at all my eyes were dry... i kinda remember a dream-ish thing where i was in this one video game i've been playing alot and i know that i had written directions for in that game on my had before i turned it off so that i would know the co-ordinates for where i was supposed to go and wouldnt forget them.. well in this dream thing that (atleast in my opinion) didnt exactly feel like a dream and i said those co-ordinates and was going to that place..... but thats the only time that even seemed that i may have been asleep... i dunno it just sort of wierded me out because i remember seeing that... but i woke up and didnt remember sleeping O_o
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/12/11 | Reply
i can only play card games that have easy rules, like bridge. others....well i forget the rules a lot... =PP
i had this interesting encounter with ramen yesterday. there was this new shop right across the street (you can't even call that a street, it's about only about 12 feet wide) that sold ramen and teriyaki and other stuff. Anyway i started eating really fast (cause i was really hungry) and i thought it tasted pretty good, but then....you know the type of soup that tastes worse and worse as you go on? yeah, it was that type of soup, with a lot of salt and artificial flavors...it was also kind of greasy. but i didn't want to waste it, so i finished as much as i could without gagging...and i went back to my apartment across the street to brush my teeth and get the taste of the soup out of my mouth XPPPP ick.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/11/11 | Reply
thats quite a bit of coke O_o...
i like playing some card games, i dont know how to play too many different ones though... and i always tend to forget the rules to most of them >_<.
the teachers here are really assorted... actually i just thought about it... ive never had a male math teacher, and other than gym until middle school when we started changing class rooms i never had a guy for a teacher O_o
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/10/11 | Reply
well my friend reserved seats in that restaurant so we could eat for two hours straight, so it wasn't like we stuffed all that in in half an hour or so....one guy actually drank 5 bottles of coke, i was like O_o.
flip cup sounds fun =))) i've never really played games that involved moving around (well unless you count the assassin-cops game because everyone starts yelling when the discussion gets really heated =PPP) do you play cards? i play cards a lot, but mostly in secret since a lot of parents (including mine) in Taiwan don't approve of cards (they think it's addictive. they kind of have a point though... = =)
i'm glad you have a nice math teacher: random strange thing--there are no female math teachers in our high school. all the chem and bio teachers are female though, for some reason....
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/10/11 | Reply
haha yea, i have a pretty nice math teacher this year (even though im not even supposed to be in math and im pretty sure i already went through the class they put me in =_=..) any way she's really nice and funny. im thinking i'll like the class a little bit at the least since the teacher is ok.
at my old school we had to do stretches and stuff like that every once in a while, i just hated doing the crunches on the floor >_<.
i actually havent been camping alot... i went a few times when i was really little and then once in 6th grade we had to stay in these cabins (it sucked because the people at the school i was going to at that time was majorly sucky and by the 2nd all the stupid people were being all dramatic and crap =_=) since then though the only other place ive been to is my friends camp grounds.
flip cup is another drinking game. its where you have 2 equal teams, one on each side of the table. and its kinda like a relay race or whatever. the first person starts it off by doing this up down up down thing with the other starter and then the chug and then you put the cup up side down on the edge of the table and try and flip it over so that its standing rightside up. once some one has their cup right side up the next person can go. then whichever team gets the last cup flipped right side up first, wins. i really like the game a lot because its kinda challenging because of the whole flipping the cup part :)
that... is A LOT of food O_O... i dont think i would ever be able to eat that much food... i would probably die in the processes hahaha :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/10/11 | Reply
i thought of something funny when i saw the laughing until you fell off your bed comment =DDD we have this great math teacher who's fun and jokes around with everybody and teaches well. anyway he gave a quiz and it was so easy that everyone in the class was asleep in ten minutes flat. one guy took his frustration at the quiz to a new extreme: he scrawled 'what the f***???????' across the front of the page. i wonder what the teacher thought.....XDDDDD
actually we only have P.E. once a week, it's double period. there are some people who do really funky dance moves though, and it's fun to watch. the warm-up exercises take ages though..imagine lying on a wooden floor doing lots of crunches. my butt still hurts a day later = =
i've never been in a trailer...sounds fun, though. i've camped a few times, once when i was at a canoe camp, another time when i was in eighth grade, and another time in...seventh grade i think. i stayed in tents with friends, so it was really fun. i've also (although it technically isn't camping since we live in what look a bit like dorms) stayed away from home on school activities that are held in the middle of the mountains (i HATE the car rides, i seriously get carsick although i've never actually been sick =PP). rice wine...well it tastes fairly inoffensive, just sweet with that bitter aftertaste alcohol has. but if it's bad rice wine (like the one we made)....then it tastes like vinegar and alcohol. XP What's flip cup?? when we play games late into the night it's usually card games or the assassin-cop gain i told you about.
There's this thing called the Full Moon festival in china and Taiwan, and it's supposed to be on monday (but people generally celebrate it a day or two earlier than that. anyway, tradition for that festival is eating lots of pomelos (some citrus-ish fruit that's the shape of the pear but a lot larger), moon cakes (really rich pastry filled with bean paste and other sweet stuff, sometimes ice cream), and...barbecue!!! of course, since i live in a city, there aren't a lot of places where you can actually have a barbecue, but there a lot of restaurants where you can do similar stuff. the one i went to with my friends tonight had this long table with two grills on it and two stoves (that's for hot pots, which are basically pots with boiling water that you add whatever stuff you like inside (for example veggies, meatballs, dumpling, and other stuff)).
Tonight's barbecue basically meant gorging on all kinds of meat (steak, chicken wings, lean cuts of pork, lean cuts of beef, marinated pork, marinated beef, curried chicken, spicy beef....you get the idea), veggies (onions, cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkin, mushroom) and then later on ice cream (black currant, raspberry, chocolate, caramel, and vanilla)as much as you want...for around 10 US dollars. i'm completely stuffed XDDD
Last edited by Blaze023 at 8:41:01 AM CDT on September 10, 2011.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/09/11 | Reply
well im not much of a jam and jelly fan and apple is the only kind that i actually like.
ick... i would fake an injury if i had to do that =_= i cant believe you have to do that dance stuff though... atleast you only have it 2 times a week though, right?
:D hahahahaha reading that part about what your brother wrote LITERALLY made my day :D honest, i almost fell off my bed laughing :D
a camper is just like a trailor thing that has living quarters in it, usually they have a kitchen like area and a tiny tiny bathroom and a couch all smooshed together >_< its really cramped if you get a small enough one with 5 or 6 people >_<. some are bigger than others though.
yea i only like certain stuff... and i HATE beer, it makes me want to barf, we were playing beer pong (i only played 3 games the entire weekend... i prefer flip cup) and the last game, the last night we were there, i ligit almost barfed while drinking my last cup XP ick... it serously tastes nasty, some of it smell really good though, but the stuff that was there didnt even SMELL nice...
im actually not much of a fan of drinking either.. i like some of the stuff though (word from the wise though... dont EVER drink ammeretto or apircot brandy >_< ickickickickickickICK. the one year when i went to my friends grand ma's house (i wasnt with my friend though, her grand ma used to be my one land lord so me and my family went up there to visit.) any way we went up there and we took her up some christmas... stuff (im not really sure what the thing was called) but it had some ammeretto (not sure how its really spelled...) and she had me drink some... its gross... same goes for the apircot brandy... its practically cough syrup >_< (thats actually what my mom's boy friend used to use it for yuck)
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/09/11 | Reply
i know economics has nothing to do with cooking....i just thought of home economics when you mentioned economics =PP i've never tasted apple jelly in my life though...my favorite jam flavor would probably be raspberry =))
we have what we call 'gym uniforms' although they're technically not gym uniforms since we wear them outside gym. i'm wearing a set of them since i haven't showered yet. it's boring (dark blue with a couple of white stripes) but it's certainly better than one of the gym uniforms i saw (a pink and green jumpsuit. ick). we had dance today in gym and it was....have you heard of a girls' band called Girls Generation? it's korean and anyway, the teacher taught us the choreography for that dance, and it was...horrible. like, really cutesy stuff like blowing kisses and the like. I looked like an absolute idiot dancing that routine. =PP
yeah and my history teacher told us to write the same stuff, only hers was more fun. we had to write fears and stuff...and my broher (he sits right next to me) wrote my name there = =
wow that camp sounds really fun, although i don't know what a camper is =PP i've only drank a few times...not a big fan of alcohol. once was in this outdoors camp thing when we were supposed to make our own wine out of some kind of grain...that didn't taste really great, it was just half-fermented and sour-tasting. the other time was some kind of coming of age ceremony thing held at our school, and they made this AWFUL grape thing....i mean, i could smell alcohol....but it tasted nothing like rice wine (which we drank in a toast after a hike)....and i think they added lab alcohol or something to grape juice.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/08/11 | Reply
yea, i really like mythology so im pretty excited..
but economics has nothing to do with cooking haha this economics is more like economy stuff :D
i can cook some stuff, i like making pancakes and grilled cheese and grilled pb&j (grilled pb&j is DELICIOUS especially if you are using the apple jelly for the jelly part :P) i can bake some pretty good cookies, cakes, and brownies too... but other than that i cant cook for crap... and sometimes dogs wont even eat my pancakes :/... but they aren't that bad i was just usuing too much oil, the spray stuff is better for pancakes because then they wont get overly... well... overly soaked in grease :/... since they aren't supposed to be greasy haha
no we dont have gym uniforms, we just have to wear shorts, a t shirt, and sneakers and we get credit as long as we participate... luckily i met some pretty awesome people in gym today... in truth i actually only made like 4 friends... barely... :/
until art class i was totally ranting in my head and then as the teacher kept going on about annoying stuff i started to rant again... then i messed with the physics teacher and felt better :D we had to fill out these little cards and he said to put down nicknames and hobbies and other stuff, but for a preffered name i put (awesome) and for a hobby i put proffesional unicorn hunter... yea... im sleep deprived so im not sure if that was the smartest thing to do... but i did it any way hahaha
my friends camp is really fun, we stay in campers instead of tents though, and it's a family camp so its not like its a bunch of annoying strangers... although we do sometimes do things that aren't exactly legal in the states there... like under aged drinking.. but shhhh hahaha... its not that bad though, they wont let any one drink there unless they are atleast in their teens and responsible at that, they prefer to only let people that are atleast 16 drink but they have let a couple years younger drink too, but they dont let them drink too much and my friends parents usually keep an eye on everyone to make sure no one does too much, and they absolutely FREAK OUT a guy and a girl walk in the woods without a chaperone of sorts, they dont let it get out of hand
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 2:09:54 PM CDT on September 8, 2011.
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/08/11 | Reply
i took a greek mythology class a couple of years ago....and i realized that reading Percy Jackson actually helped most of us ace that class since we already knew most of the stuff that was taught. economics...that makes me think of home ecs...i haven't ever taken classes like that and i can't cook at all. we don't cook a lot in our family (grandparents' don't count), probably because we can always get the same stuff at small local restaurants. i really want to learn how to cook though =PP
wow i envy the gym class...we only have two gym classes per week, on Friday. do you have gym uniforms?
what's the camp like? i haven't been to many real camps (like in the forest), probably once or twice...mostly i go to 'camps' in the cities...like the houston space camp thing i went to last year.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/07/11 | Reply
well the year is split into 2 pieces so i only get to take some of the classes half the year, but the first half of the year i have psychology, english, economics, art, physics, study hall, lunch, algebra, then every other day i have study hall or gym in the last class period.
then in the second half of the year, my psychology class turns to sociology, my english turns into a study hall, economics turns into government, and my study hall turns into greek mythology...
its actually not that bad... there are only 9 classes a day and luckily i managed to get gym in the last class period.
sucks that you cant go out for ramen alot with your friends because of exams :/
right now im trying to figure out who i can stay the weekend with so i can go see my friends on friday :/ its not looking too good though, hopefully though now that i know i can stay till sunday instead of saturday i might be able to stay with onee of them that oes to her camp every weekend... which is an AWESOME place haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/07/11 | Reply
what new classes do you have? right now we have a few science classes a week (the people in charge of the schedule finally got tired of our complaints)...but i still have lots of history classes and self-study classes (which sound fun, but if you can't talk....it gets really boring after a while). and really there is a certain amount of time doing college apps and studying for standardized test that won't drive you crazy...i feel like my brain's turning into mush.
just went out for ramen with my friends =)) but since they're cramming for exams....it might be ages before we get to hang out again :/
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/06/11 | Reply
bleeehhh sorry its taken me several days to reply, my computer decided to be mean and not work right so i had to get it checked, its all better now though, not sure what was wrong with it though.. O_o
thats what i love about sports :) they are so much fun that you dont even realize that you are doing the work, and before you realize it your in shape :) haha
but yea, it super sucks that i have to transfer, turns out i dont start till thursday now though... not that im looking forward to it though =_=... at least i have some good classes though... but my old school messed up and now they arent sure what happened to one of my required english from 10th grade... either the guidance councilor or her secretary from my old school were supposed to call my new guidance councilor back... but it wouldnt surprise me if that didnt happen =_=
i'll deal though, i just hope it wont be that bad
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
phew, i'm finally back home = = i was in another city in the morning and i spent the evening listening to a session on college admissions. i started to write this message three times but every time i got halfway through my mom would say: it's time to go!!!!and i'd have to leave =PPPP
yeah, i've always wondered why i didn't break a bone two years back when i was in cheerleading. i'm short and didn't weigh a lot, so i was one of the people who got tossed around....and apparently most of the guys in our class were better at tossing than catching = = that was my first and last encounter with cheerleading...although we (all the people in my squad) realized that cheerleading made us all slim down and tone up really fast =PP random coincidence: i hated milk when i was a kid too and my mom made me drink two mugs of milk per day...
that really sucks.who's heard of changing schools in senior year???? i haven't ever changed school, but i changed my homeroom class and moved across to the bilingual department and that was weird enough...i couldn't even imagine changing schools. well, at least it's going to be less than a year before you'll be able to live on campus and room with someone...although it's definitely going to be different from rooming with a good friend.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/03/11 | Reply
i like chocolate alot, but only certain kinds and only in moderation, i dont like making myself sick over chocolate.
yea when i first went in she was in alot of pain because she had just woken up a little while before and she couldnt find her pain medicine button, i think that may have been why i got so freaked out too, i hate seeing people in pain.
ive never broken a bone in my body before too!! which is actually surprising to me due to the fact that i did a lot of stupid stuff that should have resulted in broken bones, but when i was little since i was such a picky eater the doctor told my mom to atleast make sure i drank lots of milk so i always did.
i have actually only been in the hospital for myself twice once it was because i must have had an allergic reaction to some unknown substance in the mowed grass i was picking up because i got in the car and i was on my way home and i was just sitting in the backseat and then i realized that it was difficult to move my hands and apparently the muscles in my body had locked up... it was stupid because i went to this sucky hospital and by the time they took me in a room to do test i could move again (i had gotten out of the car and couldnt even straighten up, i walked in practically in a sitting position.
the other time i almost forgot about because it was so long ago but the flap at the back of my throat that covers my windpipe had gotten stuck shut somehow and i couldnt breath.. that one really sucked.
i have to go to a new school because (i theorize that my dad never wanted me to stay with leah in the first place so he sabatoged it) but things never got disscussed so my dad signed me up for school where he lives (not happy about this... at all.) i have to go do my scheduling on teusday and then i start wednesday i guess... but i have a theory, since i changed schools so many times my credits are really messed up, and so its possible that i wont have enough credits, and i know that at my old school that they had a way that you could earn extra credits by tutoring people, and since my old school was the only school ive heard of so far to actually do that (if im correct and they do and im pretty sure they do) if it turns out teusday that im not going to have enough credits to graduate im going to go talk to the councilor at my old school and see if i can (so there fore if what im thinking is true then i will have to go back... but thats only if i dont have enough credits and that my old school has a way to earn extras and the new one doesnt.... its a long shot but atleast i have a plan for the worst haha)
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/03/11 | Reply
the weird thing about the dream was that i didn't REALLY REALLY want bananas (okay, i did want bananas, but not THAT badly = =)...now there's a bunch of bananas in my kitchen =)))
my mom bought a ton of chocolate from Canada. right now the contents of my fridge are: chocolate with hazelnuts, chocolate with pralines, chocolate with almonds, chocolate with coconut, toblerone, hersheys, o'henrys, Reese peanut butter cups, milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate-covered pomegranate (at least that's what it says on the wrapping) and chocolate-covered dried blueberries. and.....my mom doesn't even particularly like chocolate = =.
ouch....that must've hurt like hell. i've never broken a bone before =P i don't like hospitals, but i generally won't get too freaked about them, since i've been in the hospitals quite a few times (twice for pneumonia, once for...something...and of course the colds and allergies and asthma stuff). hope she gets well soon =))
why a new school??? aren't you going to your old school?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/02/11 | Reply
omigod i was just thinking yesterday AND the day before that i really wanted a bannanna!!! :O
... i never got one though... sadly... hmmm maybe ill go eat one now... ill do that in a few minutes haha.
i really do hate nurses offices... almost as much as i hate hospitals... which i was at one today (just slightly random) my sister was in a car accident, she's gonna be ok but she broke her ankle, a rib, her shoulder blade, and 3 vertibrae... its gonna take her a while to heal but she isnt paralyzed or any thing... any way, when i went to see her i went in to see her and i was standing there and i thought i was gonna puke (because hospitals literaly make me sick) but i had forgotten that i hadnt eaten at all (so technically i had nothing TO throw up) but i got really dizzy and almost passed out... and the nurse threatened to send me to the emergency room >_<... but yea... i despise hospitals... they smell wierd if you ask me XP.
i really wish they had nap time over here... it would be awesome haha.
i dont think that my eyes stay open... but unless im in a confined space i move around alot in my sleep... and tend to hit nearby people hahaha
i hope your doing ok in school though... i start either teusday or wednesday.. at a new school >_< ick
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/02/11 | Reply
i dreamed of bananas in the fridge yesterday night. i know it's really random, but it's something i just had to mention. the entire frekaing fridge was stuffed with bananas with a couple of apples and oranges......i wonder if it means i have a very intense, hidden craving for bananas???
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/31/11 | Reply
yeah, i've been in a nurse office ONCE in my life. it was absolutely horrible, since it was the office on the first tloor and FILLED with screaming kindergarten's kids. i originally went there because i had a headache....and i went there and my headache got worse = =. our naptimes aren't long, 45 minutes or so, but it sure beats having through the whole school day without sleeping.
that's part of the reason i kind of like so, because it usually makes me so tired i don't have to worry about insomnia. i like watching videos before bed too....because occasionally i'll dream of stuff in the video XDDDDDDD
do you sleep standing up in the closet? no, i'm just having a very hard time imagining anyone going to sleep ina closet...since mine is divided into shelves...= = random fact: i sleep with my eyes open; they drift open halfway after i fall asleep
i wanted to type more....but i'm running late for school =PP so that's it for now, sry=P
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/31/11 | Reply
ok... NOW im jelous haha, everyone always says we should get nap time but we never do!!! i mean we can go to the nurses and sleep for a couple hours, but its not the same... especially because all of the snobs hang out in the nurses office and then they are all nosy and see who is sleeping and then they talk about you and you have to just lay there and take it or you have to go back to class.. =_=
most of my classes contain only 12 people, heck last year in my stage design class we only had like 8! and we were supposed to have 12 since it was a new class, the minimum for a class that they have had for more than a year is 10... so we were kind of illegal, but they never cancelled the class.
yes.. i have REALLY wierd sleep patterns, all summer i have been sleeping during the day and staying up all night, every once in a while i manage to stay up during the better part of the day but that is usually just when i stay with friends and that is usually just running on a couple hours of sleep because i stayed up most of the night too haha. the only other time i have managed to reset my sleep patterns is if i stay up all night and day, then i usually pass out at like 11... during the school year my sleep is usually normal, but sometimes i get insomnia and have to find something to occupy me until im tired. i like reading before bed too, it usually helps to get me tired... even though when its a good book i cant help but just keep reading and then that poses the problem of i stayed up all night and have school in a few hours heheh
well my closet is pretty big so its not actually cramped, im short enough that as long as there isnt any thing in the end of the closet i cant fit in there entirely, and it really helps when its day light, i have trouble falling asleep in daylight, unless im extremely tired. i ended up having to resort to putting a sweater over my head this morning... im gonna have to figure out what to do with the stuff in my closet.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/31/11 | Reply
yeah (i'm thinking of my ex-homeroom teacher that everyone hated...including everyone's parents =DD)..she would never let us listen to music even when we were napping (do you know we have designed naptimes at school?? at noon and at night =P it's weird i know)
i guess we have class with them simply because our school thinks it would be too expensive to teach a class of just twelve people =PP
...you know, it took me some time to realized that you kept really irregular sleeping hours. one day i was like: ....wait a sec, it's...3 o'clock on my end, and there's at least a ten hour time difference between taipei and new york...so...oh O_o
my parents are pretty strict on sleeping early...i have to sleep at 12 at night, and i can't hide somewhere and use my computer because i live in a pretty small apartment and if i were moving around my parents would hear...so when i went to other places i would just....sleep when i wanted to. like in Houston i always made it a point to sleep twice a day, once at three a.m. and once at ten a.m.. i'm a bit of an insomniac, so i just lie there and think about stuff and i drift off eventually (but it's hard to sleep because i live in the city and it's noisy and the sky's all red at night from light pollution).
i lobe reading books before bed...but my mom always stops me from finishing them.....and then i can't sneak up at night to read it *sigh* and i'm wondering how do you nap in a closet????isn't it cramped??
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/31/11 | Reply
haha yea, some of the teachers are ok with us using headphones when we are doing work... and then some dont... those are usually either the most disliked teachers or, the awesome fun teachers that you dont need head phones in their class so you dont care... usually its the most hated though... heheh
that sucks that you have a class with 11th graders, why is that??? and i hate people like that... they talk super loud because not only do they love their own voice but demand that every one else hear it too =_= bleehh...
i would be sleeping right now.. but i cant fall asleep... and my lap top was tempting me... its a mean lap top right now as far as im concered, especially because i really need to sleep right now haha but i mostly blame my friends sara and kali, they have an awesome story that they have had out for a while but i just started reading it, and its pretty good... and i stayed up to the point where now its light out and i cant fall asleep, and i cant go in the closet and shut the door because since i rearranged my room i put a bunch of stuff in there so i would have room still after i moved my bed... which is a real pain 'cause i could use a good nap in the closet right now, ohh well, ill probably fall asleep soon haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/31/11 | Reply
yeah, and that's why i listen to music =))) technically we're not allowed earphones in the school but i think that even the teachers feel sorry for us, so they kind of...go easy on us and let us play with cell phones and listen to music.
i had my first class with eleventh graders yesterday, and i must say...i don't particularly enjoy being in class with them (especially since the guy behind me seems to love the sound of his own voice( he does have an exceptionally American accent that's rare in Taiwan) ) *groan*
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/30/11 | Reply
that really sucks >_<
thats the same rule for the library at my school... but it gets pretty loud in there any way :) heheh... that really does suck though... i wouldnt be able to deal with complete silence..
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/30/11 | Reply
yup, because it's senior year. Crazy right? and for the last three hours we have to sit in the library and the rule's COMPLETE SILENCE. luckily you can pick a couple of days not to come for the last three hours...today's one of my days off. we even have to go to school on saturday to study *groan*....and i want my chem classes back >:(
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/30/11 | Reply
that supern sucks >_<... i dunno what i would do if i had to stay at school that long without any one to talk too xp. that sucks that you have no science though, science is usually fun. do you always have to stay that late????
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/30/11 | Reply
i had to stay at school till 9:30 p.m. at night *groan* that's what our school is like...and that's why i really wasn't looking forward to starting school. i get this really....pressured feeling since people all around me are cramming for exams and they're studying and if i'm not studying it just feels....awkward, so i try my best to study....and basically try not to fall asleep =PP
our new schedule came out--i have 11 periods of English per week, and history every day, and no science AT ALL. a lot of people in our class were like O_o wth?????
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
haha yea, of all of them i think the second movie was the best... and that may have been because 'edward' wasnt in most of the movie, and there was a pretty cool fight scene towards the end, and the wolf fight scene was pretty cool too.
i kinda cant wait for school to start but at the same time i really wish it were still several weeks away... im thinking its only a about a week away now... ughhh... not overly excited... just slightly haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
now i'm REALLY glad i didn't attempt to watch a single of their movies. and i seriously don't get what's so attractive about a cold marble statue (isn't that what the author always describes him as??)i'm just not the biggest fan of guys who looked like they powdered their faces and used eyeshadow before going outdoors i guess =PPPP
it's the start of real school today *groan* and i've really got to stop moping around and go back to my college apps..=(((( i wonder if this semester will bring anything fun (most my classmates are cramming for their own exams too) ah well....i'll try to look on the bright side, there's always something fun happening at our school with my crazy group of friends =DD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
hahahaha you have no clue how many times some one has said that to me haha and i completely agree, the movies are even worse >_< i dont care how many people love kristen stewart and robert pattinson, their acting sucks in these movies (i only say these movies because i havent seen any movies besides this on that they have starred in) especially in the first movie... the first movie seriously makes me wanna gag half the time. robert pattinson's acting gets a little better in the second movie... but in his shirless scene.... ick.... i can say no more...
haha yea i will look for it on the tv guide to see when it airs over here. :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
EVERY SINGLE FREAKING time i finish one of the twilight books, i think: ....why does Bella have to be such a wimp???? i'm not a fan of wimpy girls =PPP
you could try watching it, although i kind of like the songs better than the entire show XP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
haha yea i giggle incessantly whenever crappy love scences pop up, well after i smack myself in the face for the ridiculousness hahaha.
i always wanted to watch glee but i never got the chance to. it looks like its a really good show. :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
you know, i read the twilight series in EXACTLY the same circumstances. my friends were all raving about it, and i really wasn't into the lovey dovey crap....and even GUYS were reading it and anyway my friendstried to make me read it and i was like: okay....maybe..just to humor them and stop them nagging. so i gave it a try, and although i found it okay,it's...still not my type XPPP
glee mostly does covers of songs, some old songs and some popular ones. they write a few songs themselves, so...i'd way they cover a wide variety of music. I like the lazy song too...but that's not a song i'm supposed to be listening right nos =PPP i like bruno mars' grenade a lot =)) eminem...i like his song 'not afraid' check out the lyrics =DD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
hahaha you probably will someday... people in the states are nuts, and you're sure to see lots of weird hair haha.
well... the twilight books were well written.. but i agree... and im not overly into the lovey dovey crap, and thats basically what the book is about. actually i didnt even want to read the books and i was really adamant on that point for a long time, but then i decided to just give them a try, they kept me entertained, but beyond that i only liked a few things about them.
i listen to alot of different music, mostly punk rock (or whatever its called) but mostly rock and stuff, but i really like lots of different music, i havent watched glee much so i done know really the kind of music that is on there... i absolutly LOVE bruno mars' 'lazy song' :D me and my friend brooke would hear that every morning on the bus and just start singing it haha. i havent heard much by eminem though either, but the little bit that i hear here and there isnt bad :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
i get the bleach one =)) it's funny, but i've yet to see someone who's had their hair bleached orange though, hope i will someday =))
i read the twilight books too. i forgot which book was it, but there was this one that went on talking and talking and talking...it's a good series but i kinda like things with a bit more action in them.. i mean they barely fight at the end, the vampires just stand there and one of the sides realizes that they're not strong enough and say: uh, truce? ...i was like O_o
what kind of music do you listen to? one of my friends told me to watch glee, and i sort of watched it...found it okay, liked the music pretty much. i listen to other people like taylor swift and bruno mars and eminem, how about you?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
well it wouldnt be a ligit orange it would be more of an orangish blonde (if you have ever seen bleach it would be like ichigo's hair.. which [fun fact time!!! :D] it is theorized by some bleach fans that the title of the anime is bleach because when you "bleach" a black haired person hair it turns an orangish color which is the color of ichigo's hair, and being set in japan and most people in japan having black hair, orange hair is an abnormality... [im not sure if that was confusing at all... i did my best explination haha.])
i dislike floods... its too... damaging... heheh.
i had the sudden urge to watch the twilight movies a little while ago... which made me wanna barf... i love the books but the movies drive me mad, but since i figured that my dad and step mom went through the trouble of buying the movies for me i should at least watch them haha... i just got through the first one.. but it has pretty much just been background noise because ive been reading manga online... oddly enough im reading bleach haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
i can't imagine myself with orange hair..but i think i probably would look like a jack o'lantern, since i have really thick hair. =PPP i often wonder what i would look like if i dyed my hair blond or red though....
there was this flood before and my dad was about to go out and buy some supplies and he looked out of the window and was like: what the *****????? because the water had come up to the first floor and well...the street looked like it was filled with milk tea.
i have a sudden urge to belt out songs from glee...= =
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
yea we get floods, ive never seen any thing more than a few feet of water from a flash flood though, but thats just personally, ive heard of it get real bad, places near rivers and creeks are always the worst.
(oops i submited before i was done haha)
any way, no i doubt it would turn your hair gray... it would turn it orange most likely :D haha but thats usually with pitch black hair i think... but when you bleach it its always some where between blonde and orange, at least thats what i know of it.
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 12:11:06 AM CDT on August 29, 2011.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/29/11 | Reply
i go on the internet all day and my homepage is yahoo, so i knew about the hurricane thing. do you get floods from hurricanes, or is new York too far up north??
oh yeah, i heard that lemon juice could make light brown hair blond or something. if your hair's already very light i think it might not make a really big difference....i never tried it since my mom wouldn't let me...also i kind of wondered if i bleached my hair would it turn out mousy brown and gray *blech* (my hair is dark brown and black)??? that would be horrible =PP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/28/11 | Reply
my dad was saying that there was a bad hurricane or something on the east coast near NYC... im not sure though, i dont watch the news any more heheh.
i dont think i would mind teaching some one older than me... i think it would actually make me feel super smart haha,
i dont mind non 100% juice... i doubt sunny d is 100% but i do know that its pretty good for you any way. but i agree... i absolutely adore lemonade :) haha i love being able to actually make it myself too hahaha.... OOO!!! you can bleach your hair with lemon juice!!! :D... i wonder if i have any.... i tried it once but my mom wouldnt give me very much lemon juice and your supposed to stay in the sun i think, its like a natural way to make your hair lighter... but it may also discolor it... im not quite sure, it made my hair only a teeny tiny bit lighter.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/28/11 | Reply
we're having a storm day here....that's why i'm still at home now =)) there's a typhoon and the government people in our Taipei cancelled school. it's fun being indoors when it's pouring outside...of course, when you have electricity, food, and water indoors.
i'd feel kind of awkward if i had to teach someone older than me...i think i'd feel a bit more confident if i had to teach high schoolers or junior high students math and science....actually i have NO IDEA how to teach Chinese, i just know the language XPP and i know french too, but i think i'm probably the one who needs tutoring since it's been ages since i practiced speaking it.
i have this obsession with fruit juice that's either 100% or freshly made. i guess it's because some fruit juices have lots of artificial coloring and i'm always like: ugh...it's gonna dye my insides orange. well, of course lemonade. i don't think it's actually possible to drink 100% lemon juice XDDD i love lemonade though.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/28/11 | Reply
yea jobs are deffinitely gonna be difficult to find, but if i were you i would advertise the tutor thing on campus, you will meet more people that way and usually there is atleast some one looking for a tutor, especially in foriegn languages.
the wind is always the worst part of winter xp it just cuts right through everything. its raining here too haha, but it made my room cold so im not too happy about that... but sunny d... :D is a SUPER awesome orange juice. its super tasty, and they have different flavors too, its really really good :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/28/11 | Reply
yeah, i take one look at the tuition and i think: how the *bleep* ing hell am i supposed to pay this *bleep*?XDDDDD i guess i could always go to Canada where school fees are like 10 times cheaper, but....it's cold *sigh*. i wouldn't be worried too much about the homeless thing though, since i remember most freshmen live on campus, so you'll probably be able to find a dorm room or something. i'm kinda worried about the jobs though, since i have NO work experience AT ALL and i'm not particularly good at stuff...don't know if i'll be able to place an ad in a newspaper saying that i'd like to be a math/science/Chinese tutor....wish it could be that easy
our school uniforms for winters aren't exactly warm enough. we wear stockings with skirts in winter (and it's absolutely freezing. i wish we could switch to trousers) and sometimes it just feels like the cold goes through every layer you're wearing..brrrrr =(((( i don't know about vitamin D, but if it's raining outdoors i immeditately feel grumpy..like now XPP...what's sunny d by the way?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/28/11 | Reply
distance doesnt really matter to me either. the only college i truely have my heart set on is Alfred University, and thats mostly because i have friends that go there already, and i've heard alot about it and really like it. and yea, pheonix is a big city so im sure there are probably gangs there. and yea, stiffies is a term i use for uptight people haha, and yea, they are pretty judgemental, and there fore dont like alot of people, especially people who have a different way of thinking. haha but i really hope you can get into caltech too :)
i bet winters like that suck. it gets all wet and cold at the very start of winter because it isnt cold enough to actually snow but its still cold >_<. i think the reason most people get grumpy during winter is lack of vitamin D, i think that they actually did a study on that though, if you dont get enough sunlight you get cranky, i always try and drink lots of sunny D in the winter time though :D well, i try and drink it all the time but i always seem to drink more of it in winter in sometime... maybe people are trying to tell me something O_o... hmmm....
yupperz, im graduating next year :D... but im kida worried too... im actually most worried that im gonna end up homeless and jobless though... thats my biggest worry, but other than that im super excited :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/28/11 | Reply
i want to go to california or the carolinas....or maybe texas.....distance doesn't matter much to me anymore since either way it's going to be thousands of miles away from Taipei. i read a book that was set in Arizona...apparently Phoenix is famous for its gangs, so i'm not that keen to go there. and what are stiffies?? do they jus mean people who are uptight? if they're lots of people like that in the ivy league they would hate me =P i <3 pranks....that's why i want to go to a school that's famous for its pranks *yay Caltech* hope that i can get in though =D
i've never done any snowball fights in my life...although i've built a measly little snowman once when i was in japan. winters here are just....cold and wet, like 40 degrees or so and rainy every day. and there are the winds too, that make everything seem so much colder and drearier...and the sun doesn't rise at 6 in the morning....and it's dark by 5:30..well i just don't like winter even if it's in a warm place like where i live. i love the feeling of being indoors when it's rainy or really cold outside though....although i generally don't like staying indoors, probably because the apartment i live in is kinda cramped, it's practically as small as our classroom. summers here are incredibly hot, it's always above 80 degrees even at night, but that means on any give day you can have fun cooling down =DDDD i kinda want to go to a place that snows in winter but isn't FREAKISHLY cold. i have bad moods when it gets too dreary outside and great moods when it's sunny...so i need somewhere sunny( i'm sounding like a plant =PPP) you're graduating next year right? i'm semi-excited and semi-apprehensive about next june.....graduation + going abroad + ...old enough to be legal = =
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/28/11 | Reply
haha yea arizona is a LONG way away from new york :) but i always wanted to travel and i figured i wanted to start there, it's really random though that i picked arizona, i dunno, i just really like the sound of it :). and im not sure about the gang thing, in truth there are lots of gangs every where. in fact about an hour from where i live is a city called buffalo and there is alot of gang stuff there. its every where, i dont think there is really a place that you can get away from it, even in the smaller towns there are kids who at the least claim that they are in big city gangs. but big cities are where its more concentrated in the states.
i thought a little bit about the ivt leagues, i might apply to one or two, when i look a little more seriously into colleges this year. i doubt i actually can make it into one of them, but it would be fun to :) i bet the stiffies there would end up hating me haha, im not sure if all of the people that go there are up tight, but i know that some of them are.
but winter isnt THAT bad haha, but it can be worse at times :) but it honestly isnt all that bad, snow can be really fun when its several feet deep and not just a thin layer haha. i mean there's snow ball fights (which i always enjoy) and there is ice skating (which unfortunately i have never done :/) snow boarding is super fun too. and we wouldnt be able to do any of that without winter :)
you can always do similar things in year round summer though. but really being outside in winter isnt all that bad if your having fun :) you forget all about the cold because you really arent cold at all :) you stay warm by doing stuff, and when you get tired, you get to go inside, wear fuzzy pajamas, and drink lots of hot cocoa and i find instant ramen super tasty after coming in from outside in the middle of winter. haha but then again, i grew up in it, and not all people enjoy winter time, but it can be really fun haha much more fun than sticking your head in a fridge ahahaha :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/27/11 | Reply
isn't arizona really really far from new york? i heard that it's a place known for gangs and stuff...= = correct me if i'm wrong though.are you gonna apply to any of those big-name schools? there are a lot of them clustered in the northeastern part of the US....all the Ivy Leagues are there, and if your writing is good then your SAT writing and reading scores probably are too, so..
my essay teacher who's from the states says that if you can't imagine living in a college up north, 'stick your head into the refrigerator for 40 minutes, then imagine that for six months of the year'.....i was like O_o (help)...
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/27/11 | Reply
well i was hoping to look into some colleges in arizona, and im deffinitely applying to alfred university, and i was considering hilbert, and maybe villa maria. but im not too sure about those last two.
i actually like winter, i just hate having to stand around in below freezing weather for hours, thats the only thing i hate about it though... well that and when the water freezes or the heat goes out, but thats really the only bad parts besides the travel hazards. but then again im usually happy in any weather as long as im having fun ^_^ heheh
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/27/11 | Reply
if the college you're applying to uses the Common Application (most colleges use the common application, except those in California) then one of the topics is going to be 'topic of your choice'. which colleges are you planning to apply to?
i'm a very un-winter person :/ i don't even want to think of the weather in Canada.....
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/27/11 | Reply
haha i would love to have a 'topic of your choice' essay :D haha but i doubt the college i was applying to would hahaha.
im glad you got your influential person essay dont though, im sure it will do fine :)
i know exactly how you feel though, i want to go back to july!!! i really wish summer werent nearly over :/ i really wish i could just stop time.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/27/11 | Reply
=D blame the Common Application for having such a tempting essay topic : 'Topic of Your Choice". come on, that was just BEGGING for something interesting and even though i don't know whether the admissions officers like that or not, i think it's best to be myself =)). oh yeah, and i FINALLY managed to finish my influential person essay. it might not be the best....but at least it's done.
i'm wondering how summer passes so quickly = = it's my favorite season of the year, and now i have to wait another whole year for it to be back =((
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/27/11 | Reply
hahahahaha that is amazing :D i cant wait till this year, my english teacher is going to partially hate me :) she has already met me and when she did i was with one of her students retrieveing another one of her students for the blood drive and i was really really hyper so she was a little over whelmed heheh
haha yea, my mom actually used to work at pizza hut, but that was a LONG time ago, i was really little, i actually dont even remember that she did, but she always talked about it. ive never had their chicken though, i'll have to try it sometime :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/27/11 | Reply
yeah, i have that habit too, when i don't like stuff i'll just put it off until i forget about it...and the teacher reminds me about it. i can't muck around in my essay class though since the teacher's kind of strict, so when he says 'write the first paragraph' i usually write the entire essay...so i won't have anything left to do for the rest of the week =)) a lot of kids in my class picked boring stuff to talk about, like trips, books, and school. the teacher's eyes literally bulged out of his head when i told him i was going to write about my teeth =DDDDD
oh yeah, i was so hungry after we talked about pizza this morning(at least it was morning where i live) i went and had pizza for lunch. The perks of living in a city =)))) i love pizza hut chicken , i like it even more than the pizza....there's this pizza hut buffet about a mile from where i live and when my family goes there i always load up on the salads and chicken =)).
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/27/11 | Reply
yea, i mean im good with essays, if its something i can actually write about, if not then i put it off... and well then im basically doomed heheh. i would say that putting things off is my biggest down fall, i always think i'll have time then i never do, i was super proud of myself this past year though when i turned in my english essay on the due date (i actually didnt have it done in my class period but i got it done and turned in by 3:15 that day so i was all legal :) haha) but since the year before the essay was due in like march and i didnt even turn it in till may, i was pretty happy heheh
pizza hut big foot pizza is AMAZING :) i havent ever eaten pizza hut pizza much though, and i dont think ive ever had Domino's. there are some really nice smaller pizza shops around here. in this area there is a gas station called crosby's that has AWESOME buffalo chicken wing pizza (its really really good, and spicy.) their other pizza is good too but thats the best. there is also a place called brooke's general store, and it has some awesome chicken whings and really good pizza too. and then there is jenny lee's, the only thing ive ever had from there is pizza and it is really good too, its really popular in the town where my school is and from what i hear the other food there is really good too. (yea i like pizza haha... i talk about it alot, which now, i really want some pizza hahaha :D)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/26/11 | Reply
my essay teacher describes my essays as edgy and mock serious. i guess that's true, but i'm seriously wondering what the admissions officers will think of that...=PPPP and i never dreaded college apps....until i started having to do them. then it really, really sucked =PP
we only have about two kinds of pizzas here: pizza hut and Domino's. i remember one memorable Christmas when our class had a party and ordered every pizza PIzza hut had on its menu.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/26/11 | Reply
well cold weather really isnt all that bad, winter stuff can be really fun. but it can be a pain in the butt, sometimes.
i dont really have a favorite kind of pizza, but there is this one pizza place called little ceasars... the pizza there is awesome :D
i find it really difficult to write essays sometimes... well the ones that have to be realistic. i am truely dreading college application essays heheh.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/26/11 | Reply
Caltech=California Institute of Technology. i'm still deciding whether i want to go to the east coast or west coast (i mean, i've lived in Taiwan for all my life. i think the cold weather might drive me crazy up north if i went there right away).
i've never tried that sort of pizza. my favorite would probably be..plain pizza, the ones with lots and lots of tomatoes on it (i love tomatoes =))))))) )
well.....the first person i thought of was my mom, so that was what i wrote about, although she didn't exactly influence me THAT much (but when compared to teachers and the like, she influenced me quite a bit). my mom's totally imperturbable...so i tried working on that point and realized that it was very hard to work on
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/26/11 | Reply
haha yea, the caltech one was better :). ive never heard of that school though, where is it???
that sounds like some tasty bread :) haha... hmmm makes me hungry for white pizza (i have no idea how the two relate, since white pizza is pretty much a galic-y pizza... but still now i wanna go to the mall heheh)
if i had to write that for a college essay... they would not wanna hear about the people that influence me :)) haha, i mean i could write a ligit one about a teacher or something, but adults just dont influence me much. did you figure any thing out you could write for it yet???
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/26/11 | Reply
Apparently MIT retaliated by going over to their campus and stealing their 1.7 ton school cannon (i have no idea how they did that). i kinda thought Caltech's prank was funnier though, they're famous for pranks and i'd love to go there if i were good enough
random incident: i found this really interesting bread at the bakery yesterday. it was shaped like a clover leaf (one of those four-leaf ones) and on each side there was this different flavor (one side was sausage, another was onion, another was corn, and the last was ham) so i got it and i had it for today's lunch =))
i have absolutely no idea what to write about for my essay 'tell us about an infuential person in your life' (it's the prompt for one college's application)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/25/11 | Reply
my turtle never got that big... and i was never too willing to stick my hand into the tank with the aligator haha.
but older siblings... you dont want them haha. its not that i was tortured... buuut... i kinda was lolz. i have tons of cousins though :/ but im not a fan of most of my family, they are all nuts... the only ones i like in my family are my uncle, and my half brother, and sort of my half sister that i know.
that is a hilarious prank though :D deffinitely awesome haha that is deffinitely one of the best pranks ive heard of so far :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/25/11 | Reply
my dad wouldn't let me clean my turtle's tank after i had him three years, since he'd grown too big by then. he'd bit anyone, so my dad kind of held a stick-like thing to keep him busy while he picked the turtle out of the tank. i once came home to see my turtle dangling from an old toothbrush because he wouldn't let it go.
i'd always wondered what having older siblings would be like...and as far as i know,i only have one cousin in Taiwan, who's only a few months older than i am. if i were an older sibling i might bully my brothers od sisters *evil grin*
i was reading up on college stuff and i was on Caltech's website, and there was this entire page about their pranks :D apparently once they went with a crowd of MIT students to Cambrige (secretly of course) and gave out t-shirts that said MIT on the front (but the back said: ....BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE CAN GO TO CALTECH) :DDDDD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/25/11 | Reply
well my mom was the one who always took him out of the tank and took care of him and stuff, i dont know how she managed not to get bit. i just love animals though... well except for bugs.. but i dont consider them animals heheh
i actually dont have any full siblings. i have an older half sister and an older half brother that are my moms kids and i have an older half sister that is my dads kid, but i only ever remember meeting her once, so i dont really count her very often.
im not much of a fan of kids either, im good with some kids, but those kids are ones that i know their parents and they arent much of a pain in the butt. other than that though, i extremely dislike all the little kids at my school and on my bus... they were terrible >_<
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/25/11 | Reply
how do you take the alligator out of the tank without it biting you anyway? i wish i had one =(( i love scaly creatures, for some reason, like fish and snakes and lizards.
how many siblings do you have? i only have the one brother, and most people here only have a one or two kids. Personally, i'm not a really big fan of kids. they're loud and noisy and they fight a lot (my experience from a four-day volunteer project with elementary kids).
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/24/11 | Reply
it wasnt very big no bigger than 3 feet if even that. he would bite... but he never bit me, i never let him have the chance :) haha, we would put him in the bath tub so we could wash his tank, but it was pretty cool that he didnt get very big, he got to be like 4 or 5 years old. there were some people that my mom knew who got 1 or 2 at the same time as us and they kept theirs in their pool... they got to be the size of normal aligators :).
i try not to think about the getting old thing, because it kinda scares me too, but my brother always tells me how old he is getting :D haha he is 10 years older than me, so he is almost 27, i told him he wasnt old till he was 31, or until he had kids, so technically my sister who is 2 years younger than him, is older than him... atleast the way i think of it :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/24/11 | Reply
WOW!!! AN ALLIGATOR???? that's SO cool =DDDDDDD how big was it? would it bite you? and do you let it out of the tank?? i did that ONCE with my pet turtles....and they disappeared under the piano within five minutes O_o. i was supposed to feed them fish too...but i usually grew attached to the fish (well they were all different colored carp =P) and then i'd keep them instead of using them for food and my dad would feed the turtle (yeah, one died because it didn't eat its vitamins) scraps from the salad, like old lettuce and stuff. i never knew alligators could get pneumonia though...
i don't think that much about the on my own thing, since i'd had a few times to get used to it (like, rooming with complete strangers), it's the GETTING OLD that freaks me out a bit. Yesterday i was like: damn, this is gonna be my last summer as a teen....how did six years pass this fast??? O_o and then i thought: i'm old.......and i sound old too = = i mean, if six years can go by this fast, i'll probably be saying the same thing when i'm 30 or something.......
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/24/11 | Reply
haha yea they arent supposed to be kept with other fish :D my mom was gonna try and raise them but you just couldnt, they always wanted to fight :D... my moms boy friend used to do the same thing, putting them in front of a mirror, it was pretty interesting.
we raised minnows once... but they never lived long either... but there was a reason haha we had them for food for my aligator :) he was just a baby though, if you keep them in small containers they stay small, and we just had him in a fish tank. i loved that thing :) especially because it bit my moms boy friend... twice haha. but it died one winter from pnemonia (i am not sure if thats how its spelled... i did my best haha)
and yea i know.. its almost hard to believe that this time next year we will probably be on our own O_O.. wow that really just hit me, like now haha
Last edited by dusktilldawn713 at 12:59:29 PM CDT on August 24, 2011.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/24/11 | Reply
oh i know those fish, for some reason they're sold in plastic cups here (you know, the transparent ones with the detachable flat round top with a hole you poke a straw in). i think they're blue or red or sometimes black (that's kind of a rare color). we used to have those but they never really lived long since they always bullied other fishes. my brother liked to put it in front of a mirror and then it would think that there was another fighting fish and its gills would expand and it would start looking all angry =D.
i've kept guppies too, but they didn't live long either since they kept jumping out of the aquarium (our aquarium didn't have a cover back then).
i suddenly realized that this was my last summer as a teenager = = i feel old....= =
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/24/11 | Reply
yea, but in my defense i was like 6 when i had all those gold fish lolz
i love gold fish the most though because they are so easy to take care of lolz
i used to have those beta fish or what ever they are called, the fighting ones, they were pretty easy to take care of. we used to have them in those vases with the plants on top where the roots of the plant would hang down into the water, they were fine as long as they didnt get entangled in the vines. but those ones were really pretty too.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/24/11 | Reply
fish are kinda sensitive to climate change, so when it's too hot or too cold they'll just die, so...if you want to keep fish long-term, you might have to go to one of those special aquarium stores and get a thermostat and a motor that pumps bubbles. normally goldfish are pretty easy to keep (at least that's the case here) but you can't just tip them into their bowl and add tap water, they have to get used to it bit by bit (like: add some tap water into the plastic bag, then add a little more after an hour, and so on). i like the black ones and the really really red ones (the ones that look like carrots =)) ) and the white ones with a little red cap on their heads (they're called little Red Riding Hoods in aquariums here).
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/23/11 | Reply
haha yea, when i was little my dad always brought me home gold fish but they would always die about a week later :( but i used to love going to the section in the zoos with fish :) there ware always so many and they were all so pretty :D. i think my favorite kind of fish would be those black gold fish with the bug eyes XD i think they are sooo cute heheh
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/23/11 | Reply
nah, it was WAY too fast...guess it was still scared of someone trying to kill him. not a lot of people here seem to be fond of lizards =(
i love fish =)) there is a street about a forty minute drive away from where i live with that is lined with stores that sell different types of fish. it's completely lined with aquariums, so stores even sell real live coral and stingrays and clownfish. most places sell goldfish and carp and other weirdly-shaped or colored fish--there's this kind of fish called the parrot fish that looks just like a parrot and is a very distinct shade of hot pink =)) i started keeping fish when i was in first grade. i think that it was a project or something where everyone had to keep about five or six carp. anyway, i kept them after the project ended and asked the teacher for a few more. a lot of them lived for years, but there was only one left when i was in sixth grade and it died that summer =(( because the weather was too hot. fish are kind of stupid though, but they're really pretty to look at and they nibble on your finger if you stick it into the water
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/23/11 | Reply
thats awesome haha, i wonder where it could be too.. did you try and catch it at all??? i have a bad habit of picking up what ever animals i find :D i used to find turtles alot ive had 2 (one was this little tiny baby snapping turtle XD but it was so small it couldnt hurt any one, so i got to keep it for a few years until i moved and then we let it loose in the pond thing behind the house.)
at the moment im trying to figure out if i can have a fish though. because my dad doesnt like animals so i cant have any but im wondering if i can convince him to let me get a fish since they dont make much of a mess. the only problem though would be where would i put it when and if i move in with leah, because she has 2 cats... and multiple dogs XD going to her house is like a party for me because i miss all the animals i used to have.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/23/11 | Reply
today i saw a lizard in my room. i thought it was a really skinny cockroach or a really fast centipede at first because it just flashed by. then my dad came in with a spray can, found the creature and told me that it was just a tiny lizard with its tail missing. and then i was like; NO!!PUT THAT SPRAY CAN AWAY!!!THAT LIZARD'S ALREADY ESCAPED DEATH ONCE!!! so that's what my dad did. wonder where it is now...=P
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/22/11 | Reply
haha yea, i have only heard of one place that POSSIBLY sells ramen in my area, and its still hours away if im right about where it should be.
but honestly... i dont think i could take a bath with those things foating around O_o i would feel like i was in a soup or something and about to get eaten (haha but that would be an AMAZING prank to pull on little kids haha if i ever end up having kids im deffinitely putting those in a bath with them and then telling them that they are in a soup and gonna get eaten... haha im gonna be a horrible parent... but then again i cant be as bad as my mom, she used to tell my brother and sister that they were gonna get sucked down the drain, and she is probably the reason i used to be afraid that the vacuum would eat me O_o)
i havent ever gotten too many wierd gifts from friends though.. mostly cards and little stuff, but i always keep all my gifts (unless its food then i eat it :D)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/22/11 | Reply
now i'm thinking how i'm going to survive in the States without ramen O_o. there are at least 5 ramen restaurants within a 15 minute walk from our apartment (the perks of living in the city), but i only ever go the one near to our school, since it makes UNBELIEVABLE ramen =)))) it would probably cost a little more than five dollars on your end, but after you finish your first bowl (don't drink all the soup!) you can go on adding noodles for free. =DDD
and yeah, it's awkward to talk to family about what i want, so i'm actually kind of glad they just give me the money and be done with it XP one of my friends elsie gives people the WEIRDEST GIFTS EVER. she bought a pack of bath salts (or something similar, anyway you drop it into the tub) that were shaped like Oden (a type of japanese food, see link). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Yataioden.jpg
can you seriously imagine being in the bath with those things floating around you??? = = she bought me a rather normal gift for my birthday: pens and a notebook from Italy and a fat, soft star she made. Then she gave my brother Kleenex printed like 100-dollar bills and stuffed a plastic Starbucks cup with miniscule red, pink and white pom-poms so it looked like it was filled with candy. Some of my friends aren't really knacky with their hands though...so mostly i'm the one making gifts, but i don't really mind, it's the thought that counts and the cards are always great =))))
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/22/11 | Reply
yea, its really hard to find real ramen here, so the only kind i have ever had is the pre-packaged and its deffintely one of my favorite foods :))
but i always like gifts from friends more than gifts from my parents, because my friends know me better and usually they dont buy me stuff they make me stuff instead and i like that even more just because, its always better, its something that no one else has and its priceless :) but usually i get money from my parents and family too, unless there is something they can figure out that i want that they can buy me, which they usually dont, because im not much of a talker when it comes to my family.. i find it really awkward to actually "talk" to them about things.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/22/11 | Reply
i like soup, but that might be because soup in taiwan isn't always thick and gluey (our school makes that kind of soup and it tastes like....salty custard with bacon that's so solid it can't even DRIP off the spoon. ick). soup in taiwan is mostly like different types of broth, not the gooey stuff. my brother's favorite food is soup though...because he claims to be too lazy to chew = =. i like ramen (real ramen, although ialso like the prepackaged version). and well...prepackaged ramen is practically a part of Taiwanese culture. there is NO household in taiwan who doesn't have a pack of the stuff (health food addicts aside). i have at least three or four types at home...everyone eats packaged ramen here =)). i even have it sometimes for breakfast.
my family's not big on birthday cakes, my parents just give my brother and i a wad of cash and tell us to get whatever we like, so i don't really look forward to gifts from them =P i look forward more to gifts from friends =))) they're always surprising.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/21/11 | Reply
yea, sometimes i wonder if my school knows what climate control is, its always practically freezing in all except a couple rooms that get heat once in a while in winter time, its like musical chairs only instead with heat in class rooms lolz.
but i didnt do much, got a new camera :D and then went out to eat at outback steak house, the food was really good, except for my dad got french onion soup (ick in my opinion, although its not as bad as most soup... i really dislike soup lolz, well except for ramen noodles, but i only ever eat the noodles so i dont consider it soup haha) but it came late, and it wasnt warm so he complained and got free soup, but also they gave him extra soup to take home...
but over all it was really good, i didnt get to go see any of my friends but it wasnt too big of a deal, the way i see it, it's just a day, i doesnt mean the next time i see them i cant demand a birthday cake haha, not that i would, unless it's leah, because we actually still need to make a birthday cake for no reason any way.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/21/11 | Reply
yeah, because of the humid climate here i had this MAJOR problem with frizz a couple years back. the humidity here was enough to make my ponytail frizz so much it looked more like a cauliflower ( of course, that wasn't helped by the fact that i kept combing it because ithought it would be less frizzy. boy, was i wrong =P)yeah and i learned that the worst thing you can do to curly hair is to straighten it without an iron--it never works, and it looks REALLY weird (there was this once when i tried it and i went to school with the ends of my hair pointing ever which way. i looked like i had lopsided hair extensions). it still gets cold here in winter though, so a lot of people here have electric heaters, but definitely not central heating.
what did you do for your birthday?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/21/11 | Reply
yea my hands get SUPER dry in the winter time XP i super hate it lolz, because no matter what i do, my hands would be sooo dry. but it didnt help that i had electric heat, which is super dry xp. right before storms it always gets super humid over here, and then my hair curls and i yell at it (not that i really care, its the weather, so what if my hair freaks out because of it,) but i yell at it because it NEVER curls when i try to curl it (or when my friend dillon sits there for HOURS trying to curl my hair for prom... unsuccessfully haha). im usually not the type that is over worried about my hair all the time, usually it isnt overly... troublesome either, well unless im trying to cut it. i swear there isnt a person on earth who can successfully cut my hair.. well maybe but i never go to a proffesional so, that is probably the reason i always have issues.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/21/11 | Reply
yup, it rained today AGAIN...but at least it didn't rain yesterday or the day before....last week was literally FILLED with thunderstorms, really really big ones too. there are perks about a humid climate though, not a lot of people get chapped skin in winter
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/20/11 | Reply
yea, summer sucks without some kind of temoerature control, its really humid in taiwan right???
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/20/11 | Reply
i've never actually tried a jalapeno....although i remember times when my brother and i swallowed this powder ground from chili seeds. it was very....interesting XDD
i had to go to this math competition yesterday and it was SO hot and we didn't have any air conditioning. >:( well, hope it'll be better today......=P can't stand summers in taiwan without air conditioning
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/20/11 | Reply
hahaha awesome, this past year in my spanish class we dared eachother to eat jalepenos out of the jar... it was amazing but i had to run to the water fountain and it brought tears to my eyes haha
we were gonna try and get my friend kenny to drink the juice but the teacher wouldnt let us
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/20/11 | Reply
my mom originally used to tell my brother and i to eat more...until we started eating so much my brother would always get sick =PPP
i love thai food, which basically has a lot of lemon and chillies in it =DD there was this guy in our class who couldn't stand the SLIGHTEST bit of spicy food....and of course we loved pranking him on that.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
i love buffets but i cant go to them too often because i always over eat, usually not by choice though, my mom would always tell me to eat as much as possible "so we can get our money's worth" =_=
but yea, i like spicy food, i usually dont eat alot of it, but i LOVE jalepeno pepper poppers :D spicy stuff is pretty tasty :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
O.o i never knew we chatted this much....
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
most buffets like that in Taiwan are probably in hotels. i remember this chain of Yakiniku (Japanese barbecue) stores in Taiwan, they had the most amazing courses (no it's not a buffet, i'm just hungry =P) that started with some kind of roll, with lettuce on the outside and shrimp salada and apples inside, the second course would be this amazing tomato soup (actually my favorite part of the entire course), then there would be lemon/cranberry sorbet and then the grilled meat and vegetables. after that there would be soup again(vegetables and mushrooms) and then dessert =DDDDDD there are a lot of thai food buffets here for some reason....do you like spicy food?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
oh and just something random i noticed... there are now 130 comments on this O_o
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
haha your making me hungry too lolz... but they probably get to eat so well since they dont get to eat too well up in space.. or, atleast thats my theory lolz.
ooo, a good buffet, that you should try whenever you come to the states is golden coral... AMAZING food. they have the best buffet i have ever seen, because its not just one!!! they have a buffet bar thingy for steak and salad and just tons of different food... and they have this awesome dessert bar... i make myself sick everytime i go there because i eat so much :D
last time i went there was like a year ago though... but now i have made myself even more hungry... :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
i was at houston at the NASA museum and since i had classes in there we got to eat the same things workers there ate. i have to admit, astronauts and mission controllers have really, really good stuff to eat =)))) a buffet with all kinds of things (i'm hungry just thinking about it =P)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
i agree with you on the tofu stuff... people go nuts with it, do they not remember that we have survived for millenia on NATURAL things.
ive actually never had a veggie burger though
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
i don't mind spinach, but i HATE tofu. who said asians had to like tofu anyway....= = you know they actually make veggie sausages out of tofu here??? it's the most disgusting thing ever invented. people here seem to think that veggie stuff NEEDS to be made out of tofu. i went to Houston once and had a veggie burger that tasted great with spices and herbs and stuff like that. wish veggie stuff here could be like that......and sausages really don't go with milk =P i kinda think they go with juice, apple or orange juice. i think waffles or french toast would be fine though XDDD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
hmmm, i didnt know about the tofu thing either... im glad i dont eat it haha... but its not like i eat spinach either :D guess thats one thing i dont have to worry too much about...
and i dont usually eat yogurt either... but i do drink alot of milk, and i love italian sausage... which is a type of sausage i guess, so hopefully i dont have to worry bout too much of that :D especially because i usually dont drink milk when i eat sausage xp... in my opinion some things just dont go together.
im not too up to date on the whole "things different foods cause" any more there are so many things that cause illness i cant keep track heheh..
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
milk is fine but yoghurt is not, i think it's because some of the fermented stuff in yoghurt, anyway it reacts with something in the sausages. it's obviously not a well known fact though....= =
did you know that spinach can't be eaten with tofu too? apparently the acid in the veggies make stuff in the tofu condense and it causes kidney stones = = well that's what our bio teacher said =PP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
THAT LOOKS SOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!! haha i so wanna try that now..
but that is strange... sounds like some one is trying to cause some cancer heheh, just kidding, but you would think they would know... then again most people just dont care. hmmm... im not sure but what is lactic acid drinks... it sounds like milk products..
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
check it out =)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdF_6bteMLc although i think they might've programmed it instead of actually doing it....still cool though.
random fact: did you know that sausages can't be eaten with lactic acid drinks? something inside the sausage (i think some kind of salt used for preservation) and the lactic acid can react to cause poisonous stuff that'll eventually cause cancer. Well our entire class was laughing at yesterday's menu because they sent up BOTH sausages and lactic acid drinks in the same meal.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
ive never heard of that game before but you probably could pull it off since people usually stay after school till dark anyway. most kids dont stay after school that late unless there is somthing going on like a home sports game or a play or something. and even then alot of them leave and then come back, well unless they ride the bus home and are hanging out with some one who also doesnt live in town, then there will be a few groups of kids who are walking around the school doing nothing :) haha it would be fun to get a bunch of the people who do nothing during the foot ball games to do the light thing during the middle of a game and freak people out :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
im wondering if we're supposed to draw a really tiny pic = = well i think i'll ask the creator later.
there was this one video i saw before, don't know if it was a senior prank or not. anyway the students of this school were there at night, and you know that game where a little dot of light appears and you try to swallow it (is it called Snake or something?). well they played that game with the windows of the classrooms, turning the classroom lights on and off so it was like an enormous game of whatever it's called. it was incredible and you could see it from a long long way off. wonder if we could pull that off, since students at our school stay at school until it's dark out.
if we painted the room so it could be washed off then it wouldn't be so bad then...i'm thinking white since our classroom walls are white. =)))
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/17/11 | Reply
i probably would never dye my hair hot pink but i would like to dye it some strange color sometime, just for fun.
but painting an entire classroom one color would be AWESOME!!! :D... but i think any one who did that would probably be arrested for vandalism... well atleast over here :/ doing that would probably be the best expirience of my life though haha if i could do it :D
im not sure about what they mean by the avatar thing though, i saw that challenge too and read through it but i had NO idea what they meant by it. i would think it would be the the little pic on the portfolio but alot of people have pics from actual anime so i dont know how that would work...
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/17/11 | Reply
there aren't many people who dye their hair a very different color here. they're always dyeing their hair a light brown or a light-reddish brown. occasionally you do see something that can be actually called blond, and sometimes there are people who dyed their hair hot pink =PP not that i would want to
the funny thing about pranks here in our school is that pranks are usually done on the good teachers, not the super nice walkover ones but the ones that people really like. we have a lot of daily pranks though, like for some time there was this running gag with the math teacher where we would leave a smudge of chalk right untder a loose metal-clip thingy that made a very loud bang when it crashed down. random prank i thought of: whatwould happen if i painted a classroom one color? i mean everything except the ceiling, all...maybe hot pink or lime green would be nice. that would be a shocker XD
I got invited to a challenge called 'Avas'. what does it mean to draw my own ava? i don't even really know what an avatar is... i thought it was the little pic on your porfolio O_o mind explaining to me?
Last edited by Blaze023 at 5:54:25 PM CDT on August 17, 2011.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/17/11 | Reply
yea i get what you mean, certian groups of kids will copy eachother just to "fit in" and they all end up looking alike. it gets kind of annoying too, when i decide when i decided i wanted to bleach my hair so it was a lighter blonde (whick i never got the chance to) right after i said that i wanted to do that, about 10 people did it... =_= i learned my lesson that if i want to do something i cant tell anyone about it first.. haha but usually there is still always difference, i guess that is the good thing about the states, every one and everything is different.
haha last year at summer school a mouse came into my class in the middle of our final, one of the kids tried to smoosh it and i started yelling at him (cause i didnt want him to kill it and i didnt want to see guts..).. the teacher wasnt too happy :)
im not sure if alot of people are afraid of reptiles, i dont think that most are but i know a few who are afraid of them.
and no, i dont hear of alot of actually good senior pranks... this past year i dont even know what they did, or the year before that. and freshman year i know the kids at the school i had been going to wrote thier grad. year all over the outside of the school... in chalk, so it washed right off.. nothing memorable. but i think the senior prank for this year is going to be awesome, we have some of the BEST goof balls in my grad class, and a majority of them arent afraid to get in trouble so it will deffinetly be good, at least if i can help it :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/17/11 | Reply
random thought: one of the things i think would be interesting if i went abroad was that people seem to look so different in the States. i mean, in a class you might be able to see brunettes, blondes, redheads, and so on, with different hairstyles. here, there are practically only three hairstyles: the ponytail, the bob, and the untied hair, and all of them are straight and dark brown. everyone's eyes are the same color here too: dark brown. It's boring =P
oh yeah, i've heard about senior pranks from my cousin. she goes to an american school, and she said that one year the seniors all set their alarm clocks and watches to some time in the middle of a class. (this makes me think of another practical joke. yesterday one of my friends was timing us on a few math problems, and he set the timer to 'bark' instead of 'beep'. Everyone jumped XDDDD) i like the animals idea. i wonder what my homeroom teacher would do if a mouse came scampering into the room =))))) and of course lizards would freak out another load of people...are a lot of people at your school scared of reptiles and insects? sadly, our school doesn't allow 'disfiguring' the walls =((( i would've loved to do that*sigh* are there any really good senior pranks you've heard of?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/17/11 | Reply
well im seriously not sure how people confuse us, im 5'4" and she's between 5' and 5'2" (so not really several inches, but im kinda just guessing, she might be shorter.) we do both have sorta the same hair lenghth, i have short, slightly wavy (sometimes its curly, it was when i was younger too, but now its just..... not really wavy but deffinetly not sraight, i usually straighten it though in the morning if i have time.) and she has short hair thats naturally blonde, but she always dyes it different colors, like blue, red, purple, black, and usually between colors its a really light blonde. we dont even have the same eye color. so basically the only things that we have in common is hair length and personality.
our school walls arent really bare though, teachers are always hanging stuff up on the walls in the hallways, and in a few places there are show cases where art work is put, and senior show cases (where seniors put a bunch of pictures from all through their lives... sadly when and if i do this, i will only have pictures from the last year or two.. i have NO baby pictures any more, they are all with my mom and i dont really know how i could get some of them)
i think it would be absolutely amazing to paint the walls though, they do, do these senior murals that are on the wall, but its just a picture that the seniors have decided to put up and the best artists in the senior class paint it and it includes all the names of the senior class of that year. but i think that we SHOULD be able to paint the walls :) heheh, and luckily i have no uniform but i would deffinetly deystroy it in some way if i did have one though lolz. but for a senior prank im seriously thinking we are going to let animals loose in the school or something O_o i brought it up sophmore year and everyone i talk to about it says it would be awesome to do that... if we could get around the animal cruelty laws and stuff.. (even though this year the agriculture teacher had a chinchilla get out..)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/17/11 | Reply
i haven't been mistaken for anyone in my entire life, mostly because of my hair. in taiwan most people have hair that's either completely straight or just slightly kinky (tusually hey perm their hair straight if it's like that). i have naturally wavy hair that used to be curly but somehow got wavy =)(not that i mind). oh yeah, and i'm a very small person, around five-three or so and i weigh less than 100 pounds, so people notice me pretty quickly (like: who's that midget over there? =PPP). and wow a several inch height difference, how can people even confuse you two??
we don't really have goody two shoes here, most are too afraid that they'll get glared at if they do something, so they usually go with the flow and suck up to the teachers later.
One of my dreams is to spray-paint the school walls with....i haven't thought much about it yet. OUr school walls are all white and bare, you don't see stuff tacked to the outside of classroom, so it's a RREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLY tempting canvas. another thing i want to do when i graduate is to dye my school uniform into.....maybe hot pink would be a good choice *evil grin*. we have lockers, but mostly they're just stuffed with books and nothing else. our desks though are covered with pencil drawings (our school goes on and on about the 'no wrecking' rule too) and stickers and post-it notes.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/16/11 | Reply
haha yea i get called taylor all the time on accident because people say i look like my friend taylor... even though we look nothing alike, have a several inch hieght difference, and she always has crazy hair colors... im thinking it must just be a personality thing because her and i have similar personalities... other than that though i have no clue how people could mistake me for her lolz. but its hilarious when there is a new substitute teacher that has no clue who is who and so kids will pretend to be different kids, or if we just keep telling them that the attendance sheet is for the wrong class :)) (which would be the advantage of switching classes) sucky part though is when there is a goody two shoes who ruins it and tells the sub who's who and that everyone is lying, then everyone gets yelled at and lectured for goofing off the next day when the teacher is back.
i really wish i could just keep my stuff in a desk, we did in elementary school but if we ever drew on them or any thing more than maybe taping stuff to them we would get in trouble. we can sorta customize out lockers though, but its the same thing, they have to be in the same condition that they started in by the end of the year or you get fined or something, im not sure though. i was super jelous though because the year before last the middle schooler got to paint their locker doors and take them home because the section they were in was being tore down.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/16/11 | Reply
yeah, when it comes to picking seat the first row is ALWAYS empty. No one wants the teacher glaring down at them XDDD
there were this two guys in my class that looked a lot alike. they had the same hair , same build, and same skin tone. ANyway once they traded glasses and seats and half teh class got confused. i only managed to identify each of them because one of a more smiley guy than the other. if it's not a new teacher a lot of people switch seats, since the teacher isn't going to call names from the seating chart but call names from memory. But it hard to switch seats permanently though--we don't run to classes like you do--we have only one classroom, our homeroom classroom, so everyone has their own desk and most people have their stuff inside. a lot of people 'customize' their desks by sticking stuff on it (when we switch seats we move the tables and chairs around too, so everyone keeps their own desk to the end of the semester). one of my friends draws on her desk, like REALLY large anime pics =)
i think the goofing off is part of the reason why we have to switch seats so many times, because it always goes like this: find seat --> find person -->if it's a friend then goof around, if it's not a friend then become friends and goof around =))
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/16/11 | Reply
haha yea i did the seat thing when we didnt have assign seats in chemistry and a new girl was in my class and since i was ALWAYS late she took my seat, she didnt know though.. but i still had to move to a different seat =_=... i didnt mind except for the fact that i was now sitting directly in front of the teacher's desk.
its hilarious how in the classes we dont have assigned seating in, everyone always sits in the same spot and if some one else sits there someone always throws a fit... well except for me because it doesnt bother me, and i like being able to actually say, "we dont have assigned seating, so how am i in 'your' seat." when i decide to change seats.
but we usually do have assigned seats in a way, because after a couple days or a week or something the teacher expects us to sit there and gets really confused and annoyed when we move, but we usually get to pick our own seats, unless its a pain in the butt class and everyone always goofs off, then the teacher moves everyone.. and everyone either still messes around or after a day or so everyone just moves any way.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/16/11 | Reply
our school rearranges seating charts a few times per semester, and each time after my seat was switched i would get confused. like: *sleepwalks into class and walks towards seat* okay, there's my seat....HUH????THERE'S SOMEBODY IN MY SEAT!!! *remembers the seat change* oh, right....O_o *sweatdrops*
when teachers make me run errands like: 'go down to the academic affairs office and tell ms. lee (there isn't actually a ms. lee, it's just an example =P) that we need a stack of the paper you note down scores on' i run to the office and then i go: is ms...eh *forgot* here? since our school makes teachers come to our classrooms, we don't have the classroom changing problems though. and i agree that the most frustrating thing of all is trailing off midway. i hate it when you know you were going to say something really funny or really interesting ......and then you forgot =P
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/15/11 | Reply
haha ill space out and walk into the wrong class room... or the right class room at the wrong time lolz i absolutely hate it when i actually show up on time for class and the teacher asks me what im doing there and then i realize what ive done and end up being late any way. then there will be the times where ill just walk around the school because i cant remember where im supposed to be (well i know where im supposed to be usually but most of the time that happens when the teacher sends me to do something, ill get distracted and forget what i was doing) the worst though i think is when im in the middle of a sentence and completely blank out because i forgot where i was going with what i was saying, or if im saying the name of something and ALMOST have it, but cant quite remember what it was...
i have a pretty good memory in general though, if i remember something, it stays there, usually... i think the most embarassing time that ive ever had where my memory failed me, i walked into my summer school study hall last year and asked the global teacher what the name of the american war between north and south was... and a kid who had probably failed 3 times remembered right away that it was the american civil war, haha i felt sooo stupid, and the teacher just kinda looked at me like i was nuts (which i kinda am... if you ask most of my friends)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/15/11 | Reply
i'm mostly good at logic and short-term memory, you know, when words or pictures flash in front of you and you memorize them (it kind of explains my thing about phone numbers). the school one was an official iq test, but i've take online ones though, and i'm guessing by the results that i'm between 130-140, or maybe just a bit above that (like: 141 or something) since i took the school one in eighth grade and scored 139. when i said finding errors i meant like two rows of numbers and letters mixed together (example: a587Q912 and a587O912) and you choose if they're different or not different. it sounds easy but you ahve to do it really fast.
i'm kinda lazy and have no idea what to do with my avatar so...=P never got one.
i get these brain-dead moments a lot. i walk down the hall to another class and i'm like: wait, where was i going to go? ( i stand there for a moment and then remember) or i talk and forgot what i'm talking about. =)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/15/11 | Reply
haha yea, im not sure why but my older brother had to take an iq test and it was over 140. i just took an online one (i know they arent very acurate but it gave me an idea on the area i was in) but i got over 120.... then i took it again and got over 140 because i had memorized it.. haha thats how un-acurate they are. but i realized something about them, alot of times you have to find patterns and stuff like number patterns and what shape fits where stuff. but really an iq test doesnt judge your book smarts (atleast its not supposed to) its supposed to be more for how good you are at problem solving and stuff.
i requested some avatars from TwinkLes. because the one i had, was the one i started with so i figured i should change it lolz...
... (i just had a major brain dead moment... i was gonna say something else.. but... now i cant remember hahaha).
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/15/11 | Reply
i have good grades, but i'm not genius-level in math or science or stuff. this intrigues me, as i've taken an iq test before (school's orders) and scored really high on it (although there was this kid that scored 147, i was like O_o). i guess i'm smart, just not in a generic way. i'm good at finding errors and stuff like that. and yeah, i agree having fun is lots more important than studying, since our junior high is so strict there's barely any room to have lots and lots of fun, so appreciate high school and the few years left before you start getting OLD =((((((
i have a couple of friends who hug me on sight too, so sometimes i don't know who they are and after they've latched onto me for a while i'll say: uh, step back a moment so i can see who you are? XDDDD
i like your new avatar, where's it from?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/14/11 | Reply
haha yea, i have some really smart friends... i actually could be considered "really smart" but im too lazy and like to have fun, but if i really applied myself i would probably be grouped with all the smarties since my iq is so high...
but yes.. thats exactly what i did... and then by the next time she saw me a few months later, she came completely out of no where and hugged me (by now i was used to being hugged) but i couldnt tell who she was because i couldnt see her face, so i just kinda stood there, then she realized i wanst going to hug her back so she looked at me and i pretty much freaked out because i had missed her, it was just hilarious because i just stood there like a dummy...
i never usually do many school related activities though so i dont usually meet many different people out side of my friend circles. at the start of the school year though i usually make new friends because of different classes and stuff.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/14/11 | Reply
i met most of my friends playing cards. a lot of guys in our class played cards and eventually, girls did too. and most of my friends, for some reason, are either math nerds or science geeks or both. i think only joy and tiffany weren't math nerds. i got closer to a couple more friends because of the SATs *sigh* (this is what happens when your school is so focused on grades and other crap). i'd certainly be freaked out if a complete stranger hugged me though, i'd probably cringe or something =PPP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/14/11 | Reply
hahaha yea, so many of my friendships start our so wierd.. with my friend taylor, it was because she gave me a piece of gum, with leah it was because we both hated the same person, and with my friend brittany it was because i guess taylor had told her alot about me and the very second she met me she hugged me... at the time i still had my no touchy rule so i was pretty freaked out that a random stranger hugged me, even though to her, i wasnt a stranger lolz.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/14/11 | Reply
i forgot a few more (cherries, blueberries, and raspberries) but i'm also pretty sure that they're not grown here. the rest, though, most are grown locally =)).
apparently, my friendship with elsie began since we were BOTH late to assembly and sat next together. normally we wouldn't have that chance since she's almost half a foot taller than i am, and we stand in rows with short people at one end and tall people at another. there was another of my friendships that started with playing cards, when this guy named kevin turned to me and asked: do you play bridge?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/14/11 | Reply
haha there were black squirrels and white ones, brown ones, and TONS of different ones, it was pretty awesome.
im not sure how she managed to start a conversation with pudding though... i think it had something to do with she really wanted some pudding. im not sure, haha but it was pretty awesome.
and that is A LOT of fruits. ive heard of quite afew of the ones you mentioned, but not all of them. im also not too sure on what ones are actually grown in the U.S.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/14/11 | Reply
all squirrels here are the same color--gray, although i think i've seen a tiny golden one...somewhere (probably in canada). back where i lived in canada we had a squirrel who lived in the tree in our front yard. i like fish for some reason. they always seem clean to me (because they're always in the water or something) and they're nice to look at, although they certainly are stupid.
the only processed fruit that i probably like would be peaches. i can't stand those cherries in the canned fruit syrup mixture. oh, and i like frozen fruit, but i don't count that as processed since....they're just frozen =PP i could live on fruits alone =), there are tons of fruits here (let me think: apples, pears, sand pears (it's a round, crunchy type of pear), mangoes, grapes, pineapples, guavas, lychees, durians, logans, bananas, plums, peaches, rambutans, dragonfruit, waxapples, strawberries, oranges, lemons, tomatoes, coconuts, papayas, watermelons, honeydews, kiwis...and there might be more but i can't remember anymore =)) )
how did you start a conversation with 'pudding'??
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/14/11 | Reply
well im not sure about the sparrows but i know pigeons are really easy to keep, ive had them before. but no, ive never seen a white sparrow. but ooo i have seen white squirrels... i love squirrels :D. when i was in Washington D.C. a long time ago i saw soooo many squirrels and pigeons, in sooo many different colors.
i love fruits too.. but for some reason i cant stand to eat fruits that have been processed. and if something looks wierd i refuse to eat it same goes for if it smells wierd. ive tried to get over it but no matter what it's SUPER hard for me to eat things that are deemed unfit by my nose and eyes.
but yes, pudding is... THE BEST hahaha, pudding is actually how my entired friendship started with my friend Cara. pudding was literally one of the first words she ever said to me.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/14/11 | Reply
WOW... O.o that is really, really small. there honestly aren't many really small birds here in Taiwan--all you see in Taipei are the aparrows and pigeons. are those birds hard to keep? random thought: have you seen a white sparrow? I saw one before in Canada. i'm pretty sure it was a sparrow because it hopped around among a bunch of sparrows but it was white with a pink beak and really cute.
i used to be a really, really picky eater...but i've definitely eaten a lot of weird stuff. there're lots of other foods in Taiwan that taste great though, like the fruits =))) (i love fruits). i think one of the weirdest things i've eaten (they tasted good eventually, but they were...weird) was a meal cooked by my classmates. ANyway we were camping on a school trip, and the the counselors there dumped a basket of prepackaged food on us and told us to start cooking. the basket contained eggs, frozen dumplings, meatballs, canned fish(forgot what kind of fish it was), veggies, random selections of vegetables, noodles, and other stuff. My classmated dumped everything into a pot (yes, including the fish)with the exception of the grapes and cooked the thing for an hour or so. it turned out to taste good, although it certainly looked very weird (think noodles floating with chunks of indistinguishable food). another time was when my dad realized that there was nothing left in the house except instant noodles, so he boiled them and then fried them up in the pan with soy sauce (luckily, my dad is a good cook. it tasted great). and i agree, i LOVE pudding too =))
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/13/11 | Reply
a button quail is SUPER tiny. about 1/3 of a regular quail. you could cover a new hatchling with a nickel. one time one of mine got out when my mom put the cage outside so they could get some sun. we were lucky to find it, it blended in with the grass REALLY well.
haha i probably would never survive in taiwan... im an EXTREMLY picky eater lolz but i agree, using sporks are much faster than chopsticks, but i still have food i love to eat with chop sticks when i get the chance :).
but the foil thing is probably true... people in prison get so desperate they will use ANYTHING to make a weapon. there is a lot of stuff that they cant have. and when they get mail the cops always open it and have drug dogs sniff it because people put drugs in a powder form in there... its really freaky. i think i would die though if i couldnt have pudding i think i would die lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/13/11 | Reply
how large is a button quail?
you probably won't believe a lot of the stuff we have to eat here. there are eggs marinated in some kind of sauce so they turn transparent brown on the outside and green on the inside, sauce made from fermented fish or shrimp, chili sauce that's pink (i have no idea why either), and other weird things.
you know a lot of people use sporks around here, for the sake of convenience. usually our eating utensils are the chopsticks and the spoon. chopsticks are to pick up the smaller bits of food but if you ate with just chopsticks it would certainly take longer than if you ate with a spoon. then came the spork....and people could spear bits of food with the fork end and still use the spoon part to eat faster.
i've heard that in american prisons prepackaged foods like pudding are contraband, since they think that some inmates might save the foil from the packaging and turn it into a weapon. don't know if it's true or not though...
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/13/11 | Reply
hmmm those eggs dont sound like something i would eat... im not a fan of off colored things lolz.. but quail eggs i have seen lolz they are soooo cute when they are babies, i used to have button quail... even tinier XD but they are really hard to keep because they can squeeze through almost any thing and die easily, the bigger ones are easier to keep... but ive never eaten a quail egg...
and a spork is a combination fork and spoon... basically its a spoon with tiny tines on the end. i think they originally came from the prisons because they couldnt trust cell mates with forks but they needed forks, so they came up with sporks to limit the ehh... stabbing risk... but im not sure, but i know that they do use them in prisons... you have no clue the imaginations some of those cell mates have lolz, my moms bf was in jail once for a dui thing, nothing major just some unpaid fines, well there was this big guy that was always picking on this little guy, and one night the little guy was just sitting there sharpening pencils and the big guy went to pick on him and the little guy freaked out and was running around trying to stab the big guy in the temple with a sharpened pencil, screaming "im going to kill you!!!" and stuff like that, i guess he stabbed a gauard in the leg with one i think while they were restraining him... scary stuff lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/13/11 | Reply
the eggs taste exactly like normal ones (just with a soy sauce flavor, which isn't a bad thing), but instead of being white and yellow they're dark brown on the outisde, light brown on the inside of the whites, and the yolk's the same. i wonder what you would think of the quail eggs....they're the same but smaller.
our school term. usually ends on 6/30. the last three days are invariably exam days. =((
what are sporks??
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/13/11 | Reply
haha yea, i miss the snack shop at my old school it had tons of stuff, poptarts, ice cream, granola bars, ice tea. but i possibly might actully getting one at the school im at now since they remodeled the cafeteria, i think someone mentioned one, but im not sure. (haha i love the waffle song XD)
and i have never heard of eggs being pre-packaged in such a way O_o... strange. i know over here we have that egg beat stuff thats really gross from what i hear... but those whole pre-packaged eggs intruige me... reminds me of the metal sporks that i was told of this morning XD haha... i <3 sporks.... dunno why but just do lolz, i think its the name... its so amusing to say :)
i know school starts sometime in the begging of september here in NY, but down in PA it starts at the end of august, im pretty sure the further south you are the earlier it starts, but also the sooner it gets out. NY didnt completely get out till the end of June, but that was mostly regents testing, classes got out June 15th or something.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/13/11 | Reply
our school has two of those snack shops. one is at the first basement, next the cafeteria and sells toast and waffles and bagels with different spreads (chocolate, butter, strawberry jam, garlic, cream, cheese,and peanut butter. and i'm thinking of the waffle song now..... = =). it also sells tea and coffee and stuff like that, which is kind of cool since we can always get sandwiches or something there if the cafeteria food sucks. the other shop is just upstairs. Both of the stores sell a lot of pre-packaged foods, like ice cream, pudding, drinks, and basically junk food. Random thought: did you know that eggs get prepackaged too here? i mean whole eggs that you can eat after ripping off the plastic wrapping. they cook it in some kind of soy sauce so that it doesn't spoil.
our nex schedule is out now. we only have a couple of periods of chem and physics per week, so it kind of sucks since i like being busy and now all we do at school is mope. school for us starts at the first of september, if i remember correctly (i might not =PPP)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/12/11 | Reply
wowz, i would flip out if a teacher did that to me too. very ridiculous. i dont have a snack shop at my school though, but at one of the ones i used to go to we did, it was hardly ever open between classes though, but there were so many lunch periods that you could go in during one of them and get whatever you want. its pretty awesome though because where i go now, every once in a while if a student is on the good side of the principal they can ask to order pizza for lunch, but i think if they do that they have to share it with a class or with the teachers or something.
kinda sucks though that you have to do almost the same thing more than one day in a row... school doesnt start for me till i think the 5th of september.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/12/11 | Reply
i spent an entire day doing the exact same things i did yesterday, only there was math in place of English yesterday. a couple of good things about moving to our new class is that it's very close to the school shop and we can always get snacks to eat there without returning to class late. the second thing is that we get to leave our old homeroom teacher behind. she's a very....forceful and very illogical. both my dad, my brother, my friend jack, and jack's mom are furious at her now because of her attitude. my brother got into trouble for sneaking outside for dinner (we're supposed to eat inside school). since the teacher couldn't find any proof that they had entered the schoolfrom the front doors, she assumed that they had climbed the walls (actually, my brother and jack had entered from the back) and reported them and insisted on calling my parents and exaggerating the entire incident. instead, she pissed off four people = =
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/11/11 | Reply
thats an awesome day XD lolz, but it sucks that you are being seperated from the rest of your class mates... i wish my school day was like that... well atleast when i have school.. but if i think about it, it kinda usually was that way lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/11/11 | Reply
because the people in our class (most of them) are going to take the BIG EXAM and the school seems to think that we're disturbing them since we're lazing around. it's true though: (schedule of the day: go to class with my new ENglish teacher, return to our new classroom, chat with friends, go and get food from the vending machines, eat, chat with friends, play games on electronic dictionaries, go upstairs for class again, then leave school = =) =PP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/11/11 | Reply
that super sucks!!! why do they have your group in a different building???
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/11/11 | Reply
today i got a really, really unpleasant surprise. my brother, a friend named Jack, and I were sitting outside of our classroom at the balcony and studying. Then the dean came over and said: why are you all still here???? we were like: HUH????? turns out that we were supposed to 'relocate' to the other building, the one called the Bilingual Department because we were people in the going-abroad group. the dean acted like we should be thrilled to be in a different class, with our own classroom and new teachers. Not. i miss my old class...= =
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
haha yea that is sort of confusing on why your dad does that, but atleast you get to go to some pretty interesting places.
a tater head is just one of my many ways of calling someone stupid. you know how people who have been in bad accidents and stuff usually no longer have use of their brain and some people call them "vegtables"??? basically by calling some one tater head you are inferring that they no longer have use of their brain, since a potato is a vegtabel... i think (i know that its actually a starch but im pretty sure its still considered a vegtable).
any ways, its just one way to call someone stupid XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
i've roomed with a lot of different people before on trips starting from when i was in eighth grade. i went to austria and czech for a choir competition, and i roomed with a friend i had known for a couple of years. you know one of those friends you can't stop arguing with? well, she was one of them, our personalities were too similar and we clashed all through those two weeks, from everything including habits and food and other random stuff. THe second time was when i went to Shanghai the year after that for another choir performance. i roomed with a girl a couple of years younger than me. i knew her for a year or so already, but she was younger and *evil grin* fun to tease and bully. =DDD then i went to houston and i roomed with a complete stranger, although we got to be good friends after that. when our class took a trip to beijing a while later i roomed with joy = =, whch turned out kind of interesting since we have totally different personalities. i roomed with three total strangers again this summer...at a camp that lasted four days. Glad it's going well at your end though, rooming with friends is fun =)) (and no, i don't get why my dad lets me out of the country four two weeks+ and share a room with 1 or 3 complete strangers but doesn't let me go to sleepovers. sucks =(( )
What is a tater head anyway?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
haha sounds like you're friend does have a bit of an imagination lolz but hey thats good right XD
but i might be rooming with a friend so that i can stay in the school ive been in instead of transferring for my senior year. im hoping it all works out because it be amazing!!! XD and i dont like my dad all that well and this way i will have to spend even less time with him, basically if i move in with leah it would be the best thing ever, since leah and i get along really well and she doesnt get on my nerves too much (even though she is 2 or more years younger than me) and it would probably really make atleast one person mad XD (well for a while atleast. travis is being a tater head and is mad a both me AND leah.. atleast we think he's mad at leah too, we know he's mad at me XD but he will get over being mad at leah really fast and since she is "one of his best friends" [if you ask me he is a bit of a flake since he is possibly mad at her for siding with me, but i know she is important to him] but it would make him super mad if i live with her since he kinda hates me at the moment xp) its going really well so far, in fact leah's parents want to talk it out with my dad and step mom, so basically they want to talk about how its all going to work out. if i get to move in with leah though... the day i find out would be THE single-most happiest day of my life so far (and thats saying something cause ive had some pretty amazing days XD)
it hasnt worked itself all out yet, but im hoping it does. it was kinda funny though when leah first asked her mom, because her mom said it would take alot of thinking since it wasnt like she was asking for a puppy XD, i was suuuuper tempted to say "well yea kinda it is because im very puppy like" :D (true though, alot of people describe me like a puppy.. i dont know why but im guessing because despite my slight destructiveness, people love me any way XD)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
one of my friends is in the process of writing thsi RPG novel, where the characters are members of our class. sometimes, her imagine runs wild though....see below example =P
joy: You're in my story, and you're going to be a ranger.
Me: ....okay. what do i look like?
joy: you're going to have red hair and greenish-yellow eyes. (in reality, i have dark brown hair and eyes).
joy: i want you to dress like you picked random clothes out of the bin.
joy: or maybe i should let you wear black leather.
Me: *thinking* HELL NO.
joy: yes, probably black leather.
Me: who's going to do the drawings?
joy: you, of course.
Me: Then i'll drawn whatever i want to wear *evil grin*
joy *turns to elsie*: all right, whatever. elsie, you're inside my story too, you're half-fairy and you're 76 years old
elsie: what????i want to be 114 years old!!!
joy: all right....*notes it down* 114 years old. have i mentioned that you'll be wearing a green or brown miniskirt in the story?
elsie: O.o
and yeah i know about the 'making me feel uncomfortable pastime', my friends seem to enjoy doing that a lot too, since i'm usually imperturbable. =)
just curious, but why are you rooming with a friend? don't you live with your dad?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/09/11 | Reply
hahaha yea, if i played that game and that happened i would probably tackle the traitor lolz does sound like fun, especially the after part of chasing people XD
but yea, every chance they get my friends do SOMETHING to me. im actually kind of fearing moving in with my friend leah xp she would make me look like a hooker every chance she'd get XD but i love her so i would forgive her but i would still be dressed in short shorts so i would probably atleast attempt to murder her. but i know how you feel with the dresses thing, fortunately its not too often that im forced into a dress, but im sure if someone had an "everyday dress" (i dont even want to know why some one would wear a dress everyday) they would probably force me into just to make me uncomfortable (seems to be everyone's favorite pass time XP, fortunately its not too easy any more since i had to pretty much DEYSTROY my entire comfort zone =_= everyone decided to ignore my no touchy rule)
im not really sure what those worlds are like though, this one by neko moonshine is the first one ive joined and it hasnt really started yet so im not quite sure of the finer points of it :]
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/09/11 | Reply
when that game ends the conversation mainly sounds like:
"Why did the evil side win this time anyway??"
"Cause I was the assassin?"
"...you a**."
"w-what?? he's the traitor?? i can't believe it!"
"Yep, he was the traitor. " *starts chasing whoever is the traitor around the school* 'TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!" xp
i wouldn't have the guts to let my friends put me in what their wanted. Elsie would probably dress me in a sack of cloth (well the truth is i have no idea what she'd dress me in) and joy would dress me so i looked like a hooker and most of my other friends would probably pick a pastel-colored dress for me or something (pastel colors run rampant here in Taipei), the horror of it =PP
what are those worlds like anyway?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/09/11 | Reply
haha yea, probably a good idea to stop thinking about that color >_< icky xp
haha yea, sara is shorter than me though, and im pretty much the same as her when it comes to the whole dresses thing, (but sometimes i wonder how the other half feels, so i allow myself to be turned into a doll and let other people have fun with putting me in whatever they want... sometimes its not willingly, ok yea a majority of the time i just let them think its willingly, i no longer find any point in saying no, then begging them not to when they insist.. they usually just do it any way)
well i was talking about role playing lolz but i meant the RP worlds that are all over here (i have someone on here that made one recently and i offered to let people know about it) but that game does sound really fun, ive never actually done a real live role play thing though (never actually participated in a RP world either but i figured id give it a try since i do nothing all day xp) but over here there are people who do the whole mystery role playing thing too
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/09/11 | Reply
it's the color of the box i put my retainer in...i hate it and usually just wrap the damn thing in tissues so i don't have to see the box (its hidden far far back in my desk). it kinda makes me think of medicine---wonder why other in-between colors don't look so disgusting....i need to stop thinking about that color = =
in junior high at our school we have different classes for guys and girls--girls on one end of the hallway and guys on another. so there really wasn't much dancing at junior prom, just a bunch of girls standing there looking pretty and some guys with their hair standing straight up with hair gel walking around. the rest of the people (including me) just ran amok, bingeing on the different food there. (junior prom at school isn't usually like this, it's just that there were probably these really wealthy parents and they rented a swanky ballroom in a hotel or something) and the food was pretyy good, so we just walked around eating and drinking. there were performances too, but in all it was just....walking and eating and watching = =. your friend sara kind of makes me think of one of my best friends. she's named elsie and she claims to be my brother. she's also about half a foot taller than i am (okay, a little less than that, but you get the point =P)
by RP do you mean role-playing? well....there aren't many role-playing games here in Taiwan. I once played a RP on an university campus. there were people dressed up as Private Ryan, Rose in Titanic, Spongebob Squarepants, and other characters. we had to run around and get information from every person and solve riddles and stuff like that. That makes me think of a well-known game here (i don't know if it's role-playing, not =P). i'm not going to translate the name literally because it sounds too absurd.
Anyway, there are fourteen people who play this game, plus one host. Every person receives a card with a character on it: there are two assassins, one undercover, two policemen, one traitor, one necromancer, one forensic, one hitman, one recon, one Wendigo (a type of snow monster), and three civilians. Three people (assassins +traitor) are evil and three (policemen + undercover)are good. when either side loses all three members, the game ends. Each round starts with the host saying: NIght falls. Everybody, close your eyes. Assassins, please open your eyes. (the undercover is an assassin, but he works for the 'good' side. so the undercover's job is to convince another assassin that he's a real assassin). Assassins, please pick a victim. (they pick somebody) Assasins, please close your eyes. (they do). Policemen, please open your eyes. (the traitor is a policemen, but he works for the 'evil' side). Please pick a person you want to know the identity of. (they pick one, and the host motions to them if the person's a civilian or assassin (undercover counts as an assassin too)). Police, please close your eyes. (they do). Then...It's daybreak, everybody open their eyes.
The host will announce who the victim is. the vicitim is out of the game, and he or she has the choice to point a finger at somebody they think is the killer. The rest of the people vote on it, and the person with the highest votes 'dies'. Then it's 'nightfall' again....repeat instructions above xppp it's a seriously complicated game but it's really fun.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/08/11 | Reply
*jumps up and down pointing* THATS THE WORST PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ughh its like its almost hot pink and for a while it actually looks it and then you get it and you realize its the worst color ever!!! XP (haha sorry i can never remember what to call that color of pink and you described it perfectly xp lolz... i get a little over excited at times.)
well he showed up while we were taking pictures because he was "mowing some ones lawn on that street and decided to stop and say hi" yea just because he rode his lawn mower down doesnt mean he was mowing someones lawn -_-....
but that really sucks that you dont have and actual prom, its practiacally a right of passage over here. but we really dont do much, some schools really do go all out with decorations and stuff (this past year at prom... i kinda accidentally kept knocking over the decorations in the hall way.. it really was an accident but they were crappy to begin with so it wasnt my fault that they were deystroyed before prom really even started XD they shouldnt have put them in front of the closet any way XD haha) but really we all just dance, eat, and hang out. our food sucked this last year, and anyone who was allergic to seafood or garlic couldnt eat it!!! im not but i hate seafood so i ate rolls... it was a buffet but they closed it down too.. the food half was really sucky overall. but it was really fun, everyone (even those of us that despise dresses) gets all glammed up and hangs out pretty much. its hilarious to see my tomboy of a friend sara in a dress with glitter in her hair XD. the only reason i went though was because i didnt pay for ANYTHING. i got my friend kali's extra ticket, i was given the dress, and i got a ride from a friend. haha it was hilarious though because i had all my clothes with me for the weekend and i had changed into my jeans and a tank top under an opened button up shirt by about 2 or 3 hours into it all XD
random question, but do you ever RP???
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/08/11 | Reply
how did he show up there anyway???? i'm glad that pervy teacher at our school only came here last semester....i haven't yet met him out of school, which is a goood thing. random weird fact of my school that i remembered: our school's junior high has something like junior prom, but officially our high school doesn't hold prom.
what do people do at prom anyway?
i hate the shade of pink that's halfway between really pale rose pink and hot pink. i'm okay with hot pink too, since it's a bright color. my favorites probably would be red, yellow, and purple =))
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/08/11 | Reply
haha yea, same here, i only half pay attention, and read the situation, debating on how long it will be before i can ask for stuff again xp
im glad your new teacher is nice :D and its always nice to have someone different than a perv teaching you lolz but its worse seeing them outside of school xp ick, the pervy teacher at my school showed up at my friends house while we were taking pictures for prom... yea i was sooooo freaked out. XD
i dont have any really hated colors, but im deffinetly not a fan of the washed out ones either but if i had a least favorite one it would be some shade of pink.... ick i like hot pink though, hot pink is good. i love colors too haha i dont really have a favorite one but if i had to choose it would probably be purple... or green... or red... those are pretty much my top three but i think if i had to choose one it would most likely be purple XD.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/08/11 | Reply
yeah, i ignore lectures but my parents STILL give them. My usual strategy is to stare at the wall or whatever is behind their heads and tune them out and nod when i think it's appropriate or when they stop talking. (i think there were a few times i got into trouble when they said something along the lines of: you think this is fun, young lady?? and i nodded in response =PPPP) the crying thing works on my mom but not on my dad, he just gets annoyed....so all i do is nod to everything he says =PP. i'm not a fan of lectures either xp
i like my new teacher, he seemed kind of stern at the start of class (because i was late) but later turned out to be pretty nice. =)) it's a nice change from the perv.
random question: do you have any hated colors? i hate pastels, like pale pink and pale purple. they just seem so....washed out, to me. my clothes are either entirely black-and-white or black-and-white with a burst of color or just very colorful =PPPP hey i like colors. it goes without saying that my parents don't approve of my fashion choices either =PP my favorite color probably would be red.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/07/11 | Reply
haha yea i get the whole guy thing, ive done that one before too XD but we managed to pull the me staying with him thing easilt enough. his parents dont think that he would do anything while he is grounded and he pretended to be sick so he could stay in his room, and so i pretty much stayed in his room for 2 days straight, it was close a few times though becuase his dad was going to check him and his sisters rooms to make sure they were clean so i had to climb out the window and stand on the roof several times XD
your parents do sound super strict though, i never get too many speeches because i usually just ignore them any way (short attention span, cant pay attention XD) my trick when my mom and her boy friend were lecturing me (usually her boy friend did most of the talking and she would just stand there) i would cry like i felt super bad (usually i actually did) and he would feel bad and speed it up thinking i had learned my lesson XD heheh yea im not a fan of lectures.
there are i think 3 tiffany's at my school.. there are probably more but there are only 3 that i know of. there arent too many people with my name at my school, i actually cant think of any but there is someone in the younger grades probably.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/07/11 | Reply
yeah i know chinese, and you're right, i prefer using English. i don't read stuff in chinese a lot, since the words just kind of jump around in front of my eyes or squiggle around like worms and i can read through a page without having any idea what it's about. my everyday dialogue at school mostly consists of chinese, with a few words or sentences in english with most friends, english, with sentences or words in chinese with a couple of other friends. oh, and the occasional French word. i don't like french, it's totally annoying, but my parents....*sigh*
anyway i wouldn't be able to do that, since this one guy would definitely be annoyed if i went to another guy's house...you get the gist (obviously, my parents don't know about that one guy)=PPPP but i've thought a couple of times of just packing up and going somewhere....but a lot of my friends come from families like mine, they wouldn't be able to hide me in their homes because their parents would explode. my friend joy once called me saying that she'd walked out and asked me where she should go, since i was more familiar with the area she wandered into and i was like: dunno, go to the bookstore, it's open 24/7 (i was half-joking) and that's just what she did, she stayed the night at the bookstore. I was like O_o. the reason i haven't done anything really crazy or bad yet is because my parents don't trust me at all, i make a tiny mistake and they give me LLLOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNGGG talks so i'm gonna wait until i'm out of their sight and then...PARTY TIME!!!!XDDDDD damn i'm looking forward to college, wonder what people do at parties? how did you stay at that guy's place without being noticed while he was grounded anyway???
i don't randomly add friends on facebook because i have too many weird/embarrassing pictures on fb (for example, the time when my friends decided to borrow the teacher's red ink cartridges and drenched their old school uniforms with all the stuff. and that time when we were sitting in a circle in Beijing playing cards wearing pajamas and the lighting was so bad it looked like somewhere people would be smoking crack in =P)...there was this person with the name Ooh Hoo who kept pestering me to add him or her..i ignored him of course =P random question: are there a lot of people named tiffany at your school? cause there're 5 at mine. i haven't yet met somebody with my name though, it's far too weird =P
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/07/11 | Reply
yea, people do get REALLY weird on there.. i usually just add whoever for the friend count but i just ignore them when they message me and stuff.
:D and the at the guys house thing... my parents didnt know i was there :D heheh if my mom would have known she would have (if this were possible) pulled one of those alarms that put on an automatic lockdown so i couldnt have gone anywhere... yupp that weekend was my weekend of major badness :D the place i was going to after hanging out in the woods with my guy friend was another guy friends house (well it wasnt really his house it was a lady that is like a 2nd mom to him's house and she wasnt there) but it was me and 2 guys staying there (my friend tiffany technically stayed there too but really she just stayed up all night then left around 6 after everyone was asleep... she is kinda a creeper lolz atleast in that way, but it was her neighbors house and she was really close to the lady too so it was all good.) then i couldnt stay at that place a second night so i stayed at my friends that i had been in the woods with the night before for 2 nights... without his parents knowledge... while he was grounded XD haha yea my super duper weekend of badness... biggest mistake of my life (got in lotsa trouble because i had technically run away, and worried a lot of my friends) but i actually dont regret it. haha that whole weekend is actually kind of the reason i moved to my dads, i had been planning on it before that weekend but then i got in a fight with my mom and stuff happened and yea... people were stupid and blew it way out of proportion sadly.
but any way lolz i dont suggest doing that xp
im guessing you already know chinese though?? or do you just prefer english? lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/07/11 | Reply
i don't really know any weird people....unless you count the English teacher who got kicked out of an all-boys' school for being a perv in class. i guess that's what happens if you're in a private school your entire life...that's why i have an extreme case of paranoia towards most people i don't know (especially weird people on facebook).
the last time my parents let me go to a guy's place was when i was in fifth grade and it was mid-morning AND my mom insisted on coming along. it was, to say the least, extremely embarrassing.
yeah, i hope it goes well too, thanks =))whatever the class will be, i expect it'll be a nice change, since the alternative would be Chinese =PPP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/07/11 | Reply
haha yea i would get pretty freaked out too if i was the only one in the streets, ive done that before though, was walking back to the place i was staying from another friends "house" (we were actually hiding out in the woods behind his house that way i could leave as soon as his parents got home without them knowing i was there xp) but any way it was clear out but it was after dark and i was the only one walking around... i ended up running most of the way, the only time i would stop was if i was in a not so secluded place (just being careful, you never know about some of the people out there) wasnt too bad though, really quiet, if it hadnt been the chance of getting attacked i would have taken my time and just walked, but there are some serious creeps in the town i was in (and not all of them are adults, some of the kids around there are quite the weirdos too)
sucks that you have to go to school still, but i hope your new class goes well :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/07/11 | Reply
yeah that's what my friend joy said after i phoned her to tell her about the thunderstorm thing. and i've also never caught a cold from running in the rain before...not that i get to do that all often. joy said she was swimming in an indoor pool with the windows open and she suddenly realized that water was pouring into the pool. the rain thing didn't freak me out, it was the sudden: oh god why the hell am i the only one still on the streets??? feeling =P. i'll have school again tomorrow *sigh* although starting this week i'll have an additional class called 'English for The Going-Abroad Group' (again, that's a very, very literal translation). wonder what it's like...
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/07/11 | Reply
haha yes chocolate is amazing lolz, but the thunder storm/ typhoon thing-almost getting blown away, deffinetly scary. running in the rain can be fun but it really sucks when its so bad that you almost get blown away xp hope you dont catch cold, it would really suck (even though honestly ive never caught a cold from being out in the rain and stuff, i dont really get how you get sick from it, but everyone always says you do so... :))
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/07/11 | Reply
i have a monster metabolism too, so i'm skinny even though i really love chocalate (wheeeeeee chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate milkshakes, chocolate...sry i get all hyper when it comes to chocolate=)))). my brother used to be chubby, until he lost about 30 pounds of weight after a bout of stomach flu.
just ran home through a thunderstorm. it was fun but kind of scary at the same time since it's a thunderstorm coupled with a typhoon and i nearly got blown away (literally). i had to take refuge inside a convenience store since it was too dangerous, i realized after around 30 seconds or so that i was the only one on the streets and there was lightning and thunder every ten seconds or something. i've never gotten so wet in a rain in my life
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/07/11 | Reply
haha yea ive had a long lived and everlasting addiction to sugar lolz. people always ask me how ive managed to stay skinny but i have a monster metabolism xp. when i was little i was super picky and cereal was actually one of the only things i would eat (one time my parents werent home so it was just me and my 2 older siblings and i wanted a bowl of cereal so i "beat up" my brother because he was closer, actually made him cry even though he is 10 years older than me xp although didnt get me very far with the cereal xp)
and the waffle song.... its posted in my world, wat a random life. hehehe
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/06/11 | Reply
when i was younger, i ate junk food for breakfast (i don't know why i did that, probably because my parents rarely cooked in the morning). And then my mom tried to wean me off the junk by giving me cereal, which she deemed healthier. that kinda worked for a while, until i grew older and got tired of all the sugar (i hated Froot Loops). i also found out that cereal couldn't fill me up...so i started buying stuff from the breakfast shops. another common breakfast food here is the onigiri. the japanese version of an onigiri is a triangle of rice covered with salted seaweed and filled with stuff like tuna or eggs or ham. The taiwanese version is a cylinder of rice, rolled around something we call an 'oil stick' (that's a very literal translation) which is a stick of flour that's fried up. between the rice and the oil stick is a layer of meat or pickles or egg. (i know it sounds really weird but it's actually good, minus the pickles). and of course there's the traditional dumplings and porridge and fried radish cakes for breakfast, but i think more people go to the breakfast shops for sandwiches nowadays. there aren't many places you can get pancakes here, except for maybe McDonald's. you don't see a lot of people eating fruit as breakfast here either. . What's the waffle song?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/06/11 | Reply
haha i eat alot of breakfast too, but the closest thing we have to a breakfast shop is places that pretty much specializes in the "to go" breakfast foods like breakfast sandwiches and stuff.
one of the ones a majority of people eat would be cereal, and there are tons of different kinds. and then theres poptarts and the knock-off brands of poptarts. granola bars and cereal bars. there's alot of sugary stuff that we have as breakfast foods over here (i think the theory is that if we eat sugar in the morning we will have more energy, not really sure though). but there is also oatmeal, waffles, pancakes, frenchtoast (REALLY restraining my self from sining the waffle song now, probably going to have to look it up and listen to it now ^_^) we have eggs and stuff for breakfast alot too, and breakfast sandwiches (pretty much the same, egg, ham, cheese, bacon or other stuff like that.) bagels, toast, and english muffins are popular too. fruit is also a popular breakfast, usually oranges and bananas or grapefruit. those are just most of the more common breakfast foods though, every area is different.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/06/11 | Reply
i always really envied my friends when they had sleepovers on new Year's Eve (not the chinese one). There's this landmark in Taipei called taipei 101 that used to be the tallest building in the world, and there would be fireworks and a countdown there. One of my best friends lived a few minutes' walk from the place and she would always invite friends over (most of which were also my friends) to watch the fireworks, binge on whatever food she had in the place, fool around, and basically have a load of fun.
i have a feeling that i'll spend the entirety of my freshman year in college having fun and barely scraping by in classes =) but who cares, i'll make it up the next year. there's a possibility i would still have to live with my mom though....well at least she's less overprotective than my dad.
random question i thought of while i was having breakfast: what do you have for breakfast? in taiwan there are these small shops with something that looks like several large sheets of metal spread over a fire. They fry up eggs, ham, noodles and stuff on the metal and make sandwiches or egg rolls or stuff like that. There's usually a menu, but that's just to let you know what they have or don't have, you can mix and match your sandwiches (for example, you could say: i'd like a ham-and-cheese-and-bacon-and-chicken sandwhich, no onions,just lettuce and tomatoes please instead of going with the menu's ham-and-cheese sandwhich) i really like those shops, because i eat a lot at breakfasts =PP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/06/11 | Reply
well we can fry eggs too in the summer time when its really hot. and it sounds like you get alot of rain O_o i would hate that, we usually just get lots of rain in the spring and then thunderstorms here and there in the summertime (and sometimes the thunderstoms contain tornados xp never been through one myself though). but when water freezes we usually try and unfreeze the pipes by usuing a sort of i guess blow torch (i dont think thats what it is because it usually doesnt melt the pipes but thats the best way i can describe it) it has a little propane tank thingy on it and it takes a LONG time to unfreeze. but since we usually leave the water running a tiny bit to prevent that in the middle of winter, it actually happens more often in the spring when we dont expect it to get too cold at night and turn all the water off.
yea i get the whole overprotective thing, my mom was kinda the same way. i was never aloud to go any where or do anything "without her" it was like i was forced to be her little puppy... ughh.. but the fact that your not aloud to go to sleep overs and stuff actually kinda makes me wanna kid nap you :))) lolz i know what its like though to not be able to do stuff so i kinda understand. but atleast your a senior and will be able to leave and start doing stuff soon.
i kinda want to move to the city someday just to see what its like, im pretty good at ignoring stuff when i sleep so i kinda wanna see if i can stand up to city noise lolz.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/06/11 | Reply
after i read the 2nd book of Harry Potter i always had this urge to check behind taps and pipes to see if there were snakes there. I always thought that sliding down that slide would be kind of fun....=PPP yeah and i don't like clowns too, they always look so evil -_-.
we don't have snow here except up in the mountains. most years, it's over 50 degrees fahrenheit year round. it's always wet here though, up in northern taiwan. southern taiwan's dry season is in the winter, and they get sunny days for about three months or so. in the north...well, in the spring there are the monsoons, in the summer thunderstorms (which happen every other day, at 3:00- 6:00 in the afternoon), in the autumn (and occasionally summer) typhoons, and in the winter.....just plain, dreary rain, which is part of the reason i hate winter in taiwan so much. i've only seen snow once, in japan, when i was in eighth grade (and even then there wasn't enough to make a snowman). we have the same equivalent of freezing an egg--frying an egg on the asphalt. what do you do when the water freezes?
it's always loud here even at night--one thing i just couldn't get used to in canada was that all the shops closed at around 5 or 6 p.m. In taiwan most stores (boutiques and the like) open at 11:00 am. to 1 in the afternoon and they stay open at least until 10 p.m. it's never completely dark at night(except on New Year's Eve (the chinese one), where everyone is at a family dinner) , so i always have to draw the blinds. it's always annoyingly noisy here too at night, sometimes there's loud music or something equally annoying. I really envy the woods thing though, because i love taking long walks, but you just CAN'T get that 'long walk' feeling if you have to stop every half minute for a red light. my parents (mostly my dad) would probably never let me take a walk in the woods either, they're too overprotective (like, frustratingly so. i never had a sleepover or been to a party in my life. but there is no arguing with my parents, believe me, i tried :( ). anyway i really like trees and stuff, although it isn't hard to think in the city either. i like watching for interesting-looking people (you get that a lot in cities) to put into drawings and the like, so that's kind of entertaining too.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/06/11 | Reply
when i was 12 i had a similar thing with showers and stuff only, it was after the 2nd harry potter movie came out and i was afraid of the giant snake (and for some reason its clown sidekick, no clue where that came from) i find it strange now because i love snakes and did then too (im starting to think it was mostly the clown thing, even though im not really afraid of them, just dont trust them).
yea we always get snow days where i am, there is always lots of snow, but since the area im in is used to it, it has to get really bad before we actually get a day off. one time it was so cold that on the news they did this expiriment or whatever to see how long it took for an egg to freeze and it didnt take long and REALLY cold (dont remember the exact temperature though for some reason, my brain isnt working today sadly) and we STILL had school, my mom let me stay home though because i had to walk up the road to wait for the bus. but in virginia and stuff where they dont get alot of snow if they even see a flake they cancel, because usually if they get a little they end up getting alot.
living in the country isnt all that bad. its nice because you can have as many animals as you want and there arent alot of people bothering you (although there are still some, there is always someone who just HAS to annoy everyone lolz). its not as quiet as most people say (atleast if you ask me) there is still traffic on the roads and stuff its just not as loud as the city sometimes can be. the only down side would probably be how secluded it can get, in the winter it can really suck because when there is alot of snow it can be pretty hazardous going into town to the store and stuff, and it REALLY sucks when the water freezes, (but that happens in town too so its not just a country living thing lolz) it is nice not always having to deal with people though, in town its hard to go for a walk without seeing quite a few people but in the country you can take super long walks and the woods are really pretty and quiet, i love taking long walks in the woods when i need to think and stuff, especially when i need to get away from family. all together though it isnt too bad, and its usually not to hard to find something entertaining lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/06/11 | Reply
for some reason i was scared of toilets and drains and the like when i was smaller. i always imagined that something big and wet and slimy would come out and drag me in and similar stuff.
there's this big typhoon (Taiwan's version of a hurricane) coming this way. I remember there was this one time when i was in second grade and the water flooded the basement of the building where we lived. and then the machine used to suck water out of the basement broke down, and the water and other stuff made all the pipes unusable. we didn't have running water or electricity for days. But most typhoons are probably like snow storms at your end--everyone wants a day off (you have days off when the snow's really big right?)
what's living in the country like?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/05/11 | Reply
haha i knew there was a difference between moths and butterflies!!!!... everyone always asks me why im super scared of moths and not butterflies, its just that moths are worse.. and i dont trust vacuums because i still kinda think they will try and eat me, but not as much as i used to (im also alot taller than i used to be too though lolz) i actually used to be ok with all bugs except spiders and moths until either a grasshoper or praying mantis bit me (i cant remember which it was) majorly freaked me out though.
i never lived in the middle of a very big city though, i used to live on the outskirts of pittsburgh, PA which is really big but i was only there on the weekends and never went to school there. other than that ive always lived in towns or out in the country, but i get what you mean about the isolation thing, it can get pretty boring not living close to any one
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/05/11 | Reply
my twin brother harbors an intense fear of insects, mainly because he doesn't want any of them crawling on him (i think the real reason was because a very large grasshopped hopped onto his nose in one of those insect observation classes). he's also extremely freaked by both moths and butterflies, owing to a trip he took to southern Taiwan a few years ago. According to my brother, he walked into a clearing in front of a lake that was swarming with hundreds of butterflies. Butterflies are the one type of insect i don't catch--it's far too easy to hurt them. And i agree, moths are disgusting. we had this mandatory experiment in elementary school that involved keeping baby silk worms. the silk worms were kinda boring, they just ate and grew fatter every day. And the cocoons were pretty cool, but one look at the the moths was enough for me. I hate their weird feathery antennae things. what do you mean by distrusting vacuums?
when i first visited canada it felt like a totally alien place. i've been a city girl all my life, and everything in canada (and the states) was so much larger than things in Taiwan. shops here are compact, there could be a dozen of them along a 25m section of a street. i lived at my grandparents' place back then, and it was already considered one of the most convenient spots in Montreal (it was a short walk from a supermarket and a metro station). but i felt totally isolated, because in Taiwan it's not suburban areas that are desirable, but apartments in the center of the city ( my family lives in a 1000-square-feet apartment, so it's a bit cramped, but really convenient). but Canada is a beautiful place, just a little less exciting if you're used to city life.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/05/11 | Reply
ive never been to one but i know we have them somewhere nearby, and that someone my mom and her boy friend knows has one because he always has peaches that he said he grew. there probably are some wierd trees like that but not around where i live. (im kinda jelous of the canada thing though, ive always wanted to go to canada but i cant until i turn 18 and can get a passport on my own. since my parents are divorced and also dont get along too well its kinda difficult to get them both to give me permission for me to get a passport at the same time. they are too paranoid of eachother).
i feel the same way about holding small, fluffy, squirmy animals, but i can never resist and usually have to cuddle with them anyway (major animal person here :)) i actually like reptiles too... and all animals.. well except for inscects :) im ok with everyone else touching and likeing them, i just dont like it when they get too close to me... but i think it may have something to do with how im extremely ticklish, and when inscects walk on me it tickles me really bad (yea i know im kinda a freak when it comes to ticklishness, its my biggest weakness xp) i have no bias against bugs really and aslong as they are outside and stay away from me its ok, and i even try and save them when i get the chance, if i see them on the side walk or something i always sidestep and i usually yell at people and try and stop them from smooshing bugs. moths are the only ones i have a problem with on some scale... i have been deathly afraid of moths my entire life (same goes for vaccums but i kinda was able to tone that one down, now its mostly just an intense distrust) i dunno why, and people always ask me why moths and not butterflies and i dont know... im ok with butterflies that dont touch me. people still question my reasoning lolz :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/05/11 | Reply
I've only been to an orchard once or twice ( i say once or twice because the second place was totally dedicated to biotechnology--which basically means weird plants). The first time was when i was in fourth grade. i went to this apple orchard in Canada and drank a ton of the cider, but that's basically all i remember =P. the second time was at the FLora Expo, and i was a guide there so i had to know the place really well (which was kind of hard for me actually, since I have an incredibly bad memory when it comes to remembering paths). In the orchard thingy, there were lots and lots of weird plants, including a potted pineapple plant, a tree with half a dozen or so different types of pears growing on it, and some kind of fruit (i forgot what it was) that originally grew in the mountains.
i used to sneak onto the slide even after i got too old too. i could do that the same reason you did: i looked younger than my age =P.
you know, i have this weird fear of small, fluffy animals. I'm always afraid i'll drop them or something so if someone asks me to pick up a puppy i'll always make an excuseb or just tell the truth. I mean...they squirm, and i'm afraid i'll hurt them if i drop them. on the contrary, i'm not afraid of insects or reptiles. beetles don't squirm too much, and i find grasshoppers and ladybugs to be quite cute. we had this insect observation class in the program that i always attended, because i would get to see dozens of beetles (i once caught a pair of beetles: one was gold with a silver head, the other was silver with a gold head) and other stuff.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/04/11 | Reply
well they actually move them around alot. they fold up and they transport them with really big trailers and use semi trucks to pull them. but yea we have those slides and the age limit thing too ( i think the age limit is for the same reason... but when i was a little bit younger and still over the age limit i would sneak in because i looked like i was young enough :D)
there is alot of agriculture over here too. only over here they focus more on either farming to take care of their animals (they usually grow corn, oats, hay and sometimes soy bean and they sell the surplus to pay for other stuff they need and expenses.)
or farming to sell their products to farmers with big farms with animals (they usually grow pretty much the same stuff but sell all of it instead of keeping some of it). thats just a majority of the farms though. in certain places they do have orchards and there are quite a few potato farms. there are TONS of animals over here though... at one time (not any more) i had over 40 horses, we ended up selling them though. and i have a friend that has over 100 horses, her dad owns a buisness where he sends horses to summer camps so kids can ride them, and at there house they take people on trail rides and stuff. there are lots of people that have horses over here though, but usually unless they have some kind of horse buisness they only have a couple. the dairy farms too have lots of cows, i can never keep track of how many there usually are. at the fairs there are always tons of animals, they have barns for horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits (there are usually a couple guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, and even naked mole rats, and sometimes some other small rodent like animals in that barn), chickens, geese (and other water birds).
ok, tractor pulls and demolision derbies. tractor pulls are when people take tractors and modify them (to a certain degree, they have to stay within the rule range [i dont know what is within the rules though, ive never participated just watched]). but they modify them and then pull this trailer that has a weight on it that moves from the back of the trailer to the front. whoever makes it the farthest wins. and demolision derbies. people take junk cars, fix them up so they are drivable and then during the derby all of the cars are in the arena or what ever, pretty much drive around and crash into eachother.. slightly stupid, very dangerous (at times, im pretty sure its not too dangerous but when the people driving get stupid it can be) its really fun to watch though, at times :)
that sounds like a really awesome program that your school has though, my school doesnt have anything like that (the super attendant would probably never let something like that get approved... it might take out some of his paycheck :))
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/04/11 | Reply
how do they get the rides there anyway?? the most you could hope for in Taiwan is one of those slides that you pump air into (don't know if you have them there). i used to love playing those slides...and then i got too old -( and couldn't play (i think the age limit is to prevent older kids from stepping on younger ones or something). anyway after they're filled with air they're all bouncy and can reach up to three stories high and you can jump right off the top of the slide and bounce down (it feels like flying). Taiwan isn't very big, so farming here is more...agriculture oriented. most farmers don't keep sheep or cows or whatever animals, they just plant rice or flowers. I've never seen a lot of farm animals in one place before--closest thing i've ever seen to that would probably be a stable with five horses. what are tractor pulls and demolition derbies anyway?
our school has this really cool program where we can learn to do really interesting stuff. it starts from first grade, and in that program i've learned a bit of riding, rock-climbinb, paintball, and once there was even an archery class. There are activities when they give you a map and let you run amok and trips to the sea (mainly having fun climbing the weirdly shaped rocks). i've played paintball several times because it was available in the program =).
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/04/11 | Reply
yea feeling slightly better.
but the fairs arent that much different only we dont have them as often. there are usually carnivals and stuff in most towns that usually go on around the beggining of summer. they have abunch of tents and stuff and some small scale rides (if its a bigger one) but most of the tents usually sell food while only a couple would sell other stuff. but the bigger fairs that are starting now have tons of stuff. they are usually set up for people to show animals so thats one of the main attractions, the tons of animals there, usually all farm animals and then there is a midway where there a TONS of tents that sell food and other stuff and lots of rides (not big roller coasters but they do have alot of ones that go up in the air and ones that spin and stuff) they usually also have concerts and other stuff like demolision derbies and tractor pulls. they dont usually have ziplines or painball at the big county fairs because there is always a lot of people. but i love paint ball too!!! :) i actually only played it once but i had tons of fun... even though i got shot in the head, but atleast i had a helmet lolz. the fairs though are usually one of the funnest things about summers over here, its something pretty much everyone looks forward to.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/04/11 | Reply
i was sick about a week ago (that's why i was at home last thursday and friday), i had this headache that turned into a fever. my dad said it was the weather too = = although i really can't see any change (it's always hot here in Taiwan, almost 100 degrees every day in the summer). I hope you're feeling better though.
well, we do have fairs that pop out of nowhere. Sometimes they have a reason to be there (like festivities and holidays for example) but a lot of the times they're just there. I don't know if fairs in Taiwan are the same as fairs at your end though: fairs here are like lots and lots of tents grouped together selling everything imaginable. We have a school fair on our school's anniversary--each grade as a different topic to work on. Sixth graders prepare games (you know, like shooting balloons and stuff), seventh graders prepare Taiwanese food, eighth graders (who are divided into 7 classes) choose countries (each class chooses one) and prepare food from that country, freshmen dont do anything (since in Taiwan ninth graders cram for a big exam that'll determine which high school they get into), sophs and juniors have free rein on whatever they want to sell. Some teachers man stalls too, (there's this really fun paintball one, i LOVE paintball =))) ) and once they hooked up this wire-cable thing on the fifth floor of one building and linked it to the second floor balcony of another building. students got to get hooked up to the wire and slide across the wire, through the air, to the other building (it was GREAT =) ). What are fairs like at your end?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/04/11 | Reply
yea i prefer sprints to anything else too, for the same reason. but the when we went white water rafting we had some pretty heavy duty life jackets (which was pretty much the only reason i was ok with the whole thing). the one guide though was really creepy, and would pull people into the water as he passed and really freaked me out the one time because he pulled me down in between the two rafts and they were reaaaaallyyyy close, but because of the life jacket i was ok, and it actually got to be really fun after a while because you really kinda forget about the water.
its not that im a moring or night person but its pretty much right when i wake up im not too happy about having to wake up. but i enjoy just laying in bed after i wake up too.. i just cant do that too often because i usually fall back asleep if i do.
i pretty much have been in bed for the past 2 days though because ive been kinda sick. ive had a headache for 2 days straight and feel like utter crud. i guess its something about the weather change or something (atleast thats what my dad said) but im not sure. the weather hasnt changed much recently though, so im kinda doubting it. i feel a little better now though, i just hope my headache goes away later today because if not i dont think i will be able to go to the county fair. which would really suck. do you have county fairs and stuff in taiwan???
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/02/11 | Reply
yeah i have really bad endurance too. a couple of months back we had this hiking trip up a mountain that was about 12,000 feet, and the first day (which was supposed to be the easiest) i was dead last in our group. but as we went up the trail i moved forward to the front since lots of people began having altitude sickness and feeling all sleepy and achy (i didn't get any, for some reason =D ). but basically i really, really dread jogging and swimming since that takes lots of endurance ( i prefer sprints) and i always feel like i can't get enough air in my lungs. I haven't gone white water rafting before, although i've done canoeing. and all the while i was thinking: don't think about the water, don't think about the water, don't think about the....AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH SCREW THE FREAKING WATER, i'm going to grab the damn boat anyway, at least i'm sure it'll float. =P
i'm totally not a diary person either. I've tried keeping them, got about half a dozen empty diaries in my room....i'm just not the type who'd want to spend time going: 'Dear Diary, i went to school today...." i always feel so stupid doing that. i have a collection of notes with a friend (we sat together in freshman year and spent the semester passing notes back and forth) but that's about it.
i'm not a night person or a morning person. i don't seem particularly cranky at any time (maybe because i'm always a bit cranky? =P) on this graduation trip thingy i stayed up the entire night playing cards and then started watching movies after i boarded the plane. but if, for some reason, i have to sleep before twelve at night....well i'm not going to object too much. i do like lying in bed and doing nothing though, so i have specially allotted a quarter hour in my daily schedule for that (6:00--alarm clock wakes me up. 6:00 -6:15-- lying in bed and doing nothing =)))) ).
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/01/11 | Reply
yea i dont have asthma but i have sucky endurance and stuff becuase i have really bad lungs due to living in a house with smokers my entire life. but if i would have been in that scuba incident i probably would have freaked out.. a ton. when i was little if water got on my face and stuff while i was taking a bath i FREAKED, and even now its a struggle for me to put my face in running water in the shower and when i go swimming, if i dont just jump right into a deep spot and walk in i start to have a small sort of anxiety attack. but as far as my water fears go ive come a long way, last year i went white water rafting and had a ton of fun, and was able to overcome parts of my water fear (i still cant breath out my nose going under water so i have to plug my nose *grrrz*)
im not much of a diary person either though... ive tried starting one, ohhh say A MILLION TIMES lolz but can never manage too keep up with it. the only two slight successes ive had is one that lasted about a year between me and one of my friends and we passed it back and forth and wrote down stuff like in a diary because we lived quite a ways away from eachother and we wanted to have a way to keep track of the stuff we did while apart. and the other one would be my one world that i have right now that i kind of use like a blog.
but sara and i have discussed dream diaries before i thought about it but... im not much of a morning person lolz. im lucky if i manage to speak to people right after i wake up. lolz the last time that i had to talk to some one IMEDIATLY after waking up was when my dad called me to wake up me and one of my friends while we were at a hotel and i accidetally told him to go die... i was lucky that he didnt hear me though lolz, or atleast he never mentioned it
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/01/11 | Reply
i've got a bit of asthma, so sometimes when i wake up at night it's kinda hard to breathe and it's really a horrible feeling. i hate being stuck in small, enclosed spaces--i guess i probably am claustrophobic. I didn't mind that abandoned amusement park since it was on the eleventh floor and really realy spacey and even though the lights were out there were some broken windows where you could see daylight. my worst nightmare (thankfully, i haven't dreamed of it yet) would be a small, enclosed space underwater. Like i was locked in a sub that was leaking air. i can swim but im far from good, and there was this summer camp thingy i attended last year that made me freaked about deep water. they had this scuba diving thing, where the water was 15 feet deep. anyway i kept bobbing around on the surface because for some reason i couldn't sink down. So the guy who was teaching the class did something to my equipement (added sandbags or something) and then i sank...to the bottom and COULDN'T GET UP!!!! i had something like a mini panic attack under water once my ears started hurting from the pressure, but luckily the guard notice and dragged me out =P
i read an article a few days ago about dreams. apparently, if you resume your former sleeping position, you're more likely to remember your dream. I have no idea what to do to continue an awesome dream though....only happened to me a couple of times, i had been thinking of keeping a dream diary--you know, where you write all the weird stuff you remember when you wake up? I'm not a diary person but i just feel so bummed at all those great dreams going to waste =PP
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/01/11 | Reply
yea i dont always remember them with that much detail (another creepy part, about half of the ones that i remember in that much detail have ended up happening..... but hopefully there will be no attack of the alien lizards) and its really annoying when i have a super awesome dream, plan on telling someone then promptly forget it, because then i KNOW i had an awesome dream but can only remeber a little bit if anything.
surprising fact is though i hate tuna too (not much of a seafood fan) and the kid wouldnt be doomed forever because you didnt have to eat it (although i dont know why, you would think you would, but i guess just having the smell of it on a person is what gets rid of a lizard)
your reaccuring dream that you had does sound super creepy though, i probably would have freaked out if it had been my dream just because of the alone factor and the way the roller coasters made no sound and the dark and stuff (im not afraid of the dark for the most part but it does unnerve me.... its the cant see thing, if i cant see i slightly freak out, and same goes for if i cant breathe <-- that one though is probably for the most part because when i was little i got some weird sickness and woke up in the middle of the night unable to breathe, it wasnt asthma though, it was some weird thing where the flap in the back of my throut that opens and closes so food doesnt go into my lungs would stay shut... *stupid throat flap* lolz, my worst night mare [which ive had] is where my senses were cut off except for sight and no one could see or hear me even though i was screaming at people trying to get their attention... no sound would come out)
i dont think ive had any dreams from naruto... or atleast that i can remeber, but that would be pretty awesome.
my dreams though inspire alot of what i write (or atleast have ideas for writing)
the thing i hate about dreams though is when the end unfinnished and you want to go back because it was an awesome dream and you want to know more, and how everything goes back but you cant... absolutely hate that. sometimes i continue those dreams conciously though, if i just stay in bed and think about the dream bits and pieces will come back, but then i have to wake up and usually if that happens i cant remeber them though.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/01/11 | Reply
whoa......O.o that is one seriously weird dream. totally like the godric gryfindor sword part, i've never had a dream involving some many teachers of our school, guess it's because i just ignore most teachers and i'm not particularly fond with those i 'interact' with (mainly, getting yelled at =P). i also tend to forget my dreams really quickly-----and i HATE it, because i always just remember that they're really fun but don't have a clue what they're about *grrrr*. and when i do remember i can'tremember my dreams in THAT much detail, although i've dreamed of weird stuff happening to my school lots of times too. and tuna...this is really random but it kinda reminds me of this kid who HATED tuna. we were on this hiking trip and there was this dish that was filled with what looked like boiled onions and weird brownish feathery clumps (the tuna). It actually tasted fine, but that kid took ONE bite and nearly gagged. and i was just thinking what would happen if he got possessed, he would be doomed to be a lizard for ever.
i had this recurring dream when i was in junior high. it was a fun dream that turned creepy after a few times. anyway i woke up to find myself in this abandoned shopping mall. it was totally ransacked but the facilities were still working. there was this maze in the bazement that was decorated kind of like a forest, with places where you could take a boat or stuff like that. and anyway i was always alone in that dream, it was fun but a bit freaky. i'd mess around in the maze for a while (it was totally dark inside), somehow get out, and board the empty elevator to the eleventh floor. (side note: in taiwan, there are a few indoor amusement parks). Anyway there was this huge indoor amusement park that was partially on the eleventh floor ( i say mostly since a good part of it was hanging in empty air, because the rides would arc over the balconies and there'd be this LOOOONNNNNGGG drop to the basement. actually, i could never see the ground, it was all dark) and then i'd go onto the rides and they'd start automatically, but not make any noise. i'd go on five or six rides, get bored, start walking around, and then...there was this one ride that looked like a faded pink-and-white striped candy cane. i always went on that last, but everytime i started towards it it faded away and i woke up, and i was like: awww why do i never get to try that out???
i've had a few dreams set in Naruto(mostly in the forest of death, don't know why =P) and in the one i remember i was using this fire jutsu and jumping around on trees and it was really slippery and i was wondering 'how do they do that without slipping anyway???' anyway i remember punching a bunch of random people which was actually really fun =DDDD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/01/11 | Reply
haha yea i noticed that the show has some serious lack in quality lately but ive seen recent manga and its still good so im thinking im going to catch up that way lolz and that is quite the strange dream lolz... i hate it though when i have strange dreams like that that i want to end and then i fall back asleep and they are there again, happened to me once for like a week, i had the same dream everynight of this strange white carrot like tree sprouted under my house and then rapidly grew taking my house up towards the sky with me still on the ground with no way up.. (yea kinda jack and the bean stock-ish right lolz)
ok so the freaky lizard dream. so it took place in my school, only the school was surrounded by a military blockade because these weird lizard alien things were invading the earth and they were trying to contain it... (yea no one gave a crap about the students and faculty trapped inside, no one was aloud out) but the thing was these lizard people were kinda ghost like and couldnt do any harm or anything to any one because they had no bodies so they had to posses humans so they could continue their invasion plans and ofcourse they started with MY school. well funny thing is that wasnt the first time it happened (well atleast according to my dream) the same thing had happened towards the end of the previous school year, only no one remembered it because i guess it was erased from everyones mind (kinda like a men in black thing i guess)down side to no one remebering though was that no one knew what the "cure" was either. the only way to tell if some one was "possesed" though was when they were possesed their pupils turned to slits so it looked like they had cat eyes. so any way im running around my school with a sword killing people so we can stop the invasion and trying to avoid, what i like to call, the "horde." the horde was made up of possesed people, one of which was one of the math teachers, mrs. gilman, and they were trying to make sure that the few people that were still not possesed would behave themselves and not resist like i was along with a few other kids. so after a while of slaughtering possesed people, my sword breaks.. crap... so i hide it and start sneaking towards the one art teacher's, mrs. purdy, old room, where i know that the other art teacher, mrs. clark, and a few other non-possesed people are. but on my way i have to pass the horde, but since they dont know i have a broken sword and i also appear to be behaving they leave me alone (although mrs. gilman does give me a nasty glare) but as i pass i see that one of my best friends, alissa, is among them and that she is possesed. so at that point i promised that i would figure out what the cure was and i wouldnt kill her (you really cant expect me to willingly kill one of my best friends right.) so i make my way to mrs. purdy's old room and find mrs. clark, along with two students, a girl named alicia and another of my best friends kali, in the room. so since im determined to find the cure i go over to the table that alicia and kali are at and ask alicia to try and find the "cure" on the internet from her ipod (im guessing all of our computers were shorted out). while alicia starts working on that i look at kali to say something to her but then i notice something strange about her eyes.. almost like they are cat eyes, so i ask her if her eyes have always been like that and she said yea, and believed her, she then exits or whatever as i go give mrs. clark my sword and ask for a new one. so while she is digging out more swords (because i regected all the ones she had right there, even thought there probably arent any more she is just looking for the possible one that she may not have had in the imediate closet) i try and think of what the cure could be, since alicia wasnt having much luck.. so im thinking.. and thinking "think.... think of what the cure is.. what is the cure.. think..... think............................. TUNA BUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (haha yea i know random right but that was what the cure was, tuna :D) so i tell mrs. clark about finding a different sword and tell her to make me some tuna buns... lots and LOTS of tuna buns, and then leave while she is making more, taking a sword with me, just in case (it was actually supposed to be the sword of godric gryffindor from harry potter.. yea strange..) so i then run around the school screaming stuff like "TUNA" "TUNA BUNS" BE CURED!!!!!!!!!!!!" and ect. while throwing tuna buns in peoples faces. after a little while i find a room where the, now cured, kali and sara (another one of my besties) are along with a multitude of other people who have now been cured, and managed to stay cured (since in several cases after a while another lizard thingy would posses some of them, another downfall was that they just kept possesing others, since the tuna didnt kill them right away, usually took a few doses of tuna and in some cases poisoned them so it slowly drained their health.) well in this room sara was giving swordsmanship lessons... with a sword.... which is a sharp object... which according to kali sara is not supposed to have.... (but since sara is my assasin i allow it lolz) but any way i leave there and continue curing people and get chased by mrs. gilman and some of the leftover horde in the process when i finally wake up... but then after both art teachers, the chemitry teacher, and a bunch of my friends heard about this, i had a follow up dream about a week or two later. this dream wasnt very much but it was creepy because in the dream i was following sara around trying to convince her that everything in my dream was actually gonna happen and that the lizards were comeing..... creepy because i have had dreams (not ones that strange though) actually happen..
yea messed up if you ask me lolz and reeeeeaaaaallyyyyy long.... and that took twice as long as it was supposed to because i tried to copy it so i wouldnt have to write it again and acciedntally deleted it instead... yupp..... made me wanna scream... and the thought of typing it all again made me wanna cry.... yupp deffinetly wanted to cry lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/01/11 | Reply
what was your crazy lizard dream about? speaking of crazy dreams, i had this extremely bizarre one a couple of nights ago. You know Naruto has these toads he summons right? Well, i dreamed that there was a row of them sitting on my air conditioner (yeah, you got that right. The freaking air conditioner -_-) and they were BLUE. ALL OF THEM. they ranged from dark blue to royal blue and they were really, really large. Apparently, i had to knock them off because in my dream, i was holding this really brittle-looking hammer and trying to smash them down. If i missed too many times the frogs would jump down on their own accord onto my bed and turn ORANGE. i woke up shortly after seeing one turn orange. Then i fell asleep and dreamed the same thing AGAIN....
i don't watch Naruto anime that often, since it actually isn't done very well (compared to the manga). You'll like Hinata even more in the shippuden part of Naruto...but i won't spoil it =)).
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 08/01/11 | Reply
yea... we arent aloud to do dangerous expiriments..... but there is probably a good reason lolz, my class alone had multiple pyros and after hearing about my crazy lizard dream i dont think the teacher trusted me much either (even though i am kind of a pyro, but i guess i use it responsibly lolz) but the gas thing could happen at my school just becuase of the gas outlet thingies but it never got that serious becuase if someone couldnt light their burner there was always someone close by that could lolz.
i have the smudging problem too, only im ok with it slightly. pretty much all of my drawings are smudged because they all stay in the notebook and move around alot i guess. every couple months or so at the least i take the good ones out and do smudge control and redefine lines and stuff.
the reason i missed so much naruto though was because i stopped visiting my dad and i couldnt watch it at my moms so i was stuck with no anime for 3 or so years until i started watching it in school and then now that i live with my dad i watch it every saturday night when im home. but i like kakashi alot too, and hinata. and i agree, sakura is a major wimp, i would say the same for hinata but i liked her alot more after her fight with neji during the exams, the fact that she didnt back down to him and fought her hardest made me like her, but she can be pretty wimpy at times.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/01/11 | Reply
Some of the experiments we do are kinda dangerous there was this time in chem class where we made this flammable gas as a by-product and the teacher told us, very seriously, if anyone lit a match, the entire sixth floor would go boom as the entire lab was filled with the gas (luckily, no one did). i don't like showing drawings where i can see really big flaws to people either. Sometimes i smudge the paper and i think: oh, darn it, and i try to turn the smudge into part of the background so it looks intentional =P.
i've a couple of friends who are diehard Naruto fans and that's kept me watching and reading the series for four years straight. i like Temari and Kakashi a lot (you probably can tell from my fanart challenges) but my favorite would still be Kakashi (i drew Temari for that challenge because she was my favorite female character and i didn't really know how to draw guy clothes). i have characters that i dislike though: sakura, mainly, since she's kind of wimpy (and i'm not a fan of wimps, guy or girl). i like gaara a lot too, he's interesting =)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
haha yea, im a bit of a pyro too but my mom used to atleast let me light fires for like campfires and stuff, but i do the same thing in my chem class, only we just use a bunsen burner, we had to use the flint thingies and i was pretty much the only one who could light it in less than 10 seconds so i usually got to light it lolz. we didnt get to do the light the different powders on fire though, we watched a video of it then the teacher did it in the fume hood but other than the bunsen burner we didnt get to light too much stuff on fire.
i can be quite the perfectionist too when it comes to drawing, i just hated to throw away a good drawing because of the hand. but im perfectionist to the point if i like it but dont think its perfect i wont show it to any one lolz, thats also part of the reason i never got around to posting my drawing lolz
ok, favorite naruto character... well i dont really have a favorite but if i had to pick one it would probably be either garaa or temari.... it would be between them lolz i dont really dislike any of them, but im also way behind in the series, i missed a 2 or 3 year chunk so i missed from close to the end of the chunin (i think thats the word heheh) exams and ive only picked up a few shows here and there since then.
who's your favorite character???
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
my parents don't trust me with fire either, they won't even let me turn on the freaking STOVE -_-.... well they have good reason to, i'm a bit of a pyro--can't stop playing with matches in chem class =P i always beg to light the lamp-thingy (the one with the pinkish liquid inside, i think it's alcohol) when we do lab work. another fun chem experiment we did outside of school (some competition that was a lot more fun than work) had these different white powders (i'm thinking that they were metallic compounds, maybe like BaCl2 or something like that) and when we burned them they'd turn different colors.
i used to train the same way too, and still do occasionally, but i usually do my own drawings now. My brother bought a lot of Naruto manga a few years back and I've been copying pictures mainly from the databook to practice. i take longer to draw and color--a line art with lots of details might take as long as one to two hours, and colored art...at least three, i guess. that's probably because i'm a perfectionist--i have to get something done...or it goes into the bin. And sometimes when i'm halfway through i think: i want to chuck this; and then: but darn, i already got this far....=( all right i'll finish it *sigh* =P
what's your favorite character in Naruto?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
haha yea i always wanted to try it but i can never manage to get my hands on something that starts a fire and the coffee creamer at the same time, i we could say my parents deffinetly dont trust me with fire lolz. but if you do try it be careful i guess it can be pretty dangerous lolz the chem. teacer was saying something about severe burns if you somehow get the flaming coffee creamer on yourself lolz.
but im the same way with my drawings, unless i have a moment of "extreme need to draw" and end up finnishing something in a couple hours i dont usually get too much done. but i actually havent been drawing anime and stuff for very long so i pretty much have been just traing myself by drawing from other pictures in the manga that i have. i actually have a semi-decent one of naruto from WAY back when he was a kid. the only thing i absolutely hate about it is the hand, the size is totally wrong, the shape of it is ok but since its too small it makes it look deformed... but i actually have started quite a few drawings, but i trash most of them if there isnt atleast one thing i can find within it that i want to save. when i really get in the zone though i can really turn out some atleast half decent stuff though lolz and it doesnt take me long either, as long as i really get myself to do it lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
seriously??? powder coffee creamer??!!! i gotta try that one out =))). our science teacher once brought this airtight container (you know, the one where you can twist this knob to suck the air out) and she added hot water into the container and twisted the knob and all the water started boiling inside. ah i miss her lab classes, there probably won't be anymore in senior year... =((
teachers who are pushovers don't garner much respect either here =P
one of the things i love the most about theOtaku is its challenges. like i said before, i'm kind of a slacker, and even when it's doing something i like, i tend to postpone my drawings. with the challenges, it's like having a deadline, and i finish drawing a whole lot faster. i still tend to draw a head and then forget about it and go draw something more interesting. i'll come over the head a couple of weeks later, decide it's not worth working on, and trash it (or i'll just keep it lying there =P)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
sadly we didnt do any explosions this year :( but since i had this really interesting kid named ron who constantly went on and on about blowing stuff up i did get to find out that the powder coffee creamer.... is flamable!!!! hahaha but we did get to gold plate pennies so that one was pretty awesome too.. but my teacher was a major push over, he wasnt a bad teacher but i pretty much had no respect for him, much like the majority of the school. haha
and the drawings... well i dont have many but since you mentioned it and reminded me ill ask my dad later if he has a scanner (cause i dont have one in my room T.T) and i will post some later..... they arent very good if you ask me, but im also kind of pessimistic about my artwork. and at the moment the only ones i have arent completed, they are mostly all ones i started and didnt have time to finnish or just didnt bother, so all except for maybe one are just the faces of people...... but there is my bleach kitty drawing in my one world... i did it in like half an hour for a challenge and then failed at posting it because technology hates me lolz... but i am going to attempt to motivate myself into doing more drawings... that are complete lolz... especially going to have to if i want to accomplish anything as far as my challenges lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
yeah, that's the ONLY good thing about having lots of minor tests at school--the grades even out in the end, and to avoid flunking too many people some subjects (math, physics, chemistry) pick the highest scores out of the dozen or so quizzes and tests and use them to calculate your average.
our lab classes aren't that bad (although our ENTIRE class is usually AT LEAST five minutes late, even though the lab is right across from our classroom) since in chem and bio we get to do some interesting stuff. i remember once in organic chemistry we had to make esters (acids + alcohols). and that was like the only time the chem lab smelled good, because the stuff we made turned out smelling like grapes and apples and basically like candy flavoring. Another time we were doing oxidation-reduction reactions (changing colors and explosions are always fun =)) ). There was also this dissection class where every group of four people got a live frog and it was primarily gross but really interesting. (those frogs are FREAKISHLY BIG!!!). we have to do write-ups too but the first day we started her class the teacher said: i'm telling you, i'm not gonna give you really easy exams so you'll get good grades. I'm betting that half of you are probably going to flunk. So to redeem yourself, write those reports. (she's actually a great teacher, it's just that the principal sets a limit on how many people she flunks, or daddies and mommies will start complaining about how their kids flunk school. That's why she has us do write-ups, but other than that, there's nothing).
What kind of drawings do you do? i'm kinda curious since you don't have any fanart on =P
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
haha yea, there isnt much text book lugging, we are slouchy and grumpy enough as it is so i guess they dont want to make us carry around books lolz
but i cant memorize phone numbers overly well (and the 314th decimal of pie thing.. never) if there is like a rhyme to something i can usually handle it but my thing is locker combinations lolz.... this past school year i had access to 9 lockers and had them all memorized. i think it was the whole split into 3 small groups thing that made me memorize them but phone numbers are the same way so im not sure lolz. i used to always memorize the number that i texted the most though, that way if my phone got taken away i could use someone elses to text them lolz... (my phone used to get taken away by my mom and her boyfriend alot)
but the sucky thing about our tests is they are a big part of our grade but they arent enough to carry us entirely, sometimes they can if there isnt much other work but then if you bomb one your in trouble lolz. i just thought it was hilarious this year because the only reason i failed chemistry was because i didnt do the labs (well i did the labs i just didnt do their write ups and didnt turn them in half the time lolz) but in doing this the result was that i didnt have enough "lab minutes" to take the chemistry regent which was considered the final.... so i pretty much just wasted my time in that class the whole year (even though the lab class we just messed around if we werent doing a lab but even then we were talking constantly, and the actually class well, everyday, all year, i showed up to that class on average atleast 5 minutes late and then about half way through the year i would leave like 10 minutes after i got there for another 10 minutes and over all not even be in the class half the time lolz)... but i still slightly see it as a waste becuase i could have been taking a different class, but i guess me and my friend dillon are just going to take conseptual physics next year instead of wasting our time taking chemistry again since conseptual physics doenst have a regent exam or a lab class so it wont be so bad.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
no, actually i don't think you would die at our school. you'd probably just be like the rest of us--ignoring all the homework =)). test grades are a really MAJOR part of our grades too. They're three really big exams in a semester--one at the start (no name for it), midterms, and finals. These make up 60% of our grade. The remaining 40% is made up of unit tests and quizzes and homework (which kinda makes the homework part seem insignificant, doesn't it, after all you only need 60/100 to pass =P)
i do study...but unlike most of the people here , i DON'T study for TWO FREAKING WEEKS pending the exams(totally don't get why they do that). i cram stuff a few hours before the test and scribble a couple of questions, then i'm good. Some people who don't know me as well as my friends do find this annoying. They think that i'm 'slacking off' right before a test. But frankly, i just don't see the point of studying something that early on, because i'm just going to forget it (i'm a short-term memory person). words don't stick easily in my head--especially when it's Chinese. In chinese lots of words look alike, or sound alike, and i have a hard time remembering all of that. but when it comes to numbers and pictures (especially numbers) and stuff that you can relate to logic, they stick in my head like glue (there are no phone numbers in my phone. I'm used to memorizing them. But that's nothing compared to my brother's best friend, who memorized Pi to its 314th digit after the decimal point).
anyway i totally suck at history, especially Chinese history (it's 4000 years worth of emperors fighting each other *sigh*) but i seem to be best at chem, my brother said that my 1 hour of cramming the night before the finals was what saved him from flunking. =)))
does keeping the textbooks in the classroom mean you don't have to tote a giant bag of textbooks everywhere?? *envy*
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
haha yea, i think that if i went to your school i would probably die lolz, sounds like you guys do a TON of work. but my chemistry teacher hardly ever checked our work sheets either :D lolz. and we dont take that many quizes.. we usually took only maybe 2 unit quizes and our unit test.. not alot of testing, even though that is a MAJOR part of our grade, but thats probably why i do ok in school, other than the history homework i hardly ever do homework. when i had math i occasionally did it. but for some reason for me testing is really easy, but i dont study, if i study i get all worked up over it and freak out and forget stuff. got A's on almost everyone of my tests (except the book tests in english when i didnt read the book, but if i did i would get 100 lolz) im not sure why but i have always been that way. in 7th grade i was the only person in my class to get 100s on our major tests on the book we were reading. stuff just sticks in my brain easily i guess. and thats probably why my history teacher loved me this year, i always did my homework (unless i had an english project to do and didnt have time, which was rare that i didnt have the time, or if in the process of copying my homework my friend taylor lost it... i am LITERALLY the ONLY reason he passed the first half of the year in history, then he switched out of my lunch and couldnt copy anymore and started skipping the class if he could, but if he did pass the class... im why lolz) but we deffinetly dont have many textbooks... hardly any of the classes give them to us and if we do need a text book, half the time its on rare occasion and so the teacher just keeps them in the room and hands them out when needed
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
i'm kind of a slacker too, so in class i just try to look like i'm listening attentively (i'm not the type to scribble down notes as fast as the teacher's saying them, i like studying on my own). as for exams (smaller ones, not like midterms or finals)...well, we can have as many as three a day, and usually it's impossible to get good grades if you don't write a page or two of homework.
There are students here though that take writing homework to an entirely new level. They are the reasons why textbooks and guidebooks and cram school (that's what we call them they're like a more in-depth version of textbooks) industries are so successful in Taiwan. We have at least a dozen textbooks per semester. If you add all the guidebooks and exercise booklets that the school ordered for us (half of which we end up leaving blank) there might be as many as...two dozen per semester. It's a completely waste of space and paper, and you can often see students at our school hawking off blank guidebooks to people who've lost them. There are students who buy three or four versions of the same textbook and read all of them then do all the practice questions (they don't just do school homework, they go on and buy MORE homework to do = = i don't get it).
we have a lot of worksheets in chemistry too, but the teacher never checks them or asks us to turn them in. since our homeroom class is focused more on science than on social studies, we only have history once a week, so not much to do except take notes like crazy or just stare out of the window and wait till class ends. as to math...well, we go through textbook questions in class, and then the teacher assigns worksheets or pages in practice booklets that most people don't do( and then most people fail the quiz =P)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/31/11 | Reply
yea it does get annoying when people refuse to accept that they are wrong, thats usually when (aslong as its not a teacher) i loose my temper and punch them or something... i hate arguing with stupid types... but yes i think it is horrible that when someone realizes something is wrong and doesnt stand up for it, especially when they know that others agree with them, its like people dont understand that if they try they can change things that they dont like, well not always but that doesnt mean you shouldnt try. but i dont think its just the chinese ancestry thing, even over here we are expected to respect our elders, and alot of people are the same way over here, but there are just alot more people over here that dont put up with the crap, but there are still just as many people that just let things happen, i really hate it.
but your old english teacher sounds like he was pretty good at teaching
but i actually dont know what grade i got on that project alone, but i actually did the torn edges because i didnt have any scissors heheh
as far as home work though, we dont get much. it really depends on the class, the harder classes give out lots of homework i guess (i wouldnt really know because im kind of a slaker lolz) but other than that it depends on the teacher and the class. math usually gets the most work, and its usually out of our text book, but when the teacher doesnt like the problems in the book they usually use worksheets that they have either made up or found somewhere (i have no clue what-so-ever where these teachers find all these worksheets lolz) but for my chemistry class we mostly did worksheets, we had this green practice booklet (that i actually threw away the day before the teacher asked for them back because they were paperback and i didnt know we had to give them back lolz, we usually dont return paperback work books) for my history class it was all worksheets that had most of the answers in the text book, if they werent in the text book though the teacher would give us little packets that had the information in it lolz. over all the homework isnt too hard, not a majority but a lot of people just ignore it lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/30/11 | Reply
i'll explain further about the labs...they're opposite us, on the other side of the hallway. What i DON'T get is why they built the labs on the sixth floor (the only enclosed hallway in our entire school, other floors at least have one third of the hallway opened up to stairways or balconies). the sixth floor always stinks with these really, really weird smells. once it was nice though, because they were making candy in the chem lab. In Taiwan, everything is really compact, so our gym in the basement doubles as auditorium. It's really cool--the hoops are stuck up in the ceiling and teachers lower them when there's class.
there are some people you just get tired of picking arguments with because they TOTALLY belive that they're right. i enjoy watching people squirm when they have that niggling feeling that they're wrong *smirk* but when they don't even know why they're wrong it's just troublesome.
i sometimes think that a lot of people (both guys and girls) in our school are really wimpy. they're not exactly good-two-shoes, but they don't have the guts to argue with teachers. It's probably due to culture, since Chinese tradition requires that we respect teachers (no matter how much they suck). doesn't it just get on your nerve sometimes when you know that tons of people in the class agree with you but no one speaks up?
We don't get to do a lot of projects like that, and half of the time students here just don't do homework (when about 80 people out of 98 don't do any homework the teachers usually just let it go, since they can't fail the entire grade). one of the larger projects we did before was in English, and it was about this exposition in taiwan called the Flora Expo.. I don't know how that English teacher did it (our former one), but he somehow managed to get everyone in class involved in their projects. By the time the exposition ended (this april) everyone in our year were practically experts on the FLora Expo. I guess some teachers are like that...they get you to do homework while you don't even know you're doing it. It was really fun.
I agree that war DEFINITELY isn't supposed to be anything to be proud of. I wouldn't have thought of the torn edges, but i might've drawn something abstract and /or did away completely with the poems (i don't think words can really describe war). It sucks thatyour teacher wouldn't give you a higher grade :(.
What's homework like on your end? We have textbooks that almost always come with these...'practice books' with questions and problems inside. our homework always sounds something like: Page *** of &%$# practice book. MOst of our work comes from preparing for exams, thoughn =P.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/30/11 | Reply
yea, we dont have very many stories... only 2 i think, but we do have 2 or three gyms and a awesome theatre lolz but labs??? what kind of labs would be outside of a school??? just wondering lolz. sounds like your teachers are a pain though, i would never sell out a friend either, actually had a close call with that in june only with the cops not just teachers, but since everything was my fault to begin with i couldnt tell them who i had been with... i wouldnt have felt right..
haha but i agree with that, your english teacher must have TONS of talent lolz, but i hate pervy teachers... ugh the 9th grade english teacher for my school is SUCH a perv, im so glad i didnt have to be in his english class, i feel bad for this past years 9th graders because they get him again this coming year because he moved up to 10th grade english.. ugghh, worst part is everytime he sees me with students he knows he asks them who i am becuase he "doesnt" know who i am... the guy has seriously met me 10 times!!!!! that is absolutely HILARIOUS though that he is committed to ignoring you lolz, i would talk to him and pretty much FORCE him to speak to me lolz... but im sort of the kinda person that enjoys making people mad when they do stuff like that hahaha. and the squirming thing.. the absolute best, i love it because im really good at debating when i put my mind to it, i just wish i had been the one talking to the super attendant.. but it probably would have turned into a MAJOR debate that would have lasted for as long as i could have made it last and i probably would have been kicked off the speaker, and not aloud to do it again lolz.
but the idea i had in english class had to do with our war projects. i was dissapointed to begin with because i hadnt had enough time to do everything i wanted with it so it was just 4 poems instead of 4 poems with matching drawings. and then i forgot that i had needed to put them on a bigger piece of paper so i was just going to take them up and put them on the board then just put them on a piece of paper later, but then i had this idea about how war isnt something we should be proud of and how we shouldnt show case it (well atleast the bad parts, which was what my poems were about) and so i tore the edges then taped them all to a piece of notebook paper while other people were presenting and by the time it was my turn i was all done, but she called me on it any way so i explained it even further and she still wasnt happy with it.... she was an amazing person (she was the teacher in charge of drama and theatre club) but i hated having her class at times. especialy when we had our MAJOR junior english papers... apparently mine was AMAZING and i got a really bad grade on it because of the stupid MLA and parenthetical documentation but we did our revisions and i fixed all the stuff she told me to and... i still only barely passed it... i wasnt too happy especially because she told me that if i fixed everything like i did i would get like an 80 on it (which was still more than 10 percent lower than i would have gotten if i had gotten the documentation right the first time) but i got it back and i got a 67, i shouldnt complain because i passed but i was still dissapointed. but atleast i know that it should have originally been over a 90 so that made me feel better lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/30/11 | Reply
our school isn't that big, it just looks that way--it is tall though, nine stories plus another three stories of basements. It's the angle that makes it look big--we have a basketball court with five hoops for middle school, one with four hoops for elementary, and a playground with slides and a water fountain for kindergartners. Our school's perimeter is only about 400 m, but since we only have 2000-3000 (can't keep track of em all =P) students in the school, it's spacey enough. And as seniors, we get to stay at the seventh floor (one side is a balcony that looks down into the basketball courts and playground), which is a vast improvement from the sixth, where our classrooms were facing the labs and strange smells would always come drifting out.
I'm always into arguments with the same two teachers: my homeroom teacher and the ENglish teacher. Let's just say that my homeroom teacher and I have vastly different values. Once, she tried to make me tell her who got into the classroom after she locked it. i knew who PROBABLY did, but SHE was the one who locked our belongings in, and anyway i would never sell out a friend, so i denied everything. I also wanted to avoid telling her the full truth, which DIDN'T involve a key at all, seeing as I'd climbed in through the window. (but i ended up having to tell her that, since she went on interrogating me for half an hour).
And about my English teacher...well, i used to have a really nice English teacher. This one, the new one, transferred from one of the top boys' high schools in Taiwan. Rumor has it that he was KICKED OUT from that school because he said pervy stuff in class (and to have been kicked out from a *BOYS' SCHOOL* for saying pervy stuff, that takes TALENT). Anyway, the teacher himself spoke horrible English with a Taiwanese accent and taught grammar the Taiwanese way (which means memorizing EVERYTHING). i had a disagreement with him five minutes into th class--i asked him why he had to teach English this way, seeing that no one could understand him (our former teacher used a completely different method to teach). after a few weeks and when some of my friends joined in, the teacher exploded (he's committed to ignoring me this semester though, after he had to give me an A in English =) )
and yeah, i know what you mean about the dodging questions thing. that's why i make it a point to talk to the teachers directly (i LOVE watching them squirm *evil grin*)
another reason why i was less unpopular in junior high was that i looked absolutely hideous. i had hideous teeth (buck teeth which resulted from an accident when i was 3), hideous braces, hideous glasses, and hideous hair. I had no fashion sense to speak of, because my parents (especially my dad) deemed such clothing inappropriate. (even now when i'm a senior, i'm not allowed to wear...let's see, skirts, dresses, tank tops, or anything that looks nicer than a t-shirt and shorts *sigh*). I was in a girls' class, and i swore a lot, argued a lot, and didn't listen to the 'queen bees', and i looked hideous (unpopularity was a GIVEN =P).
what kind of idea did you have in English class anyway?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/30/11 | Reply
haha yea the way mine is set up is HORRIBLE... none of the high schoolers are supposed to be able to go to where the younger kids are.. YET WE HAVE CLASSES IN THEIR AREA!!!! hahaha so they expect us to always take the long way around to all of our classes yet by the end of the year none of the students cared anymore and went through the part where all of the younger kids are since it was faster than going back and all around the school, JUST to get back to our section... it was pretty ridiculous but it was another thing our principle didnt enforce too much. but our grade set up isnt too different from yours. pre-K and kindergarten are pre-school, 1-5 or 6 (some schools do it differently) elementary, 6 or 7-8 is middle and 9-12 is high school. your middle school is just as long as ours in the schools where 6th grade is considered middle school. (thats the thing in my education, i have been to 4 different school districts, the one i originated from considered 6th middle school then after that year i moved and the school i moved to had 6th grade in the elementary, so i sort of had a bit of an edge on the whole changing class rooms all the time [although i never found it very difficult in the first place])
this year i actually have gotten into some nice debates with teachers though (since a majority of them arent overly closed minded it never ended up in an argument) and i actually was able to prove some pretty good points to them. the only time it almost ended badly though was when i got an awesome idea for my english project... the day it was due to present... in the middle of english class.... the teacher saw me working on it so she critisized it even though i explained it and everything and then tried to argue with me on the fact of whether or not it was done, it was hilarious because then even the teachers assistant in that room said that she understood everything that i was saying along with several other of the really smart kids lolz. but as far as the principal goes i almost always try to avoid him... especially when ive done something i shouldnt have done, and im pretty sure he is gonna try and talk to me about it even though he cant do something about it, like stuff that happened outside of school, but i didnt have to worry too much about him because.. well he is kind of a perv and girls hardly ever get in trouble... he never does anything or makes any moves on girls but still... we hardly ever get in trouble, my friend leah can even talk him out of punishing her... its kinda strange if you ask me lolz
but i think its great that your actually going to stand up to your teachers and tell them that the program wont work... we always try that here but usually (especially the super attendant) they just ignore us. when kids did the whole protest thing there was alot of our super attendant trying to calm every one down by "answering our questions" and he pretty much dodged them all, there were 3 days of him doing that on the morning announcements and i stopped listening after the first day because he wasnt answering anything... i really wanted to go down there and give him a piece of my mind but.. the lady at the front desk of the office scares me... she doesnt like me very much lolz and i get what you mean about the more brutal than than honest thing lolz... at the school i was in for most of my junior high i had a REALLY bad reputation for telling people off... and occasionally punching lolz but i have deffinetly calmed down on that whole thing lolz.
but your school looks really nice... deffinetly big :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/30/11 | Reply
you'll be even more surprised when you find that our school went through a remodeling phase starting from 2002 and to 2009 (which means i got to see both the old and new campuses). our school's division system is pretty simple (it's a tiny campus, but the facilities are great): there is a building dedicated to what our school dubs 'The Bilingual Department', where students receive Americanized education and don't follow Taiwan's curricula (the building is at the left of the main entrance). all of the 1st floor (in all the buildings) belong to kindergarten, 2nd and 3rd belong to elementary school students, 4th and 5th to junior high students, 6th for sophomores and juniors, 7th for seniors. (in taiwan, 1-6 grade is elementary school, 7-9 is junior high, so we don't have freshman year).
i tend to avoid the principal or teachers i don't like since i'm the type of person who's DEFINITELY going to argue if i feel that things are unfair (although i can feel a BIG, BIG, BIG =P argument coming up next week. The reason for that is kinda complicated, so i'll try to explain it as best i can. Our graduating class is divided into two groups--those who want to go abroad and those who are going to take the exam. I'm part of the going-abroad-group, and instead of cramming for the exam everyone else has to take, our group is busy with applications, which basically mean that we don't listen in class. Anyway, the school seems to have noticed this, and they said they're going to enroll us in this program they created (which is definitely going to have some problems). and that's why i feel a BIG argument coming up with them).
as for enemies....well, there are people who dislike me, mainly because i speak rather bluntly (it's just a trait of mine, i think that a lot of things would be so much easier if people could just be honest. i'm less blunt than i was before though, in junior high i was more brutal than honest in the phrase 'brutally honest' =P. another reason why i used to have a LOT more guy friends than girl friends). But most people like me nowadays, even though they do think me as random and eccentric.
btw, here's our school site, you probably won't understand the words but the English version is real crappy, so just have fun clicking on all the links
(and yeah, our school is in the center of the city. it isn't an uncommon sight here).
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/30/11 | Reply
it surprises me how much we seem alike hahaha. but i doubt i would last a day at your school, i would probably get into a major argument with your principal (most likely over the uniforms lolz [i hate uniforms, if my school got them i would probably start an in-school war lolz]) but my school is the same way with the whole kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school all in one building (they started remodeling and adding onto my school before i moved there, they have it almsot done but started doing the cafeteria in like may and i THINK they are still gonna remodel the rest of the old part because i think they are moving ALL the elementary to the big school [they were split up, some grades were in the big, newer school while others were in the older school] because i think they are closing the old building.)
but im pretty much the same way when it comes to no stereo type because im friends with some of the nicer snobby people, some of the people that are actually on here (my friends sara and kali are actually the ones who showed me this site), and then i have the "trouble makers" like my (hopefully *crosses fingers, squints eyes, and jumps up and down* lolz) room mate leah. but people just really dont know what to think of me because i usually get good grades, and (mostly) stay outta trouble (i got detention this year for being late oooooh bout a million times lolz, but only one detention haha. but as far as teachers go, i try not to tell them off too much (but there really isnt that much to argue with them about, they arent that bad) but i DO tend to yell and swear alot at the people who make me mad (my spanish teacher mrs. brown, who adored me, probably yelled at me 20 times for flipping out on my "once upon a time" friend travis lolz
but i have a bunch of different types of friends and i DEFFINETLY agree with you on the point of what does it matter what a person is like as long as you get along with them... had that argument with my mom and her boyfriend a million and about 3 times lolz. i just find it hilarious that most of the people that i know from school call me "dork" "weird" and "crazy" yet a majority of them love being around me and i have very few enimies (atleast that i know of, i only know of like... one lolz... maybe 2 or 3 but its more of a i dislike them, not them dislikeing me thing lolz) :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/30/11 | Reply
i thihk our principal would drop dead if anyone went into school wearing really short shorts. we have uniforms that...look like what private school uniforms generally look like in Taiwan (for girls, it's a white blouse, red tie, dark blue vest, knee-length dark blue-and-gray plaid skirt, black socks plus black low-heeled shoes. Guys: white shirt, horrible red-and-blue-striped tie, khaki slacks, and black shoes (no sneakers allowed)) at least we usually weare our gym clothes--dark blue t-shirts with our school's name in white and dark blue trousers with a double white stripe (they look like pajamas, but hey, at least they're comfortable and they don't scream 'private school kid' like the uniforms do). Our school is kinda biased when it comes to money too--you'll see that kid in junior high who had abysmal grades get to our high school because of his rich parents (oh yeah, forgot to mention, our school is made up of a kindergarten, elementary, junior, and senior high).
i see what you mean about teachers discriminating about students. My twin brother's kind of a troublemaker, and i've had teachers tell me 'not to turn out like him' for ages (let's put it this way: i'm no goody-two-shoes, and i get into trouble for mouthing off at teachers and voicing opinions no one has the guts to say, but my school record is pretty clean and teachers have NO leverage on me whatsoever on grades). i don't really have a filter either when it comes to friends--although a good amount of my friends read Naruto or watch other anime and manga.
As for type...well, i don't fit into a stereotype, i guess. (for some reason, there exists 'cheerleading type queen bees' at our school even we don't have a cheerleading squad). I like art and reading, and that originally would've grouped me with quiet, bookish girls, except that i'm smartmouthed and blunt. I have a lot of guy friends and girl friends and we hang out in a large group that ranges from half a dozen to two dozen. i'm not a stereotypical math nerd or science geek either, but i don't care, since what's important is that you get along with other people right?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/29/11 | Reply
it died over here last night too, didnt come back till after midnight, probably not till after 1 maybe.. wasnt paying too much attention to when it came back.
but yea, sounds like your school is A LOT more conservative than the ones over here, although im not sure about the private schools, they might be almost as conservative, but if they are the only ones nearly as conservative would probably be the catholic schools, since you know nuns tend to be a little conservative lolz. but the public schools are deffinetly not even close to that conservative... in some cases though they DO need to tighten up a little bit. we have a dress code that doesnt even get enforced half the time, and is almost never enforced on the "well to do" students... for example if i were to wear short shorts that barely can even be considered shorts to school i would have to change and possibly even get a detention, but if one of the suck up girls did, even if she was reported she wouldnt even be told to change. it happened to one of my friends, it really made us mad because she had to go home and change (since she didnt live too far away) and the next day a girl wore the EXACT same shorts, my friend reported her to the office (because no one really likes the suck up girl that was wearing them) and the next time we saw her she was still wearing them. the schools over here are really.... well really discriminatory. im friends with alot of people and a large number of them some would consider trouble makers, but i kinda dont have much of a filter when it comes to who im friends with lolz, but my one teacher didnt know i hung out with these kinds of people, she thought i just hung out with "good kids" since i was always with my two friends Kali and Sara in her class. but then one time she saw me hanging out with these other people and she started to really judge me because of it.
but it sucks that you dont have very many clubs, and that the dean tries to get rid of the ones that could be the most fun. and the cheer leading thing sounds like it sucks too. over here its all for sports and stuff, only the middle school and younger do competitions i think, i havent heard of our high school cheerleaders doing any. but the down side of ours is that its pretty much all suck ups, there are a few ok people that do it but even a majority of the ok ones get on my nerves... i have a few friends that want me to join with them because they want to be a cheer leader they just dont want to be alone with all the annoying people, and also because im the "cheerleading type" i guess... haha i think its hilarious because every year some one tell me to join, and every year i say "ok sure ill sign up", and every year... i dont, lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/29/11 | Reply
sorry i couldn't reply to you yesterday--the site died on my end. =(
we have only like five functioning clubs in the school, like dance club, debate club, choir, bands, and bridge club. At first the deans of our school opposed the dance club (our school is kinda more conservative than other schools since it's private, and other schools in Taiwan are probably more conservative than American ones). They deemed the dance moves and the clothing too 'provocative'. (the clothes: black off-one-shoulder t-shirts with skulls on them, white tank tops inside, and pink shorts plus tennis shoes.)Another club that generated a lot of controversy was the bridge club. Our school's deans (again) think that playing cards is the Devil's game, and they expressed extreme annoyance at us playing bridge (we don't just play bridge, since it gets boring after a while. we also play napoleon and other games) but in the end we won out
the strange thing about our school's cheerleading is that it's a one-time competition. students are to be divided into five groups come sophomore year and compete against each other in a cheerleading competition. (more often than never, it ends up as a dance competition since most people here don't know gymnastics). it's horrible.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/29/11 | Reply
wowz.. your school system sounds pretty harsh.
but as far as extracurriculars we have a bunch, all the sports, soccer, foootball, basketball.... cheerleading (ick), bowling (that one surprised me when i moved here lolz), soft ball, baseball, golf, ect. all those sports and stuff. besides sports though there is a BUNCH of clubs art club, drama club, theatre club (which is almost the same as drama club only instead of being in plays they go to them, but alot of the kids that are in one are in the other), we even have this one group called natural helpers that is supposed to help the students (if you ask me though the only thing a COUPLE of them do is help out kids that move to the school on their first day, other than that its pretty much just a bunch of "nice" people saying they do stuff to help the student body but actually dont do much at all) we have A TON of clubs though, one that had a lot of controversy this year was FFA which is Future Farmers Of America, or kind of an agriculture club. there are sooo many extraciriculars that we have.. its really hard to keep track of them lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/28/11 | Reply
well, i hope you do get to go to that class. i kinda envy your school's classes...we would never, ever have psych in a billion years. It's not just our school (although our school is one of the strictest private school in Taiwan); i don't think other schools would have psychology either. another thing about high schools in Taiwan is the atmosphere in most schools here is...well, really, really cutthroat, because there are only about five really good universities and everyone's vying for them. the peer pressure in college is pretty intense too, but it's better compared to that in high schools (apparently, there was this guy who took the exam 7 times to get a 75. he then went to the best medical school and went on to commit suicide because he couldn't stand the pressure). i have a twin brother who's great at the piano. we aren't particularly great fans of our dad either, since it often feels like he(my dad) is the one planning our college life instead of us =P btw, what kind of extracurricular activities do you have at school?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/28/11 | Reply
hahaha thats actually pretty awesome that your atleast gonna make your parents happy by getting an undergraduate in engineering lolz.... i would never do it for mine, but my mom really doesnt care what i get into for college (doubt she even cares if i go to college, also doesnt live with me any more haha)and as i said my dad would like it if i went for something other than art but im not exactly his biggest fan, the only reason i live with him now is because things werent working out with my mom. but i absolutely love psychology, i never got far because i hardly ever had the time but for a while i started kind of homeschooling myself in psychology. as soon as i can get another college psychology book i will probably try again lolz and im attempting to get into the psychology class in school this year, though im not sure if they are even going to have it because the teacher for it, mr. connor, was moved down to teach 7th grade
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/28/11 | Reply
well, the truth is, i like engineering, but i don' like engineering as much as art. (by the way, my dad's an engineer. my mom wanted me to go into the medical field but i was like: nah....no thanks. both my parents seem to want me to become an engineer) so my plans for college are: to get an undergraduate degree in engineering....and then ignore my parents and get a degree in graphic design!!!
i like psychology too =); when i go to a bookstore i always try to read books or novels about mental conditions (of course, out of sight of my parents, who'd think that those books were 'unhealthy')
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/28/11 | Reply
ok thanks lolz. thats pretty awesome bout you wanting to go into engineering and stuff. my dad keeps trying to influence me to get into that stuff but i like psychology and art and stuff lolz. but ill deffinetly let you know if i end up needing any help with the SAT stuff, if you need help with any thing you can ask me lolz if i dont know i can deffinetly ask a friend lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/28/11 | Reply
no, in reality it's not difficult to get over a 70, because the exam is only about basic things. But that's where the problem is, since because of that, there are tons of 72s, 73s, and 74s in the applicant pool. the hard part of this exam is that you have to be very well-rounded--even if you're a math whiz who's...say, bad at English, you'll score lower than a person who's not particularly talented at math but gets good all-round scores. I'm like your opposite--i find the math easier on the SAT and on subject tests, (might apply for an engineering major
) although for some reason i score higher on other sections.
)if you need help on the SATs in the future though i'd be only too willing to help. 
as for SAT prep classes, i don't think you need them, since your grasp of the English language is probably better than mine (seeing as you live in the States) and i got 2210 when i was a soph (funny, i'm only a couple of months older than you, but i'm in another grade. Random thought: in Taiwan you'd be a senior, since our school term starts officially on September 1st and ends on 6/30
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/27/11 | Reply
wowz sounds reeeeaaaallyyy difficult... but yea i think the SAT's are probably alot easier, i have to take mine this year because i never had the oppertunity to before.. im thinking ill do ok on the english but im pobably gonna MAJORLY fail the math lolz.... i stink at math.. i never took anything harder than algebra but im hoping the fact that im an absolute natural when it comes to words and stuff that it will be enough to carry me.. im also thinking of taking an SAT prep class.. although i know it would be REALLY hard.. thats why i was still kinda debating on if i wanted to or not lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/27/11 | Reply
we get to pick majors in colleges, but whether you get in or not...it's a very inaccurate science. for the big exam, full marks are 75, with 15 for each of the five subjects. You usually have to have 75 marks to get into the medical school of our leading universities, and even 75 marks isn't a guarantee, because they'll also look at your application materials and interviews. with 70 marks, a student might end up at a popular major in a less distinguished college, or at an unpopular major in a good college. And of course, you're right, your grades in each subject determine which majors you will be able to go to (for example, a senior with English: 15, Chinese: 15, Math: 10, Science:9 and Social Studies: 15 probably wouldn't be picked if he or she applied for an engineering major).
the bad thing about this exam is that ALL high school students in Taiwan spend all four years cramming for this ONE exam (well, there is another, ten-times-harder one in July, but it's far too hard) which is placed halfway into senior year. They get results in April-May, which means that even after the exam, they can't relax and have to go on studying, since they might have to take the July one. I've taken the SAT (I & II) a couple of times...frankly, i prefer that kind of testing =P.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/27/11 | Reply
haha sounds like your principle is the kind of person not many kids would like lolz. and im not entirely sure why so many kids fail school... but it seems like a pretty big thing lolz but i dont think its really as bad as i think it is because its usually just certain "groups" of people i guess, that are the ones who fail.. basically its the same kids that fail every year, with a few exceptions. but if we fail, we fail. we dont really get second chances, we rarely even get the chance to turn in late work. we have some pretty big tests though. when i lived in Pennsylvania there werent that many big tests other than a few grades took PSSA's but that was mostly elementary and middle school, but once i moved up to New York it was waaaayyyyy different. you have to take a major test called a regent for every class, almost every year. i think im done with all of mine though, i dont think im required to take any more of them. but (hopefully) being a senior next year means i will have to do a sennior project >_< every school ive gone to requires one so im pretty sure its a national requirement to graduate, but every school has a different requirement for what the senior project really is.
but as far as the major exams you were talking about that you have to take, about how they determine what school you will go to and what your major will be, does that mean you dont get to pick your own major and stuff, or does it just kinda point you in the right direction as far as what you should do because of what the test says your good at???
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/27/11 | Reply
we don't have a lot of students that fail classes, mostly because we have 'makeup exams' on whatever was taught last semester. The exams are always held at the start of summer school. Another reason why there aren't many students who fail is probably because we study the same stuff, so the work can't be TOO hard or the teachers would have to fail over half the grade (happened once in an English exam: about 80 students received an F that time). our schedules are probably drawn out by the principal, which is kind of annoying. You see that in Taiwan, there are two large exams: one for junior high students, the other for high school students. it's kinda like the SAT, but most people take it the January of their senior year. It's a really big deal because your scores in five sections (English, Chinese, Math, Science, Social Studies) determine which school you'll be going to and what major you'll have. Anyway, because we had this exam, the principal picked out what she THOUGHT were the best teachers in the school and switched our current teachers. (her line of reasoning: good teachers = good students= good scores= good reputation for the school) the original teachers would be dispatched to lower grades. one class had every teacher changed except for their civics teacher and homeroom teacher. our principal....i don't think anyone in our grade is a particularly big fan of her =P
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/27/11 | Reply
haha yea my school is pretty small too... my graduating class is actually smaller than yours i think... im pretty sure there is less than 90 students in it, haha especially cause they keep failing xp lolz my class keeps getting smaller while the one a year after me keeps getting bigger lolz.. but we usually dont change teachers much, but in the next couple years there are going to be alot of changes though. this past year they put through a bunch of budget cuts and so alot of our teachers were fired or retired. i kinda sucked cause there were quite afew good teachers that they got rid of, but they did do some good and got rid of the person who was in charge of the scheduling things, she couldnt do any of her job right because she was always concerining herself with things that werent part of her job, she is really nice but she never did her job right. but we actually had a bunch of students that had a sit out day during school because of all of those budget cuts.. they couldnt do anything though because the girl that set it up
was an ABSOLUTE FREAKING IDIOT!!!!didnt set it up corectly and set it up AFTER the budget was already through so there was nothing the protest could accomplish... hehehe im not the biggest fan of THAT girl lolzbut we usually have a TON of extra classes we can choose from but, atleast in my case, we cant always take them because our schedules themselves are REEEEAAAAALLYYYY messed up lolz. but that would majorly suck if they got rid of art completely.. i think i would cry if they did that
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/27/11 | Reply
yeah, it's pretty convenient when you forget to bring stuff. You just have to run over to the class next to you and borrow it, since everyone has the same textbooks. my school is absolutely tiny. in my grade, there are only 98 people, 39 of which are in my homeroom class, which means that everybody knows everybody (and no one has ANY privacy). you know, this semester they seem to have eliminated art from our schedule
. we usually have the same teachers for at least a couple of years, but sometimes we get a nasty surprise when the schedules come out ( like: WHY THE HELL IS SHE TEACHING US THIS YEAR??) there was also this time when the class next to ours changed ENglish teachers 7 times in a school year (they protested to the principal). the classes we get to choose are pretty good though. they range from singing, cooking, drawing, mapping, to lab work classes and science teams (which is mostly comprised of science geeks).
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/27/11 | Reply
wowz.. ehh sometimes it can be difficult having different people in every class, but your right it is nice to be able to see a bunch of different people. but that kinda stinks that you dont have any honors or AP classes and not alot of arts and stuff. we choose a majority of our classes, but it can be a pain when the teacher in charge of scheduling is a ditz and doesnt really know what she is doing like at my school.... i dont even have my schedule set up for next year :(..... yea, schools like a month away and there are quite afew people that have NO schedule.. haha so in a way having mostly the same classes for everyone could probably help, atleast as far as schedule set up goes, but even then its just more convienient lolz but you should deffinetly atleast come and visit the states, it can be alot of fun, when its not being a pain in the butt lolz
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/27/11 | Reply
Summer school here in Taiwan is basically a shortened version of real school, so we still get around eight or nine classes a day, with 6-8 subjects (like chem, math, English...) i wish our school had more art classes. school curricula in Taiwan is really different from what i've heard of US schools. we only get to choose like two of our classes--the rest is the same for every person (no APs, Honors, or anything), which means i'm in most classes with the people in my homeroom class (don't get to know a lot of people like that, but at least it means having a giant group of friends
)i want to go to the States when i graduate =)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/26/11 | Reply
yea im from NY, its really easy if you ask me because the day is so short, but they only have 2 classes a day so if you fail more than 2 major classes then you fail your grade. they also only have the major classes (they dont have a summer school class for art or any extraciriculars... bummer hahaha) but they have math and english and chemistry and stuff. also they usually dont have the teacher you had all year teaching it, that way its kinda like you get the chance to have some one else teach it to you, just in case it was the teacher that was the problem. also, atleast in my area, they have several schools in one summer school.... i find it kinda sad that my school's group is always bigger than all of the other groups..... COMBINED.. haha yea my school sucks in atleast a small part lolz... i think i got it all there, anything else that i may have missed???
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/26/11 | Reply
what's summer school at your end like (are you from the states?)? what kind of classea are there?
i'm curious =P
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/25/11 | Reply
well its not that i didnt fail something, but i dont think enough people failed the class lolz, me and my friend dillon were the only ones i think hahaha, but i also moved out of the area for the summer so i couldn't T.T i was suuuuper sad, i wonder if they would have kept the class if it was only 2 people??? i know they cancelled it though cause there was only one hahaha, i felt bad for dillon :D
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/25/11 | Reply
i want to go to summer school like that too
our summer school's hours are crazy, but it's already better than real school (7: 20-9:30p.m. Monday to Friday, and 8:00-4:00 on Saturday)*sigh* btw, why don't you get to go this year?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/25/11 | Reply
where i go to school, summer school starts july 7, ends sometime around august 16, is from 8-12 and is monday thru thursday..... i miss it lolz, went last year, dont get to go this year T.T hahaha yea kinda sad that i WANT to go but it was really fun for me last year and would have been even more fun this year because of the people that are there lolz